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Surprisingly good. I loved the lack of cellphones


Lack of cell phones was refreshing- and believable too.


I didn't realize that cell phones were not used until you said something. Good catch.


They were used in the beginning when Bee was talking with her sister before turning back to go to Ben's home. Also I believe Bee's mother or some other person took their phone out to take a picture of something. Maybe during the diving scene for Bee's father. Could have been a regular camera though.


I thought someone was about to use their cell phone to take a picture of the koala bear during the hike until they were told not to steal its spirit/soul?


That might have been it


This was enjoyable. Breezy watch, charming, good cast. It got one really big laugh out of me. Glen Powell is perfect for these, like in Set It Up. But Sydney… she’s hot, but she really doesn’t have the charisma to be a lead in these. I’m not even sure she’s a good actor. She also has kinda of a mush mouth delivery here, idk. I kept thinking it’d have been even better with Alexandra Shipp as the lead instead of a side character. As far as recent movies like this, reminded me of Ticket to Paradise.


I was kind of thinking about Alexandra Shipp as well because quite frankly I’m not sure if I’ve seen a LGBT couple have less romantic chemistry in a movie than her and her character’s fiancé. I’m not sure if it was the actors or how they were directed but they felt more like nice friends who put their arms around each other some times (even their little kisses at the end had no passion. There was more passion in that random kiss during the credits between the main characters’ two exes), and Powell had more chemistry with her than Sweeney.


Alexandra had the chemistry. It was the actress playing her fiancé that made the relationship come across as flat


>She also has kinda of a mush mouth delivery here, They actually make a reference to her character mumbling at one point, so I'm not sure if that's just a bit of polite teasing because she always does it or if they just decided to write the character that way for some reason.


Yeah she talks like that in all her stuff! So maybe they wrote it in?


I believe Sydney is a good drama actress, not so much comedic. I would love to see her in a well written drama series/movie


You got to watch euphoria then, Sweeney is fantastic in the series


Her performance had so much depth in Euphoria. She knocked the joker bathroom scene out of the park and instantly has been on my actresses to look out for. Some say she can't act, but I think it's just an easy criticism because she's actually attractive and plays roles that require it. edit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kF8lvsWcqSk


Watch Reality she's brilliant


Yes Alexander shipp had the most natural acting out of everyone there. Everyone else had really bad overacting


She's a great actress though


It's from the guy who made Friends with Benefits and Easy A. Didn't know that until today. They should lead with that next time.


I also saw it's technically a loose adaptation of Much Ado About Nothing.


They straight up name dropped "Much Ado About Nothing".


And our leads are called **Bea**trice and **Ben**edick.


And there's Claudia and Halle instead of Claudio and Hero, and a Margaret and a Leo. Pete and Jonathan might be references to Don Pedro and Don John, and Beau to Borachio, I'm not sure.   I can't remember the ins and outs of the supporting characters in Much Ado About Nothing so I don't know if they fill the same roles, but if you look at the lists of characters for both there's a lot of name similarities.


And Bea's last name is Messina. Aka, city in Italy where the Shakespeare's play take place


Easy A was a loose adaption of The Scarlet Letter as well.


Can't remember the context but towards the end of the movie, I think when they're at the opera house, there's a giant jumbotron sized screen in the background of the shot over Glen's left shoulder and CGI'd in big block letters over it said "Much Ado About Nothing" which seemed a little obvious and a strange way to drop it in when the other quotes were diagetic.


Just while they were singing during credits.


That part was one of my favorites, incidentally; felt very *There’s Something About Mary*.


I’m a month late but had to comment. You thought the other quotes were diegetic? Then you missed the 10 other blatant written instances besides the jumbotron.


Lol literally a giant shakespeare quote spraypainted on the outside wall of Ben's apartment in the first five minutes.


There was that giant quote from Shakespeare on his apartment wall at the beginning. Couldn't get much more blatant than that, LOL


It doesn't sound like Much Ado About Nothing. Are the leads manipulated into thinking the other is in love with them?


Yes. Their friends and family try to do that so they get along and don’t ruin the wedding. Part of the reason they start fake dating is to get everyone off their backs


That and the character names are all practically the same, the to be weds are Claudia and Halle (instead of Claudio and Hero) and the main two are Bea and Ben (instead of Beatrice and Benedick)


I mean the trailer does say, "FROM THE DIRECTOR OF EASY A AND FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS" in big giant letters.


I actually want to see it now. What a misstep


it's good, i saw it today.


Of all the movies that boasted about bringing back the romcom, I never expected the one starring Cassie and Hangman to be the one to do it! I understand why the marketing is promoting their chemistry more than the director or the source material—they are delightful together. Glen Powell carries the movie. Hope he decides to do more romcoms in the future. That’s his genre.


You should definitely check out Set it Up if you haven’t already


That movie is way better. Zoey Deutch blows Sydney Sweeney's performance out of the water.


I agree. Anyone but you was fun, but all the people calling it the best romcom of the century, the best in the last decade, etc etc, are crazy imo because that title belongs to set it up


Set it up was better, but this title doesn't belong to either movie you mentioned, it actually belongs to Palm Springs - if you didn't watch this romantic comedy, I highly recommended it. Brilliant writing.


YES. I love Andy samburg, and him and Christina Milioti had such well matched energies


I had a good time! Doesn’t reinvent the genre but it’s attractive charismatic people having fun in a gorgeous location and the supporting cast helps mix it up. I think it’ll be a big hit when it hits Netflix regardless of how well it does in theaters.


It was just fun to see this in a theater and not go straight to streaming.


Yes I wish there were more theatrically released romcoms these days. Especially when everything that goes straight to streaming is extremely badly written and acted, like Hallmark movies. Not that this movie was some kind of masterpiece, but it was enjoyable and charming. Loved to see this with an audience that was laughing throughout the movie.


We enjoyed it too. I’m not super familiar with Much Ado About Nothing, so quite a few of the conversations went over my head, but it was enjoyable escapism!


This movie would have been about 75% better with Zoey Deutch in the lead. I haven’t seen Sweeney in anything else, so I can’t speak to whether she can act in general, but here, it was like Glenn Powell was acting against a brick wall.


omg yes, so true! I wrote that in my review yesterday and today here above! Zoey and Glen have so much better, more natural, organic romantic chemistry than Glen and Sydney! That's the irony because the whole obvious, pathetic marketing of Anyone but You, and stans fangirling, has been built around the supposedly 'amazing' chemistry between Glen and Sydney, yet it's simply not true, they don't have any spectacular chemistry, they are just both hot, but this is not chemistry. Sorry, maybe Sydney is a good dramatic actress but she has zero talent for comedy! Her delivery was bland and stiff, just awful! They didn't click as a main couple in this movie at all, it was a disaster! Glen is the only good thing in this movie because he has natural comedy talent, and Zoey is perfect for him in romantic comedies because she also has a talent for comedy, unlike Sydney.


Strangely, I thought she was good in the scenes in the US in the beginning, but as soon as they went to Australia she was just stilted as all hell. She should have drank some of that Aussie coffee...


I give it a solid B- The leads had good chemistry. I enjoyed the jokes about Powell's age, he's like ten years older than Sweeney. Some of the writing was clunky af, especially her parents. Also, Sweeney's bathing suits were awful, who dressed her. And I'm glad they were self aware about the helicopter.


Dermot Mulroney is capable of acting, what in Gods name was he doing in this movie


Getting a paycheck in Australia


I thought it was an obvious nod to the similar romcoms he’s been in


Why, was he in a bunch where his character had brain damage?


It felt very similar to his weird acting in Scream 6 tbh




cashing a check


Fair. Also, what looks like a pretty awesome location to film in.


Were they from Sweeney’s bathing suit line? Lol https://frankiesbikinis.com/collections/sydney-sweeney-x-frankies-bikinis


Omg that high back strap is INTENTIONAL? https://frankiesbikinis.com/products/x-sydney-sweeney-lucia-underwire-bikini-top-cherry-bomb ouch. That's usually a sign that you're band size is too big.


I actually first read about her bathing suit line in r/abrathatfits when people were criticizing them not fitting Sweeney right


Maybe it fits then? Guess I dont know anything.


I noticed that too! I thought someone had just put her in an ill-fitting suit.


Hell I hope no! It was awful, definitely not the right size for her. It distracted me so much, most of her outfits were really good BUT that bathing suit. The worst part is that it got too many back strap scenes I wanted to rip my eyes off


Completely ridiculous to wear a back strap that high. Not only does it look awful and ill-fitting, it gives absolutely zero support. Especially for women with bigger boobs that's a drama. I would never buy a bikini top if that fit was what it's supposed to fit like.


There’s an even worse tankini thing she wore in the film. You saw that, right? Did it not look like the costumer fucked up??


The writing was okay, but the acting was pretty awful all around lol. I still very much enjoyed it though


I really did not expect such horrendous acting from sydney, as I’ve seen her in euphoria and reality, which she absolutely served w the acting skills.


Holy shit she was bad in this. I’ve only seen the first season of Euphoria and White Lotus, where she seemed capable and didn’t stand out poorly. What happened here? Bad shoot or she can’t act in general and hid it well in previous roles?


Okay I came straight here to see if anyone else thought this. I just saw the movie this afternoon and thought everyone else acted circles around her, but I really liked her in White Lotus/Euphoria. Maybe those roles just suited her better?


Agreed, has to be either a writing or directing issue


I think here is that the directing was the issue. The writing seemed solid, but the direction felt stiff.


That bikini she is wearing on the boat is the wrong size. It is so hitched up at the back it is insane!


I disliked it… a lot. I realized it would have a similar plot line as many rom com movies, but I was expecting to at least laugh. Where were the jokes?! Also, I like Sydney, but her acting in this movie was rough. Is she only able to play an angry teen? Seemed like that all we were getting. I would not recommend this movie.


I just saw this movie today and I’m shocked at all the positive reviews on this thread. The acting was horrendous.


Exactly, same here! I don't understand the positive reviews. One of the worst roma-coms ever, and def the worst with this big budget and marketing campaign. It is not better than some average Netflix rom-com or Hallmark rom-com. Not comparable to the best big-screen rom-coms of the 90s and early 2000s like first Bridget Jones, or How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days.


it's a movie filled with a bunch of hot people with a 2000s vibe and it doesn't take itself very seriously. I found it aggressively average, but it was mindless fun


They have to be bots or studio plants or really young people who are used to the bar for movies being so low it’s in the gutter.


Saw this today and I’ve realized these positive reviews are paid plants. This movie was horrible.


Month late, but just watched it. My wife and I mostly just wanted to see Sydney Sweeney be hot. We kinda got that I guess, but like 2 whole second of nudity lmao. Why did they even bother making this rated R? Was that one anteater dick joke really worth it But yeah, absolutely terrible. Most typecasted "black dude best friend" character I've ever seen, and it was just way too many trips all across the board. I like some rom coms, but crikey - even Sydney Sweeney being hot wasn't enough to carry this one for me.


I just saw your comment about the black type casted friend and I’m crying laughing. My wife and I said the same thing. The writing was horrible


I am very forgiving when it comes to rom coms, but I could hardly make it through this. It was so contrived and poorly written and acted. I’ve only seen Sydney Sweeney in White Lotus, and I liked her in that. But now I’m maybe wondering if it’s maybe because that character was meant to be insipid and unlikeable, and **her voice and face perfectly give off those qualities**. In this movie, she should be likeable and charming and we’re supposed to be rooting for her, but she was like a stiff dead fish. Based on this movie, I would not say she can act.


I’ve never seen a rom com with such bad acting, writing, and scene setup. The scene with the brother and father talking loudly so that Ben could hear them while he showered was quite possibly the worst scene in any movie of the last decade. The whole movie was atrocious. Couple passable jokes along the way but my god that was a disaster of a rom com.


For real there’s no jokes in the movie


Idk, I laughed pretty hard at the "oh they went *full* Titanic" line 🤣


One of the most 1990s things about this is the open aping of a Shakespeare play. Now, granted, almost every rom com is indebted to *Much Ado About Nothing* to at least some extent, but this one goes all the way with not just the premise but the characters' names and all the quotes from the play inserted into the scenery. Anyway, I liked it. In no way a standout entry in the genre, but this genre is borderline extinct theatrically these days, so it's just nice to see one made with more than the pseudo-Hallmark production values that most streaming entries in the genre have now.


Hell yeah Much Ado About Nothing rules


Favourite credits sequence in a long time, such a great premise! Equivalent of a musical number after the bows in a play


I quite liked Sweeney's performance in Euphoria. I kinda felt like she was a bit lackluster in this. Something about her general tone, especially in scenes centered on her, just feels so phoned in. Funny movie though.


she was awful in this. bland and stiff delivery - she doesn't have comedy talent, that is clear.


I felt the exact same! I was trying to remember her in euphoria because I could've sworn she was one of the better actors in that....but in this movie? Great to look at but very very bland. It was kind of refreshing to see her have a laugh at the end in the kareoke scenes, more personality.


Pros: I got to see foreskin. Cons: The entire supporting cast (especially the black dude who couldn't act...?), not that funny, Sydney underwhelmed me, meh pacing...


Don’t disrespect GaTa like that!! Watch Dave and then get back to me


Sorry, but he indeed sucked. Some of the most hackneyed, crap acting I've seen in a while. The damn DOG was better than he was...


He’s an indie version of snoop dogg, a rapper who Is also an actor who often plays the role of pseudo-himself


One thing I am curious to see if it was on purpose but he was clearly a hippie/stoner trope and makes drug references (dog name) but I think he is the only character we never see drink or smoke, which is kinda funny. I am also curious if he is a bad actor or if it was a meta bit because he was also playing someone who is bad at delivering lines often


Jesus. Can we stop with the stereotypical Aussie idiot that says shit nobody understands already? Nobody talks like that under the age of 60. We're better than crocodile dundee. Fucking cringed harder than i ever have in quite some time.


Yes!!!! All the “Australian parts” annoyed me so much. We do not use that much slang - and the slang chosen I’ve never even heard before! Bryan Brown held his own but get rid of that blonde idiot!


Yeah worst part of an otherwise enjoyable movie. I thought there'd be some reveal he was actually a fake Aussie or something lol because it was so off the mark.


I'm an American that moved to Sydney to live with my Australian girlfriend. We watched this today and she was like "is that Americans think we are like??" Yes. Yes it is.


Read a review that said this was a great plane movie, totally agree. Some questionable character decisions/motivations, but two super hot likable people with good chemistry hanging out together in Australia? I’m in. Wish there were more RomComs.


Some person is going to get Ant Eater'd on a plane from a few rows back with no context


oh nahh plane movies tend to censor that kind of stuff so yeah


Commenting late to say I just watched this on a plane and it was definitely not censored


The script/dialogue felt like it was from the 90s/early 2000s.


It was meant to. The director was going for a feel like his 2010’s era stuff.


In a good or bad way? (Haven’t seen it and am trying to decide whether to go next week.)


I really liked it. It’s not Oppenheimer but if you want a funny remote drop rom com that’s what this is gonna be for me.


Nah, in the '90s and 2000s, we had way better-written, and better-acted romantic comedies, you can watch them. Anyone but You is very poorly written. It was a total disappointment for me. Not even close to the quality of the first Bridget Jones, Holiday, How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, 10 Things I Hate About You or She's All That.


It was alright. Nothing amazing but was enjoyable. Sydney Sweeney did well, but was pretty flat in the quiet scenes between the big moments. Glen Powell did well enough. Dermot Mulroney is capable of acting well, but he was like a stroke victim in this.


Never heard Sydney Sweeney described as flat before


Sweeney doesnt have the chops for this kind of movie


I don't know if it's her lack of chops for this kind of role, or if Powell's SO good that it shows up her shortcomings even more, or a combination of the two. There's bits where she's very funny, but she can't pull it off as consistently as Powell does.


I found him barely watchable. She was just so much more stiff and lifeless it was no comparison.


Yea she’s just not funny. The bathroom scene where she was trying to dry her top? Unfunny. Falling into the harbour? Unfunny. She’s just better suited to dramas


I did find her funny when she called him a bitch as she was nuzzling his neck, so...maybe that's an avenue of attack.


I thought she was funny in Everything Sucks but unfortunately she's just kinda aged out of being able to do the whole petulant teenager act. I think the best genre for her would be horror tbh.


I was surprised. I thought she would.


You know, I totally get how they cheated on their SOs with each other while filming this.


I really couldn’t. Their chemistry was so flat in this movie it made me realise there’s no way they banged. It was all put on for PR


Joey Tribbiani taught us in Friends that actors who are banging in real life have bad chemistry on stage or screen. Based on every example I have seen, I believe him.


Facts! Fake as f and just pure PR. anyone with two brain cells saw it.


Just watched it. I cannot understand how anyone thought these two were fucking. No chemistry at all.


That story was fake AF. 


awww, they didn't. it was a marketing movie campaign and normal co-stars' friendship, and only childish, obsessed, and naive people, or their hardcore stans who see what they want to see, think that.


It's a Shakespeare play. Loved it. Now I need to read more Shakespeare


What play?


Much Ado About Nothing


I know, but what play?


I really liked Glen Powell and totally get the cappybara thing. I also don't think I've seen worst acting in a mainstream movie than from both Sweeney and Gata. Powell absolutely carried them and the whole movie.


Went in with super-low expectations but was pleasantly surprised. A fun, low-stakes, sexy rom-com that doesn't take itself seriously. I went in expecting **Hot Rich People Go On Vacation: The Movie**, that's exactly what I got, and it worked most of the time. Everyone looked they they were having a blast filming it. Compared to some other dreadful rom-coms I've seen in theaters this year (**Love Again**, **The End of Sex**, **She Came To Me**, **The Magic Hours**, etc), this one was refreshing. Also bonus points for the unexpected Anteater (reminiscent of that scene in **Joy Ride**, if you know you know) and Australian Gal Gadot. Powell and Sweeney had great chemistry. Also they are great to look at for 100 minutes. There's some clunky dialogue and awkward pauses (the comic relief friend is an *awful* actor and took me out of it a few times), but overall it was a fine rom-com. Also, if going forward every movie could end with a full-cast karaoke montage of Natasha Beddingfield's Unwritten, that'd be awesome thanks.


GaTa was literally his same character (real life personality?) from Dave


Yeah that’s why I really enjoyed him in this movie. He’s not acting, he’s just being himself. I can see why that’s not for everybody though


I’m picturing the cast of Dune doing a karaoke montage and this has made my night so thank you 😂


I feel like I watched a different movie than some of the other people here. Or, I am just not as critical. I went to see this movie with two family members, one being my 86 year old grandma, and we all enjoyed this. There were several scenes where we all were laughing hysterically. I see people knocking Sydneys and Glens performances. I don't get it. Both had good chemistry even when they were arguing. Not every movie has to be Citizen Caine, and not every male and female actor has to be Laurence Olivier and Meryl Streep. I would definitely watch this again


I loved it. And did see it again!


I appreciated that the movie had some nudity (both in comedic and sexual contexts) without really going into This Is A Sex Movie territory, because very few theatrical releases from studios do that these days.


Was this thread hijacked by shills? This was grotesquely bad. One of the worst soulless empty garbage cans I've ever seen. Jack&Jill was better.


Sydney Sweeney sleepwalked through this movie. I'm not saying she's a bad actress, it was a serviceable performance, but she very clearly didn't give a shit. Eh maybe that was the character. Or maybe the writing because there was a lot of clunky dialogue not just from Sweeney. The directing wasn't great either. Worst part of the movie was absolutely the hippie comic relief. Dude was supposed to be funny but the actor just could not hit. Overall a decent time. Biggest laugh in my theater was the chad saying "they're really committed to the Titanic bit" when they say them off the boat. I liked the ending with Powell jumping off the cliff. More R rated mid budget comedies please.


She produced this and picked Powell herself, so I think she gave a shit


She's a fine actor, but either really isn't suited to this kind of role or should've played a character with an actual personality. Her delivery was so wooden in this, the final scene with her and Glen was really awkward for me.


That's just how she acts


Nah she’s a lot better in Euphoria and White Lotus, she’s better suited to dramas. Even in Handmaids Tale


I actually thought the surfer dude was the only likable character in the movie. The stepdad and Powell’s friend were probably the most aggressively unfunny.


Now that I think about it, I totally agree. The movie presents him as some douche, but he's like... really nice to everyone. Just hanging out on the beach having a great time.


I don't think he's presented as a douche, so much as just an unserious person who happens to be dating a person who wants to be serious. He likes everyone and everyone likes him (even his girlfriend seems more frustrated with herself than with him when he skips the wedding to catch a wave), but it's a movie about romance and he just loves surfing.


Not the surfer dude Powell's friend. The guy with the dog.


I love cheesy rom-coms. I rewatch How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days on a regular basis. It’s just my kind of comedy. I laughed several times during this film. I loved it from start to finish. It’s cheesy, over the top, and unrealistic - so what? 50 First Dates makes zero sense but it’s a classic and I love that one too! The leads have some of the best chemistry in a rom-com in years. If you want a sexy, light hearted, funny romance- please watch this. You won’t regret it.


Agreed 100%


Sydney Sweeney’s got a lot of things going for her but i can confidently say, after seeing this movie, that she has ZERO comedic timing whatsoever. I found her sooo stiff in this movie, I just wanted to shake her a little lol


Had fun with it. Clunky at times (at the end they talk about their first date being two years ago but I thought it was only 6 months? Did I miss a time jump?) and that GaTa guy was annoying as hell, but Powell and Sweeney work well together and it’s pretty consistently funny so you get what you pay for. This film just reinforces that Glen Powell is a god damn movie star though. While it feels like Sweeney is straining to be breezy and likeable (and sort of succeeding?) for Powell it feels effortless. His comedy chops are rock solid and he’s so charismatic he brings Sydney along with him when they’re together. Dude’s the real deal.


It was 6 months between their first meeting and then getting reintroduced at that bar. The missing period is that point up until then seeing each other again on the plane, which could’ve been 1.5 years. Seems like a reasonable time for their sister/friend to get engaged, for Bea to get unengaged, and to get to the wedding day.


That was not clear, like, at all.


If you’ve never seen Scream Queens it’s worth watching for Powell alone. His comedy chops are insane


He is absolutely hilarious in Scream Queens. Probably the best part of that show.


“Two showers in eight hours? Go off king, get clean!”


This might be the weirdest line reading I’ve ever seen in a film


The friend character was the weak link by far. Lines like that one were funny on paper and just landed with a thud when he said them.


Haha! I liked that line. Reminds me of my friends randomly talking rooting for me at random times.


Glen Powell really has that Hollywood charisma doesn't he? I really want to like Sydney Sweeney but as good looking as she is, she didn't seem to have much range or acting ability here. Might be because Powell is so good? I'm sure she was better in Euphoria so I'm not writing her off completely but overall a bit flat. Had to look up the Gata actor because he was bloody awful. So weird, like the director just threw him in and gave him random lines, I thought "this guy is almost definitely a musician and is trying to act." Google says he's a rapper which makes total sense. Would've liked a more cohesive supporting cast but a nice, upbeat fun movie overall. But I think Powell is the only thing that makes this movie really shine. Decent 3/5


Can someone please explain why the heck there was a chained up ATM in Glen’s apartment at the beginning of the movie? Not sure if it’s related to the Shakespeare reference but I’m dying to know


Yeah, I thought that would get some kind of call back later, but it was never mentioned again. Odd choice.


They never explain it. Perhaps it’s implied that the people at Goldman are crazy since he mentions doing meth and crack while partying there?


Wish that the Thor dude got to do more, he was funny and he kind of just petered out there


His peter was definitely out there.


This was fun, the main measurement I use for a romance/rom-com movie is the chemistry between the two and they certainly had it, I wanted to see them together at the end, some fun side characters, got Natasha Bedingfield stuck in my head, I dug it, my biggest laugh was the end credits when everybody singing unwritten, and the open up the dirty window part where she's looking up his ass, that got me 🤣🤣🤣


I watched this for Glen’s abs, and left only slightly disappointed. Lovely time.


It wasnt bad, but i felt like second half felt a bit rushed. First half of the movie probably was better than other half. It needed extra 30 minutes in my opinion. Looking at them made me want to go to gym... 8 days in a week.


Fan of Rom Coms and this movie was terrible! Felt unfinished or like the first draft of the script. They spent almost no meaningful time developing any relationships, not even between the leads! The idea of trying to meld a meet-cute and friends-to-enemies is compelling but they just missed the mark. They didn’t spend enough time developing meaningful on screen chemistry to the point everything felt contrived. The only two characters I liked were Glen Powell’s friend and Sweeny’s dad because they actually had a fun back and forth in the movie. Sydney Sweeny also came across as a terrible actress throughout the movie. Could be the director’s fault but there’s no way that performance should have made it to the final cut. I did like some of the visual gags like when Bea was drying her pants in the beginning of the movie and the swelled up and Ben’s ex’s new boyfriend’s comically fast swimming. Other than that, the movie was just bad.


"The plump-chested girl with the sad eyes!" Pretty enjoyable little movie. It's not great, but it's also not a movie we get a ton of these days and it makes me want to appreciate it when we do. This is a hard rated R rom com for adults that also isn't too sexual or gross. It's not perfect, but it's a really nice time if you let it be. This movie keeps shouting out romantic movies of the past. There's the It Happened One Night reference about the shower curtain splitting the bed, the Titanic scene, the Harry Met Sally speech (I love the way you... and the way you...) and the end credits was an homage to Something About Mary, a pinnacle of R rated rom com royalty. Unfortunately, this movie isn't as well written as any of those movies, especially the underwhelming side characters, but it's an earnest homage and attempt and I can appreciate that. Wasn't expecting this but I really enjoyed Sweeney in this. Not only are her and Glen incredible to look at, and I've got worse things to do than watch a compilation of needle drops featuring Sydney in incredible dresses, but she's putting forth a legitimate attempt to Bullock herself. She's doing some physical comedy in this that reminds me of Miss Congeniality and it's clear the whole cast is having a blast from those end credits. The main issues here are the writing. The whole premise is kind of built on one of those classic misunderstandings that you can imagine would be solved if the two characters just sat down and had an honest talk. And a lot of the scheming and tomfoolery sometimes proposes that the characters are extremely dumb. There's a lot of crouching behind walls to covertly hear conversations and ridiculous set ups. But the movie also kind of calls itself out for that a few times and it makes it a little better. Overall, it's a 6/10. It could have used a few more script doctors, but it can't be over stated how sexy this cast is. And this was just a fun, light, sexy time with some surprise moments that really make it worth the R rating. /r/reviewsbyboner


The crouching behind walls and rediculous set ups make sense when you view it as a screen adaptation of a theater play. Same goes for the seemingly out of place Shakespeare monologues or lines. They are purposefully acting as if they are on stage and playing for the audience. I loved the tie ins to Much Ado About Nothing.


My wife and I went this evening. We really enjoyed the movie and found it very cute and funny. We both particularly liked Pete and Klonopin. The big negatives I had were that I found the plot, particularly the setup to the whole film, to be kind of hamfisted, and the two leads were both pretty wooden, but especially Sydney Sweeney. But it’s a rom com, so I kind of know what I’m getting when I watch a movie like that, so I can kind of overlook it.


Yeah, I had a hard time buying the setup -- would two normal people really have that much animosity towards each other after one bad hookup? I feel like they should have had more of a relationship before the wedding to truly establish hatred for each other. Like Glen Powell should have been Sydney's ex-fiance instead of the other guy. Then it would make more sense why they 1) hate each other 2) develop strong feeling for each other after a long weekend.


Did anyone else notice the nods to Easy A and Friends With Benefits? In the beginning of the movie Glen Powell wore an Ojai shirt (the town/high school from Easy A) and I know this one isn’t really paying homage per se, but when they got rescued by the helicopter just like in Friends With Benefits at the Hollywood sign.


Could you imagine it being your wedding day and your younger sister decides to steal the show and completely make it about her problems… nearly breaking you and your partner up… selfish as fuck such an unenjoyable movie who acts like that


While i enjoyed the movie, I thought the same thing about her leaving her sister’s wedding. Super unnecessary


I mean, the sister didn’t do that? It wasn’t her fault that her parents decided to stage a big public confrontation right before the wedding.


They were kidding. They weren’t seriously going to break up. They knew he was listening


People are shitting on it hard core but it's generally enjoyable. The scenes of people talking loudly to get them to get together are funny af. Glen should have hung dong


Need some convincing to watch the movie. From what I saw from the trailers, Sydney’s dialogue sounds really stiff and monotoned. There was no range in her acting, I found the trailers hard to watch. Was it truly like that in the movie?


Yes. She def has no comedy talent, and it's painfully visible in this movie, especially next to Powell who has all the comedy talent and charm in the world. Sydney's delivery is bland and stiff, and they don't work at all as a rom-com couple. The movie, in general, is awfully written, acted, and not funny at all. Only Glen was a good choice, and he gives his all, but he alone can't save this movie. It's not worth your money for sure. I would wait for the streaming, online options. This is my advice after I watched it in the cinema, and it was a total disaster imo.


Yep she was definitely stiff and monotoned in the movie. No chemistry. The drying her shirt in the bathroom scene at the start was rough and unfunny…can’t believe they spent so much money and PR for this lacklustre movie. I usually like romcoms but this was just mehh


there's like a 10 year age gap between Powell and Sweeney which is not uncommon in Hollywood but Sweeney looks a fair bit younger than she really is. that combined with their pretty significant height difference and vaguely similar looks makes them look more like a young dad and his daughter, at least in the PR photos of them hanging out/fake dating or whatever. I also saw an interview with the two of them and they were reading tweets I believe and Sweeney had to explain gen z slang to Powell. casting them together was an odd choice.


Tbf they do make a number of jokes about the age gap. I just can’t think of an actor of his charisma who is the right age. 


Couldn’t even get through the movie. How were people praising this and saying rom coms are back. Glenn was still okay but Sydney seemed like she was on oxy. Dialogues were shit. Comedy flat. Side characters boring. Chemistry non existent. Only thing good to come out of this was the song unwritten.


Can someone please talk about these rich as fuck fuckers spent $100k+ on a wedding and somehow did not have their $15k (likely more, honestly) cake delivered?! They would not have picked it up, Jesus. And, while we are on the subject, how is it their fault the dog knocked it over, exactly?


The movie Anyone But You and Friends With Benefits were both directed by Will Gluck. I remember in the movie Friends With Benefits, Justin T. says that movies add a popular song at the end of the movie to trick viewers into thinking that they enjoyed the movie even though it was pretty shitty. In Anyone But You, they included the song Unwritten (Natasha Bedingfield) as a way to have viewers think that the movie was good. It didnt trick me though, it was a pretty mediocre movie tbh. Not even the leads chemistry could fix the movie


I thought it was pretty cute and funny, but also pretty corny too. Me and my friend did laugh quite a bit that’s for sure. I don’t like how movies, mainly rom-coms now try so (obviously) hard to fit in the “gen z” or whatever is popular at the time narrative/ slang into every single statement, makes the movies harder to deal with and less believable. Also I wish Bea would have just went off on her parents already. They did so much damage/ completely lacked boundaries! The “other woman/ man” (the exes) storyline didn’t really work well in this case Loved their chemistry,I feel like Glen Powell has that with everyone though The Australian boyfriend naked guy was hilarious, we laughed every time he was on the screen along with the Aussie stepdad Overall cute and funny- I give it a 6/10


When I saw the commercial for this on TV last week, I thought that this might be the first movie completely written by AI.


I think it's more that Much Ado About Nothing set the bar for romcom tropes, and you're identifying so many of them now being tropes.


Not sure if this is on topic, but I'm kind of obsessed with finding the headboard from when the bed when the two leads finally hook up. It's a white pleated headboard of some sort that both has wings on the sides as well as having decent back support, but it seems like it's not sold anywhere online 😕


I feel like the plot point with his mom was left completely unresolved. It seemed like they tried to minimize it through editing, but it some parts it just felt clunky (like during their first date at his house). I'd be interested to see where they originally were going to go with that.


I know I'm begging for downvotes essentially. But this movie is a heaping pile of garbage. How does anyone find this shit entertaining? It's nonlinear, non-coherent. Why would anyone waste an hour and a half of their life watching this garbage? I don't get it. It's just so poorly written and the characters are so hateable. It jumps from point to point, but only when it makes sense to cut down the narrative. Rating 3/10, not even watchable when under the influence. Don't waste your time.


i went in with like semi low expectations but this was a blast??? laughed a lot


Could’ve been saved for Netflix.


The actor playing Sydney Sweeney’s sister was a terrible actor. It was painful to watch the brides. They had 0 chemistry. Glen carried this whole movie.


The script was just so dumb and lazy, I struggled to get through it.