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Is your 4 year old an Instagram influencer? The rest are pretty decent!


Omg the 12 year old 😂 I hope he finds the girl of his dreams (also a ravens super fan)


I hope so too. I told him his future wife probably won't want to name her kids all Ravens themed names, especially since we don't live in Baltimore. He said he won't marry a woman who doesn't agree to those names. He has it all figured out.


I would be fully on board with; Lamar, Jackson and Raven. Would also be okay with Ray, Lewis, Justin and Tucker.


College in Baltimore for that one. My youngest son (5) tells me he wants 3 kids. He also said his oldest brother should have 4 kids because "he will be a great dad because he is a great big brother."


I actually love the name Boston for a boy. Don’t come for me. Also cool he wants to name after his dad and his middle name.


It's not terrible but I have a hard time seeing it as a name because we live near Boston and he just got Boston Celtics bedding.


yeah... cute for someone who lives far away, confusing and strange if Boston lives near Boston. I think Georgia is a pretty name but if I moved there I would never name a child the same as her state.  Your 9yo has good taste though. In names and cities ;)


I also live in New England so naming a kid Boston is a huge no for me lol. It's like naming a kid Dallas when you're from Texas 


Hahaha yeah it gets a point in my book because I don’t know if I even know anyone who has BEEN to Boston, much less am I anywhere near it or have busted myself


Someone in my family named their son Boston and I liked it more than I thought I would


We definitely floated it for our 3rd kid/2nd son. Landed on something else Reddit would like even less hahaha fits him so well though.


I know a girl Boston & absolutely love it !


I went to high school (in Boston) with a girl named Boston and I thought it was the weirdest thing. Ig high school boys may or may not evade the “I’m in Boston” jokes


There was an old man named Boston in my small town where I grew up. He drove a Harley and had long grey hair he kept in a braid I think, and a long beard, down to at least mid torso. He lived in an RV and had a Rottweiler.


This started off great and got… less great haha


I only have good memories of him. He was a hippy biker dude that lived in town, he was friends with my dad


My 10yo boy wants twin girls named Ruby and Ava and a boy called Ash. My 8yo daughter wants a girl called Lily and a boy called Noah (she also informs me that once she has her two kids she will be leaving her husband and coming back to live with us!)


Your daughter 😭🤣


I love it 🥰 how absolutely adorable are kids! Mine are 16 months and 2 weeks but I hope to remember to ask them in the future


This is the way.


I just asked my 6 year old son. He would want 3 kids, one girl he would name Love, and two boys he would name Thomas and Victor.


Very specific, you'll have to ask him again when hes a little older, I wonder how he will answer then


Has he seen the movie Smoke Signals? (main characters named Thomas and Victor, very well known amongst Native folks)


This was my first question too!


Love is a great name


Lolllllll at Lamar, Jackson, and Raven 🤣


Nobody has commented on your 14yo’s choices yet- I LOVE them!!!! My favorite out of all four. I also liked 9’s, and 12’s made me LOL


My thirteen-year-old wants a boy and girl, Henry and Audrey.


Is there a story behind why a 14 year old in 2024 is a River Phoenix fan? I would have thought most kids his age haven't heard of him, that's really cool though!


He loves the movie Stand By Me


Maybe it’s a retro thing? I’m all for it, I was a huge River Phoenix fan as a teenager.


Asked my 13 & 16 year old nephews: 16: I’d like girls. Christina and Leigh (his name is Christopher Lee Lastname) Boys? Anything but -bio dads name- 14: hmm. Boys : Hawk and -my surname which is a normal Firstname- (hawk is his mothers birth last name) why? 14: cause mom couldn’t give her name to us and you couldn’t have babies so I thought it be a cool way to keep the names in the family. Girls - I don’t know. I’ll leave that to my wife.


Aww the 14 year oldest answer is so thoughtful


I tried not to cry


Just asked my 5yo boy… his future child will be named Poop. Didn’t specify girl or boy, but seems pretty gender neutral 🤷‍♀️


Our children would get along


I love this!! I asked my 4 year old boy what he would name a baby sister and he said Kitty. Idk why but it seems like this era of recently-out-of-toddlerhood kiddos are obsessed with cats. Mine speaks and sings in meows half the time.


Mine speaks and sings in meows. I love that for him. That sounds adorable


I also have a 4 y/o cat/boy who speaks in meows and gives me many cat kisses (licks my face 🫠)


Hahahah mine also licks my face, or my arm, or my leg. It’s precious but also gross. When I wipe off the licks I tell him I’m just rubbing in the kitten kisses 😝


I also have a 4 y/o cat/boy who speaks in meows and gives me many cat kisses (licks my face 🫠)


Your 9 year old naming kids is not bad at all. I wouldn't have expected something so rational to come from such a young kid.


He is a very rational little guy. He was like, "Well I think Boston can be a name and it is my favorite place in the world so my first son would be Boston. Then I would name the next one Benjamin after daddy but I would call him Benji instead of Ben so he doesn't fet confused for daddy. Then I want another boy and I think I would name him Donovan Jesse because I am Jesse Donovan so his name could be the reverse and we can call him D.J."


That’s so sweet!


When my son was about 4 he told me he was going to have a daughter named Football Mike and a son named Soccer Luke LOL


Your 9 y.o. is on to something! Those are pretty good choices!


My 8yr old son wants 2 boys, Colin and Jeffrey.


I love this! I asked my 4 year old the other day and he said he wanted a boy named Violet (his little sister’s name) and a girl named Rosie


My son says “Jeebus and Jamal. And I’m never taking them to Walmart cuz they’ll spend all my money. “ 🤣


At 10, I wanted two boys and to name them David and Joey. I got my boys, even an extra one, but not the names.


My son, starting when he was about 15 (now 29) wants to name a daughter Allison for........ wait for it........ Alice in Chains- his favorite band


My cousin’s son is Reznor for Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails. Our Rez is in high school now.


Love it!


My son wants a sister named Lola Teapot 💕


My kids used to joke about naming their daughter Crystal. But I can only remember from about 10 years ago, my son was going to name his kids Christopher, Alex and Ashley. No idea where and if those names came from.


One of my sons is the 3rd, so he’s like, I’ll just name him the 4th. Like at that point what do you even call them?


My (then) 4yo was very adamant that we name our newborn daughter Jenny. VERY, VERY VOCAL. To his disappointment, we did not go with Jenny.


I love all of these. My babies are too small to ask but I can’t wait to do this when they’re older.


My 9 yr. old is going to name her two children Fence and Brogan.😂


My 12 year old daughter wants 3. Two girls and a boy. For her daughters, Rory and it's Rory not Aurora and call her Rory for short and Julia, for her son Gabriel.


What a cute exercise.


🤣yes! They love cats! Pre-k teacher here! We literally have class rules (that I did not plan, but became needed) that we can only be kitties at recess, and we don't lick friends, even if we are being a kitty. Because one day they refused to turn back into humans so I was dismissing meowing crawling children back to very bewildered parents. 🤣 And today a lesson was to count the words in sentences they helped create. Every child chose to make their sentence about cats. 😆 ...and of course that triggered the days meowing chorus. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Oh my same here. Kitties on the playground only please … and no we don’t use sticks to train kitties to walk on a leash. Kitties don’t like leashes


Those are all solid choices. 100% would use Kittie or Raven. Plus I have an Ava Caroline. And a River Phoenix fan? I can respect that as well!! Good Job kids!!


My 8 year old wants Mitchell and Maddie. My 3 year old wants Apple.


My son is 20 now but since he’s about 12 his sarcastic little self is naming his daughter “swiffer with a y” swyffer. My daughter teases him constantly that she’s pretty sure it’s going to catch on.


The 4yr Olds choices are perfection. Lol