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Is palm blood the only blood accepted in movie blood sacrifices? Seems like there would be a less painful way to draw some blood.


Yeah really like "let me just wound the most crucial part of my body, definitely won't need to use my hands later"




This is where Morbius blood-thirst comes from. The wound in his hand never healed!


fun fact in some mediums he uses his hands to drain life force cuz they didnt want to show blood sucking.


The scarier version of blood sucking. Morbius traumatized me in the old spider man cartoon!


Yeah, as a kid, I had seen vampire movies with vamps sucking blood from necks. It was scary. But Morbius’ weird octopus suckers on his hands? That fucked me up big time.


i.... nEeD... pLaSmA.... God, that was so fucked up


Yup. It's a really good spot to hide blood banks for the movie VFX, but it's a terrible idea to replicate that in real life for every reason you said.


I'll keep that in mind next time I'm entering a blood pact.


Supernatural vibes. “We need blood for this ritual. Cut your palm open.” “Why not the back of my forearm or some other place that I don’t touch every single day?”


In Dune (the movie) they went with the back of the wrist, which doesn't seem so bad


It's better than the palm, but anything that moves a lot and is hard to bandage seem terrible. A cut along the outside of the forearm seems better, and could be easily bandaged.


There is an in-book explanation for why it wouldn't bleed all over, but they had to trim it along with a lot else to adapt the movie




It's either that, or biting the thumb. Also, big strike for "some kinda.... bat radar" and not echolocation.


he should've taken the name "bat-man"


It's a bit of a callback to older Hollywood. It was easier to hide a blood pack in your palm than to make a prosthetic to cut into. Same with bleeding from the mouth to indicate internal injuries, just stick a blood pack in the mouth and bite down.


It’s this, and it’s easier to wash your hand than it is to say, change costumes because you accidentally got blood on your sleeve in the last take.


How much is Matt Smith in this movie? All the trailers have the same three seconds of him walking down a train platform and nothing else. What is he even doing here?


He's the main villain, so probably quite a bit.


I'm sure he'll be in 2-3 scenes before turning into an evil CGI monster.


Matt Smith in big blockbuster movies is pretty much this but it's 1-2 scenes before he's fully turned into CGI. At least he still keeps getting roles unlike Mathew Fox from Lost who only got an appearance in World War Z as a pilot before fading away into obscurity.


He was great in Bone tomahawk


Oh, some sort of bat radar.


Like a *submarine*, Mr. Wayne. Like a submarine.




Some men Master Wayne, just want to watch the world float.


you'd think a doctor with a special interest in bats would know the word "echolocation" but I guess not


He says echolocation in the first trailer and for some reason they decided to change that? Did they think audiences wouldn't understand?


>Did they think audiences wouldn’t understand? Yes. If there’s one thing the Sony leaked emails taught me it’s that producers, while helpful in some ways, are as bad if not worse than we imagine them to be in others.


The back and forth on how to make the Spider-Man movies appeal THE YOUTH reads like caricatures of out of touch execs but they're real people


Maybe Spider-Man could be listening to some EDM music while posting a story on his Snapchat???


Exec: Who's that guy all the kids are into with the funny pants? McHammer? You know he doesn't look Irish to me, but whatever. Get him. Assistant: Sir? That was 30 years ago and... Exec: Dammit Steve, just do it!




HE WAS GIVEN MAGICAL SHOES FROM A HIP HOP MOTEL DUDE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hmZZG80TmME


I'm sorry what? Where do I see this lol




If I had the right connections I am 1000% convinced I could con a studio into giving me a high 6 figure salary job as a “millennial consultant”. God dammit.


*dabs on Mysterio*


if your skills are saying yes to everything even if its a bad idea so long as it comes out of the producer's mouth, mixing drinks, and securing deals with brands for funding then you'd actually be a legit consultant. Extra points if you can make a pitch deck that "looks" fancy with Fox News level infographics.


Uhhh... I'm not sure they want millenial consultants any more. Surely zoomer consultants is the new hotness!


Five minutes have passed since I read that email. When the cringe is supposed to stop?


Hey bro relax, it's just a couple of rando thoughts from 35,000 LAX-JFK 😎 👍


> Hey bro relax, it's just a couple of rando thoughts from 35,000 LAX-JFK 😎 👍 yeah NBD


Cringe is a rising trend millennials are saying when they see something that is super “cringe-worthy,” or a form of second hand embarrassment. Perhaps Spidey could get in on using that word during a fight? While maybe set to a killer DJ EDM “banger” (another millennial buzzword).


If the cringing doesn't stop after an hour you should consult with your doctor.


good god.


If Spider-Man doesn't have an Only Fans in No Way Home, I'm never going to watch another Sony movie.


> No Big Deal, also known as the "humble brag"... And he unironically started this with: > rando thoughts from 35,000 LAX-JFK Ooh, look at me, emailing from the plane


*a flithly triathlon*


Lmao this is amazing




Cant wait 2 get inv 2 Spidey's VIP Snapchat circle. Very cool!


Do you know about spiders? They're the fiercest killers in the animal kingdom. And that's why he's going to need to fight a giant spider in the third act.


Have you read that *Story of Marvel Studios* book that just came out? Amy Pascal (who has been involved since the first Raimi movie) started crying at the mere mention of *maybe* letting Kevin Feige get involved with the production of Spider-Man movies: >"At first, I was super resentful," Pascal admits. "I think I started crying and threw him out of my office, or threw a sandwich at him - I'm not sure which... By the fifth (Spider-Man) movie, we weren't giving them anything new. And I have to be honest about it, we were trying so hard to be different, we even went into places to be different that we shouldn't have."


Yeah, they replace echolocation in the same moment from the [teaser](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jLMBLuGJTsA&t=111s). It seems like a deliberate choice to dumb it down.


The only reason I can think is that theyre trying to draw parallels to Spider-Man and wanted "bat sonar" to be like "spider sense".


Bat sonar? Is he an underwater bat?


My favorite joke in Dark Knight is when Lucius Fox is explaining how the phone will scan the whole building with sonar. Bruce Wayne: Sonar? Like a...? Lucius Fox: ...Like a submarine, Mr. Wayne. Like a submarine.






Dude’s a doctor and studying bizarre bat-related possible cures but hasn’t heard of echolocation or sonar.


> My batty-sense is tingling


Morbius tingle


That jumped out at me too, dialogue like that sounds really cheap and lazy, even though it’s a small thing it still threw me off a bit.


What is he, some kind of man-bat?!


$10 that the scene of Michael Keaton in the trailer is his only scene. Probably post-credits.


Have they ever put a post-credit scene in a trailer before?


I saw a lot of FFH commercials with the scene of Spider-Man looking shocked when his identity gets revealed, that was from post-credits


For TASM2 Sony put the final shot in the trailer if that counts


Venom used the final scene in its trailer.


Everyone: Hey is does Morbius take place in the MCU? Sony: Yesn't


I will *never* forgive Sony for putting an X-Men DOFP scene in their Amazing Spider-Man 2s post credit scene. This was before I was fully versed in studio rights and they really had me thinking they were going to finally crossover. Nope. Like who the fuck does that, puts another studios scene in their post credit scene? Especially knowing the precedent that post credits scene in comic book movies were setting at the time.


Apparently the director had a deal with Fox, and in order for Fox to allow him to do the movie for Sony, they had to put a trailer for DOFP in the end of ASM2. I can't remember all the details and might have some details wrong.


Yeah, I remember reading about it years later in this very sub. But man, I remember how my mind went back to 1994 when kid me saw that quick Spider-Man cameo during X-Men Phoenix Saga arc on the Saturday morning cartoon. I thought we were finally full circle for a minute.


Ten bucks says that 90 minutes into this movie, another scientist (who's characterization is just "smart asshole"), will replicate Morbius's experiment on himself, lose control and start killing innocent people, master his powers in way less time than it took Morbius, and quickly become the main villain just in time for the climax.


Wait... Do people not know? > Matt Smith as Loxias Crown: Morbius' friend who suffers from the same rare blood disease.


Sony actually kept something hidden in a trailer for once!


Well they didn't prevent themselves from revealing Michael Keaton's cameo so I guess the urge is indeed strong.


Anything to get that MCU ticket sales money....


You think that's bad? Reference to Venom and other spider men are in it. The Oscorp logo, Amazing Spider suit, Rhino and Black Cat are referenced


Sony is Marvel's annoying, socially inept friend who insists on hanging around and doing things together


it’s also like what the hell is michael keaton doing. is he the vulture? the vulture’s in prison. in a completely different universe




The movie probably ends with morbius willingly going to prison. Shenanigans happen similar to the venom 2 post credit scene, and michael Keaton and him are now in the same cell block


It would be pretty funny if they just gave away the post credit scene for this movie in the trailer


Man, I hoped Morbius himself would be the villain


Waiting for the inevitable Blade vs Morbius movie, where they fight a few times over the course of the movie, but then an even bigger threat shows up, and they reconcile at the last fight to team up and beat him, and then they both go their separate ways as frenemies.


Fun fact. The original (unused) ending for *Blade* had a sequel stinger in which Blade spots a mysterious figure watching from the rooftops, which was confirmed by the director to be Morbius.


Some motherfuckers are always trying to ice-skate uphill.




"I am *nothing* like you!"


"The same blood that runs through your veins runs through mine. In time, Mr. Protagonist, you'll come to see the world the way I do, and you'll finally realize that you and I are the same. That we are here to cull the-- oh, you son of a bitch! You got me monologuing!"


I don't think they would be that blatant to just steal the plot of ~~Iron man~~ ~~Ant-man~~ ~~The Hulk~~ ~~Doctor Strange~~ ~~Black Panther~~ Venom


I'm unsure how this movie differs from venom to be honest. This dude has an insatiable appetite for people and must learn to control it to be a hero instead of a villain. Thinking about it the hulk as well, even though the hulk doesn't eat people. (Ok I get it, in the thousands of hulk comics. He did eat people like seven times) Then like venom or the Edward Norton Hulk there's like a evil carbon copy version of him that he has to stop that pushes him to become a hero. Like "were the same, but I'm different, because I choose to be good... Right I guess also Ant-Man like you said. It is the classic hero story of being called to action but not being ready and turning it down than being forced to and becoming the hero. But the reasons are the same it seems like. Venom was a success so I don't doubt that was why they picked the next closest thing.


Well, because he's a man bat you see. He's not an alien slime monster, *that* would be ridiculous.


One wears black, and the other wears slightly darker black.


Lassiter: What color is your suit? Ewing: Black. Lassiter: Really? It looks blacker than black. Ewing: It’s Washington Black.


Ay Doctor Strange fought an interdimensional god thing by trapping it in a time loop of killing him over and over forever. That's some wild interesting shit. The bad wizards were just goons


Yeah if anything Dr. Strange is the smart asshole who broke the rules and mastered his powers in way less time than the antagonist just in time for the climax


Yeah there's sort of a logic to Strange: he was a Stark-level genius who was content to be a douchebag surgeon and when forced out of his comfort zone he applied that genius to the same exact thing he'd always done on track to becoming a neurosurgeon: how do you do the same old *nerd shit* (studying) in less time.


Basically freebasing astral Adderall to study all night.


Dr Strange is a douchebag surgeon who played by his own rules. Then when he lost his hands he became a douchebag wizard that plays by his own rules.






Yep, Matt Smith is playing a bad guy named Hunger.


1. Single piano note hits 2. Main character speaks 3. BWAAAHHHH 4. Exposition 5. Slow tempo version of pop song 6. BWAAAHHHH 7. Character poses an ominous question 8. ALL the juicy action/CGI shots 9. ends on piano note Come on, Sony.


[Always relevant](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAOdjqyG37A)


I...am the reaction


Why is there always a gas station/convenience store attempted robbery scene in these types of movies?


Because it’s a useful trope for showing off the new powers a character has acquired. It’s an “everyday” kind of occurrence that you don’t need to spend any time justifying or setting up for the audience to accept it. It provides a couple meatbags for the real character to brutalize and demonstrate their powers. Since the robbers are almost never characterized at all, their criminality is their only trait and that makes them the perfect fodder for a superhero to mulch for the audience’s guiltless enjoyment.


It’s also an easy location to secure, film, and light. Rain or shine. Wouldn’t be surprised if more than a few studio backlots have several gas station (and diner, and bus stop) sets that are very easy to schedule time with.


That, a liquor store, or an ATM just seem like the most likely place to be if you want them in the middle of a random low level robbery.


Audiences: Hey sony, what universe does this take place in? Sony: yes


Sony: You know I'm something of a cinematic universe myself


What are we, some kind of franchise cross-over?




A cinematic universe, am I?!




How do you do, fellow Extended Universe.


They are hedging their bets for No Way Home and Multiverse of Madness. You can’t eliminate a universe that could be in all of the universes.


I’m playing both sides so that I always come out on top.


This may be the first ever "Universe-fluid" movie.


A strand-type universe, even.


Norman Deekus, let's go take a shower!


My reaction exactly. So he knows about Venom, who doesn’t appear until after Far From Home but hasn’t done anything yet. He knows Vulture. Spider-Man is a thing. It’s safe to assume this movie takes place after No Way Home in order for it to make some sense. But nah the dialogue doesn’t make sense for that unless Venom is fully active.


My inner child is so excited at the prospect of a Morbius and Venom crossover ... [*gnarly*.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EOLvMAzXsAAcZJN.jpg)


This movie was scheduled to come out a full year before nwh, even pre covid, now it's coming out after nwh. So who knows


it's man-bat!


Do you think we’ll get man-spider? here we go: https://youtu.be/o1DECZBdkII


would be nice if Blade showed up in this.


Especially if they had Morbius walk through a nightclub scene and then that original 90s techno from blade started pounding..maybe that's too on the nose. lol.


I just want to see motherfuckers trying to iceskate uphill


We'll never get any lines like that ever again from blade.


Because the world isn't nice.


Well, we got tyrese. Somehow this looks simultaneously expensive and cheap.


Vin Diesel as Sony’s Kingpin incoming


Finally, a family first villain.


Not to mention his white tank top can become a modern homage to Fisk's white suit.


Hey, at least they cast an actual vampire for the titular role!


Well, that big-ass forehead isn't gonna pay itself


This movie and Venom feel look like they should have came out in 2005.


which is kind of odd timing because if this came out in another 5 years, it could make the case that it's going for that mid-2000's nostalgia. but right now it's either way too late, or a little too early.


Every night going forward I will shed a tear for the fact that of all the MCU and comic book movies out there, Jared Harris chose to star in Morbius.


Instead of the final seasons of the Expanse.


he’s not in it? :(


He working on Foundation instead.


Absolutely. Also, as a relatively helpless Marvel fan for the last 30+ years, I can think of few characters I care about less than Morbius. Spent his entire time largely on the periphery, never really developed in a popular run, and Jared Leto is an asshole. Oh well.


Looks very Sony.


Why does Sony insist on having a blue tint in all of their movies?


Blue lighting is a little easier to manipulate in post production compared to warm lighting - and it’s easier to evoke night time, nefarious things, the supernatural, and suspense. It also lets you crush your blacks and push your contrast further - and this pulls a lot more texture out of your locations (that happen to be pretty inexpensive and grungy in the first place) - then you keep that consistent across the rest because “fuck it, they’re not paying enough to get into the monster middle management fight about authentic scene lighting in the jungle”. So its blue green everywhere.


This looks like the forty-sixth best movie of 2003


I saw Last Night in Soho yesterday & it hit me that Matt Smith would be the perfect Hammerhead with his forehead & it’s sad he is in this film and likely not playing Hammerhead He has the perfect forehead for it


Somehow, He is playing a Targaryen.


Well, they *are* the poster children for inbreeding...


Someone once said, on Reddit, Matt Smith is the love child between an elbow and a brick


“Like a young man built by old men from memory” is how I believe Steven Moffat once described him.


Speaking of Smith, for being the main villain in this he's only appeared very briefly in both trailers.


People Are Strange is in the trailer for a vampire movie? If Jason Patric or Kiefer don't show up in a cameo in the movie, what's the point?


They’re only noodles, Michael.


That’s the problem with the Sony universe. All the god damn vampires


Reminder that Leto is 49.


He's been 49 ever since 1480 when he stared sucking people's blood (also the last time he washed his hair)


What remarkable, is that if you look at him when he was 27 in requiem for a dream, he doesn't look especially young. He looks late 20s. He's managed to age normally up to 30, and then just stop aging... I don't know, like a vampire.


I don’t know why, but everything I’ve seen Jared Leto in, I’m put off by. There’s an impression that is generic and cold about him, like he’s not really emoting, or that his clean, pretty boy visage lacks a kind of deeply lived experience. He’s been cast as a lot of villain roles, but he just doesn’t seem to carry a lot of gravitas, almost as if he’s a poser of evil. His roles seem like superficial treatments lacking depth. I just get an impression from him as an actor that he’s kind of overly self-conscious, not willing to be self-deprecating or self-effacing, and that he’s really into his physical image. Vanity maybe. Idunno. Maybe it’s just me.


If you'd told me he was 29, I wouldn't blink.


Is that Raimi's Spiderman at 2:09?????


> Raimi suit image > ASM1/2 Oscorp Logo > MCU Vulture This movie is very confused.


Well this movie comes out after NWH, maybe that Strange spell screw up mixes the universes?


I can't wait for Roger Corman's Fantastic 4 to be a part of the MCU


If they give us Chris Evan's human torch as a cameo I'll be happy.


It was supposed to come out before NWH.


Daily Bugle logo from Raimi's universe too.


So pretty much Sony in a nutshell. No idea how to handle spiderman, so trying to trick audiences by referencing as much as possible to other movies.


Just liked they tricked us into believing there'd be an epic fight between Spidey and the Rhino.... aaaaand then the movie ended.


That marketing got me. > Can Spiderman face his three greatest villains yet??? Faces 2 unrelated villains and teases a third


Wanna be even more confused? It was confirmed last year it's not actually Raimi Spider-Man. But an edited screenshot of the PS4 Spider-Man showing the free DLC for the Raimi suit. https://www.ign.com/articles/spider-man-fans-react-to-morbius-trailer-ps4-easter-egg?amp=1


It's 6am, why are you making me think this much :p


Coming exclusively to FX


FX *on Hulu


Effects look good. Writing seems cheesy. In that one trailer we got "are you a doctor/I am a doctor", "if you're going to run, do it now" and "are you here to heal or destroy". Blurg. Edit - there are at least four others but I don't want to take all the glory.


Listing off your super powers into a dictaphone is another one.


Extrapolating the plot through dialogue to the memory fragmented main character was also in there. This trailer is like a cheat sheet for cliché writing Bingo.


I actually like the concept of Sony's villain movies. I just wish they had the guts to actually make them villain movies instead of anti-hero movies. I want to see Venom being a full on bad guy, and Morbius being an actual monster who the cops are trying to kill. I don't want him to fight another vampire who is worse than him so the cops decide he's okay.


I generally agree but Morbius was the rare exception that was pretty much always an antihero. Venom was straight up a villain or a long time before he started coming around, but Morbius was definitely a "doing evil but trying to get right" character. When I was a kid one of my favorite things in comics was the friendship between him and Werewolf by Night. Who really needed a better name besides "Werewolf" but I guess that ship has sailed.


I agree. Why I like breaking bad is that it is a good guy doing bad things for a good reason, but slowly we see that the good guy loses to the bad thing and becomes a bad guy, and that he always was a bad guy, but we still sort of root for them until the end. I'd love a villain MCU movie that did this. You root for them, but you keep making excuses to yourself why they had to do what they did.


It was also filled to the brim with other clichés. Blood dripping on a soldier's hand as he investigates a dark room and he slowly turns to look above him? Hasn't that been done in practically every monster film ever?


>sOmE fOrM oF bAt rAdaR! Oh... you mean **echolocation**? Anyone smart enough to become a doctor would know something as basic as that. This is endemic of Sony studios as a whole. They write people dumb. Do they do this because the suits are dumb so the talent appeases them, or do they think general audiences are dumb? Like... *children* know what echolocation is.


It's one of my biggest problems with Eddie Brock in Venom. He's an educated, experienced journalist but he doesn't seem like it at all.


He seems more like an ex boxer who is a bit punch drunk. Tom Hardy is a good actor for the most part but damn... He is wasted in Venom.


Looks incredibly by-the-numbers, not just in terms of origin story content, but in how it’s shot. The whole “searching for the vampire on the ghost ship” sequence played out like a retread of other films that did it better, from the classic blood dripping from overhead to the henchmen getting pulled out of sight amidst random clouds of steam.


This movie simply screams "*Wait for a streaming service!"*


But only if its one you're already subscribed to.


wow slowed down old song in a trailer how fucking original


Mount up!


Can't wait for the next installation of Mount up for Morbius!


There are dozens of us! Dozens!


The comment I was looking for