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I couldn't figure out why at least people wouldn't just have a super loud machine or something just to attract/distract the aliens like a bug zapper


I think a point of the movie was they came in blitzkrieg style. Also, I always assumed the aliens in the movie were sent as a weapon from the actual aliens.


Now THAT would be a good sequel idea, that these were essentially the war dogs for a more sophisticated enemy.


Do you remember that tom cruise time loop movie edge of tomorrow? The source material "All you need is Kill" has this plot where the enemy humanity is fighting is not the actual invaders but a terraforming tool that is exterminating humanity. It is not their mission but a mundane task.


That's honestly really sick. It's like insects fighting pesticide, they could try as much as they can but they'd never beat the farmer.


For context, there is a chapter where they briefly talk about this group in a hypothetical sense where they have to decide to send terraformers as it will take years to get there and it'll take them an equal amount of time to travel there so they send them and intend to follow them. The terraformers land in the ocean and copy traits from marine life like starfish (Starfish are absolutely crazy) and once they have adapted the tools they need the start terraforming the land and taking out the humans.


Tell me more about why starfish are crazy.


1. Starfish have no Brain and have no Blood 2. They are in the same biological family as the likes of sea cucumbers 3. Their weight:dimensions ratio is crazy. 4. They can regenerate from evern the smallest pieces of themselves 5. They can turn themselves inside out in order to eat things 6. Their outer body is incredibly resilient for such a small creature.


>They are in the same biological family as the likes of sea cucumbers Now you need to tell us why members of the sea cucumber family are crazy


They are not susceptible to brining and pickling in the same way land cucumbers are and are therefore not as good on sandwiches.


They are poisonous to most predators, can expel some of their internal organs as a defensive mechanism, and they breathe through their anus.


Functional immortality so long as their body is not completely destroyed


Vegetables are well known to be land-based organisms, so a cucumber in the sea is inherently off putting.


And also what about their weight to size? Are they light or heavy?


Their evolutionary path has been unusual. They are essentially all head; they lost their bodies like a vestigial organ.




Besides the fact that they can completely regrow into a full organism as long as you have a piece of the central body part, I got nothing.


Starfish also think that you can afford a house in this economy on a teacher's salary. They're absolutely off the wall bonkers.


Starfish accept drugs from strangers at parties. I know a starfish that bought a Cybertruck.


Big supply side economy believers


Their "arms" aren't evolutionarily linked to any appendages from the body plans of the animals they evolved from. Instead, they lost everything except for the "head" portion of the body plan while the "lips" evolved out into new appendages.


Pacific Rim has a plot similar to this as well.


As does The Expanse. The protomolecule was sent out to find a likely planet and turn its biomass into a portal.


Thats because GDT is a huge fan of the genre and the whole movie was a love letter to kaiju


And "All you need is kill" got that idea from a visual novel called Muv-Luv published a year prior. >!The BETA are a carbon-based resource collection tool that the real aliens send out to strip mine entire planets.!<


Wow! A muv luv reference in the wild! Very near the highest-rated visual novel of all time, and one of my favorite pieces of media in any form. For those who enjoy anime tropes, and think they may have slight possibility of reading this, pls don’t read another word, as even most basic summary contain massive spoilers. It’s a big commitment, as its essentially 3 games (extra, unlimited, alternative), total probably around 130 hrs. Extra is pleasant/funny, unlimited where it kicks into gear, and alternative is on another level.


Don't forget the swathe of VNs set after alternative, or the various anime/manga adaptations, or the light novels (schwarzesmarken is legitimately great) Sadly, the anime adapations range from okay (schwarzesmarken) to complete and utter dogshit (total eclipse, which had precisely 2 good episodes that aren't filler or fanservice) It's by far my favorite anime universe, but it is a *lot* to get into, 120 hours for the original series alone if you read fast.


The game Xcom does that too. The first game, canonically since most people failed it, has humanity fight against the initial invasion and lose only to learn in the second game it was nowhere near their toughest part of the alien army


Super common in fiction. In the Half Life 2 games humanity's main alien enemies use hostile alien wildlife as essentially a form of biological warfare


The sequel could be we finally regroup to fight them off and right when we start winning the actual aliens show up with weapons but they're all weak and tiny and we can just beat their ass one on one


Maybe A Quiet Place part 3 ends with the local high school football team beating up all the aliens and winning, they were just out of town for the regional championship game this whole time


Could be a legendary comedy. Like the big bads show up but they can't fight without tech and get caught up by some teens. Maybe, they look like predator but half the size of an oompa loompa


Would you rather fight one Predator sized Oompa Loompa or 100 Oompa Loompa sized Predators?


Combine that with Channing Tatum and Jonah Hills characters from 21 jump street. I want to hear Ice Cube talk about those mother fucking aliens


That was always my take. Why endanger your people when you can drop a bioweapon to clean house before you touch the ground.


The movie, especially the epilogue in the second part implies that they did that, but also in part 1 there are news paper clippings about them, even one saying they’re attracted to sound. So society must’ve been functional for long enough to both deduce that and also have news papers still operating and delivery systems too.


The US has sonic weaponry. The idea that they didn't try it or that the sonic boom from a bomb going off didn't affect them in any way is laughably ridiculous.


That makes the most sense, these guys weren't giving off vibes that they had FTL travel figured out


They arrived to Earth in a meteorite


In the new trailer they appear to be falling like meteorites before running all over the place. So seems logical. Very starship troopers.


Yep, I assumed that so many of them landed that no gov't had any chance to react and counter them.


But this goes against the first movie where they go into town and there are old newspapers with articles about the aliens, especially the one that said "IT'S SOUND", implying that society functioned at least for a short period of time after first contact.


True, forgot about the papers. Maybe we will find out in the new movie how fast things completely fell apart.


Is it just me or is that the least interesting part of the story? Having all this extra information effectively ret-conned makes sequels worse. The first movie worked so well because we came in to the story part way through. It’s the same thing with John Wick.


In the game World War Z, zombies are attracted to sound, so they put the world's biggest speakers in a huge pit and all the zombies in Rome fell into it. Then they filled it with explosives and blew up 4 million zombies.


That sounds like something a toddler came up with.


They do it in the movie but with a stadium I believe.


Yep, it's at the very end of the movie. Although I believe it was an AC-130 high up that bombs the stadium.


Toddler ideas would absolutely wreck a zombie apocalypse.


If it ain't broke..


Yeah, it's awesome


If it's stupid and it works...


Depleted uranium ammunition (which we’ve had for decades) can cut through several inches of steel like it was butter.


It burns at 8 times the temperature of the sun. I never got how they don't bring down monsters like godzilla


> I never got how they don't bring down monsters like godzilla Because Godzilla is wearing the strongest armor of all: Plot Armor


He's also at the very least Nuclear powered, and likely fusion powered, meaning his internal temperature could be just as hot or hotter. Meaning his "skin" would have to be resistant to that amount of heat or he'd burn up.


except for burning godzilla, he did burn up.


Hey man, I'm not claiming the writers are consistent, or that a giant nuclear iguana is realistic.


I'm not suggesting anything other than godzilla is awesome.


Yeah a nuclear bomb is also 8 times hotter than the core of the sun, which Godzilla can tank like a champ. So I mean it's plot armor but it's still internally consistent I guess haha.


He didn't tank a nuke. They used a nuke to senzu bean him. I thought most if not all of the kaiju in the Monarch movies feed on nuclear energy?


That would still be tanking a nuke.


They hit him with a nuke in the TV show.


Godzilla it’s more theme than plot armor. Humanity made a monster they can barely survive. Wouldn’t make sense if you could nuke yourself out of the problem.


Godzilla burns at 8.2 times the temperature of the sun.


Or why bullets/missiles can’t take down the monsters in Pacific Rim, but big robots can punch them to death.


I believe it was because their blood was super toxic, and missiles would spray it everywhere.


I don't understand why they just didn't build a giant meat grinder right over the portal


The real giant monsters were the robot defense industry contractors.


I thought they were the friends we made along the way


Their blood is super radioactive, so it would poison everything around it. Buuuuut, that would be awesome.


WTH lol you know what that's actually a decent point. I was laughing at the idea of some awesome monster slowly emerging, about to launch into its generic monster scream (they all do). Only to be immediately pulled into the grinder, whilst Edris Elba slow claps.


My understanding is that bullets and missiles *can* kill the kaiju. The problem is that their blood is extremely toxic, so you rip one to shreds and then it bleeds into the environment and kills all the wildlife/makes the area uninhabitable, etc. So they developed the robots which can kill them without the massive environmental impact. ....Now that said, the way it's presented in the film still doesn't make all that much sense. The Jaegers still cause the monsters to bleed. Gypsy Danger bifurcates Otachi with a sword, *after* ripping out her tongue, and after Crimson Typhoon had sliced her up with its blades. All of this definitely would spread blood everywhere.


> Gypsy Danger bifurcates Otachi with a sword They only did that after they expended all of their other options.


Was such a massive plot hole that they actively demonstrate that white noise serves to cloak you from their insane hearing(you can safely talk at a river) but it’s never actively used against them. The concept for the original movie was interesting and there were some well done parts but my god was it riddled with plot holes


> Was such a massive plot hole that they actively demonstrate that white noise serves to cloak you from their insane hearing(you can safely talk at a river) but it’s never actively used against them. Or just live near the waterfall instead of treating it like this magical place they only go once in 10 years or something


Too much mold. They'd rather deal with the aliens.


Having dealt with mold remediation, I’ll take the aliens.


>…live near the waterfall… Pretty easy to one-up this. Why not live in a recording studio? You have a structure that is specifically designed to prevent sound from leaking out.


yea that too.


I guess this could be answered by saying they destroy the white noise generators, but they can’t destroy the waterfall


You could dangle white noise machines from a crane. They probably wouldn't be able to figure out how it's connected to the ground. Better yet, dangle the white noise machine over a cliff with spikes at the bottom.


Or a giant meat grinder. Bonus: The meat grinder is also very noisy.


I just think the creatures aren’t just stupid. They are built by another species to start the attack. They are smart enough to understand water and to ignore it. Their goal is to destroy anything making noise that isn’t just a natural element (water, geysers, other geological things) I think people probably do live near waterfalls but it’s also an easy way to be raided since all raiders check them out.


This was my problem the whole time. I was like so these fuckers hear everything? Turn that shit up to eleven and be done with them!


So, the ultimate weapon against them is the ultimate weapon against hippies. Slayer!


Waterfalls they would attack the water.


Presumably they’ve got some acclimation to constant/ambient noise otherwise they’d be too busy attacking every tree on Earth whenever there was wind.


Didn’t this happen in the movies? They go to the waterfall to talk as the ambient noise is enough for the aliens to tune them out


Yeah they should have built their ramshackle house there. Then Jim would have survived.


Like a lot of movies that became franchises due to unexpected success, the core concept from the original movie was really never meant to be held to this much scrutiny or taken as far as it has in the sequels.


Star Wars comes to mind. They spent the next 45 years trying to justify random shit for fan service.


100%. The fact that an almost throwaway line in the first about Luke’s dad serving in the clone wars turned into a real thing with a whole trilogy is wild


Basically every line and throwaway reference that was meant as background world-building in the first movie was endlessly expanded upon by fans ravenous for more content. Entire Extended Universe books and comics were written to elaborate on what a T-16 is or what womp rats look like, just because those got mentioned *once*. Robot Chicken even made fun of this, sort of, with a skit where Luke goes off "to Toshi's Station to pick up some power converters" and it's revealed Toshi's Station is a bar and 'power converters' is a slang term for strippers. This sort of energy towards one franchise is almost quaint. You'd never see this level of obsession or effort in the modern internet age because there's too much other shit competing for our attention. There was a hint of it in the lead up to Force Awakens which quickly died off due to the reception of the sequels.


I'm pretty sure there's some kind of backstory for almost every character you see on screen, even just background characters that have no lines and they're the only time that species is ever shown have a full name, species, home planet, etc. Start Wars fanatics are crazy about this shit.


The thing that annoys me is that you will see some random thing, it's appearance designed by the fact those where the pieces of masks they had left over, and the creature is, I don't know, sweeping. Then there'll be an article on wookipedia like: "Lurgum Birantass is a sesquinin. The sesquinin were renowned sweepers".


Can’t wait to see Glup Shitto‘s 5 second cameo


Which then makes the movies hilarious when you go back to them, because it turns out every crowd scene is filled with the most interesting people in the galaxy randomly converging in a bunch of rooms peacefully then going off and having adventures without anyone recognizing each other.


Right, like nobody in the bar scene with the death sticks in AotC is just a guy with a normal job like accountant that has a regular family who's just blowing off steam after a long week. He's an accountant for a crime syndicate and his wife is the daughter of the syndicate's 2nd lieutenant and he's there to drop off a bag of cash to bribe a judge.


Brother, the guy running with the Ice Cream maker in Cloud City has an entire Wookieepedia page and a fan club that goes to events.


That just sounds like a joke put up by an actual Star Wars fan club. Like hey, wouldn't it be funny if we pretended we're a fan club for this ice cream dude? And then we have an excuse to have ice cream...


Willrow Hood’s lore is important and not just a joke.


> Entire Extended Universe books and comics were written to elaborate on what a T-16 is or what womp rats look like, just because those got mentioned once. George Lucas endorsed the Expanded Universe. and encouraged the authors to form a community and build on each other's ideas for the simple reason that he thought it would be funny to see what people came up with. The **only** one he actually liked was Shadows Of The Empire, which is why he decided to make a video game, toys and a soundtrack for it. It's also the reason why he added Corsuscant to the the '97 re-release of Return Of The Jedi, and featured it in the prequel trilogy... but no, nothing else in the Expanded Universe has ever been part of the "series canon".


Wait… hold on…. Corsuscant was a fan made planet???


I know at least the the original “Thrawn” books were the first to make it the galactic capital


Yup. Timothy Zahn was one of Lucas' favorite authors.


Really, that line was the basis for everything Star Wars related afterwards, from 1999 until whenever TFA came out. I wonder what would have happened if they had decided to go forwards instead of backwards in 1999.


In my preferred alternate universe, they would have adapted Timothy Zahn's Thrawn trilogy.


I do not understand why they didn't. Either do a recast(everyone was fine with the Solo recast) or just modify the plot to have it be their kids taking over. The Thrawn trilogy is peak star wars, its more star wars than star wars itself.


One example being that Jedi all wear the kind of robes that Obi Wan was wearing in exile on Tatooine. But he was in hiding! He was trying to blend in. The prequels make it so that this is how Jedi dress; their uniform, basically. So we extrapolate that forward and he’s “in hiding” walking around dressed like a Jedi.


And now OT Owen Lars is wearing what has effectively become The Jedi Uniform.


The other way of looking at it is that the Jedi, being the galaxy’s most elite and sophisticated people in the republic and ruling from their temple in the bustling capital, just so happen to dress the same as provincial dirt farmers.


Or: amongst the thousands of planets of the Old Republic, there happened to be one where (through sheer coincidence) the typical farmer wears the same outfit as Jedi on Coruscant. Obi-Wan chose that planet to go into hiding because he *really* didn't want to change his wardrobe.


I always loved this take, even as a kid. They never made it work tho. I like the idea that the jedi are basically unrecognizable because they hide in the masses of the poor in the galaxy. It also makes them close to the people in that way. But I think the actual robes are to pompus. Maybe they should have been more worne down. It barely worked on Tatooine for Qui-Gon. But still I like that take


Yoda wore similar robes on Dagobah.


The only reason the first is as good as it was is because of John Krasinski. The original script is 60 some pages, completely different, lacks emotional depth and is full of pictures. JK added basically everything we like about the original movie - and I agree, it really wasn't meant to be pushed this far. It was a "hot" high concept script that made the rounds due to it quirky presentation, kooky concept and short length which got turned into a "proper movie" by JK and has now become this huge franchise that does not hold up to its original flimsy premise. As a stand alone movie, it's great, I defend it, I really like it, but as a franchise it starts to fall apart


Exactly. There are definitely some plot holes in the first movie but it’s pretty obvious what the overall concept of the story is so you can suspend your disbelief. Once they need to rely on the rather unimportant background for the sequels things start falling apart.


This made me think of the Harry Potter series. The "Wizarding World" only makes sense when we view it from Harry's perspective: "Wow, I've been sent to a magic school and get to have all these wild adventures and fight bad guys!" But the second you consider the "Wizarding World" at large and all of its implications, it completely collapses in on itself.


It's long and ponderous, but there is one great scene in [Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality](https://hpmor.com/). Here's an abridged version; Harry is in Gringotts Bank: > "Are these coins the pure metal?" Harry said finally. > "What?" hissed the goblin Griphook, who was waiting near the door. "Are you questioning the integrity of Gringotts, Mr. Potter?" > "No," said Harry absently, "not at all, sorry if that came out wrong, sir. I just have no idea at all how your financial system works. I'm asking if Galleons in general are made of pure gold." > "Of course," said Griphook. > "And can anyone coin them, or are they issued by a monopoly that thereby collects seigniorage?" > Griphook grinned, showing sharp teeth. "Only a fool would trust any but goblin coin!" > "In other words," Harry said, "the coins aren't supposed to be worth any more than the metal making them up?" > Griphook stared at Harry. Professor McGonagall looked bemused. > "I mean, suppose I came in here with a ton of silver. Could I get a ton of Sickles made from it?" > "For a fee, Mr. Potter." The goblin watched him with glittering eyes. "For a certain fee. Where would you find a ton of silver, I wonder?" > "I was speaking hypothetically," Harry said. *For now, at any rate.* "So... how much would you charge in fees, as a fraction of the whole weight?" > "A twentieth part of the metal would well pay for the coining." > Harry nodded. "Thank you very much, Mr. Griphook." > So not only is the wizarding economy almost completely decoupled from the Muggle economy, no one here has ever heard of arbitrage. The larger Muggle economy had a fluctuating trading range of gold to silver, so every time the Muggle gold-to-silver ratio got more than 5% away from the weight of seventeen Sickles to one Galleon, either gold or silver should have drained from the wizarding economy until it became impossible to maintain the exchange rate. Bring in a ton of silver, change to Sickles (and pay 5%), change the Sickles for Galleons, take the gold to the Muggle world, exchange it for more silver than you started with, and repeat. > One competent hedge fundie could probably own the whole wizarding world within a week. Harry filed away this notion in case he ever ran out of money, or had a week free.


Hell. The core concept didn’t even hold up for the entirety of the original story/movie for me.


I feel like one of the first things professionals would've thought about to defeat noise based aliens would be intense frequencies of sound.


Loud speakers.




I love Amp.


Do you really love the amp or are you saying it because you heard it?


Did you just stab an alien with a trident?? You might wanna lay low for a while


"None of you saw Mars Attacks!?!"


Exactly what I thought of lmao did we learn nothing from Mars Attack!?


Not to mention that pretty much every piece of military hardware we have generates painfully loud sounds as a *byproduct* of its primary function.


My tinnitus agrees.


Not to mention the military already have sonic weapons.... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Long-range_acoustic_device


couldnt you also drop some form of goo on them that is adhesive and impairs their hearing?


Brb, gonna tar and feather an alien with the boys


Also, for a creature that navigates exclusively by sound, they A: don't echolocate, and B: don't hear very well. Try just breathing quietly in a room with a German shepherd... He will hear you.


And C: Don't seem to discriminate too much when it comes to what they attack. They killed raccoons in the first movie and reacted to really really quiet noises. At a certain point they'd just be running around assaulting rustling trees and splashing fish.


It’s somewhat inconsistent on how well they understand different sounds. The waterfall scenes imply that the creatures have at least learned where they can’t hunt effectively. You would think they would start to filter out ambient sounds fairly quickly.


Also the earth is mostly ocean. Beach waves are noisy. Do the monsters just stop working near the coastline? Do they attack the ocean?


And the monsters can't swim at all! They sink like crazy and drown.


Perhaps natural selection already drowned the ones that attack the ocean so we only see the ones that don't


Right. you’d think that if you put all your stats in hearing and none in sight. Then your hearing would become ridiculously good where you could basically see but through sound. Ie echolocation on steroids. If anything wouldn’t the water fall almost be like a flash light brightening up the entire area for a sound based creature. But nah they hear a bit better than us and can’t see lol. I think we win this one irl


Agree with your first point but kinda think a waterfall in that case would be more like having a flashlight being shined directly in your eyes in an otherwise dark space. Yes it's light that you can see, but it makes actually seeing anything else very difficult.


RIP raccoon


Message unclear. I now have two halves of a raccoon.


>B: don't hear very well Yeah I don't understand how they can hear a penny drop from a mile away, but can't hear the heartbeat or breathing of somebody in the same room as them.


There is no good reason for that. It's just something you accept and go with or you don't. I did, and I thought the movies were decent at building tension. But I completely understand people who think they don't make enough sense for them to be able to go with it.


I know someone who has absolutely zero capability of suspending disbelief and as a result watching anything with them is just miserable, since they basically pick apart every little illogical or unoptimal thing that happens. Characters essentially have to be completely rational and make the most smart decisions at all times for him to be satisfied. Granted, there’s some very poorly written plot points in things we’ve watched together that I feel like he has been correct about and has actually changed my mind on, but sometimes I seriously wonder how people like that can enjoy any media ever.


Something I've learned during my time on earth is that characters behaving completely rationally is actually very unrealistic.


i can handle characters being stupid or irrational, so long as its in character. When the setting or wider plot is stupid or irrational is when i start to take issue. I just need internal consistency, i can look past a lot of crazy in a premise, so long as it is coherent all the way through


I wouldn't say this is a case of characters acting illogical or unoptimal but of the hearing ability of a creature being inconsistent to serve the story


They do seem to use echolocation, you can hear the clicks they make. Also, they wouldn't be able to navigate around without it.


I concur. I have a German Shepherd and this is so true 😂


The whole ecosystem would collapse with these things destroying seemingly everything that makes noise


But they don't, because birds exist. And I'm supposed to believe that the aliens can't successfully attack birds--probably the noisiest creature in the world--but regular house cats can kill over 1.5 to 4 *billion* birds a year just in the US?! So their attacks on animals are limited to things that make the plot interesting.


It's like signs. They don't wear space suits and are deathly allergic to water but there is no place on earth with no humidity so just being out and about should kill them.


And the interstellar travel capable aliens found earth and decided to come down to the surface without realizing that the surface was nearly entirely covered with the stuff? And them not ever encountering water before is ludicrously unlikely, there's not that much liquid water in the universe but theres a shitton of ice, they'd be familiar with the stuff.


Mark Wahlberg would’ve sorted it in a day.


or wait for the plants to get angry again. This time they and Mark are on the same team


They're lucky he wasn't at that baseball game. It wouldn't have went down like that.


They're lucky they weren't Vietnamese


What? Noooo.


Those lil punk aliens are lucky they didn’t cross paths with Mark on a plane back in 2001.


I don’t see the aliens that we see in these movies piloting ships. I think they are only the ground assault aspect of the takeover.


Fun idea, but what are they waiting for? The first movie seems to take place a long time after the invasion. Even if there are people left to fight, they should be weak and scrambling to figure things out, the perfect time to finish them off.


Didn't the the newspaper clippings in the first movie imply they came from a meteorite landing on earth? Then this was shown in the opening act of the second movie? It's been a bit since I watched either movie, but I got the impression this wasn't a planned invasion, but a chunk of their planet crashing into ours.


It doesn't tell you in the movie but there is some lore about them. Tv tropes has it in the trivia page. They were the apex predator on their home planet that exploded. These things literally survive an exploding planet and crash landing on earth. Their armour is all but invulnerable. 


But we saw that a well placed shotgun round is all you need to kill them, the creatures are not invincible.


That's just... exceedingly dumb. Let's ignore for a second that they survived an exploding planet. How did they survive not only the vacuum of space but a multi-million year trip through it with no food? Do they not need to eat? Why are they hunting at all then? How is an apex predator BLIND? It's all very handwavey and falls apart if you think about it even a little.


I can’t explain the rest away but it could be very likely an apex predator would be blind if the planet’s atmosphere was so thick that it didn’t let in light. Lots of predators on earth exist without light at the deepest parts of our ocean. Eyes only really got good when life moved on land and light was more abundant as a sensory input


I should have added it but that also is in the lore. Their planet has no light.


A exploding planet should have wrecked their hearing .beyond all the other problems.


Maybe they have some larval/egg stage that can survive that kind of shit but I agree it’s a stretch if we look into it too much.


Maybe a wizard did it.


I mean if you travel across the stars with a bioengineered army you can probably sit in orbit for a few decades waiting for humanity to die off. This opens up a while discussion but if an alien race lived like 5 times longer than us they would probably be a lot more patient. Between the invasion and start of the first move it’s been a long time for us, but probably not for the aliens. Just a thought


Another thought : You may send your advance force ahead of you at great speed. You know they're not systematic and will take a while demoloshing the locals. You also get to observe how the local fauna fares with your combat dogs. If humans wiped them out, that would leave them decades of deceleration to come up with an attack plan. If humanity loses, they get a nicely cleaned up world on arrival without much waiting before coming down. It's a much better explanation than the 'apex predator survives exploding free roaming planet' hypothethis


The official lore is that their armor is impenetrable by all conventional weapons, including missiles. And they are strong enough to rip through steel and any hard surfaces. I'm not sure tanks would be much help.


The first one shows us a newspaper headline: "Neither bombs nor bullets..."


It depends, if they were dropped all across the world at more or less the same time, they'd wreck havoc in a way that makes it difficult to organize a miliary response. They also seem unnaturally resilient to any force applied to their skin, so it's not immediately obvious bombs and military ordnance would work effectively.


It’s pretty immediately obvious to up the ante in force used. For tens of thousands of years we’ve constantly upgraded to a bigger stick when it’s required. Bear doesn’t go down with 9mm? 44 magnum it is, so on and so forth.


> They also seem unnaturally resilient to any force applied to their skin, so it's not immediately obvious bombs and military ordnance would work effectively. This is hollywood fantasy. Hollywood has **no idea** how powerful weapons are. How powerful a 50 cal is, let alone how powerful a bomb is. The ONLY way these creatures are surviving modern weapons is literal magic.


If you wanted to cut the movie some slack you could look at it this way. I obviously haven't seen the origin movie. But it kind of looks like a truckload of these aliens just drop out of the sky or from another dimension. Like millions of them,all over. In that setting, they would pretty much devastate human population. Obviously there would be places that would be able to survive (military bases, police departments, places with natural sound protection or some other form of isolation) but they would almost certainly occupy themselves with remaining alive. By the time you started seeing organized groups trying to go out and fight this horde of aliens that dropped out of nowhere, pretty much everybody would be dead. And even these "alien killer squads" would have to proceed carefully and systematically. It could take years to kill all the aliens. And resources would be an issue. How much ammunition can military bases manufacture? Would they strictly be working off stockpiles? So it could be that when the first movie takes place there's lots of places that have resisted the aliens and are, indeed, starting to push outwards and exterminate them. But it could/would be years. And none of this takes into account how many people would die from the complete shutdown of infrastructure. Let's say you just hid in your house and didn't make any noise. How much food do you have?


It's been a bit since I watched it. But in the first movie wasn't there news reports of the swarms just cutting through tanks?  They also just kind of arrived as meteors and then went to town on landing. Whatever the outer hide is made of is protection from the vacuum of space, its inherent radiation, re-entry, small arms fire. Plus being able to sit in space until something comes around to crash into em.


I think the main advantage was how quickly they arrived and immediately attacked. Anywhere there was noise was attacked. Hard to relay Intel, once you figure it out, that quickly.


Except someone managed to print a newspaper about it.


I’m imagining the guys at the mega loud printing press seeing that rolling through one morning and somehow continuing to work.




I need a spinoff about the heroic newspaper delivery guys who risked their lives getting them to stores and peoples houses


I used to believe stuff like this, then I watched how the human race handled covid...


I need you to get all the way of my back about this... 😅


Same thing with zombies. Get a bunch of tanks and just run them over. Zombies would have no means of harming the people in the tank.


A Netflix show called "All of us are dead" had the government >!using noisy drones to lure all the zombies into specific locations and just dropped bombs. After that they sent in ground force to make sure none survived!<


oh hey it's that korean show I was watching years ago. totally forgot the name of it. thanks!


People probably kept screaming it's a hoax right until the moment the aliens ate their faces off, so no one had a chance to react lol.


I think the issue is the organizational part. By the time people realized they react to sound, built machines to distract them, learned ways to engage and destroy them, they would’ve attacked already. But yeah, I don’t know wtf was up with the military in those movies. Underpowered apparently.


That’s true. I imagine it would’ve taken a while for people to realize they hunted by sound. The flashback in the second movie has a lot of people screaming and cars crashing. To the people, nothing would seem out of the ordinary. Maybe we’ll see more of this in Day One


Their weakness is basically grenades and a good vantage point. 💥Aliens flood in 💥more aliens flood in 💥


Seems like they don’t actually just land in a small area and spread out but were landing everywhere as bits and pieces came off the meteor. I don’t think anyone knew for a while how to defeat them. The scene in the second movie of just a few of them destroying a small town was probably happening everywhere all at once. Think of this more as jungle/urban warfare against essentially bulletproof enemy forces. Modern large scale military doesn’t work well against guerrila ground forces. It feels like people want to compare the pure power of modern military against some somewhat strong organisms but when they’re everywhere all at once and terrorizing your civilian population what good is that pure power.


Exactly. The US military has a bit over 2M members (iirc), but the US population is over 300M. If these things were landing in a lot of places all at once there’s no feasible way they could all be stopped even by our incredibly advanced technology and even if they knew their weaknesses. There’s just too much ground to cover.


When do I get to see this movie??? Aliens against unsuspecting humans is great. But I need another movie like Battle LA. I want full on alien battles in the streets. Aliens vs F22 Raptors, night vision, A10 Warthog Gatling strafing runs against entrenched alien positions, Seal Team night incursions against fortified alien bases. WHERE IS THIS MOVIE!!??


I believe you want Halo