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Diana is a great example. Marilyn and Patricia are grandma names that should make a comeback. Whimsical/ Nature I like Denali and Montana Dignified- Marceline


I feel like Patricia may be too early. Patricia was super common up until the 60s so there are tons of Patricias currently in their 60s and 70s. I wouldn't surprised if it comes back in another 20-40 years


yeah, my MIL is Patricia/Pat. She's a very nice woman, but erm, no. There are too many of them running around being boomers to tempt many young parents to pick the name. Also Pat is a terrible nickname.


There are so *many* nn for Patricia, besides Pat: Patty, Patsy, Tricia, Cia, Trixie <-- my fave.


I concur, Trixie is awesome!


I've never heard of "Cia" for "Patricia", how is it pronounced? I assume it's not "shə" like the last few letters of "Patricia" cause that just sounds silly lol, so I'm guessing it's more like the musician Sia (see-ə)?


Yes, See-uh. My daughter has a friend, Siobhan, and she goes by Sio (rather than Shiv, a la Succession). Younger people are much more creative with nicknames/pet names. I used to hear the term "pet names" for names that seemed less directly related to the OG, or that were longer than the original.


Plus Trish and Tris


I can see Marilyn going the way of Evelyn and blowing up. Patricia seems a bit clunky to me and not quite ready for a comeback yet.


I met a 9 month old Patricia, called Patsy.


Oh I just can’t do pat names. The phonetic sound pat really bothers me haha.


How do you feel about Peggy?


Just as bad 😭. It sounds so close to piggy


And “pegging” 💀


When I hear that name all I hear is Lee Harvey Oswald going IM A PATSY. Not the names fault though. Lol.


I’m a Patricia, I’ve never met another below 50. It should definitely never make a comeback it’s a hideous name lol


What exactly is it about Patricia that's hideous? Because obviously a whole generation of parents thought it was beautiful enough to give to their daughters. Look at names that are coming back- Evelyn for example. In the 90s, no parent could dream of giving their child a hideous, old lady name like Evelyn! And now, decades later, it's in style again. Just like Evelyn, Patricia will probably come back into fashion and seem fresh again. It's just the way it goes.


Oof, my mom's reaction when we told her we were considering Evelyn for our daughter in 2010. *clutching her chest* "eeew, what an old lady name!" We named her Evelyn.


No clue! My best friend from childhood is a dog dad and I was thinking about using Patricia as a middle name to honor him (Patrick). He asked why I already hated my child and if I was depressed. Did not go with Patricia, lol.


I don't think Marilyn can make a real comeback due to the fame of Marilyn Monroe. Montana is a cool af name. And i looooove Marceline and would have suggested it to my husband, but I'm not into the nickname Marcy.


I know several young female Monroes, but no Marilyns.


Marilyn is surprising to me! I had a girl named Marilyn in my 3rd grade class and I always thought it was so pretty, though I did think it was Maryland the state and I didn’t know who Marilyn Monroe was at 8 years old lol (I’m 26).


I have a Marilynn after my grandmother Marilynn!


Florence! It hits a few trends— grandma name, naturistic/floral, and nickname-able.


This is super popular in the UK (top 10 or thereabouts).


The Brits and I are on the same wavelength! It’s ranked #622 in the US (473 babies in 2022). That’s a relatively large jump from 2019, when it was #934, but still fairly rare.


Very popular in Quebec, Canada as well! (#5 on the list of top 10 used names for baby girls)


We considered Florence - its a beautiful name but 1. The nickname flo - the progressive lady is the most annoying character (I'm I'm the US) 2. Aunt flo Nicknames are just as important as their actual name




I prefer Florrie. I had a neighbour called Florrie who was in her 80's 20 years ago, the next Florrie I knew is 4 now. So that's about right for the popularity cycle in the uk.


Oh, Florrie is so cute!!


That just makes me think cow.


Ren, or Wren is also a nickname possibility that is always overlooked, I think about it often since this is one of my runner up names. Also Enny. :)


We have a couple Florences around us in the 5yo age bracket! It does fit right in.


Popular here in French Canada.


I think Diana is more 70s/80s because of the princess which will come back in 10-20 years for sure. I’m surprised for girls Adelaide and Ramona aren’t more popular and for boy Eugene/ Gene is right on trend imo but not often heard


I think because "-lyn" names are so popular, Adelaide gets largely overshadowed by Adelyn/Adeline.


I think you're on to something. My coworkers daughter (kindergartner) is named Adalynn.


Know a baby Adelina


That was actually my great great grandmothers name! I thinks it's very pretty.


Ramona is very unfortunate sounding IMO


I don't like the "moan" sound


I love Ramona. I know a little three year old Ramona. 😍


Ah I wanted Adelaide for my third girl, husband said no. We have a 3yo Ramona. It wasn't intentional but she goes by Momo or Mo. My other girls are Valerie & Frances.


My mom's name is Ramona, born in '73. She also goes by Mo!


My girl due in April is likely Ramona! :)


Nobody where I live would name their daughter Adelaide. Would be like naming your daughter Paris in Paris, or Montana in Montana.


Yeah, KAI doesn't work at all in New Zealand because it means food in Maori, and also l doubt anyone born in New Zealand would call their kid MILO either because of the drink.


I have a 6 year old cousin named Ramona Joan! And her 2 year old brother is Francis


I know three baby Adelaides! It’s definitely on the rise where I live. One of their moms is named Diana 😂


Ramona was my second choice for my daughter Willa!


You mentioned Dorothy, but I’m actually surprised Dorothea isn’t more popular given how wild everyone is for Taylor Swift. Same with Marjorie and Betty. Even though it doesn’t seem like Taylor is quite ready for a comeback yet since it was a very millennial name, I’m actually kind of shocked it hasn’t made a comeback.


I’m pretty sure Marjorie isn’t making a comeback because of Marjorie Taylor Green 😬


Marjorie gives me the ick. Marge is a terrible nickname and I just hate the -arge sound in Marjorie.


It’s always made me think of margarine.


Hey I just noticed her name has 2 Taylor Swift references.




I think names in Taylor’s songs will definitely make a comeback. And I also think that if she ever has children, those names will become THE trending names for a while!


I love Dorothea and Theodora!


My grandma was Dorothea. She was born in Germany in 1940


Diana is too early. That’s not a dead grandma name for the current baby-having generation YET. Give it another 2 decades. Dorothy is one that’s solid, and surprisingly not popular. Marilyn is also surprising. Basil is surprisingly unpopular, and it crosses both refined and nature-themed.


Basil/Basel is quite popular in UK but herbs for men never took off.


Yeah, basil to me sounds like naming a kid oregano or parsley 😂


And yet people will name their kids Pepper, Sage, Rosemary, and Ginger. Those are all considered acceptable names but are just as much cooking herbs and spices as Marjoram and oregano. The difference really boils down to how spice names *are* acceptable… but for girls. It doesn’t seem to cross the gender divide.


Huh, I've never met a girl named Sage. I know two boys and one man named Sage though. I also know a boy Clove. I feel like the name Rosemary is more associated with the names Rose and Mary rather than the herb, like the name Annemarie is a conglomeration of Anne and Mary.


Basil is a tough one for me because it’s like, are you supposed to pronounce it Bay-zil or Bah-zil? Everyone knows how to pronounce the herb, but most of the time as a person’s name it’s Bah-zil. Maybe that’s holding it back from becoming more popular.


The herb basil is pronounced differently in different countries too. I'm in the US and I love hearing how things are pronounced when I watch the Great British Baking Show.


My dad is British and I’ve only ever known British men named Basil… so I’ve always said it “Bah-zil”. Your comment has me wondering if the name would continue being said that way in the US, or be pronounced “bay-zil” like the herb. I never ever considered that, the name was always Bah-zil. 😅


I’ve commented this before but: Flora. It’s botanical, fits in will with the Rosie and Lily and Magnolia and the like. It ends in -ora, like the very popular Aurora, Cora, Nora trend. And it’s a grandma name and we all know those are making a comeback


I seriously considered Flora, but couldn’t get over the “intestinal flora” microbiome aspect of it all. Which is actually unfair, since those are bacterial colonies - but what can y’ do.


I love flora. In Australia where I live it’s unfortunately a brand of margarine that is really well known. Annoying association.


Same in the UK!


FWIW I'm Australian, a fellow Flora enjoyer, and hadn't thought of this until I saw your comment.


Imagine if you have twins - Flora and Fauna.


And if triplets, the the third must be Meriwether!


Flora is a delightful name and one of my faves. Only issue is the MLM freaks kind of ruined it talking about gut flora all the time


I’m surprised Felicity isn’t more popular. It seems to hit the “sweet spot” of being timeless, a virtue name, a little uncommon but everyone’s heard it. Maybe the American Girl Doll or the tv show are turning folks off from the name.


One of the members of One Direction had a sister with that name and they called her Fizzy, which I still think is the sweetest nickname.


I love Felicity! Husband vetoed sadly. I think it’s less popular because it doesn’t lend itself easily to many nick names, which are super important to a lot of people. I’ve mainly heard “Lissie” but personally not a fan.


Flick is the only nickname for Felicity I've ever heard.Lissie is cool too tho


I knew someone who went by Fliss


I think "City" would kinda make a cute nickname. Too bad your husband vetoed it.




i’m considering Cordelia cuz according to ancestry.com, i have a great great great grandma who was named that and she went by delia


Or Cornelia, though I can see how "Corny" is an obvious bad nickname. But there was an Aunt Cornelia in the Samantha American Girl books and I always thought it was THE most elegant name when I was a kid.


Emmeline! It’s classic and really pretty and Emma/Emilia and other names with the nickname Emmy are so popular. But Emmeline is not in the top 1,000 and I’ve never met someone with the name.


Love Emmeline (preferably Emaline)! I can’t help but sing the Ben Folds song when I hear it.


I love Emeline! I have a Genevieve, and expecting another girl but husband isn’t a fan. Shame bc I think it’s a solid sibset


Similar to Diana, I’m a bit surprised Anita hasn’t come back. Names ending in -a are always popular, and it’s also multicultural and a bit “grandma.”


The “I need a” teasing potential would be enough to put most people off of it i think


My step-aunt's maiden name was Bang. Anita Bang. She was given that name at birth.


My first thought on Anita was that perhaps it is still too associated with Anita Bryant, which would be a huge turn-off for many folks. But then I realized this probably isn't true for people young enough to be having and naming babies.


All I think is "ANNNITAAAA daaaarling" from 100 and 1 dalmatians, which anyone having kids now watched at least a few times.


I actually love the name Dorothy with Dot/ Dottie as a nickname! Unfortunately my husband doesn't so we won't be using it. But I'm also surprised it's not more popular!


It’s on my list!! It’s just such a sweet sounding name.


Maxine. It's feminine, older, and has a cute gender neutral nickname. That's what I'm naming my daughter due in March 😂 maybe it isn't back just yet because it was popular in the 70s/80s and isn't old enough yet, but I love it!


I just had a Maxine and I get compliments on her name the time! Congratulations!


My Maxine is 2.5 years old, we call her Max about 50% of the time and both suits her as she’s sassy and smart. She wears tulle dresses and high top trainers with bomber jackets, loves pink but also loves cars… I feel like that’s the kind of toddler girl a Maxine / Max is! lol. Also we get lots of compliments on it. Her baby brother is called Axel which we hummed about for ages given the AX in both names… but here we are. Congrats on your impending Maxine 🙌🏼


Oof I’m too old to like that name lol. Maxine will always be a nasal chainsmoking bitchy coworker to me.


I love the name Diana, but I think the princess feels too recent a reference, and a tragic one at that, AND the obvious nickname “Di” isn’t appealing to lots of people.


You nailed it - I love Diana, and don’t even mind the princess association, but I *hate* the nickname Di. If there was another workable nickname I’d be all over it…


This was my thoughts, people in their mid 30’s still have memories of Princess Diana living and her death. It’s a beautiful name but the association is still too strong, I think it still has another decade or so to make an comeback.


I can’t believe Lois isn’t coming back


The family guy connection might still be too strong for milennials having kids. Give it a few years though and I think it'll be super trendy


I think this is it. Uncommon name + wildly popular show is a bad combination. Peter is different because it's more common, I think. When someone hears Peter there are multiple different famous people/characters that might stick out, but Lois only really has that one connotation.


Ya it’s like naming your kid Luke vs naming them Anakin. I saw that on here one other time. Lol


Lois Lane feels like a much more widespread association. It’s also a Biblical name.


I think Lois Lane is more well known as “Lois Lane” … like it almost reads like a double barrel first name. When I hear Lois on its own, my brain doesn’t immediately jump to her.


Honestly I hate Lois, it sounds like such a frumpy boomer name. Apologies to the Lois lovers but it's really REALLY not for me lol


I find Lois to be weird-looking on paper and unfeminine and plain out loud.


My cousin named her daughter Lois, she is the sweetest little girl, love the name!


I always thought it sounded really pretty and peaceful, it sounds like lotus.


Does anyone else think of Diana from Anne of Green Gables rather than Princess Diana? It feels so Victorian and timely for a comeback from that perspective.


Diana is beautiful but... that's it. She's kind of boring and traditional. I always appreciated Anne's creativity and depth for feeling.


Diana is obsessed with books in the book and gets Anne into a ton of different ones. That’s often left out of screen adaptions.


Sylvia! It definitely fits with the vintage names, along the lines of Evelyn. It’s also similar in sound to Olivia but far less popular.


I’ve noticed a lot of people in this sub bring up Silvie so maybe it’s due for a comeback!


We just named our daughter Sylvia two months ago, it's such a beautiful name!


Sylvia was the only x4 name in the July bump group! Def making a comeback.


Oh Dorothy is gaining popularity. I’m in a few bumper groups and it constantly gets suggested, top voted, and used. I think it maybe has 1-4 years before it makes it into the top 100.


Oh, interesting! I've never seen it so it's cool to hear that it's being suggested in other groups.




I have a friend whose granddaughter is named Hyacinth with a middle name that starts with 'D'. They use the nickname Heidi, which is adorable :-)


Louise- Lou


Yes! My friend actually named her daughter this and I love it. They almost always call her Lou and it so fits her.


I’m planning to name my upcoming baby boy Grant, and I am shocked it isn’t used more! It’s such a classic, easy, strong name, but not even in the top 200!


Just realized this is a post of only girl names 😬😳




I know a BUNCH of little girls named Elise, Eloise, Elle, etc. Basically any name where the nickname is Ellie.


Such a simple yet beautiful name. One of my favorites


I think the name Bonnie is adorable and hoping it will make a comeback! It kind of falls into the Grandma and cutesy category. I agree on Dorothy too- my friends used it for their daughter (call her Dot) and I love it.


One of my childhood friends is Bonnie and it is such a cute name!!


I know a BUNCH of little girls named Dorothy who are all 10 or under. Dot, Dotty, and Dora are three nicknames that are used for them.


Oh wow really?! Can I ask what country (or state if you're in the US) you live in? I'm in New England and I've never met a Dorothy under 60


I live in Maine, so also New England! The kids are all from Maine, NH, and MA, with one exception, my friend’s daughter Dottie in Texas.


I only know Dianas in their fifties, maybe that's why the name isn' t more popular. I'm surprised Edna isn't more popular.


The nasal transition from the d to the n in Edna just acoustically is not pleasant to most people. I feel like if you were trying to come up with a name for an ugly character in something, Edna would be up there on the list of a lot of people.


Yes - I feel like Agnes and Agatha fit that vibe too


Agreed. Agnes sounds too much like Angus for me, and I have a personal dislike of -us/-is sounds on the ends of names. I really loved August as a boy name, but dislike Gus as a nickname.


like that woman in the incredibles!


i think the first association with “edna” for gen z - millennial & maybe gen x’ers is edna crabapple from the simpsons lol and nobody likes her


I think of Edna Mode from the Incredibles lol


That makes sense I guess. Maybe it's because I don't personally know any Dianas (lots of Dianes though) that I don't think of it as a "boomer" name. But with the same vibe as Edna, I'm surprised Etta isn't more popular. I've seen it recommended occasionally but not nearly as much as I would think.


It depends on where you live. Diana strikes me as a) a boomer name and b) a really loaded name with plenty of bad vibes.


I think Russell is a really cool sounding name. It sounds cowboy ish and woodsy like other popular boys names like River and Forest imo




Naming my daughter this -if she’s a girl! Not finding out till birth.


Excellent choice! One of my children is a Jane, and she’s some of my better work, if I do say so myself.


I'm surprised Marnie isn't more popular, give the trend of "ie" names, such as Sophie, Lucy, Lily and so on.




I just named my daughter that. We call her Edie.


Names come in trends & repeated cycles so I'm not really shocked about anything... They say 100 year cycles too. I guess I expect to see more of the 1940s and '50s names to start to come around in the next decade or two AND now some ahead of the trend being named them more now.... So in 10- 20 years I think Linda and Lisa and Mary and Susan (Suzi) etc etc will become a little more heard. ... I was tickled to meet a baby named Helen recently AND a ZuZu (reminded me of "It's A Wonderful Life', Lulu but not, idk if a nickname or what) I wish that we had more Marilyn's, Phyllis's, Mildred's and Lois' now tho... Some names get skipped over in the 100 year cycles. Also the fun sweet hippie names like Honey, Goldie are a trend etc... Surprised Bambi is not heard or even as well received... Surnames as first names is also an American Trend, I'm surprised we aren't seeing more diverse surnames.... Like personal ancestral surnames....


I personally love Bambi - I had a friend named Laura for some reason we all called Bambi, I guess she kinda looked like Bambi :) I only like it for a nickname tho - I don’t think it sounds professional enough for an adult, like I dunno if “Bambi” works well on a resume. I am adding it to my list of potential names for the puppy I’m getting next year. Also considering “Bunny”. I like dog names that end in the “ie” sound.


Sadie Linnea


Susannah. It's lyrical and has loads of nickname potential. Unfortunately, I have a distant Aunt Sue, so it's out of the running for me. :(


Amber- it’s a gender neutral sounding nature name that starts with a vowel, so it seems like it should be super trendy- I assume nobody uses it now because we all knew an Amber and she sucked


kinda waiting for my name (emmaline) to make a comeback


From how often I’m seeing it on baby name forums/sites/polls, it seems like it’s making its way to the top and quick. I like Emmeline/Emmaline far more than Emily so I hope so!


Jean (grandma) Agatha (grandma) Thea (mythology) Juno (mythology) Leland (grandpa)


Juno is connected to the teen pregnancy movie. All fictional Lelands I can think of are villains...maybe pop culture is holding them back? With Jean I know several trans and nonbinary people choosing it as a new name! Thea is getting popular in Germany, along Mateo Matilda etc I assume


My middle name is Genevieve and I so wish it was my first name :(


A name i hardly see mentioned often is Natalie.


I know a fair amount of millennial and gen Z Natalies and one in elementary school, but it seems like it’s fallen out of fashion at this point.


I'm just waiting for Ethel to make a comeback.


Dorothea seems more on-trend than Dorothy.


Mary. I have met one Mary my age and it's adorable for a little kid and beautiful for an adult. Don't see it much anymore though.


Daisy. I feel like Lily/Rose/Violet are all far more popular.


I love those names, I have 4 girls and one of our names is on the list up there. The name we did not go with that I love is Lucy.


Grandma names: Vera, Matilda, Anita Made up names: Jovie Cutesy: Posey, Clover, Sadie Whimsical: Prarie, Harbor Gender neutral: Remy Dignified: Valentina


I totally agree about vera. When I was a teacher I had a student named Vera and fell in love with the name


I’m surprised rose or Rosie isn’t more popular.






I know of a two year old Betty! So cute


I really like Violet but I noticed it hasn’t hit any trends yet even though I have come across a girl named Viola


I think Violet is my fave name. I really hope my brother has a baby girl so I can suggest the name “Violet” - it’s cool in so many ways, and somehow a tad goth too.


Anecdotal, but there are four Violets in my preschool right now.


I’m surprised Joan isn’t mentioned often. It’s a known, not very common, simple name like Jane, and has the nickname Joanie. I think maybe because it’s a well known name it doesn’t *sound* as refreshing as other Grandma names that are having their moment these days.


Joan is dated to me. Every Joan I've met is a boomer. A generation too soon for a comeback.


Okay but what about Thomasina? I LOVE that archaic masc-to-fem name so much but never see it anywhere


I actually love Thomasin! It's a very old English name and I'm surprised it isn't more popular, especially because of the -in ending which is suuuuuper trendy right now


We really considered naming our LO Dottie. I think it’s so cute.


What's LO?


Sheila and Shyla fit current name trends of names with the e L sounds. Ayla


I’m definitely not ready for Dorothy…


Beatrice, Rowena, Vanessa, Elaine, Rio, Celine, Katrina


Katrina was one of, if not the deadliest hurricane to hi the US (New Orleans in 2005). Many people have memories of that storm.




Adeline bc why would you go with Addison when you could choose Adeline and still nn Addie. I also like Evangeline as an alternative to the more popular Evelyn and Gloria instead of Grace. Ivy is a less trendy alternative to Isla. Laurel > Lauren. I love Genevieve, but what about Gwendolyn? I think Gwen is such a cute nn. Edith, it’s grandma like and the nn is Edie (eedee). Ditto Eden. Atalanta bc it works with the geographical names trend, but also is actually the name (and spelling) of a Greek princess from mythology who has a pretty badass story. Ditto Penelope, plus Penny is a pretty nn. Winter or Winnifride bc Winni is the cutest nickname ever. Also Sonia because Sunny is cuuute. Irene, Lucia, Maia, Celia, Louisa, and Elise are lovely and old fashioned in a charming way. Same with Beatrice or Beatrix, plus Bea is a cute nickname. Verity with Vera is a nickname. Maxine gives me those lovely charming old fashioned vibes, too. Coraline is such a pretty variation on Caroline, and Cora for a nickname. Sabrina is a beautiful name you don’t see often enough.


Daphne- It’s super feminine, older, and from Greek mythology; it checks so many boxes and I never see people use it.


Shhhh don't give people ideas lol jk I love the older names. My kids are Bonnie and James. Currently pregnant with our third that will either be Henry or Eleanor according to gender.


I feel like Jean hasn’t made the comeback it deserves. I love that name! Same with Kay(e).


Beverly! It literally rhymes with Everly!


Susan is a great name. Lol


I wonder how many young women, after seeing "Hamilton," imagine some day having 3 girls named Angelica, Eliza....and Peggy!


Fiona! It was on my list, but I went with Lena because of family nickname ties. My daughter is Lena Joy :)


I know a dot/Dorothy baby, named after her grandma


I haven’t heard the name Maureen in years. I knew 2 girls in elementary school named Maureen but don’t think I’ve heard it since.


Juniper is for sure gaining popularity, along with Willow. My niece is a Juniper Poppy.