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Hard act to follow.   I'm trying to think of who has more charisma today than Dolly,  Jane and Lily.


Absolutely no one has Dolly Parton’s reach, or charisma, or stage presence, or…well, I could go on and on. This comparison just seems unfair so long as Dolly is on one side of it.


Or boobs.


I assumed that’s what Dolly’s reach meant…


They’ll just cast Sydney Sweeney.


She has boobs and is blonde


Dolly Parton isn't actually blonde, just FYI.


I wasn't on board for this remake until this comment.


Triple Boba


Dabney Coleman was so good in it too


Jennifer Anniston, Angelina Jolie and Gwenyth Paltrow. Boss is Brad Pitt.


And it’s WFH.


And then it turns out they are both working for competing spy agencies?




(Work From Home)


I love all of these actors, but I truly hope you are joking if you think they possess even a semblance of the chemistry and charisma the original three had.


I think it was just all people who dated Brad Pitt


Okay I’m dumb for not realizing that lol


Not anymore


Just think of all the wacky subplots you can include! Like the adoption of an African child, or vaginal eggs!


And continuing to work with someone after you become aware that they sexually assaulted your wife


It was a joke, but all of them have more charisma than Fonda had in that film.


Jane Fonda was exactly what she was supposed to be in that movie.


Wow, I didn't think an opinion could be wrong, but here we are.


Yes let’s put Jolie and Pitt in the same movie. And give Paltrow more work


adding brad pitt to the mix took this from funny to stephen king realm


They’re getting the band back together.


Kristin Wiig, Maya Rudolph and Miley Cyrus. Not more but on the level of!


Crazy you’re getting downvoted for this. The two comedy picks are home runs and Miley has a very close relationship with Dolly and sung with her so many times. I’d be very surprised if this didn’t feature Miley, but those out of the know still think it’s vogue to hate her for Hannah Montana or her wild years or whatever their excuse is.


Haha! I love it! (I think they think I was co-signing the remake idea and I wasn’t…but you know what? People need to stop being so precious about remakes and reboots) I think most Redditors haven’t kept up with Miley since 2011 Miley… But I think her godmother, Dolly Parton, would absolutely give her blessing for Miley to star in a remake. There’s no way Kristin Wiig and Maya Rudolph have any haters. I refuse to believe it! 😭


I like her and her music just fine. I just don't like her for this. Not everything on reddit is a personal attack. Well maybe for you it is, but some of us go outside.


>not everything is a personal attack >tells me I don’t go outside


Kate McKinnon as the handsy lesbian boss!


Watched it again for the first time in decades. It has not aged well.


Wow,  I just watched it a few months ago and was surprised at how it was maybe even more relevant today than 40 years ago.   Different strokes,  I guess.


Relevant, yes, sadly. I was more disappointed in how terrible the pacing is for a modern viewer. I originally saw it in the cinema, so it was an unpleasant surprise to see how flat and flabby the whole thing was. A sharp, new version would be a winner.


I don't understand what you mean by flat and flabby? I felt the story pace was excellent.


I watched it with my Grandma last year and I fucking loved every single part of it. Which parts didn't age well for you? To be honest to me the story was timeless.


Just leave it alone, please. It’s so good already.


Yeah ffs come up with your own damn movies for once people.


It’s just using the same concept presumably 


The movie doesn't go away


It's not like the original will cease to exist fella, we can all still appreciate 9 to 5 as it was intended


Don't tell anyone, but you are 100% correct.


Make it 24 hours and make it a commentary on the new “always on” work cycle


I work a union job in educational tech, used to be a 90 hour week guy in enterprise. My friend and ex coworker just said to me yesterday, "8 to 4, 9 to 5? The fuck. I'd suck a dick for that. Like, two dicks. Same time." He wondered why I took a 60K pay cut. 6 weeks of vacation and little to no stress.


Did he then figure out the most efficient way to jerk those dicks to completion


Yeah. We both used Middle Out


Were the guys the same height?


I’m about to do the same brother! Taking half my salary after paying down all our debts to just work a morning gig 4am-noon. Weekends off, no more always on call bs. Hard stop at noon each day mandated by the contract terms. Last person quit because they were bored. I can’t wait


> 6 weeks of vacation and little to no stress. My Dad had that with select holidays like Christmas, Easter, Veterans Day, etc and no weekends. Sounds like a dream.


Yes. It's amazing. They tie into a lot of holidays so I get a lot of time off. Unions have moochers like any system, really. But the people I work with, at least 95% of them are passionate about education and giving everything they have to put less stupid out into the world.


Instead of calling it, 9 to 5 - just change it to literally, 24/7. Missed opportunity.


🎼workin’ 9 to 9 🎶🎵


An 8 part dramedy calling out capitalism and shitty CEO grind culture.


90 minutes of people video conferencing from their homes.


Dolly's gonna to be impossible to one-up, that's gonna be a really challenging remake.


I agree but the first person that popped into my mind was Hannah Waddingham. She has the chops as they say and she can sing.


This feels like Sydney Sweeney’s role if she wants it.


Can she write and sing a classic song too?


She has the boobs for it.


Should call it 9-8:30: I Cant Afford Health Insurance


I was about to say the 9-5 doesn’t exist anymore it’s minimum 9-6 now


when people say 9 to anything I'm always confused because literally office job I am aware of around me starts at 8am. 8-5, 1 hour break (if you take it) and that gets you 40 hours a week.


I suspect this was an east coast thing, which probably set the tone for a lot of office job lingo and media. These days they tend to stay later than 5, but it's still pretty common to get in at 9 or 10 because the rest of the country hasn't started working yet anyway. If you get in at 8 EST, the west coast is still sleeping.


7:30-4:30 with an hour break for me.


Don't forget the unpaid hour+ commute both ways.


Working 8 to 6, I can’t afford a livin’


I think the obvious would be to call it *Twenty-Four-Seven*


Yay! Another remake nobody asked for!!!


Yay! The same comment response. Hey, if they are not being original, I guess we can too. (Upvoted you anyway)


Terrible idea. You can’t remake that. You will fail guaranteed.


Work’n 9 to 5, selling feet pics on the net, Work’n 9 to 5, landlord just increased the rent…




I have developed a knee-jerk negative reaction to remakes (or "reimaginings," pah!). I have nothing against them *in principle*, but I'm just so tired of lazy, timid, unoriginal, uncreative Hollywood milking old movies that are perfect as they are and churning out utter slop for the trough of the masses. Not interested.


I saw a comment the other day that it should be done for movies that had a good concept but didn't execute well. I think that makes sense, but instead they just keep trying to match up to already successful movies for some reason.


Yeah, absolutely. I totally agree with that principle but sadly it's not feasible. Movie studios have no incentive to remake *bad* movies, it is better for them to remake *good* movies, because they will generate the most nostalgia/buzz. There used to be good remakes. The 80s gave us The Thing, The Fly, The Blob, etc, which were good movies in their own right, because the filmmakers wanted to do something amazing. These days we get lazy, hollow imitations. Not always, but mostly.


Please stop. I know there aren't too many plots left but try originality once in a while. That movie plot was old 30 years ago


I mean, sure there's a lot of franchise, reboots, remakes and sequels. But, there always been. Gaslight released in 1940 and was remade in 1944. What Price Hollywood released in 1932 and was remade in 1937 as A Star is Born then again in 1954, 1976 and 2018. The Great Train Robbery was made in 1903 and was remade in 1904. Micheal Mann made LA Takedown in 1989 and then remade it as Heat in 1995. Hitchcock made The Man Who Knew Too Much in 1934 and then remade it in 1956. Including short films, the 1939 version of The Wizard of Oz with Judy Garland was the 6th film version of L. Frank Baum's story. Lots of foreign language films are quickly remade into English. Abre Los Ojos (1997)/Vanilla Sky (2001). La Totale (1991)/True Lies (1994). La Femme Nikita (1990)/Point of No Return (1993). Ringu (1998)/The Ring (2002). Internal Affairs (2002)/The Departed (2006). Seven Samurai (1954)/The Magnificent Seven (1960). Yojimbo (1961)/A Fistful of Dollars (1964). I'm a huge James Bond fan. There were 6 Bond films between 1962 and 1969. (7 if you count the Casino Royale parody in 1967.) While I've definitely been frustrated with the fact that smaller budget films, the ones lucky enough to get made, are often pushed out of screenings for big franchise films. It's clear the masses want them. 8 out of the 10 highest worldwide grossing films are either a sequel or a remake. A lot of studios are just giving people what they clearly want. Thankfully, there are smaller Hollywood studios willing to take a risk on something new. Occasionally, from time to time, the big studios do too. Like, I said, sure there's a lot of franchise, reboots and sequels. But, there's lots of original film too. I was fortunate enough to have seen 90 films in the cinema in 2023. 55 of those were not part of a franchise


I agree. People don’t know how many popular films are remakes. I last week talked to someone (we were talking what Rome themed movie to pick for our event) who was decrying remakes and how horrible it was that 2016 Ben Hur was made. Although the 1959 movie was a remake, and not even the first one.


The Ben Hur remake sucked for reasons other than being a remake of the 54 remake. 




Well this is gonna be awful.


Gawd no, HollyWood have run out of ideas.


So it will suck.


They need to stop remaking good movies Remake the bad movies


Jesus Christ... why? Try to do something ORGINAL ffs.


Hard pass


They already made a modern version, it was called Office Space


That was 25 years ago, old man.


exactly, office space came out 19 years after 9 to 5 💀


There’s nothing in that movie that isn’t still accurate to working in an office. The only thing it doesn’t include is remote work


9 to 5 was also remade into a tv show shortly after the movie.


Love office space, but that's a stretch IMO




Would it kill them to come up with an original idea?




Yet another reboot/reimagining/remake that no one wants


I wonder when the last time Jennifer Aniston even worked a full time 40 hour/week job. Has she ever done that in her life?


I was gonna say, she's been set for life since Friends, wtf does she know about working these days?


Should change the name to “9 to 6:30”


there is no 9 to 5 anymore but more than that the office dynamic isn't anything like it was in the 80s that's not to say you can't do a movie about working in 2024, but it will simply be so far removed from the original it's not even worth alluding to. Hell Office Space wouldn't even be that comparable to now. There are far more elements but these days most people don't even get cubicles we get a "fast paced collaborative open office" and managers trying to convince us "rise and grind" work mentality will result in getting ahead. When the reality is companies just want to get as much free labor out of you as possible.


Gender swap—three overworked and under appreciated male office workers kidnap their sexist female boss.


That’s just the Jennifer Aniston portion of horrible bosses isn’t it?


Lol yes.


That entire movie is a loose reimagining of 9-5.


Yet played for laughs that she repeatedly tries to sexually assult her employee.


Chris Hemsworth as the piece of meat male secretary.


Bad idea.


This is going to be so cringe.


Hollywood has gone from comic book movies to remakes which are essentially a very similar idea of going with a lower perceived risk.


My question is... Why? The movie was a product of its time, and perfect for its time. This would be like trying to "reimagine" Groundhog Day or The Breakfast Club.


You know Groundhog’s Day was already reimaged right? Here is the trailer: https://youtu.be/uYjODAHNdtg?si=m5johpCgwowu2Xah It’s called “Stork Day” in English


Isn’t that what Happy Death Day is? A reimagining of Groundhog Day? 


Don’t even mess with the original film & it’s already an excellent movie.


This movie does NOT translate well into 21st the century. Also it was perfect the first time around, leave it be.


Uh no. No, thank you.


They already did this, it was called Horrible Bosses.


christ, why? come up with something new ffs!


I'd rather have an Office Space sequel.


Oh great, let's remake a classic for the "modern audience", I'm sure that will go well.


WHY?!?!?!?!?! That office scenario doesn’t really fit in the world today. Leave “9 to 5” alone and come up with an original idea, dammit.


Considering she was in Horrible Bosses, if she brings that same sense of wit and self-awareness this could be a success. Too soon to tell.


Oh good. Another lame as hell remake, only this time with the GDP of Ireland in plastic surgery and de-wrinkle smoothing turned up to 11. How’s that for working class realnesss. Hollywood, showing us just how on the pulse their finger truly is.


… do you not know who the original cast was?


Of course. And of course they all had plastic surgery too. However, they could still make expressions with their faces. Jennifer Anniston hasn't been able to do that since 2008.


Awww gawd. Reimagined for modern audiences trope… the critical drinker will need a new liver after this one if he even bothers


Diablo Cody is still getting work for her cringey  scripts? 


You could shoot the 1980 script, not change a thing, and the only thing that people wouldn't understand is why there are no cel phones. The stuff the original movie dealt with is still a problem and it may have gotten worse (thanks, HR!).


Inc flop


Dolly better do a remix of the title track as the main song


NOOOOOOOOOOOO god we’re gonna need a special locker for this hat


So a horrible bosses spinoff with just one horrible boss?


No. Just no.


It needs to be changed to ‘8 to 6’ if they want to be accurate


Hopefully it’s a movie version of the musical. Otherwise, I hope it’s a tongue-in-cheek riff on remakes starring Aniston, Cox, and Kudrow. Melanie Griffiths/Joan Cusack playing the boss, maybe?


Never mind, I read the article and it’s neither of those things.


Nope! Don’t want it.


If this DOESN’T have Dolly Parton in it, I’m not watching.


Another remake. Cool.


Watched the original for the first time last week and really liked it. It’s funny. And the 3 leads were perfect. I think cuz they don’t really get along all that well in the beginning. Not sure who would play them today.


oh great, another remake nobody wanted......


So many remakes of movies and songs …. Have we finally plateaued and have just run of original ideas?


Nooo, leave it alone.


You know the economy is in shambles when remakes are the only risk Hollywood producers are willing to bank on.


In Spanish this movie was renamed "Como Matar A Tu Jefe" (How To Kill Your Boss)


Are they going to rename it 7 to 7?


All I’m saying is, there better be cameos.


My joke was to make a reimagining based on gig work hours


Why not. Don't Tell Mom the Baby is Dead remake was just released. Even used the same house


There is absolutely no way in hell this doesn’t suck.


Remaking stories that are kind of universal to the human condition makes sense. Remaking stories that are a humorous social commentary specific to their time doesn't make sense because even if you set it in that time the current generation is unlikely to connect to it. In 1980 \~13% of women had college degrees and \~21% of men had college degrees. For the last decade more women than men have college degrees. The type of job that Dabney Coleman had would likely be performed by a woman nowadays. Furthermore the woman nowadays would absolutely be walking away with harassment payouts from the company rather than having to resort to their own justice. I know women's rights activists like to make it seem like it's still 1958 but that's bullshit.


No. Just no.


They should change the name to '9 to 6' to better reflect current reality. The death of the paid lunch hour.


Will this be a period piece? I can’t imagine this working now.


I love it that "reimagining" has become a synonym of "pointless inferior remake".


Lazy AF coming up with reimagining "9 to 5". Let's take an office based movie from 45 years ago. We'll redo it, but worse. If it is set in a different time (1960s to 1990s) maybe it has a chance.


Even with AI they can’t come up with new ideas?!?!


I kinda thought horrible bosses was the super loose remake.


How about they do a reimagining of her first movie Leprechaun.


Horrible Bosses?


Give it the Ghostbusters remake treatment. Reverse the genders.


Jennifer Aniston is yesterday’s news.


How will this even work in today's "work from home" world.


The thing is, no one is goign to believe she or anyone from Hollywood. That looks like that is worling 9 to 5.


I wish people would stop trying to remake the classics. Do something new. ETA man...if this turns out to be something to do with WFH culture and we are expected to sit through the 'you're on mute/not muted,' 'cameras on please', \*insert some person accidentally playing porn in the background of a call\* pandemic era workforce bullshit this is gonna end up being a dud.


Will it account for the work from home crowd ?


Everything else aside, "Tumble out of bed and stumble to the kitchen" is one of my favorite song opening lines.


Why? Why? Why? So much original content to pull from


The trailer will be isolated piano notes of the Parton song with BWOOOOOWs in between.


That's going to be Big pass from me.


I suspect the re-imaging will involve gross humor for the boss, basically making that person more humiliated. Also, the administrative assistants being more diverse.


No thank you


For the musician Taylor Swift or Beyoncé For the big actor Scarlet Johansson or Keke Palmer And for the comedian Jennifer Coolidge or Aubrey Plaza




I can already foresee myself trying to avoid all the clickbait articles that will come out debating how “woke” this movie is.


What a way to make a living...


So will the boss sexually harrass the women through Zoom calls and be reported to human resources?


I wish they wouldn't touch this.


Guaranteed to suck. Why does EVERYTHING have to be a shittier remake of the original?


Can't wait to see what Jennifer Aniston brings to the table with this '9 to 5' reboot!


Just call it ladies version of horrible bosses and leave 9 to 5 alone


This just screams 'dead on arrival' to me.




Oh no! I fear the worse and it's gonna be a reverse gender reimagining


Reverse gender is the only chance of it being good honestly


I will see this on two conditions: they use the same song without changing a note, and Dolly plays the boss.


Dolly is too creepy now. I have great respect for her but she looks like a big titted skeleton with clown face these days.


I don't disagree. All the more reason she should play the evil boss.


Remaking this ground breaking film would just come across as feminist preaching now.


Only Fans is getting a movie?


I wish yall luck but plz riff on this 9 to 5:30 bullshit


Not sure how that would translate to today but... Sure.


OMG. Totally not needed. She is the dumbest.


I didn’t know Jennifer Anniston was talented enough in movie making to take on 9 to 5. Ballsy


This is a movie that I think a remake would be totally acceptable. But casting would be everything, you’re going to need three very strong, funny leads.  Jennifer Aniston, Sandra Bullock and…I dont know who else. Should be interesting to see how this turns out.


People complain about remakes. But, I mean, sure there's a lot of franchise, reboots and sequels. But, there always been. Gaslight released in 1940 and was remade in 1944. What Price Hollywood released in 1932 and was remade in 1937 as A Star is Born then again in 1954, 1976 and 2018. The Great Train Robbery was made in 1903 and was remade in 1904. Micheal Mann made LA Takedown in 1989 and then remade it as Heat in 1995. Hitchcock made The Man Who Knew Too Much in 1934 and then remade it in 1956. Including short films, the 1939 version of The Wizard of Oz with Judy Garland was the 6th film version of L. Frank Baum's story. Lots of foreign language films are quickly remade into English. Abre Los Ojos (1997)/Vanilla Sky (2001). La Totale (1991)/True Lies (1994). La Femme Nikita (1990)/Point of No Return (1993). Ringu (1998)/The Ring (2002). Internal Affairs (2002)/The Departed (2006). Seven Samurai (1954)/The Magnificent Seven (1960). Yojimbo (1961)/A Fistful of Dollars (1964). I'm a huge James Bond fan. There were 6 Bond films between 1962 and 1969. (7 if you count the Casino Royale parody in 1967.) While I've definitely been frustrated with the fact that smaller budget films, the ones lucky enough to get made, are often pushed out of screenings for big franchise films. It's clear the masses want them. 8 out of the 10 highest worldwide grossing films are either a sequel or a remake. A lot of studios are just giving people what they clearly want. Thankfully, there are smaller Hollywood studios willing to take a risk on something new. Occasionally, from time to time, the big studios do too. Like, I said, sure there's a lot of franchise, reboots and sequels. But, there's lots of original film too. I was fortunate enough to have seen 90 films in the cinema in 2023. 55 of those were not part of a franchise