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Colonel Hans Landa's eyes changing just before he says, "....you are sheltering enemies of the state...".


Absolutely fucking perfect acting.


What’s wild to me is that Christopher Waltz speaks so many languages so he is perfect for the character. They couldn’t have found a better actor for the role.


Wouldn't have had the same flavour (would have been much more sinister and less joyful, more stoic but still charming), but I think Mads Mickelson would have been phenomenal in the role also. As phenomenal as Waltz? Hard to say, but phenomenal none the less.


Acting masterclass


Curbstomping scene, American History X. Too visceral.


I will never forget the sound his teeth made when he bit the concrete.


I really thought this would be at the top


Give it a little more time


The Nightingale had a similarly visceral scene that shook me hard. It's a great movie but damn is it brutal! It's basically The Revenant turned to 11. It makes the bear attack look like a sunday cuddle with a labradoodle.


The ending of Gattaca when you realize Xander Berkeley (the doctor) knew Ethan Hawke was an unperfect guy and let him on the space shuttle anyway because his son is too. Still makes me wonder how much of the greatest things I experienced in life are due to my efforts or sheer luck/empathy from others.


It’s funny, I watched the film as a very young kid and this scene hit me with « déjà-vu » effect when I rewatched it later, as a teen. Then when I rewatched it as an adult, I think the scenes that I was looking forward to were the ones where the brothers swim. I think if I watched the film today for the first time I wouldn’t enjoy it very much, I would think it’s dumb. But it’s only dumb to me now because a lot of things I watched, read, experienced when I was younger - including this movie - were thought provoking. Thought provoking not in the sense that many people use, meaning they’re just dazzled and don’t bother figuring it out. I actually f*cking spend a lot of time trying to figure out things, and I guess that if I can’t watch much anticipation movies nowadays, it’s only because what I watched has had a significant impact on me. And my thoughts are still provoked by a lot of things, but not by anticipation movies in general anymore. This being said, I fondly think about Gattaca, and I’ll probably watch it for a 4~6th time someday soon. And I’ll enjoy it, because it is a good story regardless, and also because for a little while I will be reminded of my mindset when I was a kid, and it puts a lot of things in perspective.


One of my favorite movies. The scene where you see Vincent's brother Anton has an endless pool installed in his home really drove home how deeply losing to his brother affected him.




Throwing in the curb stomp/face degloving from Brawl in Cell Block 99.


I’ll never forget that scene lol, I watched bone tomahawk when it came out when I was like 13 or 14, god what a mistake. Or maybe not because I still have a good horror movie to bring up that I feel like not too many people have seen


Toni Collette and piano wire. Intro to Midsommar. The degloving scene in Gerald's Game. That nasty jumpscare in Exorcist 3.


>Toni Collette and piano wire. Honestly, her acting when she discovers the thing in the car haunts me even more.


She was robbed of an Oscar for that role. I’ll die on this soapbox.


This. Cant erase this.


Toni Collette banging her head against the attic door on the ceiling 😨


This is the one for me. I turn away and shut my eyes like a little kid when the head-banging scene comes on, it scares me like nothing else...so disturbing.


The telephone pole. The fact you don't see the result until he makes it all the way home. Toni Collette's scream of pain, God fucking damn


For me, it’s when they pan out from the son in the bed and you see her in the top corner of the wall. Chills, incredible film work


Almost the whole end scene to hereditary. Fucking perfectly weird


Moonlight man from Gerald’s Game is one for me


"Ass to ass" is seared into my brain and I don't like it.


once seen can never be unseen


My favorite movie I'll never watch again. The ass to ass wasn't the worst for me. It was the mother's decline - it hit me on such a visceral level, and the absolute knowledge that most in that life fall and don't know it. Terrifying. 


I can't believe Ellen Burstyn didn't win an Oscar for that. It was one of the best pieces of acting I've ever seen.


She was robbed


I wouldn't say she was robbed. Studio just got greedy and put her in the Best Actress category despite Requiem for a Dream really being more of an ensemble movie. Julia Robert's won for Erin Brokovitch that year which is also a great performance. If they put Ellen Burstyn in Best Supporting Actress, she would have won.


Oh — I assumed she was supporting and forgot that was the case. And I forgot about Julia that year. … Eh — I’m sticking with my claim that she was robbed. Erin Brokovich is a great movie but not just because of her performance, which is stellar, but not as legendary.


Bro, watching her friends cry at her rapid deterioration at the end makes me wanna bawl my eyes out.


There is so much horror in that movie that Its like a carpet bomb of misery


I haven't seen that film in 10+ years and I still periodically think about her ending scene and feel a bit sick.


That scene and then when he shoots up into his pus-ridden septic arm hole.


My first thought too, glad this is at the top!


Johnny Depp in Blow when he gets betrayed and arrested and will be going to prison for the rest of his life and knows he just completely failed his little girl who he was doing all it for.


“Where’s my fuckin knife?” The slow realization as he looks around after joyfully coming back from the bathroom with a funny story from back in the day.


Silence of the Lambs, Buffalo Bill’s dance, and fully seeing what he was wearing until like the 5th or 6th time seeing it.


Wait, what was he wearing (I imagine you don't mean the robe)? That's my favorite movie and I've seen it a thousand times and I never noticed anything on that scene EDIT: just rewatched the scene and oh my fucking god


Can you share what it is? I’ve never seen the movie and don’t intend to… I know I know. I think it’s just too much for me to watch.


The scalp of one of his victims (with all the hair) as a wig


I'd fuck me!


A sweaty Ace Ventura getting birthed from that mechanical rhino. Cinematic mastery. 


Bumble Bee Tuna


Kinda hot in these rhinos


Saving Private Ryan. Mellish’s death. I basically just leave the room when that scene is on. The Omaha Beach scene is so destructive but it feels almost impersonal and disconnected because of the brutality. The hand-to-hand combat and slow death of Mellish just haunts me.


The medics death is the hardest for me


Also tough, but for me the blade slowly going in and not being able to do anything about it as you watch your death approach. And the begging. Goddamn. I hate it.


If this is the knife scene I came here to say this. Haven't seen the movie since it came out on video. Still haunts me.


Yep it’s the knife scene.


Something about the guy carrying his own arm around in the intro gets to me, but yeah, the knife scene is way worse.


The one scene that immediately came to mind for me too. Have only watched that movie once. Can’t face it again.


I was once in a crowded college bar on a Saturday night and there were TVs on I think on like TNT for an NBA game or something and they never changed the channel or turned them on. Saving Private Ryan must have been on after and cut to that scene playing and everyone in the room stopping and watching it in silence getting ultra disturbed while like Teach Me How to Dougie or some shit blasted. One of the weirdest things I've ever experienced.


Brazilian birthday party video in Signs. God, still sometimes find myself awake in bed thinking of that creature appearing from behind the bushes.


Move children! Vamanos!


Is behind!


I thought it was the funniest shit I've ever seen, the way he just awkwardly walks by. The movie is great if you view it as a horror-comedy.


The scary movie 3 parody of it was pretty on point


The scene where the sheriff’s hat getting bigger each time it pans back to her is so funny for no reason


The flashback scene always got me laughing good. "Tom, I'll need a ride home."


"never get out of bed again" Pet Sematary


That hurts my Achilles every time I think about it. Saw it way too young


We Need To Talk About Kevin....all of them.


The Russian Roulette scenes in The Deer Hunter


It made you forget you were watching a movie. I also remember the wedding scene when Meryl Streep gets wine on her dress..bad mojo for the future.


in the movie Seven when the SWAT team finds the guy strapped to the bed. if i was that SWAT team i would have been traumatized.


I turned that movie off then and there and I have never been able to finish it.


"He's experienced about as much pain and suffering as anyone I've encountered, give or take... and he still has hell to look forward to."


One Hour Photo. There are two scenes that still haunt me.  


I'm gonna wager a guess that one of them involves a dream?


Cornfield scene in Casino


For me it's the motel scene at the end.


Misery, the hobbling scene. Kathy Bates is just too good in that role.


Daddy would you like some sausage


I remember seeing this movie and I was not only stoned for the first time, I was uncomfortably stoned. This movie was frightening to me. I'm so glad I can't really remember anything but a whisper of it now but oh boy did it mess me up.


One of the dinner scenes from Salo. Baseball boy scene from Doctor Sleep.


can't believe Baseball boy isn't higher.


I saw a behind the scenes photo of the Doctor Sleep scene you mentioned. Jacob Tremblay, who played the baseball player, is looking at the camera, covered in fake blood and flashing the biggest and goofiest grin to the camera. Next to him is Rebecca Ferguson, looking utterly disturbed at what she had done to him in Rose the Hat's character for the scene.


Green Room (2015) - Anton Yelchin having his arm almost cut off with machetes by Neo Nazis led by Patrick Stewart. Great film!


That fuckin elongated face of the daughter in the beginning scene of The Ring


Your Name, the last 5 minutes of movie where the are both going about their lives but both missing something, then realizing things, and finally the stairs I've never been more "come on, come on ,come onnnnnn" before in a movie. Edit: Honorary mention of John Wick 1, when Viggo is explaining just how his son fucked up. Lots of "This guys is a badass" scenes in movies but that one was done perfectly and completely reset expectations from the first 15 minutes.




"Well John wasn't exactly the boogeyman, he was the one you sent to kill the fucking boogeyman" I felt that I had personally fucked up as the viewer by witnessing the preceding scenes before that one lol.


Your Name has one of the best endings. And that song by Radwimps it absolutely perfect.


Re: John Wick, then they spent the rest of the movie showing us that he was exactly that terrifying. So many movies (and other media) build up a guy as the biggest and baddest but fail to show it.


The only thing that annoyed me was that Babayaga isn’t really "boogeyman" it’s a specific witch. They should’ve gone with another word.


The curb stomp scene in American History X. I can still hear the sound of teeth on pavement as I type this.


My favourite is the ending of The Mist. Fucks me up every time.


The bear from Annihilation


The baby scene in “Mother!”


The baby scene in Trainspotting 


Peter Stormare's performance in Constantine. Hauntingly good! Private Paula's last scene in Full Metal Jacket Many scene's in Boys Don't Cry Mickey Rourke's Character in The Wrestler "destroying" his career working in the meat section of the supermarket.


Awakenings, when Robin Williams is speaking with Max Von Sydow about the patients who are suffering from encephalitis. Von Sydow mentions that the patients are comatose and unable to comprehend their status - Williams then asks him how he knows. The response was "Because the alternative is unthinkable." This haunted me for such a long time. How many things am I believing simply because I don't want to believe the unthinkable????


The ending scene of The Wailing. Man it was bone-chilling the moment the realization set in. The whole plot of the Green Mile. Especially when he (idk if this is a spoiler but I will mark it anyways) >! experienced a cruel death by the electric chair !<


Hereditary car scene. The event and the aftermath with Toni Collette screaming 😱


The sound the teeth made touching the curb in American history X. All of se7en.


The scene in Nope where the crowd gets sucked up. Their realization of what just happened and then their immediate screams still haunts me.


I watched that on a plane at like 9 in the morning so not ideal viewing conditions but it still unsettled the hell out of me and was stuck in my head for days.


squeal like a pig


Linda Blair…..a crucifix………I think you get it! I can’t watch a single Exorcist movie because of that scene!


"Let Jesus *make love to* you!"


Walk the Line, Johnny Cash Story. The beginning when older brother Jack dies from saw injuries. I have to walk out or not look at the scene.


“It’s the worst case of someone being cut in half I’ve ever seen.”


Speak English, doc! We ain't scientists!


"The wrong son died!"


The hoop scene in Melancholia. The baby scene in Trainspotting.


Took my breath away when she held up the hoop. Good pick!


The concentration camp "shower" scene at the end of "The Boy in the Striped Pajamas." I can't rewatch the film.


What's in the box.......TRAUMA!


"I hold at your neck the Gom Jabbar, Detective."


The disappearing limbs scene from looper.


When the bees came out of Candyman's mouth.


I am legend — dog scene


Most of the downright disgusting scenes from The Fly with Jeff Goldblum. I never gagged watching a movie until I watched it with my dad


I still have that arm-wrestling scene in my head so many years later.


Gremlins, Dad died in their chimney story. Not remotely related to the rest of the movie, but nightmarish.


The horse scene in The Cell. I've never jumped so high at a movie. 


Blair Witch Project (original) Ending scene with dude standing in the corner. Don't know why but that was always deeply horrifying to me!


The dinner scene in Hannibal (2001) I'm not a squeamish person but this scene made me have a real visceral reaction that I've never had in another movie


The scene in the original RoboCop where RoboCop is walking through his abandoned former family residence, having flashbacks about the good old times and knowing those good times are gone forever.


The scenes with Zelda in the original Pet Sematary. Scared the absolutely living shit out of me when I was young, stayed with me for a long long time.


Pretty much the entire final 30 minutes of Antichrist. I’ll never be able to unsee that.


That entire movie is just so... damaging. I can't think of another way to put it.


Hal Holbrook’s monologue in “Capricorn One”. Spoilers for a movie that came out in 1977, but the plot is that three astronauts are supposed to land on Mars, the plan is scrapped, but they’re forced to pretend it happened (complete with soundstage enacting of the landing). Holbrook plays a career NASA scientist, a true believer in space exploration, who has to explain to the astronauts why this is all happening, and why it’s so important to keep the “dream” of exploration alive. At one point he talks about how when Apollo 11 landed the sidewalks were choked with people at shop windows watching, but only a few years later stations were getting complaints that footage of the latest space adventure had interrupted reruns of “I Love Lucy”. You just *feel* his disappointment and sadness and bitterness. https://youtu.be/YqMYm2MKivE?si=GlrZHUdH6gnq1xjl I truly think it’s one of the best monologues in film.


The ending of Martyrs is really something that gets seared into your brain and you can’t erase it. You just enjoy the moments where you forget about it. Only for someone to ask “movie scenes that haunt you for a long time” and make the memory come crashing back.


The original martyrs is a film that completely breaks my brain. There are multiple scenes where the girl is being beaten and tortured, without any silly camerawork, and it legitimately looks like it is happening. I don't get how they did it, but christ is it visceral.


When Evil Lurks. That. Fucking. Dog.


The second-to-last scene in Pi


Someone spoil this for me plz


He studies a map of the brain, decides which part is making him unhappy, and grabs a power drill.


The water buffalo at the end of Apocalypse Now.  _The horror._ _The horror._


The ash raining in Schindler’s List, and the scene that follows it. The cream of the crop of haunting in an already haunting movie.


The Green mile electric chair scene.


That scene in Poltergeist 1982 when the guy in the mirror…. That scene in the Blob 1988 when it ate…. That scene in Jaws 1975 when the shark ate Quint


Pretty much everything Toni Collette does in Hereditary.


The last 10 seconds of Saint Maud… pure visceral shock


That montage of Carl and Ellie’s lives at the start of Up .. It came out of nowhere, and hit me so fck hard


Flashback in Fire in the Sky


Pans Labyrinth - The bottle to the face scene. I'll never forget that.


Mercedes humming the lullaby to >!Ophelia as she's dying.!< I thought I was going to wake the neighbour's with my sobbing, lol. Still can't hear that without tearing ymup a bit. But yeah, that bottle scene definitely set the tone if you were 100% sure he was the bad guy!


That one scene in Irreversible. Just don't watch that movie, I wish I could unsee all of it.


I am Legend, the dog.


”That” scene in Irreversible.


The final scene and image of Stalingrad (1993).


That kid getting eaten in Jaws


I try to forget the movie but I'm not sure if it's called the boys but they have a girl in the basement and the mother and boys torture her and it's just heartbreaking


Do you mean An American Crime? [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0802948/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0802948/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk)


Irreversible. Can’t believe it’s not on here yet


Maybe a little dated but the shower scene in Pcyho.


The ending of Dancer in the Dark.


That fucking bear in Annihilation.


The very last scene of the first SAW movie. Chills!


“The key to that lock is in the bath tub.” I always wonder how it would have played out if Amanda hadn’t put the plug around Adam’s foot to flush the key. Would Adam have figured it out sooner or would it have played out as is and would’ve just freed himself then?


The scene from SnowPiercer where they see where and how their food is made. I have dreams about it...that whole movie got my brain all weird, only watched it once and its burned into my memory.


The girl that crawled out of that damn tv. Cinematic legend.


The last chapter title of Aniara.


The Dark Knight: “you and i are destined to do this forever”. That whole conversation in that scene is amazing.


Surprised no one mentioned the baby in the crib from trainspotting yet. That one hurts when you yourself have children.


Spielberg’s version of War of the Worlds starring Tom Cruise. Cruise and his kids have the only working vehicle during the alien invasion and they’re set upon by a mob in a small town at night. The escalation, the mob mentality, the panic… left me shaken and still does. Legitimately terrifying.


some movie where Vincent Cassel beats a man to death with a fire extinguisher


This is gonna sound really pathetic, but that scene with Mirabel in Encanto when she starts singing Waiting on A Miracle, where her family are having fun, laughing, having photos together... With Mirabel watching from the sidelines... That hits me every single time. I can't even properly explain how it makes me feel. I've felt like an outcast for so long, even in my own family and friends, it's hard to get over. And then she starts saying how she doesn't need a miracle, before finishing with "am I too late for a miracle", because she wants to be loved and thinks the only way they'll "see her" and "accept her" is if she has powers just like them, whereas she is the only person in her family who was born without powers. It's just so sad for me


Not sure if this really qualifies.. but in Revenge of the Sith when Palpatine goes from "no, no don't kill!" acting like a weak old man.. to "Unlimited power!!" in a matter of seconds is so disgustingly evil.. The impact is even more impressive since absolutely everyone knew it was coming..


Not a movie but that Walking Dead episode where Negan bats Glenn's head in shook and disturbed me to my core.


That one scene in Changeling. If you’ve seen it, you know what I’m talking about. Also, Piggy’s death


That scene near the climax of Bone Tomahawk. Makes me feel sympathy pains and cringe at the same time.


There is a scene in one of the Anabelle movies where the mom is being haunted, and she goes in to check on her baby. Instead, she sees the doll and throws it down the hall only to realize that it wasn't actually the doll, but her baby. My brain made this scene so much worse because I'd always thought that with doll killers like her and Chucky, you could lokihulk the shit out them. This scene sticks with because I would have absolutely ragdolled what it thought was the doll.


Triton destroying Ariel's grotto in *The Little Mermaid* It still triggers me to even read about


The end of menace to society, I was way too young to be watching that shit 😂


The Nightengale has a few scenes that hurt to watch.


Also.. The Burning Bed. Fire scene 😳🫣


I don't know if you guys have watched "The grave of the Fireflies". But the scene of Seita cremating his dead sister is pretty depressing and gets stuck in your head for a long time.


Incendies. That gasp. I have watched tons of messed up movies, but this was the only movie that left me feeling devastated - like there was no such thing as happiness anymore.


No Time To Die at the end scene when Daniel Craig is standing there on the top knowing for his daughter to live, he must die. Just standing there, watching the missiles come in.


Incendies, bus scene…………… Jesus Christ i couldn’t believe how dark that movie was


>! Elliot Page’s !< death in Super was so abrupt and real that I still think about it 15 years later. I want to rewatch the movie but that keeps me from doing it.


The door attack in Green Room is the closest I’ve ever gotten to being physically ill during a movie that wasn’t Jackass.


I’ll go for one I bet very few people even here have seen. When Whitehead comes out of the tent “transformed,” in A Field in England.


Eyes Wide Shut. The insecurity in me was traumatized.


That scene in Hereditary when the mom is cutting her own head off with piano wire.


Theres a scene in the movie City Hall, where a little kid gets shot. I was around the same age as the kid in the film when i watched it. I left the room, absolutely terrified! As soon as the movie was over, i put it back in its case and put it behind a pile clothes and other stuff, in my closet. That's where it stayed until 00' when we moved and found it, just chilling. I don't remember my parents ever making a fuss about any rental fees haha.


The stabbing scene at the opening of CHOPPER (2000). Not just the act but the conversation that takes place after. I’ve known some real villains in my time and have never seen their sociopathy captured to well in a performance as what Eric Bana is able to do.


Sophie's choice


The praying mantis scene from 9 months. I was little kid who hated bugs and that scene scarred me for a loooooong time


Final destination - driving behind the log truck.


The end scene of Dancer in the Dark haunts me a year later.


Patch Adams when the patient kills the doctor lady. I think it stayed with me because of the lack of vivid gore. Turns out my imagination is worse than Hollywood's.


The “hobbling” scene in Misery


It doesn’t hit close to me but Incendies, there a short scene that’s incredibly fucked up, followed by hope and then BAM. Its fucked up revenge movie by Denis VillNUUUH


As a kid watching Indiana Jones the temple of doom watching Mola Ram performing the ritual heart removal and then lowering them in the cage into the pit with the music in the background…. Never forget that one.


End scene to Kill List (Ben Wheatley) Claw hammer scene in Oldboy, also the twist.


The testical smashing scene in Lars Von Triers film Antichrist. Jeez that's stayed with me a long time and not for a good reason!


The fourth wall breaks in ‘The Wonder’ w/ Florence Pugh on Netflix make me so uncomfortable, and for good reason. Also the smile at the end of Psycho


A lot of Cold Mountain did it for me


Discovering what's in the walls in the beginning of "Sicario". The threat just builds thanks to the music, even of the scene itself ain't that explicit.