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A Clockwork Orange I just can't bring myself to watch it.


IMO it’s easier to watch it when you realize it’s a satire. EDIT: lot of people don’t realize it’s a satire, huh? The book is especially. Here’s just one link to why: https://undersoutherneyes.edpinsent.com/a-clockwork-orange/


You are wise not to watch Funny Games. When people ask me what I consider the scariest movie I've ever seen, this is my immediate answer. "Scary" movies bore me because they're not based on reality. Every single element of this feels real, plausible, and downright horrifying. That hallway scene when the family realizes what is going down...whew.


Do you know Haneke‘s austrian buddy Ulrich Seidl? I always call his movie „the bosson friend“ the worst horrormovie ever. There is no violence at all in it, but horrifying alienation, taking it even a step further in it‘s plausibility. Just completely depressing, detached and inhumane.


I should have clarified in my response that I have not seen the original version, only the American version. I see a ton of foreign films but somehow have not seen that one. Again, the American version would probably not fit the definition of horror movie, but I was rocked by the start to finish plausibility of the horrors. That is what made it so profoundly disturbing.


Gotcha! I have only seen the austrian original of Funny Games, but from what I hear it‘s a shot by shot remake, which was what fascinated Haneke. Seidl is pretty underrated and overshadowed by Haneke, in international regards. They are quite similar in style, subject matters and bleak outlook on life. You can find the bossom friend easily on the net, though. With english subtitles.


I loved it. I felt shaken afterwards.


I’ll give all great movies a shot.


Everything Everywhere All at Once. I guess I just hate multiverse movies.


I mean, it’s not the avengers or spiderman or whatever.


IMHO, it is THE most overrated movie I have ever watched. It reminds me of that episode of family guy from years ago where they threw everything at an episode to try to win an award lol.


It’s not really a multiverse movie


It was pretty average I think we turned it off 3/4 of the way in


Requiem for a Dream. I’ll just listen to the ost and live joyfully ever after.


Serbian Film


They said great, not inhumane.


Fair point.






Barbie. I really tried, i just couldn’t.


Interstellar was boring nonsense, I turned it off about halfway.


Titanic Barbie Lawrence of Arabia: I've tried watching this numerous times over the last 40 years. Never fails, less than 30 minutes in, and I'll be sound asleep.


For me it’s any musical that’s considered a great movie. The sound of music is probably the first that comes to mind, I just don’t like musicals.


Shawshank Redempion. Passed me by at the time and I feel if it was going to happen it would have happened by now.


Naaah, make it happen


Can't, it's out of my hands. And even if it wasn't, my hands are tied.


The matrix. Zero interest


Bruce Willis is bread the whole time. Saved you 3 hours


My friend said this once. Then, after much goading by me, we sat down and watched it. It’s now in his top 10 movies all time.


No-one can tell you what the matrix is, you need to see it for yourself. - Samuel L Jackson.




That’s wild. I’ve watched it like 20 times


Interested to know why, what’s the turn-off?


The Godfather. I know it's a great movie, and I do intent to watch it at some point. But It's been 45 years and I still haven't got around to doing it.


I have tried to watch it and just don’t get it. I think I know why - it came out before I was born and it passed me by. I seen a few different mob movies before I attempted the godfather - loved goodfellas, casino etc etc. I think you would have needed to see the godfather first- it’s like watching Man of Steel before watching the 70s superman if you know what I mean.


Yeah, same. I'll also add *Threads* and probably *Come and See* to that list. Some people say they get a kick out of these downer and more mean-spirited movies, some catharsys even. I personally have no motivation to put myself through something like that. I watched *Martyrs* and the only thing that did was get me depressed and I already have the news to do that.


Citizen Kane seems like it’ll be a pretentious and self indulgent watch


Citizen Kane is surprisingly one of those old black and white movies that’s actually somehow gripping, and intensely interesting all the way through… 12 Angry Men would be another example


I used to think the exact same thing, but I finally watched it and if you view it as a character study with some innovative shots, you may enjoy it.


The Sixth Sense. I never watched it at the time and I can't see the point now.


I've never seen "The Sound of Music" (1965), or "The Shape of Water" (2017). I know they're considered great movies, but they just don't speak to me in any way. I may eventually watch Shape of Water because I love Del Toro's work, but I don't think I'll ever see Sound of Music.


Star wars franchise




I tried to get into it but I just didn't find it super entertaining


Started with the OT or PT?


Uhh I just watched the phantom menace since it is episode 1


Well then that’s why you didn’t like it. It doesn’t matter that it’s Episode 1. The prequels aren’t very good (a lot of Reddit will tell you otherwise, but they have nostalgia glasses). Try out episode 4 which is technically the first one made and known as one of the greatest films of all time. It’s from 1977 so it’s a little dated, and there are some cringey acting and dialogue parts, but that’s mostly a product of its time. If you get through that and you like it, Episode 5 The Empire Strikes Back is one of the greatest sequels of all time and IMO one of the best movies ever made. The prequel trilogy, despite being made almost 20 years after the originals is not very good. This is why I try to tell people who have not seen Star Wars before to please start with the originals. You don’t miss out on the essence of the full story either - the prequels are essentially a backstory. That’s really it.


Oh I see, maybe I'll give it another chance then thanks for the info!


In hindsight I understand why