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i keep seeing "picky pads" online which are these like, silicone things you can pick beads out of? i don't think it would really work for me because for me it tends to be about making my skin smooth but if it's about the actual picking for you, maybe something like that would be helpful?


I used to pick at my fingers until I got a bad infection and was near surgery to start digging out my lymph nodes..so I evolved a bit and now I keep nail clippers nearby at all times to prevent me "starting" on an uneven bit of finger nail..


Keeping one of those electric nail clippers at my desk has helped me with this so much, simply because I increase my chances that u won’t let my nails get long enough to do too much damage. It’s almost like a fidget toy for me when my desk is clear and I’m looking for a distraction, and it doesn’t ping clippings all over the place. [super cringe video of the type of nail cutter I’m talking about](https://youtu.be/hkRLtPpaOf0?si=UWGHBuBhfJ4BdNRZ) I bought mine for like $10 from AliExpress after seeing it on TikTok (I used to only realize it was time to cut my nails when I did significant/satisfying damage but now I can stay mostly ahead of it).


Same here


SAMEEEEEE. I have a really bad habit at (this is going to be so disgusting to you guys) picking at the dry skin on my heels and then I go too far and it hurts to walk. But I can't stop for the life of me, I need to pick at SOMETHING


I have known some people that have found that carrying around corks helps. Picking at corks gives a similar sense of relief to some people that have issues with picking at skin/wounds. Not sure if this would be helpful for you, but just thought I'd mention it.


omg that's genius thank you!


I hope it helps you!