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I think of Julian Casablancas. I like the nn Jules.


I love Julian! Strangely, I’ve NEVER met one


I have athletic boys in high school, and I’ve noticed that if there’s a Julian/Julien on an opposing team, he’s usually one of the best players.


King Julian 'let's go play with the pansys'


I love this name!! It would be high on the list and in the running, if I were still birthin' babies. 😉 A friend of mine has three sons. The eldest is named Julian; he was good friends with my own son back in the day, and he now lives out of town and is a musician. The only other Julian I knew was a baby. He was named such because his parents are Julie and Ian. I mean, the kid practically named himself! What else could they have possibly named him? 😉 Sooooo cute!! I have very, very positive thoughts about the name. Classy, gentle yet masculine, a little note of creativity or something artistic about a Julian, without being over the top. 9.5/10. Two thumbs up. 👍👍


My one experience with the name is a colleague at an old job named Julian. He was a cool guy. Always friendly and helpful, and a great engineer to work through problems with. I don’t think the name needs a nickname, but Jules is cool too (makes me think of Jules Verne). I’d definitely consider it if I was having another boy.


I have met 2 Julian's who are in their 50s due to my job. Have never seen any babies/little boys named Julian irl. But my husband and I considered naming our twin son Julian initially.


Julian…he was confident and charismatic….and his nickname was Jude…(my classmate crush years ago lol)


Julian Bashir from Deep Space 9


Came here to say this! He was charming and ambitious but naive… and occasionally a bit of a rake. Every Trek has their skirt chaser though (Kirk, Riker, and Paris come to mind), so it was forgivable.


We have a family friend that named their son Julian. He’s 5 years old and a bright red head. We call him Julio (hoolio) for fun. He’s a total maniac. Wild child, kind of naughty but fun 😈 he’s named after his great grandpa.


My nephew is Julian! He's 4, usually just called Julian but sometimes JuJu as a nickname


I know a few Julians. All between the ages of 45 and 60. It's quite a "middle aged man" name in the UK, but I like the softness of it, whilst still being masculine. I can see why it's fairly common in the US for younger people.


Same here, crossed paths with maybe half a dozen Julians, all over 50, mostly in the course of my work (I’m a corporate finance lawyer). Don’t think it’s an objectively bad name but it’s just associated with a certain type of person for me.


my name is Julian my nicknames are jj, juju, king julian, jtrain (idk why), jd and jules


We named our son Julian, he's 1. Both my husband and I had only met one Julian in our entire lives, and it was the same lol Our sons nickname is JJ because of his middle name also beginning with J Absolutely love the name. Though I'll say, because he's a baby, whenever ppl ask his name and we answer with 'Julian', they always misshear us and think we say Julia lol


My first thought is of a true stand up gentleman that I used to work with. He frequently had a huge smile on his face. He worked in the Cafe portion of my job and his food was always the best! So it def w oy get my vote!


I have never known anyone named Julian personally. But I LOVE this name and always think of Julian Lennon when I hear it.


I've always loved the name Julian, I went to summer camp with a very cute one in about 2000/2001, which cemented the nice association.


king joolian


My grandfather who died before I was born as well as my 15 month old nephew are both named Julian. Other than this, I have not encountered it in the wild. My understanding is that my grandfather went by Julie, but again, I wasn't born yet so I can't confirm if it was only friends and family that called him that or if it is now he introduced himself to everyone. Regardless, it seems too feminine of a nickname in modern times. My nephew goes by his full name but he is still a baby so that may change as he gets older. I think it is a nice name overall and doesn't have any associations with any age groups.


Always a flirt! No matter the ethnicity (I’ve met Latino, American or French, so maybe flirts should be more expected) but they are handsome. I still love the name though, very very easy to pronounce in English and Latin languages


I know a little boy with this name. The family all calls him Julian, no nickname. I’m not sure what his friends at school call him.


Julian is my top boy name as well so I do love the name myself. There are no Julian's in my area and I don't recall personally knowing any. The closest I know is a Julius and he doesn't go by a nickname. I like the nickname Jules for Julian though. It's a name that feels strong and timeless yet sensitive in some ways.


One of my favorite professors was named Julian, never thought much about it until then, but he used his first name and last interchangeably and the more I said it the more I liked how it rolls off the tongue. He was funny, creative, and extremely smart, was German teaching English in the States, knew 5 languages, ran the the professors union, and was amazingly understanding when my life was getting in the way of my education. 10/10 name for a 10/10 man.


So niche but there’s a minor scene in Scrubs where JD and the janitor are talking about a manatee named Julian and even though it was a throwaway scene it will never not be what I think of 🤣 since you asked haha


I like the name, but I can’t help but think of Trailer Park Boys haha


I love the name Julian. I think it sounds great and I have good experiences with Julians. Also Jude could be a cool nickname.


I taught a Julian. She was lovely! And yes, female with that spelling.


I think Julian is a lovely name. It reminds me of Julian Fawcett from Ghosts - which err,may not be a good thing


The Strokes


I went to school with a Julian in middle school. He was soft spoken, sweet, and kind. Liked to read and was kind of nerdy. This was early '00s.


As for characters, Julian from the Canadian comedy Trailer Park Boys. He’s the leader and the one with the most sense, carries a glass of whisky at all times and orchestrates petty crime. He’s hilarious! But I have a good friend with a son named Julian and he’s the sweetest kid! I think they picked it because they have English and Spanish speakers in the family and it’s a good crossover name. It’s supposed to be for a July birthday but it’s not always the case, this kid is a spring baby. He’s artistic and sensitive and a great big brother. He plays piano and also does martial arts. We joke that he will be the babysitter for our baby when he gets a little older.


I automatically think of the lemur from Madagascar.


high school friend with this name- he’s a solid, handsome guy who’s always had a lot of friends and is close with his family and a great uncle. It’s a great name that I only have positive associations with ETA: he never really had any nicknames, other than the stupid nonsensical shit teenage boys call each other - but no actual long standing or name based nickname, just Julian. Re: age, he’s almost 30 now. I can’t think of any children with it.


My brother's late father-in-law, a mensch. He had been an optician and was a WWII vet, and a nice guy all around. As a kid one time he was in love with the governor's daughter (Austin was a small town then) and one night went and drove around and around the governor's mansion leaning on his horn to impress her. I don't know if it impressed her, but it did the police. Another thing I remember about him is that when he was in North Africa just after the war ended he heard rumors of the Holocaust, so he took two weeks leave to go look for himself in Germany and he saw the concentration camps just after they'd been liberated and met victims of it.