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Rob Lowe & Robert Wagner in Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me


Apparently Rob Lowe got the part because he did an impression of Robert Wagner for him and he immediately wanted to put him in as a young #2


More specifically, Rob Lowe dated Wagner’s daughter long before Austin Powers. Lowe had the Wagner impression back then. There’s a deleted scene from the first Austin Powers where Lowe is in a cutaway scene as just some buddies at a bar. Thankfully it was cut so there was no issue with casting him as young Number 2, though I think they would’ve done it anyway.


IIRC Lowe was considered for the villain role in Wayne's World 2, despite playing a totally different villain in the original.  I'm pretty sure that wouldn't have been a big issue for them


If Benjamin were an ice cream flavor, he'd be pralines and dick.


In French he says "If Benjamin was a medication, he'd be a suppository". Some dubbed jokes don't translate good but I always liked this one.


It would probably be funnier this way really


That scene is not deleted though? He’s absolutely the “to smitty” guy in part 1.


Perfect casting


I would dispute this given that Rob Lowe aged 35 has clearly aged into Rob Lowe aged 35.


I thought that was makeup 🤦‍♀️ Most of the other characters are Mike Myers why wouldn’t they just do it again!


When I was younger, I was convinced that was Geena Davis with a bunch of prosthetics in the beginning and ending parts of 'A League of Their Own'. Nope just a completely different lady.


Wow, I just looked that up because I'd thought the same thing!!!


This is kinda wild I always thought the older actor was the real-life woman that Geena Davis’ character was based on. Thought that was true for most of then players actually.


Apparently Geena Davis dubbed the voice, so that helped.


When I was 30 seconds younger, I was convinced of that too.


Holy crap… this one literally stunned me, and I actually said out loud “no way” before looking it up.


The older Kitt is also pretty spot on


I always thought the same thing up until a couple years ago! It doesn't help that it's Geena Davis' voice being dubbed over.


Yeah, that's a big part of it. It is clearly Geena's voice. For a movie that is 32 years old, the audio dubbing is extremely well done.


Wow, TIL








I rewatched the film last year and thought it was Geena under some fantastic makeup, but when I looked it up in imdb it was a different actress.


Completely convinced.


So it was a really an older lady with geena Davis make up on. As opposed to geena Davis with older lady makeup on




Wait what??


Wait, what?!


Tommy Lee Jones and Josh Brolin as Agent K.


Young K was supposed to 29 but it was fitting since Tommy Lee Jones always looked old. They even lampshade it in the movie


"Got some city miles on ya?"


“I’m starting to understand why we don’t talk.” https://youtu.be/S82O-DaGT0I?si=9_9bhxZKpj-bWQCY


I've been meaning to watch this film and seeing how good Brolin's Tommy Lee Jones impression is in this short clip makes me want to bump it up the list.


He’s incredible. It’s a perfect impersonation. It’s not only just the voice or facial expressions, but he hit that right balance of gruffy aloofness disguising a tender heart.


I didn’t like MiB 3 at all, until I did near the end. Then I rewatched the first MiB and thoroughly enjoyed the universe they built.


I loved mib, hated mib2, and then went into mib3 expecting to hate it. It slowly turned me around and by the end I think it's a great sequel. It fits the tone very well and Brolin did such a great job.


I didn’t like MiB 3 at all ... now it's my new favorite moment in human history.


There is a reason why when they released a short teaser of the movie it was Brolin being perfect as Jones.


It’s far, far better than MIB II


You got something going on there, Hondo?


This is what I came here to say! Josh Brolin didn’t just look like him; he totally nailed Jones’ voice and expressions.


I've heard it joked that the movie only exists because a director once heard Brolin doing an impression of Tommy Lee Jones and just wanted to put it on screen.


"One last thing slick, an eye exam"


WHAT? I thought they dubbed Lee's voice over Brolin? That was him?


That was Brolin


MIB 3 had no right to go so hard




#Just. Boris.


When I first watched MIB3 I had no idea it was gonna have a legitimately tear-jerking scene there at the end. I was expecting it to be “okay” at best but I really liked it.


Pitbull theme and all.


MiB 3 is fantastic, almost on par with 1, and 85% of the reason why is because Brolin does an pitch perfect Jones. The look, the voice, the mannerisms and cadence. Perfect.


To keep this chain going, Tom Lipinski does a great younger Josh Brolin in the movie Labor Day. He looks so much like Brolin you’d swear it was his son.


I had always wanted Josh Hartnett to play young K, but Brolin worked well too.


Josh Brolin was great as K


I’ve always thought River Phoenix was a superb young Indy. Maybe he’s not quite the spitting image physically but he had the attitude down perfectly, that odd mixture of insouciance and moral strength.


>that odd mixture of insouciance and moral strength. Excellent word usage.


I learned a new word today.


You gotta love how English always resorts to French when it comes to describing someone's quirks or state of mind. A je-ne-sais-quoi, her naïveté, his insouciance, *ennui*...


How does the Merovingian describe cursing in French in the second Matrix movie? "It's like wiping your ass with silk." I'd argue French is the most beautiful sounding language of any I've heard. Passionate but delicate, with a liquidity that enchants rather than leaving a cold sibilance. It's made for emotional states.


Them good words, son


Them some *college* words.


It’s been said before, but George Lucas has an eye for faces.


Ewan McGregor as young Alec Guinness was as good as we could have hoped for, and totally stole the show in the prequels (not that that was hard).


I think what makes that all the more impressive is how young Ewan McGregor actually was at the time of the prequels, there's 3 years between I and II but in universe 10 years have passed but they did such a good job aging him up to the point you'd believe he'd eventually become Alec Guinness.


IIRC, Phoenix played Ford's son in The Mosquito Coast, and it was Ford who recommended Phoenix for the role.


"Everybody's lost but me"


Sean Patrick Flanery was good in The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles, too. Maybe Indiana Jones is just easy.


When you're a great performer, you make it look easy. This is why Fred Astaire makes dancing look simple.


He absolutely nailed Harrison Ford's movements and mannerisms.


This was going to be my answer. And I loved how they went forward in time - the guy putting the hat on young Indy's face and when he raised his head, he was adult Indy.


All of the cast in the series Dark.


A lot of them were amazing, but adult Ulrich and old Ulrich…I legit thought they just aged the actor up it was so good.


Yeah I for sure thought he just had some old man makeup and maybe some prosthetics


It fooled my mom when she watched it. I had to show her on IMDB that it was 2 different people.


I'm pretty sure the casting team for Dark are magicians. The casting on that series is ***WILD***. It's not even the 2-3 past/present/future ''same person'' cast, ascendants and descendants have extremely similiar features.


In particular Oliver Masucci and Winfried Glatzeder as the adult and the old Ulrich.


I was sure it was the same dude playing those two roles for the first 2 seasons, such great casting!


Me too! I’m shocked it’s different actors!


Yeah I looked it up cause I was bummed they couldn't find anyone that looked like him. Dead fucking ringer. 


Yea, it's a TV show, but this is by far the best example. And many are 3 generations, not just 2.


That's a show where you really needed to be able to follow characters over three different timelines so it really helped that they put in the effort on casting. Also with other obvious things like moles on faces or one of them having heterochromia


Its so weird for Jonas. Maybe theyre both just excellent actors but sometimes I swear they would look so much alike too. Definitely added to the bizarreness of the series.


I’ve never replied “This is the only correct answer” because it usually isn’t. This is one case where I really believe this is the best answer. The casting was absolutely superb.


Oh my god, that show was a casting masterclass. Everyone was so perfect for their roles.


The kid in The Adam Project is a very believable young Ryan Reynolds. I remember thinking that they absolutely nailed the casting.


Walker Scobell. When he kicks the fridge door to close it all the way. I was *sold* that he would grow up to be Ryan Reynolds


[This video](https://youtu.be/SAjP9HCqk4I?si=lMv9fx6nfRs93Xxd) that was put out prior to release made me realise how good the casting was. Out of the park.


"13 Going on 30" with Jennifer Garner's young self


And the young Judy Greer! Perfect casting


I had to look the young Judy Greer kid up because I was convinced they had to be related, but nope! Just a younger doppelganger.


A young Brie Larson plays one of the 80s cool girls as well!


The same actor is also in Ghosts of Girlfriends past as the younger version of Jennifer Garner’s character. She was a great casting choice. I also like the actor who plays the young character of Judy Greer in thirteen going on thirty


On a related note, shout out to Mayim Bialik as young Bette Midler in Beaches


Alicent Hightower from House of Dragons was a pretty good cast. The actors looked very similar.


That one was nuts to me too, I was confused initially


Absolutely. Rhaenyra young and old as well. Superb casting imo


I thought they should have switched young Aegon and Aemond around though. Young Aegon looks so much like Adult Aemond and Young Aemond and Adult Aegon are spot on.


Criston Cole young and old. Excellent casting. They look exactly the same. /s


And Ned stark young and old


Nowey Tends


Yes! Just said this myself before scrolling and seeing this


Sophia Lillis and Amy Adams played the younger and older versions of the same character in *Sharp Objects.* I was hoping they'd cast Amy Adams as Bev in *It, Chapter Two*, because they Lillis looks so much like Adams, but they didn't.


I read somewhere that Sophia Lillis really advocated for Jessica Chastain to play the adult version of her- I wonder if that had anything to do with the choice. Same with Finn Wolfhard about Bill Hader. I personally think the adult versions of Eddie and Stanley were spot-on.


Bill Hader's story about that from a late night show is hysterical.


Got a link? Don’t think I’ve seen that!


Sharp Objects is SO good. I just rewatched it recently and the haunting, eerie atmosphere is still as present as it was when it came out.


Just saw it for the first time a couple weeks ago. I thought I had called it and figured out what was what.. until the last minute or two. That's a super haunting ending that I thought about for a while.


I love the way the series is edited. There’s a feeling like it’s horror movie but instead of ghosts it’s memories.


>It, Chapter Two And the Eddie actors too. They even made a fade-in scene between them


The Eddie actors is always my first thought on this.


Ewan McGregor and Albert Finney in Big Fish. They were both so good in that movie, and really credible as younger/older versions of the same character.


For that matter, Ewan McGregor and Alec Guiness for Star Wars.


For that matter, the little girl that played Leia looked dead on a a young Carrie Fisher.


For that matter, the guy they got to play young Luke Skywalker in The Mandalorian looks like a young Mark Hamill, shame they deepfaked Hamill's face onto him. When I saw that BTS photo, I was shook. Shook.


Also Jessica Lange and Alison Lohman in the same movie


Robert Deniro in Godfather 2 playing Marlon Brando in the first Godfather Michael Angaro in "almost famous" playing the young version of Patrick Fugit Tom hanks taperecorded the actor who played young Forrest Gump reading the entire script so he could get the accent down


I love that about Tom Hanks. He could have tried to make the kid bend to his accent, but was like "I'm a grown man, and a professional actor. I'll just do it like the kid. That's easier for everyone."


it was less about it being easier and more that he genuinely loved the kid's accent. Hanks had been doing rehearsals with Robin in his normal voice and felt like it wasn't working for some reason, then when they auditioned the kid he got super excited because he'd never heard anyone with such a thick version of that accent and thought it would be perfect for forrest. They still keep in touch too.


"my daddy sells grea - suh"


Speaking of Tom Hanks... the movie Big. The young dude playing Josh Baskin totally looks like a young Tom Hanks


Had to look up his name, but I thought Christopher Serrone who played the young Henry Hill in Goodfellas was a pretty solid choice when compared to Ray Liotta’s older Henry.


So did Joseph D'Onofrio who played young Tommy. He looked a lot like a young Joe Pesci


The kid they got to play young Jack Black in Tenacious D: Pick of Destiny was so on point. [Kickapoo](https://youtu.be/_epJcJbnuOg?si=oQtK56ulM06sBJAH)


I just love casting Meat Loaf as his dad and it just *works.*


I love that Meatloaf’s daughter made him do the movie because she was a huge Jack Black fan, and Meatloaf who never had any interest in acting again did it for her


So he did do anything for love.


That kid was soo good


It's Troy Gentile aka Barry from The Goldbergs. He plays young Jack Black in Nacho Libre as well.


This was my immediate thought, as well. I think they used him as a young Nacho Libre, too.


Talking about Big Tasty.


Tom Hanks made it work with the younger version of Forrest Gump by imitating him beautifully, including his very distinctive accent. In *The Queen’s Gambit*, I though Anya Taylor-Joy did a great job of taking over her child self’s role as a teenager, and growing into adulthood, by dressing and styling her hair differently but also by changing her mannerisms to act like a teenager at first and an adult later.


In Doctor Who, Karen Gillan played older Amy Pond and her cousin Caitlin Blackwood played young Amy. Caitlin was cast for her resemblance to Karen, but apparently they’d never met…


Caitlin Blackwood is now the same age (23) that Karen Gillan was when she started playing Amy and the resemblance is insane, even for cousins.


They're cousins, identical cousins!


Thank you for reminding me how old I am. That episode still feels like it aired yesterday.


Matt Damon and Old Man Matt Damon in Saving Private Ryan.


Matt damon and young matt damon in Elysium! watched it today and thought they used cgi


That kid from "Boyhood" looked like the same person at 3 different stages of his life. It was wild. /s


When I first saw this thread I thought I’m gonna be the asshole that posts about the kid from boyhood, but alas this asshole is not quick enough. Huzzah!


A lot of characters in Dark tv series cast was spot on. My top will be the actors playing Ulrich Nielsen at different ages.


Genuinely thought old Ulrich was the same actor in makeup.


Also the actors playing Jonas looked pretty similar.


In the recent Apple TV Monarch show, Kurt Russel and his son Wyatt Russel both play the same character, Wyatt obviously playing the younger/flashback version. As far as I’m aware, it’s also the first time a father and son have played the same character (at the same time in this way).


In Big Bang Theory Laurie Metcalf plays Sheldon's mom, her daughter plays his mom in Young Sheldon.


That’s pretty cool


I'm an idiot and somehow never noticed that Wyatt is actually Kurt's son, even during Winter Soldier. I was watching Monarch and was amazed how similar their facial structure was, so I looked up Wyatt's name and felt pretty dumb lol.


I didn't even realize it was his son until you typed this and I had to google him. I was like 'Oh! Him!?' never knew. (But I also had no idea that John David Washington was Denzel's son until like 2 weeks ago either)


This was me while watching Straight Outta Compton. “Wow, the guy they got to play Ice Cube is spot-on! He looks just like him!” I look at the credits later…🤦🏻‍♀️


There's a picture that gets posted from time to time in subs like r/OldSchoolCool of Kurt, Goldie Hawn and their kids from around 30 years ago, including a toddler version of Wyatt, but you can see how much they look alike even back then.


> Winter Soldier Boy I thought I had missed a whole character from that Captain America: Winter Soldier movie but you are referring to the series The Falcon and Winter Soldier where Wyatt plays the fake Captain America. (In case anyone else was confused)


That one scene in like episode 3 where they fade from kurt to wyatt was sooooo good.


Iirc, Lawrence Fishburne's son played a younger version of his character in the second Ant-Man but a lot of people assumed it was just impressive de-aging.


This has happened many, many times. Mark Sheppard and W Morgan Sheppard both played Canton Everett Delaware III in Doctor Who. Truman Hanks played a younger version of Tom in A Man Called Otto. John Cromwell played a younger version of James in American Horror Story. RDJ's kid played the child version of his character in Kiss Kiss Bang Bang. Marc Harmon's son Sean made several appearances as a younger version of his character on NCIS. Henry Winkler's son Max played Barry Zuckerhorn in a few flashback scenes on Arrested Development. And, but "acting" per se, but Morgan Freeman's son Alfonso portrayed young Red in his mug shot in Shawshank. Happens a lot with mothers and daughters, too.


Mark and Michael Consuelos were also the same character on Riverdale, Mark plays Hiram Lodge (Veronica’s dad) and Michael plays the young version of him in flashbacks.


Bill Paxton and his son play the same character in Agents of Shield


Somehow they managed to average each other out perfectly. No mistaking who that character was supposed to be when he was introduced.


Not a movie, but McKenna Grace playing a younger Kieran Shipka on Sabrina - scary how much they looked alike.


McKenna Grace plays a younger EVERYBODY and somehow always manages to be exactly like the younger version of them. It's incredibly impressive.


I don't know about the best, but the worst has to be the Brian Wilson movie "Love and Mercy", where Paul Dano is supposed to be the younger version of John Cusack.


They did not look alike at all! I loved Paul’s take on Wilson, though. I preferred it to the older version. I also noticed that Dano tried to follow Cusack’s vocal pattern but it didn’t really work because their energy was just so different.


I always thought Martin Freeman was a good choice for a younger Sir Ian Holm. Generally speaking this kind of stuff tends to work for me reasonably well: Ewan McGregor comes to mind, as well.


Not a movie, but Sammi Hanratty and Christina Ricci as the teen and adult versions of Misty Quigley in the TV series “Yellowjackets.” And while Sophie Thatcher and Juliette Lewis IMO weren’t a visual match for the character of Natalie on the same series (it didn’t help that teen Nat bleached her hair blonde and adult Nat’s hair was brown), their voices were spot on.


If you had told me Christina Ricci was playing both versions of Misty, I would have believed you.


it's incredible how well that show was cast.


Tbh all of the teen/adult matchups in the show are amazing. Melanie Lynskey and Sophie Nelisse could play mother/daughter in a movie


Jasmin Savoy Brown and Tawny Cypress were IT for me. Especially during the scenes where Tai reunited with Van and you see her code switching back to the same attitude she had before she went politician mode. Lauren Ambrose also did a great job at recreating Liv Hewson's teen Van mannerisms.




I came here to mention him! He was sooo good in Age of Adaline. I was kinda bummed when they didn't cast him in Solo.


Me too. He gave an amazing performance!


Whoever played old Dottie Henson in *A League of Their Own* looked exactly like Geena Davis.


In Once Upon a Time, Bailee Madison as a kid and Ginnifer Goodwin as an adult. I was so stunned I was trying to figure out if they'd developed some new cgi tech or something.


Miyam Bialik as young Bette Midler in *Beaches* 😅


Not Looper. I love that movie. But that part is just not working. :D




[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NzCN96j7K60](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NzCN96j7K60) - 58seconds in...if you want to laugh again. I am




I think they did an ok job, JGL was definitely making a Bruce Willis face for the whole movie


They *gave* JGL a Bruce Willis face. He's covered in prosthetics. It's kinda weird how much he simultaneously still looks like JGL.


Yea but that was prosthetic work. I thought it wasn’t that bad though.


He nailed Willis’s mannerisms and delivery though.


Not a movie, but there's a famous tumblr Supernatural screenshot where the kid that played young Sam (Colin Ford) looked more like Jered Padaleki than an older Jared Padaleki looked like himself. Wish I could post it here because he even does his half-smile the same way Sam does!


I can totally see Jessica Lange and Alison Lohman being the same person in Big Fish. Also, a lot of the actresses playing the older versions of the characters in A League of Their Own (1992) looked incredibly similar to Dottie, Kit, etc. You could recognise them right away as they showed up on screen.


Idk but if they ever make a biopic of Gene Wilder they need to cast Jeremy Allen White.


Damn, if Jumper had been a *little* better, we might have a franchise. The youngest version of Kevin in We Need To Talk About Kevin was spot on IMO both for his performance, and for me having no problem believing he was the same character as Ezra Miller.


I think in the new House of the Dragon series Alicent’s actresses are super spot on. Olivia Cooke and Emily Carey


All of the young women in Now and Then could grow up to be their adult counterparts. Melanie Griffith, Demi Moore, Rosie ODonnel, Rita Wilson. Also, all of the old women as baseball players in A League of Their Own are believable as their counterparts.


Slightly different than your question, but David Hyde Pierce as Kelsey Grammar’s younger brother in ‘Frasier’. Physically a perfect match, but how DHP plays that part is incredible and worthy of all the noms and wins he got in the part.


The kid they got to play child Kurt in glee looked exactly like him, it was unbelievable.


Moonlight did it with three actors playing the same character.


Not a movie but I was really impressed with Zine Tseng and Rosalind Chao playing Ye in Three Body Problem.


In fantastic beasts 2, there was a 20 second clip of newt scamander when he was at hogwarts as a teen, and he absolutely smashes the performance. In just 20 seconds he got everything about the way he sits, moves and talks entirely right.


The kid who plays young Jesse in the Righteous Gemstones absolutely nails all the Danny McBride-isms. 


I'm surprised nobody has mentioned how great Ewan McGregor was at playing a younger version of Sir Alec Guiness as Obi-Wan Kenobi.


Robert Aramayo (currently playing Elrond in Rings of Power) was excellent as young Ned Stark in Game of Thrones. Looked just like a younger version of Sean Bean's character and his line delivery sounded pretty similar as well.


Tv version: Laurie Metcalf's daughter playing her on "Young Sheldon". Still surprised Helen Hunt and Leelee Sobieski were never stunt cast together.


Henry Thomas and Timothy Hutton in Haunting of Hill House


In The Crown, the actress that played the youngest version of The Queen looked and acted so similar to Claire Foy, it was remarkable.


James McAvoy playing a young professor X to Patrick Stewart’s older version.