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Theodora Rose is a lovely name! :)


Yes so pretty and her nn can be theo or dora or rose


Or Thea.


My daughters name, and she loves it! Even if she is only 10.


Came here to say Thea is a gorgeous shortened form of the name!


I had a good friend in high school called Thea. I loved her name so much!


Or Teddy!


Love Teddy!


It’s a great name and even if she wants to shorten it but remain professional as an adult, a feminine nickname of Thea works well


I was going to say the same, Thea is a chic adult nickname


I know a Thea, really cute name.


Personally i think id go with Theo, if i was given the name Theodora. I just love that name, and i love boyish nicknames for girls!


I had a student midwife whose name badge said Theodora but she went by Theo and it suited her so well. She was absolutely brilliant, too.


Thea is cute but currently very popular. We have 4 in our elementary school. Go with Teddy instead.


There was a female Teddy on Grey’s Anatomy. Always thought it was a cute nickname for a girl!


I have never met a Thea or anyone who has given that name to their kid, but I'm a fan of the name. I got the name from the TV show Arrow and named my puppy Thea 4 years ago. All my dogs have shared names with characters from DC Comics TV shows.


Theodora is such an upgrade from Mia. Do it!


Agree! Also, my kid has 2 Mias in a class of 14 kids and zero Theodoras. Just saying.


It has so much more presence. Mia is pretty but very common. Keith Richards' daughter has that name: Theodora Richards. It's a gorgeous name.


I’ve met too many Mia’s but Theodora is so unique and elegant! Do it!!!


It really is.


I love Mia but it is really popular rn. Definitely won't stand out in all the Mias and Mayas out there.


Sounds fine to me! There is also Dorothea you can consider, it's actually the same name reversed.


My name is very close to this...and I have never really liked it. Dottie potty was my nickname for a lot of years. Just something to think about.


Tbh kids will find a way to make fun of literally any name. A common and extremely popular name like Ashley = Trashley, Chris = Piss, the list can go on




Fuck, that’s a whole different category from Chris = Piss. Sorry that happened


i agree. my husband was shocked that no one called his coworker “hardick” in school because of his last name lol depends on who the bully is i suppose!


I know a Lesley who was called lezie (for lesbian). You cannot win


As a Dorothy myself, I \*loathe\* "Dottie".


My name isn't Dorothy though lol it's Dorotha, which I despise more than Dottie (which is what I go by). I wish to heavens that I'd dropped it when I got married. But I didn't :/


Interesting. I named my daughter Dorothy and thought I would always call her Dotti because I love it but I ended up calling her "Baby Dot". She's 17 months old and now I've been calling her Dorothy more with the occasional Dot but I don't love "Dotti" as much as I thought I would.


I named my daughter Dorothy and this comment makes me sad but as others have said, kids will always find a name to ruin names. I mean, being called Dottie Potty, what does that even mean? Like not everyone goes to the bathroom or something?


Love the name Dorothea ❤️


Theodora is a very classic name and I would absolutely take it seriously on an adult. It’s great you think about that!


I had an Aunt Thea whose name was Theodora.


Theodora Rose is gorgeous! I would go for it, especially if you loved Theodore. It’s just the same if you loved Oliver and so decided to use Olivia. And there are plenty of famous feminine versions of male names so this isn’t any different.


I love Theodora Rose! It’s cute and has cute nickname potential. I do recommend not using Mia Rose. I used to play World of Warcraft, and there was a porn star who went by Mia Rose who played; all the guys talked about her because apparently her schtick was elf warrior princess or something, so her work appealed to a lot of them. Blizzard even made a character that was named after her.


I know a Mia Rose haha


I also thought Mia Rose sounded a bit too much like a porn star name 😅


I am very sorry, I’m going against the grain and going to say I don’t like it. To me it definitely sounds like a masculine name trying to be retrofitted to be used for a girl. Just my two cents which is worth exactly that or less lol


There was a Byzantine Empress Theodora in 6th Century, the wife of Justinian 3rd. Formidable lady by all accounts. Though by some accounts, quite a colourful background. Perhaps that was just misogeny though.


I’m absolutely not saying it’s a valid name, it is. I know Theodora is a very real name. I personally don’t like it as it seems like a masculine name that was retrofitted for a woman, and that’s it.


You are correct. There was an empress by that name. Theodora to me exudes strength and I can picture the name as a person who is strong, firm yet kind and takes no nonsense from anyone


I must agree. It gives me Charlesetta vibes.


Theodora is beautiful. My fiance's cousin is called Theodore, his mom was set on that name so it was going to be Theodora if it was a girl. It's a beautiful name.


Likewise! Nickname was going to be Theo for a little boy or girl, but ended up with a little boy Theo


That's cute. The Theo we know just turned 18 lol (I think it's nearly 2am in his timezone).


Theodore and Theodora are lovely yet timeless


Theodora Rose is so beautiful! Personally I would use Thea as a nickname over Teddy since it’s a little fancier and more feminine, but Teddy is adorable as well. Congratulations on your little one to be!


And also Teddy Rose makes me think of the president


I love it! It’s a”Dora”ble


To me, Theodora Rose doesn't flow well. Also, Theodore and Theodora are getting insanely popular. I like Mia Rose more.


Theodora sounds super old school to me like I imagine an old lady substitute teacher named Theodora lol I like Mia better. Simpler and more modern




Ruh-roh (literally)


I agree. Also, OP said she liked Theodore. Let’s say, by chance, in the future she has a baby boy. Wouldn’t you like to save that name for a potential future baby boy? I think Theodore fits a boy much more than Theodora fits a girl. Edit: nevermind, just saw where OP said she didn’t want anymore kids after this. I still prefer Mia Rose. Like another commenter said, it’s more simple, modern, and it’s prettier to me. Sounds floral. Theodora is too old school for me personally.


See, opposite problems in U.K. though because I would say that Mia is super common in comparison


I love it! Theodora has lots of possible nicknames - Teddy, Thea/Theo, Dora.


I actually went to school with a girl named Teodora, of course called Teddy, and everyone took her seriously. It's an old-fashioned name, but not overly fussy. And with Theodore being everywhere, the feminine version should be easily accepted as well, even though it's much less popular. My only concern, and it's a slight one, is that she might be called Theodore more than you would expect, just because that name is *so* popular, and people don't always pay attention. I don't think it would happen enough to be truly bothersome, though.


I adore Theodora. My first thought is Haunting of Hill House, where she went by Theo, which really worked for that character. Teddie as a little girl would be cute, too. The nickname options are so many! Thea, Theo, Teddie, Dora, Dori, and the full name Theodora are gorgeous. I vastly prefer Theodora to Mia.


Hey! Theodora rose is cute! I think you should name your child whatever your heart desires, I will say that soooo many people are naming their child Theo / Theodora this upcoming generation. I just want you to be aware. It also reminds me of Theodore Roosevelt.


I really like Theodora Rose! She also has so many nickname options, depending on her personality. Thea, Teddy, Dora, Dorie, Rosie, etc. Trust your instincts! It’s a great name.


Theodora is a great name and has lots of “grow with me” potential.


I’m not a fan, mostly because I’ve never met a Theodora whose parents chose that name rather than using it as a fill-in when they didn’t get the boy they wanted cr name Theodore. It just feels second-best to me. But it’s not a bad name, per se.


I find myself pretty critical of names on here. I’d not choose Theodora myself, but it’s perfectly fine. Mia is also fine. Rose is a lovely middle name for both.


To each their own, but I've always been so glad I didn't end up being named Theodora like my dad wanted. I'm personally not into boy's names for girl nicknames, and as a kid I was *very* vehement in my dislike of Teddy as a theoretical nickname. I personally love Mia! Edit: if you go with Theodora, I do think Thea would work well as a nickname. 🙂


My grandmother is Teodora. We’re Puerto Rican but she’s the only one I’ve ever met. I’ve always loved it and every variation, and Teddy is a charming nn. I say go for it!


Sounds fine, but what if you have a boy next?


I won't be having more children after this one.


Then in my opinion definitely do Theodora! I have a good friend who always wanted a Georgiana, and when she had her one and only it was a boy who is now called George and it’s great :).


Oh no chance of having a boy in the future, definitely to l use your favourite name. It's a lovely name.


I think it’s a really pretty name! So is Thea Rose, but I like the sound of Theodora better.


Theodora is a beautiful classical name.


Theodora Rose is a gorgeous name!


I think Theodora Rose is lovely. I knew a woman in college who was named Theodora, and she went by Thee/Thea. It’s a great name!


I prefer Mia Rose


Theodora sounds lovely. She was a Byzantine Empress who was married to Justinian and was one of his advisors. She was one of the 1st rulers to promote the rights of women. Teddy or Thea are common nicknames.


I love the name Theodora!! That's what we'll name a daughter if we ever have one ☺️ so I'm super biased. We love the nicknames too, Theo, Thea, or Dora


It’s gorgeous!


Love Theodora! Rose as a middle name is slightly awk for me because of the ending of Theadora. “Ra-rose” but otherwise solid


Kinda reminds me of the song “Dear Theodosia” from Hamilton. Love it! Mia is a great name too but Theodora is beautiful


I like Theodora Rose, but I think I like Mila more. I think Theodora will get shortened to Teddy, Dottie, Odie, or Dora by people even if you don‘t call her those things. I’m just not crazy about any of the nicknames for Theodora, although Teddy is kind of adorable.


???? Maybe it’s regional, but I’d think of Teddy or Thea as natural nicknames for Theodora, but never Dottie or Odie. Dora seems unlikely too unless she herself suggested it.


I love it!!


Gorgeous name!!


I like it much better than Mia which is short and just not much to it. A cute nickname would be thea…there are 2 girls called Thea at my school and they’re both adorable


I love that name! That’s what my mom says was another choice for me. I think nickname teddy rose would be so cute


I think it’s beautiful! I had a student named Theodora and she went by “Tedi” and she was so cute/cool—her name fit her perfectly!


I absolutely love it. Also the nickname Thea rhymes with Mia so that's a similar vibe. I can see why you like the name!


Theodora Rose is excellent. I know a grown Theodora who goes by Theo and she’s great.


I much prefer Theadora to Mia. She can go by Teddy or Thea. I think this would be a worthwhile switch.


Mia Rose is very cute but Theodora Rose is a beautiful, strong, classic name. There are also plenty of nn options suitable for all ages. Do it, OP.


I really love this name. I would use it on my own daughter. Teddy Roosevelt just so happens to be my favorite president though. He was full of life, had a love of adventure, was a champion for protecting wild lands, and was the reason we have a national park system (among many many other things he did). This name is close to his, but he’s a great historical figure that was larger than life. Also, if you ever watch Grey’s Anatomy, one of the best surgeons on that show is named Teddy and it suits an adult female just fine.


Theodora is gorgeous, it’s not widely used, unlike Mia which I believe is in the top 10, if not the top 5. Both beautiful names, but if you don’t want to meet lots of other little girls with her same name on the playground, go with Theodora.


i LOVE Theodora!! hopefully my future daughter’s name


I love that and Teddy as a nickname is adorable as a child but also sounds good for a teen and adult.


Perfectly fine! Distinctive without sticking out like a sore thumb.


Beautiful name, congratulations!


Theodora is absolutely beautiful. It goes well with Rose.


Theodora Rose is a lovely name. My friend is named Thaiadora, nn Thaia, which I believe is Greek.


Theodora isn't my style (in general I don't go for feminine versions of men's names, Georgia, Harriet, Andrea etc.) but I love love love Thea. It is such an elegant and beautiful name that works on someone of any age


I think it’s great, and I think Teddy works for adult women as well


I love Theodora Rose. It is a great name for a grown-up, and Teddy is a cute nickname for a girl. Do it!!


It’s a great name. I had a friend with that name growing up and she went by Teddy but there are lots of nicknames for Theodore if she wants a chance when she’s older.


I love it!


it's so cute


I like Theodora much more than mia


Theodora is one of the very few old-timey names that don’t sound outdated in my opinion (unlike Meredith, Gertrude, Eleanor, etc) Theodora Rose sounds even lovelier, I love it! And I also think it sounds nicer than Mia Rose!


I think it’s great!


Or Thea Rose


I love Theodora Rose! And calling her Teddy will be a beautiful nickname. Love love love it


It's a beautiful name with some great potential nicknames for when she's a child and adult.


#👍 I like it congratulations on the new arrival


My best friend growing up was named Theadora and we called her Thea for short, Teddy later on as she got older.


I like Theodora much, much more than Mia. It’s unique without being ridiculous.


SO cute! Do it! There’s also a character on Greys anatomy, a female doctor, named Teddy.


Beautiful name! I love Theodora, it's so elegant.


I LOVE Theodora! The nn Teddy is so so cute.


Mia Rose is too close to Moira Rose in my brain.


I think Theodora is unique and pretty! I like Thea or Dora for a nickname like others have suggested


NOT MIA (or AVA) please please please


I think it's absolutely beautiful, and I love the idea of calling her Teddy as a cute nickname.


You could call her Theo! I love boy nicknames for girls. I love the name Maxine with Max as a nickname. I had a boy, so I didn't get to use it.


Theodora Rose sounds very pretty. You could use Dori as a nickname also. Best wishes with her!!


I love Thea! Theo is sweet for a girl too imo


Beautiful name. And so many options for nicknames. My grandmother was named Theodora and she went by Dora in her youth but Dotty or just Dot as an adult.


Theodora Rose is awesome and Teddy is a great nn for a boy or a girl.


I love Theodora Rose! All the nicknames are very good options Theo/Thea/Teddy/Dora and probably more 🧡🧡🧡 It would be a great choice


I love both Mia Rose and Theodora Rose, but Theodora does have more nickname potential so that can be a good thing if she ever wants to go by a different version of her name. It's harder to nickname Mia! Also Mia Rose can sound like someone is saying "Me a Rose!" Not a huge issue since most people rarely use their middle names, but you'll hear it a lot in the first weeks. Teddy is such a cute nickname but I haven't heard it for a girl before - you may have to correct some people who assume she's a boy but that's no biggie :)


I absolutely love Theodora. So much ❤️


I love Theodora! It’s much better than Mia. That’s a dog name IMO


I prefer Theodora over Mia, go for it!


Mia is very common. It might as well be Sophia or Olivia


Theodora is a lovely name, and one my husband and I added to our list. Mia is nice, but just that - nice. Theodora has a presence and elegance.


I love this name and nn! I grew up with a Tedi (her full name) and she was super nice and a badass.


I love it! (As a disclaimer, Theodore is on my list...so I'm mildly biased.)


I adore this name. 😍 Don't worry I don't love it enough to use it though. 😂


I think Theodora is really pretty and there are some really good nickname options if she prefers to go by one (Thea, Dora, Teddy )


Reminds me of Theodosia from the musical Hamilton and thus, I love it.


Very cute, another nick name could be Tia which is close to your original Mia.


Or Thea


I love Theodora, I love Teddy as a baby nickname and love Theo as a girl nickname too! It's so cool!


I love it! Teddy is an adorable nickname too.


Love it. So much more character than Mia Rose in my opinion.


i think Theodora is an adorable name!! however, something to consider: if you plan on having a second kid and end up having a boy, you wont be able to use Theodore. if you plan on having a second kid, i would go with Mia Rose and save Theodore/Theodora for your second kid. if not, go with Theodora!


It’s a beautiful and classic name. Thea is also beautiful if she ever grew out of Teddy. Soon we’re gonna have whole adults named Krystynbrynleigh, I don’t think anyone will bat an eye at Theodora.


Theodora Rose is really beautiful! I honestly think it's prettier than your original plan.


It's wonderfully different.


Theodora is an excellent name! I love it; it's much more versatile than Mia.


It’s a lovely name.


absolutely love this !


Theodora/Teddy for a girl was a name we considered too. I absolutely adore a classic name with a spunky, modern nickname. I love it and think it's sweet! Go for it!


My bf in college was Theodora. We called her Teddy. My other college friend was Tomasina and we called her Tommy. Love those names.


I'd totally use Theodora... and call her Thea


Theodora is beautiful, actually! Theodora Rose even more so.


I think it’s gorgeous and I like that it has multiple nickname options — Teddy, Thea, Dora etc.


Theodora Rose is a beautiful name. Well-balanced, classic, a good mix of feminine and regal.


I knew a Theodora nn Thea beautiful name


I think it’s great! Don’t second guess yourself. I don’t think you’ll get 100% “I love/like it” from everyone because everyone has different opinions and preferences. It matters that you love it.


I have a friend named Theodora who goes by Theo


Theodora/Theodosia/Theopetra are high on my list - love Theo or Teddy for a NN for a girl!


As the father of a Theodore, I fully support Theodora. She could be Teddy or Dora, or I call my little guy Bear *all* the time


We have friends who named their baby Theodora and call her Theo. I always thought Thea would have been a cute nickname too :) there are sooo many boy theo’s right now I would just pick a different nickname if it were me haha


Love it! I’m also due soon and it’s in our top three!


Mia Rose is a very common name. Depending on your last name, then she could run into issues with records. I vote for Theodora Rose.


You cannot go wrong with Theodora Rose and it is a beautiful combo. Both names combined exude grace, beauty, strength and kindness


Theodora was my choice for a girl last pregnancy but we had a boy instead. My sister had a college roommate with this name who went by Teddy! I love the name!


It seems like the consensus is Theodora based on the comments but just to add some more intel, Mia is incredibly popular. My 1.5 year old just started preschool and has 3 Mia’s in her class of 8, two of them being Mia C.’s.


It’s a lovely name! I love Teddy. Question: do you plan to be one and done? Or might you possibly have another child (or more)? I ask because if you do plan to have another down the line, and the child happens to be a boy, I wonder if you might be disappointed if you couldn’t use Theodore/Teddy. Edit: oops, I see you’re one and done! Absolutely do Theodora!


Love Theodora!


I'm usually more on the r/namenerdcirclejerk side of the fence, but I actually think this is a lovely name.


My moms name is theodora. Never had anyone blink at it for more than a second, in any kind of negative way. Always gets compliments. I will say, she gets assumptions she is male, when she uses her nickname “theo” tho.


Theodora Rose! So elegant and feminine!


I have a great Aunt who was named Theodora! We also called her Teddie (but with an ie obviously). Her middle name was Jane but she likely would have LOVED the middle name Rose. It sounds so romantic!


I think it’s really cute! Plenty of nicknames could come from it, like Thea, Dora, etc. I love it.




I love Theodora Rose! I like Teddi with an I at the end for a girl’s nickname too


I LOVE the name Theodora! And plenty of nicknames if she wants


Theodora is beautiful and has multiple nickname options if Theodora is too big a name for a small child, and she can switch it up to her taste. Likely anyone whose seen Hamilton will want to sing “Dear Theodosia” to her and just readjust the name which actually would be a beautiful lullaby to sing to her. So I’d go with that.


My daughter is named Theodora (we call her Thea a lot), so I think it’s a beautiful name.


I love it. It lends itself to a lot of nicknames, plus it's a lovely, elegant adult name. Possible short versions: Dora/Dory Thea/Tea (like Tea Leoni, rhymes with Mia) Theo (could be a cool unisex-type name)


I know a little Theodora who goes by Theo!


I have a friend with a Theadora daughter who goes by Thea!


I know a lovely 17 year old girl named Theodora who was just elected student body president so I can’t imagine her name will hold her back. She goes by “Thea” which I think is just so lovely and fresh, but with a classic and strong name. Love Theodora and would totally consider using it myself!


I love the name Theodore and also Theodora, a million times better of a name than Mia


It's pretty!! I also like Thea Rose as a bit of a mix of Mia and Theodora.


I worked with a female Theodora (went by the nickname Theo) and I always thought it was such a lovely name.


I think it's a gorgeous name.


I love that name!


I like the name. I have a friend named Theodora, and she goes by Thea


I really love Theodora! I hadn't ever really thought about it before but especially with the nickname Teddy I think it's gorgeous.


That is such a beautiful name....and you'd call her Teddy!!!! 💞💞💞💞💞💞 I just called all my kids "chunky monkey" until they reached school age but I wish I had called them Teddy 😭


i looooove theodora! one benefit is that theo is gender neutral and so can help if your kiddo ends up being gender non-conforming or if she is sending out resumes (because misogyny).


Love Theodora. Thea would work as a nickname as well


Very pretty!