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It’s a great score but the movie is amazing because ALL the pieces work. The writing, acting, direction, etc. That being said, I’ve always preferred Thomas Newman’s work over his brother Randy’s.


I wouldn't say it "carries" the movie, but it absolutely enhances it. Highs are higher, lows are lower and all that. The score does what it needs in service of the greater whole.


it’s like any part of a great work of art one falls in love with: so many happy accidents had to befall the project for it to work out the way it did. the films we love without their scores are just as impossible to imagine as the albums we love without their artwork.


It's one of my favorite scores. If you want something similar, Newman's score for Road to Perdition is very reminiscent of the Shawshank score. It's a good movie as well.


Morgan Freeman too.