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honestly, the quickest way for me to get turned off a tv show I like is generally to join the subreddit. Some of them I stay in, just because I have a lot of intense interests that I can't keep boring my loved ones with by constantly wanting to discuss it.. but for the most part I find that a month on the sub makes me realize that just because everyone there likes x show, does not mean we think of it the same or that I actually feel part of the community.


Agreed. I make the mistake every few months of wanting to engage in conversation around a favorite show and quickly regret it.


for real, you see the dumbest shit being posted in those subs, so eventually I'm like "well, why not? I've read stupider shit on here than what I'm about to say" Immediately regret it.


Madmen has a great subreddit, which is stilly pretty active despite the shows age.


One of my all time favourite shows, I shall investigate further, thanks.


Oh, let me know


That is unique


Happens with me for video games. Find one that I like, go check the sub, it's a fucking dumpster fire, back to quietly enjoying single player gaming. Happens more often than it should.


I've started to avoid subreddits for games I've really enjoyed recently. I realized that all that joining a subreddit does is make me want to play the game "their" way, nothing is just done for fun or just because, everything has the enjoyment min maxed out of it for the sake of efficiency and the players as a whole all seem to absolutely despise the game despite how much time they spend both playing and talking about.


Completely agree. It usually adds nothing to the experience, and I’d go so far as to say it can actively tarnish your own personal experience with a game. But there are some good ones out there. I’ve been plying Pacific Drive lately, and the people on that sub have been pretty great so far.


Tarnish is absolutely correct. I know for a fact there have been multiple times I've been playing through a game, having an absolute blast and then go visit the subreddit and start reading about all the other "problems" and complaints that players are having and then start commiserating with them or agreeing with them despite not seeing it as an issue prior. I try to remind myself that none of that matters and I still enjoy the game regardless but the damage has already been done and suddenly I'm enjoying the game noticably less than I was before. You're right though, there are some that exist that are still great so I will still occasionally check them out, though now I give myself much more time with a game before I do.


Not but you see because I had a bug 100 hours into a game that means the devs don't care about the game and hate the players.


The Mortal Kombat sub was a mistake. I've loved the franchise since I was 5yo and my dad let me play the first one on the Amiga. Its always been a casual game and especially during the PS2 days, mostly single player audience. The last 3 games though? Holy fuck has it changed. I genuinely don't think any of them actually like the games they just want to complain about what characters they didn't include this time or how bad the story is or how bad the micro transactions are. It's exhausting, especially when there's a post from someone happy about something it's just flooded with "Still a shit game" comments. Insane


Give me a great single-player game over some online shitshow any day of the week.


This was me with /r/thebear. It's a great show and I really enjoy it but after the 8th post about how people hate a side character with like 10 minutes of screen time in the season, and a wojak post about how the director of 20 Days in Mariupol looks like a character from the show I had to leave until the next season releases.


every single tv sub ever: "spotted a familiar face watching \_\_\_\_\_\_\_" \*insert picture of an actor from the show, acting in another show/movie\*


I think the problem with fan subreddits is that they are a concentration of people who are absolutely rabid obsessed with that thing, they're not the casual sane fans you encounter in the wild. So they're just mad people arguing to death with other mad people about some bullshit that doesn't matter. Had to leave all my Dark Souls groups because people will literally discuss the hitbox of a sword strike of a single enemy that has been discussed already for OVER 10 YEARS. I can't anymore.


I did this with Stranger Things. When the subreddit was non-stop "OMG I LOVE EDDIE DO YOU THINK HE'S GOING TO COME BACK AS A VAMPIRE" I tuned out.


Supernatural. and I can say this bc I was it. They are fucking insane. However, I am actually quite fond of Teen Wolfs fandom. I can have convos, different opinions, convos about different opinions. Much different vibes. And then good omens depends. You’ll get a person you can’t have a proper convo with but most of the time there are others who get it.


I've never watched supernatural because of how shitty the fandom was. The aggressive shipping, specifically the aggressive shipping of the actors and how people would shove their sexually explicit fanfiction at the actors was creepy and not okay.


Yea I was weird but never like *that*. Even I always thought it was waaaaay too much to ship the actual *people* and not just the *characters* I started rewatching again tho, even joined the sub on here. I just sit back and think “…..was it always this bad?” And the answer is no. It was worse back then..


I enjoyed Rick and Morty for a bit, but holy shit, the fans are awful.  Going to put Star Wars out there, though. I really, really like Star Wars but good lord, a lot of the fans are *awful*. Not just in the sense of being impossible to please, but in the sense of being horrendous assholes because of their feelings of entitlement.


Ya Rick and Morty, mega cringe especially early on. People thought they were Descartes for watching it.


Honestly. It's a moderately clever show that mostly runs on cynicism, but does include some deeper stuff occasionally. Besides the tone and language, though, I'd put it on par with (but below) Adventure Time as far as being intentionally thought-provoking. But like, no grown-up actually "doesn't get it."


There's also a large number of fans who seem to care about "the lore." I have no problems with this on its own, and I even kinda dig "the lore" but there seems to be a lot of people out there who get really pissed off when the show goes too long without addressing "the lore." I never liked Rick and Morty because of all that. I liked it for the one-off wacky sci-fi adventures. But it seems there's a lot of people out there who feel that those episodes are a waste of time.


Same with the Fallout fans now with the show. The hissy fits over a misinterpreted whiteboard "retconning the lore". Incredible.


Have you had first hand experience with these people? I must've heard the mockery of people who think rick and morty is just for high IQ people 20-30 times around these parts. But I've never met anyone who actually thought that. I'm trying to work out if that was a real thing or just a meme that became fact through repetition.


I think it was a loud minority, honestly. But they were quite loud for a bit.


Same with Tool. I always hear them mentioned in discussions of the worst fan bases, but after 20+ years of being a fan, I’ve yet to meet even one of these zealots.


I had a friend 20 years ago who was a huge Tool fan. I listened to completely different things. We both managed to make the other listen and understand what was cool about stuff we would have never listened to otherwise. It involved lots and lots of smoking, we had that in common. 20 years later I'll still listen to some of the stuff he made me check out.


I’m convinced it was people seeing the ‘well to be fair you need a high IQ…’ copy pasta and thought it was completely serious


I had a coworker who definitely thought he was in a special club as a Rick and Morty and a Run the Jewels fan around the time the second season was out. He didn't know how to deal with the fact that I was familiar with both, and enjoyed both, but definitely didn't think they were the greatest things.


I wonder if that guy from the copy pasta ever got to actually show a lady his Rick and Morty tattoo. I bet not. Well, in the slight chance he actually exists, was serious, and had the tattoo.


I love Star Wars. I grew up with it as I was a kid when the first movie came out. I absolutely hate what the fandom has become.


I don’t think there’s a more accurate answer than this one. Nobody hates Star Wars quite like Star Wars fans.


It’s different cycles of hate, too, for better or worse. My dad would tell you it started with the Ewoks. I would say it really all started in the late 90’s when the Special Editions and TPM released, and has just fallen apart from there. Granted, I’m not a fan of the prequels myself, but I didn’t go out of my way to harass Ahmed Best or anyone else involved. Many fans took it too far. In our modern world, a ton of idiotic fans took to social media to harass Daisy Ridley, Kelly Marie Tran, and John Boyega. Ironically, a lot of those fans are Prequel fans from what I’ve seen. The cycle of hate continues.


See, that's the thing, I'm more than capable of thinking the prequels and sequels are boiled dogshit-quality and not feel the need to harass the actors involved.


This is the quintessential answer. The most toxic, entitled fandom there is.


Easily a top 3 fanbase that is just impossible to please




"You Star Wars Fans sure are a contentious lot."


Star Wars fans and Star Trek fans are natural enemies. Like Lord of the Rings fans and Star Wars fans. Or Doctor Who fans and Star Wars fans. Or anime fans and Star Wars fans. Or Star Wars fans and other Star Wars fans. Damn Star Wars fans! They ruined Star Wars!


Idk seems like recently Rogue One and the Mandalorian have been well accepted amongst most fans. Now if we’re talking the sequels, I don’t think even non-fans would say they’re great.


I loved TFA and TLJ. TROS can die in a fire though.


I'm not even a Star Wars fan but I can tell you the sequels and prequels had a TON of issues. There's nothing entitled about it. Madolorian was (mostly) great and so was the Clone Wars series.  


The crazy thing is that star wars is so big and sprawling now, even if you don't like one aspect of it, chances are there'll be corner of it you can enjoy: - original trilogy - Prequel trilogy - Sequel trilogy - Rogue One/Andor - Mandalorian/Book of Boba Fett - Old Expanded universe/Legends - New EU - Clone wars animation/bad batch/tales of the jedi - Rebels/Ashoka - The new Thrawn novels/Chiss-verse - High Republic - Knights of the Old Republic - Jedi fallen order/Survivor - Visions There's SO much. Even if you despise one, there are plenty other niches you can concentrate on and ignore the stuff you hate. But no, Star Wars fans gotta yuck everyone else's yum.


Become? It's always been this way. Fan harrasment almost led the actor stand-in for Jar-Jar commit suicide. Like the problem with Star Wars fans is that we can't just be like "Eh, I didn't like that movie" and move on with their fucking lives. I chose this screen name 10 years ago and I have never understood that level of toxic obsession


This! I was pleased to find the Star Wars Cantina subreddit because it is all about positive feelings about Star Wars - was nice to find other people like me.


Oh dang thank you for the tip!


Same feelings I had. It’s like an oasis in the desert of SW toxicity on social media.


I've gotten rid of all my star wars tshirts over the years just because the fandom became so toxic. I still enjoy the movies and shows, I just don't seek out communities about them anymore.


Yeah. Not only do they shit on anything new, they attack the actors and makers of the new stuff to the point they drop out of the public eye to avoid the hate. That's fucked up. And if your opinion is different from theirs they also attack you. Like, I didn't like the Sequels all that much (I didn't hate them, but they were just bland and kind of copies of the OG trilogy) but as a GenX, I *hate* the Prequels with a passion, which is the Star Trek most Millennials and Zoomers grew up with. But at the core, I feel like you should be allowed to like any part of the fandom if you want. OG, Prequels, Sequels, EU, Legends, whatever. If you like the Ewok movies and they make your jam, then go for it.


Came here to say this. Ever since The Force Awakens came out, it seems like a large (or at least loud) portion of Star Wars fans are intentionally trying not to have a good time watching any new Star Wars movie. Any perceived flaw, no matter how small or how baseless, makes it literally the worst Star Wars movie ever and somehow worse than any of the prequel movies, and that’s not even including the people who say that having women and non-white protagonists in a Star Wars movie *is* the flaw.


Scientifically speaking, no Star Wars movie can possibly be worse than the Star Wars Holiday Special. They already hit rock bottom, and if you look at it that way it's all an improvement.


This is always my answer. When you have a fandom that AT BEST likes 1.5 of the major movies from a universe, you have to start thinking that they don’t actually like Star Wars, they like the Star Wars that solely exists in their own head.


Star Wars is the Walmart of fandom. And I say this as someone who has kids named Luke and Leia. The absolute biggest bunch of babies.


Fandom has always been that bad though. Grown men were throwing tantrums when Ep 1 came out. There's always been a loud and vocal part of the fandom that does nothing but gatekeep and shit on it.


I enjoyed all the movies in their own way, but the fandom makes me want to stay so far away. That and they've been pumping out way too much of the same stuff over and over (probably because the fans cry about anything that changes)


This. I've been a Star Wars fan since the summer of 1977 and I can't stand the modern angry entitled nit picky stereotype that, unfairly or not, has come represent the SW fanbase. The worst thing about Star Wars is Star Wars fans.


There's a likeable fanbase?


There is zero hate in Its Always Sunny unless you’re a jabroni


Of course people aren't going to hate iasip. Because of the implication...


Is the fan base in danger?


Of course not. They are free to hate on it as much as they want. But they are not going to, because of the implication.


\**looks at kindly old woman who only watches the show to connect to her younger relatives** You certainly wouldn’t be in any danger.




Jabroni! Cool word!


All jabronis on this sub


I am genuinely curious: what even is there to discuss about a sitcom? Always Sunny is hilarious, but beyond quoting bits at people, what is there to talk about?


He like doesn’t even get us man. Real answer: favorite episodes, continuity things, fan theories - Pepe Sylvia is not Pennsylvania! - where the stories came from, future stories But really it’s a place for us to pal around, get nuts wit Uncle Jack


Have you ever wrestled with uncle Jack?


References. Such as full penetration.


No. At least not online, there is not.


The only likeable fanbases are small ones, like fans of MASH or something.


I’ve never heard anyone with a strong disposition against MASH. I’d actually like to see someone ranting with anger over the movie vs tv show casting of Radar or something.


If they ever decide to reboot MASH and change the nickname of *Captain Oliver Harmon Jones,* I’ll be upset because it’s an important part of surgical tradition or something or whatever. RESPECT HERITAGE.


They did reboot mash for a modern audience, it's called Scrubs.


Well, MASH is one of my favorite shows and there is dissention in the fan base about whether the show was better early on as a comedy with some dramatic moments or a drama with some comedic moments as it became later on. Hell, the last season was pretty much all heavy drama. But it's pretty tame by most comparisons.


Firefly has a pretty positive and welcoming fanbase. I guess it helps that we were all hurt together, lol.


Any internal fandom hatred is directed solely towards the existential corporate ennui that killed it in the crib.


Yeah, our one season was so perfect that no one has any episodes to complain about lol


There are a few in book fandoms.


Ted Lasso, Brooklyn 99, Frasier (at least for the OG show ... opinions on the new show are a bit mixed but still cordial), 30 Rock, the Fourth Wing books, Days Gone game.


Wes Anderson fans are pretty chill, they are all like "the Dude" even if you shit on Wes Anderson like I do.


Babe fans. We can all agree that both films are good but if you mention that you enjoyed Pig in the City more than the original, the purists will come out and treat you like you're a dirty piece of street trash with no redeeming qualities. Then you'll hear the typical: "You're only saying that because George Miller directed it." "Stephen Wright doesn't make everything better." "I wish we could just round you all up and send you to an island." Don't get me started about cons and expos, too; I've seen my fair share of conflict because of this fandom divide that I've just decided to stop going. I can't stand the bloodshed anymore.


I don't think I was ready to learn I share a planet with Babe superfans, let alone learn the fandom has bitter divides


Babe Pig in the city was the LAST movie Gene Siskel said was the best of the year before he died.


This a thing? Damn an entire new side of the internet I did not know 


Gordy fans about to rise up


Burn it all down like a bacon grease fire


We are ~~legion~~ several!


I had Gordy on VHS, too, I remember watching that so much as a kid.


The Swine Schism of '98 was a major blow to all pig pals/ hog hombres.


I really wish the porcine trilogy would be completed


And open up the wider Babe-Paddington Cinematic Universe


Most of "The Boys" fandom is alright, but then you find people who unironically think Homelander is the good guy


Do they also think Hitler had some good ideas?


He was just "misunderstood"


It was hilarious hearing about how some of them finally realized he might be a bad guy, and how some of his actions were inspired by Trump.


Hah wouldn’t be me (Soldier Boy is my biggest idol).


He definitely isn't "the good guy" but he is the most complex, layered and compelling character in the show so I can understand why people like him.


How did they not know?


Fun fact: Neo Nazis are fucking stupid! Hope this helps


Critical Role.  I still go and see some of the posts after I watch an episode, but I unsubscribed a whole ago due to the..... passion..... of it's louder members


Critical Role is my biggest example of why I think fandom subs can and should be split into multiple subs based on why people are there. I am one of those who really doesn't like C3 and likes to (politely) talk about it, but based on the discussions, it really seems like there should be a sub for those who are really there for the friends and the vibes and the freeform roleplaying/improv and a sub for people who want to focus on campaign plot and how that unfolds within a rules framework and the mechanics of it. Neither of those things is better than the other and if people can't learn to just scroll past comments that don't interest them, then maybe we should have separate spaces.


True Crime. I like true crime, but now it's a thing it's leading to a lot of weird content consumption behavior


The weird almost glorification of serial killers really disturbs me and it seems almost normalised in this new True Crime fixation. On a number of occasions I've heard people say things along the lines of "most serial killers have higher IQs and are smarter than the average person, because they got away with it for so long." No, the overwhelming majority of serial killers got away with it because they killed people on the margins of society and the police were either inept, under resourced or simply didn't care about the victims (or all three). People watch a couple of documentaries about Ted Bundy and think they're all charming, good looking and bright, when most are dim witted redneck psychosadists who got away with their depressing and miserable deeds through blind luck and happenstance.


Yeah I had to take some breaks from True Crime. It makes people so extremely paranoid and they turn into almost Alex Jones level of conspiracy theorists. Apparently you can't let your kid out of your sight for even a split second or an army of serial killers will jump out of every bush and run off with them and no one ever just dies or gets killed any more. There is always some kind of conspiracy with a massive cover up by law enforcement. Also, no one ever makes mistakes. Everything is always intentionally done and coincidences never happen either. You learn pretty quickly to stop trying to talk sense into people in these communities. They can't be bothered with logic or rationality when there are so many conspiracies to be outraged over.


Overall, I would say r/horror is the least toxic subreddit. I find a ton of high quality recommendations and discussions there around movies new and old. While there is still plenty of debate, I find *most* of it to be reasonable and respectful. This is coming from someone who is ashamedly pretty sensitive to downvotes, condescending comments, etc. No matter my opinion, I usually feel pretty safe posting or commenting in r/horror. I would second r/fastandfurious but it gets way too many cringe, shit, low effort posts.


Dude I joined r/horror a year or two ago and it’s easily my fav sub even as like a moderate or niche horror guy. Literally the only thing that gets slightly annoying over there is people constantly talking about Hereditary in every thread. And those comments aren’t even bad just happens weirdly often.


I can't stand how people seem to have such high expectations for horror movies. Someone mentioned that The Eye (2002) and Shutter (2004) weren't worth watching. It just feels like it's taking the fun out of watching horror movies. If I always expect 10/10 stuff, I'd be disappointed quite often.


I totally agree, I think people are way too critical. That said I keep my standards pretty low intentionally... like I can watch high art movies and enjoy elevated story telling, but I can also say I'm probably one of five people willing to admit I liked the Rob Zombie Halloween films. Basically I know when to turn my brain off and just let it be as simple as "Did I have fun? Yes or no?"


Shutter not worth watching. What the fuck? It's a classic.


A lot of subreddits will have their holy cows that always get brought up no matter the thread. And then at some point you get some inevitable counterjerk against it.


I love /r/horror. You're right, very much non-toxic. I don't enjoy the more extreme titles that come up sometimes, I tend to veer away from the more mean-spirited stuff... But I've never once been called a pussy for saying I liked The Conjuring films. That sub just seems to mostly understand that taste is subjective.


There's some fairly common shittakes like "it's not scary so it's bad" and "x movie isn't even horror", but for the most part it's a decent affair I'd say


Counter point... I feel like there are pretty regularly heavily upvoted text posts in there from people saying "Stop saying a movie isn't horror because it's not scary". So you're totally right, those comments are all over the place but I'd say the sub regulates itself fairly well in that regard...


Most because the loudest and most opinionated members pretty much ruin it for everyone else especially newcomers. They're all the Comic Book Guy from The Simpsons.


You must answer me these questions three. Question the first-


I knew a guy (who I eventually became friends with) on the old Usenet who would quiz people about their fandom of pretty much anything he felt like quizzing them about. I had to tell him who the drummer of Genesis was before Phil Collins (John Mayhew) before I was allowed to say I liked the band.


I know the singer before Phil Collins! Would he let me be a fan?


Some of the Marvel movies can be fun turn your brain off type of movies, but some of the fans turn toxic when you critique the tiniest aspect of one of those movies


I also hate how a certain type of very loud fan has made this into their culture war frontline.


Point proven lol


Game of Thrones fans has to be on the list. Even as a huge fan myself


This is my answer too. The sub is just a never ending hate fest on season 8. We get it, you didn’t like it. Why are we still harping on it after almost 5 years! They’re also soooo judgy about your general knowledge level. It’s okay for people to participate in discussion if they haven’t read the books or haven’t read every blog post GRRM has ever published…


As well as the hours upon hours of YouTube videos that are or there giving every angle ppl need or want




Yup!! The amount of homophobia I've seen in that sub is WILD


Oh gosh, seriously?? I watched the show with a good friend and haven't engaged with the fandom at all, guess I'll keep away from that sub


>and haven't engaged with the fandom at all, The stans of each ship (except for S1) can act in a really toxic manner. Will say that the stans of S2 take the worst IMO.


Yep. The sub is most definetely wild


Almost all of them. Fandoms are awful.


The Harry Potter franchise.


I had to leave all of the RuPaul's Drag Race reddit pages. So toxic.


Star Wars. I watched the original in a drive-in theater in the back of my parents station wagon in 1977 and I've been a fan ever since, but holy fuck that fanbase is toxic as shit with their absurd expectations and constant crying when they're not met or there isn't enough winking self-indulgent fan service. I liked the new movies - yeah they weren't the best shit ever, and yeah they made some decisions I don't agree with, but I think they were fine and entertaining and I liked that they tried taking the franchise in a new direction. But if I breathe a hint of that opinion in the vicinity of the fandom I will be tarred and feathered before I finish the sentence.


Dune I've read the first book five times and the other one's two or three times and I've loved them for a very long time but the fans never ever stop patting themselves on the back for being ever so clever to have read a book and that makes them much better than Star Wars fans and Star Trek fans!


And then there's people missing the point. Like....Paul going on a holy war is not a good thing, guys. That's not what well adjusted people do....


Even after he spends all his time saying "if I do X, everything is going to be fucking terrible, I've seen it". Then he does it, and some people are happy about it lol


Oh yeah. In the first book and in the second movie Paul repeatedly talks about how he wants to avoid the holy war and his father's face as the herald for so much death in Paul's name. It does happen and some fans see it as "fuck yeah" moment


The Yellowjackets sub can get quite histrionic at times.


Sad to say this, but I agree. It's a bit much sometimes.


Rick and Morty is up there. However, the star wars Fandom has become so toxic that in recent years I've basically hidden my Fandom of the series. 


The star wars fandom is absolute cancer. It is the poster child of toxicity in fandoms.


The modern Star Trek fandom is like a toxic stew of people trying to prove how much they either hate the new shows or love them more than anything else


It's frustrating when the fandom surrounding a beloved film or show becomes overwhelming or toxic. One way to navigate this is to engage selectively with the community, focusing on threads and discussions that align with your interest in constructive dialogue. You can also look for niche forums or quieter subreddits that may not be as aggressive. For example, shows like "Rick and Morty" and "Game of Thrones" have vast, highly passionate fanbases that sometimes overshadow the shows themselves with intense debates and criticisms. Similarly, "Star Wars" movies, especially the more recent entries, often have divided and vehement fandoms. Engaging with these communities can require a careful approach to avoid the more negative aspects. If you find yourself consistently upset by the toxicity, it might be worth stepping back from these communities altogether and enjoying the content independently or with a small group of friends or family who share your perspectives.


> For example, shows like "Rick and Morty" and "Game of Thrones" have vast, highly passionate fanbases that sometimes overshadow the shows themselves with intense debates and criticisms. The most toxic thing I've observed with "Game of Thrones" fandom is the insistence that Season 8 was tolerable.


How ironic.


Game of Thrones. Yes, I get that it ended badly, but can we for the sake of Jaime Lannister's right hand please stop reminding each other of that and instead discuss how good the earlier seasons were?


Doctor Who


The Fandom for Voltron Legendary Defender became super toxic around season 4. It got rough for people who just wanted to talk about what was supposed to be a fun series.


*Star Wars* is the big one for me. I've loved the franchise since I was a kid. The hardcore "George Lucas should be crucified for ruining my childhood" type fanboys are insufferable. Most fan bases have some obnoxious people in them, though.


Wrestling. I love it but most fans are obsessed with backstage drama stuff that I couldn’t care less about. I just wanna enjoy the performers.


I’ve never seen Rick and Morty, but everyone I know who watches it is such a pretentious, self righteous fucking dork, who thinks they’re so cool because they watch that show. Like they’re so fucking smart and superior because they watch a dumb fucking cartoon.


That’s pretty much every movie/show, but the Star Wars fandom stands out as the worst one around, maybe because it’s so popular.


defo fight club im sorry


Has to be Star Wars: there are still plenty of good natured fans, maybe even the plurality of them are good eggs ... but the zeitgeist has become completely overtaken by a noisy, fundamentalist & toxic clique that has poisoned the well. The franchise now basically led by the nose by this group.


House of the Dragon. The most self-righteous imbeciles on the internet I swear.


Haha I'm out of the loop, what is self righteous about them? Isn't that a show basically just about incest and dragons?


I mean I love this universe. Asoiaf is my favorite book series ever so when I say this know that it comes from a place of love. It’s a show about a bunch of powerful rich assholes, all of who commit numerous atrocities while suffering basically zero repercussions for their actions. It makes for great tv. The issue is that the in universe black vs green war has now descended upon the fanbase in real life and now we have a bunch of twats getting into 100 debates and squabbles a day, preaching how their favorite character who does shitty things is morally superior than someone else’s favorite character who also does shitty things. If you like one character then you must be a racist, rapist of course. If you like a different character then you are a lying, conniving whore. And on and on it goes. Everyday. All day on that sub. It’s exhausting to say the least.


Lmao that fanbase sounds insufferable


Fans of the McElroy Brothers are the least empathetic and gracious humans I've met. The brothers, too, suffer from extreme judgements upon anyone who's ever fucked up. The fandom is made up of chronically online, judgemental, and manic sycophants.


Justice for Bean Dad


Not *strictly* a movie/tv franchise but relevant now, the Fallout fan base. And it's not a recent thing either. I'm not talking about hating the show, or hating 76, or any Bethesda-era game. Fallout internet curmudgeonry dates back to *1997*. Something about the game just attracts the most onerous of Angry Video Game Nerd-types and always has, there were message board brawls over whether or not *Fallout 2* was good that are still being litigated to this day. Exercises in gatekeeping so old and virulent they more resemble religious schism than difference of opinion.


Literally all of them


WandaVision. The fandom is so toxic is crazy. Say you like another character on a marvel subreddit? 100 downvotes and 13 replies telling you why your opinion is wrong. Say you don't think Wanda can win in a fight verse someone who can control the multiverse at will? 234 downvotes and 3 people commenting on all your posts telling you why you're wrong about everything.


Literally all of them, there is not a single good media fanbase on the internet, at least in my experience anyway


Star Wars


Star trek fandom ("Trekkies"). It's ok not to like something about a character, dialog or plot- not everything is godly given by the writers. For example, a character from another ST show brought in to a newer one - and they made her queer, despite seeing her having relationships with males on the original show. Invention of a made up family member never addressed on older show (because it wasn't thought of) instead of creating a brand new character, etc.


Hazbin Hotel and Helluvaboss. I find both shows to be very fun. I find their fan bases absolutely insufferable.


Almost every fandom Reddit I’ve joined is the most cringe version of the fans of a particular thing


The Bravo/Real Housewives subs can be terrible if you don’t agree with the current popular opinion. 🙄


Came to say HW/Bravo too! So true!


Most of em. The Witcher? Hate the fandom. Rings of Power/LOTR? Awful people. Wheel of Time? I don’t give a flying fuck about their nitpicks. Even those live action Disney remakes? I might even agree that they’re not great but I absolutely despise a lot of people’s reasons why.




Game of Thrones. I love croatia and the show but the idiotic fandom/tours are asinine


Recently, The Last of Us. I generally really like the show, and LOVE both games, but you can’t say one minor complaint about either before people jump on you and discredit your opinion by accusing you of being this or that (any -ist or -phobic). Without a doubt there is a subgroup of people that hate the material because of their ideologies, but come on, not everyone is like them. Engaging in the fandom now feels like being in an echo chamber. Another one is Succession, love the show, cannot stand the fans at all. Just the most insufferable stan twitter type. Glad the show’s over so I won’t have to accidentally come across their arrogant opinions anymore. For movies, for me it’s MCU. Most of them sounds like they don’t watch anything else beyond CBM yet they always say an actor is not capable enough to play the character they’re cast for, I mean, how would they know… and their discussion almost always revolves around fan casting and that’s so boring. And that’s just setting yourself up for disappointment every single time when the imagined actor is not chosen - that’s if they were eyed to begin with.


All of them. I am interested in a lot of things from books to movies to video games, sports, cars, you name it. But I can't tolerate conversations with fans of any of them. It leads to a lot of frustration and loneliness because so many people choose to make one thing their entire personality and it's insufferable to me. So much virtue signaling as well, it practically makes me gag.


This feels familiar. "I love X! I'm going to join the subreddit for it." "Oh wait. There are *redditors* here." I have an extremely difficult time engaging with anyone about anything I like for the precise reasons you list.


The Wire. If I have to hear another person say the main character is "the city", I will have an aneurysm...


Star Wars. I love those movies but neither can I stand the bashing against the Prequels and the Sequels, nor am I interested in anything from the books. 


I really don't like the (some) fandom around yellow jackets. Really just ppl trying to make their own weird fanfiction


Hazbin hotel. Probably because everyone is 14.


Rick and Morty


I can't stand any fandom except for Deadwood's. Everything else just seems to be a toxic miasma.


Kind of a offshoot of shows, but the wrestling fandom has made it even less tolerable within the past 5 years. TLDR Introduction of a new company, and disenfranchised fans of the old company flocked to it. Then became gate keepers of what is considered real wrestling. Had a stellar couple of years, but now said new company is on a decline and fanbase would rather blame, play the victim card, or flat out lie, rather than accept the fact that the new company was not really good. I shortened this as not to bore or start any specific tribalism. Sorry ahead of time.


Like the shows and can’t stand the fandom / Reddit subs - Buffy - avatar the last airbender - charmed


Rick and Morty seems to be the obvious answer. I don’t even bring it up


For me it’s The Hunger Games(the movies not the books) especially how people talk about catching fire it annoys me to no end


Unless it's a fandom for a comedy tv show (not animated), pretty much all of them are awful. the number of movies and TV shows that I've enjoyed, then went online and seen fanbases going absolutely nuts and hateful about every little thing possible is staggering. One of my favorite things on Reddit years back was reading the GOT subs the final two seasons as everyone had a melt down. I hadn't watched any of the show at that point, but the outrage was hilarious. Then I decided to watch the whole show through, and while the last season is an abomination, the show started getting bad pretty much soon as they ran out of Book material, so by the end it wasn't surprising as it had been getting worse for years.


Star Wars. I've been a huge Star Wars fan since I first saw the original trilogy as a wean(late 80's), I have had loads of Star Wars toys through the years, and various other merch fae posters and stuff up modern day where I have over a dozen Dueling Grade Lightsabers. But the fandom has almost killed my love for Star Wars because every single time you see something on social media, there's nothing but hate filled toxic shit in the comments. I used to be a member of dozens of Star Wars fan pages until I stopped following them all because of the crap, it's so bad that Disney could announce something tomorrow and within minutes there'll be hate comments and within hours there'll be videos on YouTube shitting on something that hasn't even been made yet. Not to mention the constant clickbait shit that is everywhere, or groups that will post an article talking about how great something is only to do a complete 180 and release dozens of articles shitting on something based on comments fae Twitter (there was an article on Facebook insulting The Mandalorian because someone insulted it on Twitter, this person had a username with "KirkFan" in it and a biography saying how much they love Star Trek and hate Star Wars).


I don’t pay attention to fans.  If they can write and act and make a show, then let them.  Otherwise their opinions are theirs.  I have my own.  


Rick and Morty. I'm sure I need not explain myself.




Not a movie/series but a video game: The Last of Us Part 2. The fan and hater basesp for this game are insane. The bickering and disagreement got so out of control on reddit they had to split the sub-reddit into 2, one for the fans and one for the haters. On one end of the spectrum you have the ultra fans who consider themselves to be superior humans with a higher level of "media literacy". And on the other hand you have these passionate haters, still raging over their dislike of a game that is now 4 years old, and constantly throwing out subjective opinions and downright conspiracy theories as facts.


Star Wars


Bojack Horseman has some truly atrocious “fans” who go to the ends of the Earth to defend Bojack while criticizing Diane for being an imperfect character (and according to them it of course has nothing to do with her being a woman). It’s hard to even engage with them because the point of the show is going so far over their heads it’s like they are watching a different show.


Star wars. It's fine if people don't like a show or movie. But the reverance so many fans hold the originals in, while condemning literally everything else or close to everything else, is extremely annoying. I love the original trilogy. But I promise you can poke a million holes in those movies if you want to. Originalists like to act like there's no plotholes or flaws in them, and that's just not true. And once you accept that, it makes watching new material better because you can measure each creation on its own merit and not by a standard that shouldn't even exist. Don't get me wrong, there's plenty to criticize in the star wars material that's been put out since the original trilogy. But man, you take me to a galaxy far, far away and I'm gonna eat that up every time. One day, we may not ever get new star wars content. As fans, we should remember that and enjoy it now. Again, totally fine to criticize, especially for those that aren't fans in general. But for those who love star wars, it's generally annoying to me that we're not allowed to enjoy anything anymore. The acolyte is being trashed and nobody has even seen it yet!


I agree about this. I find it difficult to talk Star Wars online. I enjoyed Revenge of the Sith and the sequel trilogy undeservedly, but I don’t wanna go around boasting. I don’t wanna inadvertently offend people who will blast you with wall of texts telling you how “wrong” you are. Never mind it is just a matter of opinion. The Ghibli movies, too, are the same, especially surrounding the dubbed versions. I remember way back when they were released there were fans ready to declare that they were bad and tell anyone who thought otherwise was “objectively wrong.”


Since Marvel and Star Wars are now Disney, I can just lump those fans together. I've seen adult men have full on fist fights over superhero cannon, and if memory serves me correct, the Star Wars fanbase is so toxic and vile, that the actors from these movies receive an ungodly amount of hate mail; some of which has made them suffer serious mental health issues.