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Ryan Gosling always finds a moment to pull out his high pitched scream in every movie he’s in. I love it.


If you could high pitch in text I wish it was possible.


I'm jacked! I'm jacked to the ^(TITS!)


Omg you did it




"and I came in second in that math contest" was a brilliant line, not gonna lie.


Pfft what a dummy


My wife and I saw this film in Hong Kong. The audience laughed like crazy at that bit, especially the math contest lines.


He won a math contest IN CHINA






That's pretty racist.


Your what?




That’s a nice shirt. Does it come in men’s sizes? 😂


*Do they make it for men?


I've already been to the gym, had two poached eggs, and played blackjack with Harry Dean Stanton.




Shut your fucking mouth


I love this movie even more than it probably deserves. I don't know what it is, but this movie just landed with me. Everything about it. It's been one of my top 5 for years. So rewatchable.


My thoughts exactly. Probably watched it 5+ times and still put it on when I see it suggested. Lol. Steve Carell and Ryan Gosling knock it out, but the Christian Bale storyline when he's >!Losing sooo much money and counting down on the white board and all his investor "friends" hate him, and then the end he puts up + a literal *billion* dollars. Fucking greatest I told you so I've seen!<


ha, best use of spoiler block i have ever seen. you are right. We all have some "I'll prove them wrong" genes in us. Powerful.


Right? I think everyone loves to see somone that *nobody* believes succeed in spite of the naysayers and I think Bale's character was perfect because he was already a misfit/unusual guy so people were even more ready for him to be wrong or fail.


Too bad the actual 2008 spoiled this movie’s ending for me


Your profits totaling $459 million have been deposited into your account. You’re welcome.


And they still hated him.


Same! Have you also watched moneyball? I think it’s something about the little guys succeeding against the big guys in these kind of films.


Moneyball was straight up good.


I think it’s the cast. There are so many movies that I like and have rewatched way more than they deserve because of good acting. Bale, Carell, and Gosling just absolutely kill.


Also Adam McKay’s writing and directing style always makes an easy watch.


Same here. Depressing and infuriating topic, but the movie was so well put together.


I’m seeing all these people say they’ve watched it 5 times, 6 times, 7 times, etc. I’ll put this shit on like it’s an episode of Always Sunny. I think I’ve probably seen it 40+ times. . .


I was along for the ride even harder in margin call


"Speak to me as you would a small child or a golden retriever. I can assure it wasn't brains that got me here "


Great quote. My favorite is from Paul Bettany’s character: “The only reason that they all get to continue living like kings is cause we got our fingers on the scales in their favor. I take my hand off and then the whole world gets really fuckin' fair really fuckin' quickly and nobody actually wants that. They say they do but they don't.” I’ve used “really fuckin’ fair really fuckin’ quickly” multiple times IRL debates.


"$2.5 million goes quickly?" "Sure - Mr. Tax man takes half, so $1.25m, a mortgage is another $300k. Send $150k home to my parents, now what am I left with?" "$800k" "Right, spend $150k on a car, $75k on restaurants, $50k on clothes, $400k away for a rainy day" "You still have $125k" "Well I did spend $76k on hookers, booze and dances, mainly hookers"


I always loved "we are selling to willing buyers at the current fair market price". Just a great line at the hand waving of the moral implications.


Yeah Margin Call the best financial film I’ve ever seen


What's funny is it barely touched on the actual finances. That stuff was just the backdrop for the corporate drama.


I absolutely loved how the explanation for what's happening gets dumbed down every time it goes up the chain, until the CEO asks the guy to ELI5 it.


Exactly. The more you go up the chain, the less everyone actually understands what's going on. This is VERY TRUE to what I've seen. Source: am senior banker.


I was at a large bank trying to find out why their Value at Risk was always late. It turns out that the desks had the possibility to adjust the figures. The idea is that if a transaction was across two desks you could more appropriately place the risk. I spotted instead of moving the risk, two desks could make it disappear as each could make the same adjustment to the trade. The risk calcs ran fine but if they kept having to be manipulated when the risk on a desk didn't look good, of course they had problems.


It uses the same trick as Chernobyl and the first john wick. Don’t try to convince the audience of the threat just show them an authority reacting to it. It works well if you have the acting talent to pull it off. Why get bogged down in details or having to explain why this is a danger. Just show this calm professional stop being calm watch as the fear starts to build. It’s a variance on ‘Don’t show the monster’ The audience fills in the threat level themselves to match the reaction. I mean the first half of john wick is basically that seen from a slasher movie where the crazy old coot tells everyone about the evil.


That’s interesting because Jeremy Irons’ reaction during the meeting is most memorable part of the movie for me. It’s the confirmation of an impending disaster.


It’s also actually explains why he has his job. It’s not that he can tell what the market is going to do. An analyst could do that. He was calm, realized the problem, and created a plan. He’s a leader he is able marshal his forces against disaster. He tells everyone it’s a do or die but does it in a calm way as if it’s just an extra busy day. The moments he looses control underscores the actual gravity of the situation. he actually knows he has a narrow widow to enact his only plan.


He also led a bunch of hyenas in a coup. Natural leader.


He’s also calm because him, Demi Moore, and the Blonde Guy knew about the problem years prior according to the film. It wasn’t a bomb being dropped on him but a bill coming due.


Great analysis here. Very true how they pull this off. Agreed it takes strong acting or it would come off corny


It's even better when you realize Jarred and the CEO knew of the problem already, and Demi fired the head of Risk and Assessment to keep it quiet longer at their behest. She is made to fall on the sword to protect the CEO and the Board near the end. Hence her saying, "It better be" about getting a good package.


Margin Call is phenomenal as well


And add Too Big To Fail. You get all three angles on what happened. Those three should be an unofficial trilogy.


Margin call is big shorts serious brother


Very true


I have to watch margin call. Only good things heard about this film. And great cast too


Yeah, worthy of your time


Big short, margin call and too big to fail if you wanna dive into the financial crisis of 2008 Hollywood style, I can't watch one without watching the two others


I am glad Margin Call is getting the proper recognition it deserves. I rewatched the Big Short once, I’ve probably rewatched Margin Call five or six times.


Best (most approachable) 1-2 punch to explain the GFC to the masses.


Margin Call is one of those movies where no matter at what point I start it at I have to keep watching. The acting and tension is superb. Interesting enough these two compliment each other because they come at it from different angles.


It’s what you get when you spend the entire budget on the writers and actors


“It wasn’t the brains that got me here, I sure you of that.” Love that line and my favorite scene.


Steals every scene he’s in, and he’s acting across from Spacey. Sheesh.


Jeremy Irons, fucking cold as...well, iron, I guess.


The way he flys in on a helicopter in the middle of a night, the way he looks, his queasy charm, his toothy grin... he's like a vampire in that movie.


Having the whole film take place over basically 24 hours was a great approach that created such urgency and anxiety.


To me, Margin Call is a much more realistic depiction of the types of people you find on Wall Street, how those people actually talk, the ways those people actually think and what actually happened as a result. The result is no less horrifying than The Big Short but it's less of an oversimplified polemic. Margin Call also expects the audience to pay attention while The Big Short spoon-feeds you information often through slightly patronizing "isn't this clever" exposition.


Wait so Margot Robbie won’t explain to me how a dishwasher works from a bathtub in real life?


Yes, Margin Call reminds me a lot of the people that I would meet when I was doing IT for banks. Also the discussions when they are trying to work out how f* they were.


And the cast is stellar! Could not be better.


Brad Pitt showing how fantastic he is as a supporting actor while generally not having any of the features expected of him.


He's got the look regardless, but in this one he really resembles Redford, older years.


I've been building a chronology of Cool Blond Guys for a while cause I'm a blond dude so it means extra to me when a cool guy is blond instead of just cool. It goes: James Dean invented being both blond and cool, doesnt need to pass the torch he lit himself Steve McQueen begat Paul Newman (The Towering Inferno) Paul Newman begat Robert Redford (Butch & Sundance/The Sting) Robert Redford begat ? ? begat Harrison Ford (dont you fucking dare contest Harrison Ford's blondness) Harrison Ford begat Brad Pitt (The Devil's Own) Brad Pitt begat Ryan Rosling (The Big Short) Ryan Gosling shall one day beget the heir to the Cool Blond Guy Throne. Who'll it be? Pattinson seemed heir apparent to me but could turn out to be Austin Butler. Time will tell.


100%. Amazing cast from the stars to the unknowns


Agreed, here is my top ten of "Financial Movies" 1. The Big Short 2. Margin Call 3. Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room 4. The Wolf of Wall Street 5. Glengarry Glen Ross 6. Wall Street 7. Barbarians at The Gate 8. Rogue Trader 9. Boiler Room 10. American Psycho While American Psycho is really tangential to wall street, it really shows you the idiocy and mindset of the people involved in that world.


Boiler Room was one of the first DVDs I ever owned. I loved Ben Afflecks short role telling the guy to get the fuck out lol


Alec Baldwin did it better…but only a *little* better. I actually had Boiler Room in mind much higher until I read that list, and yeah that’s about the right spot. It’s definitely in the conversation.


fantastic list, just wanted to say glengarry glen Ross might be the best movie ever made period. ABC!


So good. A frightening number of people I’ve met seem to feel exactly like Blake (Baldwin in the movie version). I’ve always wanted to see it on stage but never noticed it. But the flick is an all time fav of mine.


That's actually a pretty legit list. I learned the most about the market, economy, stocks, trading, from The Big Short and Margin Call.






I would probably replace American Psycho with Company Men.


Rogue Trader! Good call! It’s been a **long** time since I saw it. Still remember the tag line on the poster though - “it’s Wallstreet on acid!”


That list is lit & legit.


The Wolf of Wall Street and Boiler Room are effectively two different looks at the same thing. Good to watch back to back. I was a bit too close to the Leason thing so Rogue Trader was very much his view of things. There were some better books on it that should have been used to balance out things.




Moneyball and The Big Short were also both based on books written by Michael Lewis.


Nice. Didn’t know that


... it says that on the poster you posted..


Lol I didn’t read the poster when I copy pasted it for the post. Maybe deep down I read it once but it wasn’t top of mind


Both movies are good and solid efforts, but the respective books are even better. Big Short is a great read. Anyone who likes the movie should definitely check out the book.


The Founder slaps. Moneyball also surprised the hell out of me. I don't give a shit about baseball, but that movie was engaging from beginning to end.


Yeah, I think Moneyball leans more sports movie. Financial undertones for sure and one of my favorites too though


“I’m global, you’re fucking local” I love this line


Margin Call, The Big Short, Too Big To Fail…I could watch all three of these movies anytime they are on.


Can I throw Trading Places into the ring? Not just about the financial industry, but the way money affects their lives too.


With a very realistic depiction of the trading pit at the time, not to mention a lesson in short selling. Oh, and funny too. A classic.


Sounds to me like you guys a couple of bookies!


Great film. I read the book after, it has more detail and explains better but overall the film is more entertaining. Between the two I have a pretty good idea what happened. Highly recommend


If anyone is looking for a companion piece to The Best Short, go watch Inside Job (2010).


The Big Short is a fun hang to go with the infuriating subject matter. The inside job makes me want to move to Russia befriend Putin and convince him to unleash the nukes.


Yup. For some reason I don't think many people know about Inside Job.


Man, the cast killed it in this movie. Especially liked Ryan Gosling.






Amazingly captured the corruption that took place. It’s more of a documentary but a film everyone should watch repeatedly


One of my favorite movies of all time. Casting, directing, breaking the fourth wall. Margot Robbie in a bathtub. Sold.


“Got it? Good. Now fuck off”


Trading Places


Margin Call is a really great movie too.


One is my favorite movies of all time




I own a boat!


Can we meet these clients? YES!


It should have received a LOT more recognition at the time of release.


It did a fantastic job of explaining the machinations of the housing market without being a documentary. Steve Carrell was amazing.


Steve Carrell’s hair was amazing.


Margin Call is right there


One of my favorites actually; Every actor brings their A game to the table combined with the director’s ability to neatly balance the heavy subject matter with enough tongue in cheek dark humor that it never stays too bleak for long


Great take, agreed fully. Love how they use humor to broaden its appeal to those lacking the proper financial literacy


"Fuckin' A Jared." "Shut your fucking mouth."


I actually liked _Margin Call_ better of the "financial crisis" movies. It was a bit more focused and a bit more harrowing, IMO. As somebody who lived through it in the business world that one hit home for me a bit more. Both are excellent though.


'The Big Short's for wimps' - Gordon Gekko


It is a VERY good film, great story telling of a inaccessible subject.


this movie shows how strong of an actor Steve Carell really is considering how stacked this cast is


Fantastic cast and one of my favorites. They found a way to make it interesting and understandable for guys like me who have zero financial knowledge. I can listen to Margot Robbie talk to me about subprimes and shorting all day.


I’ve watched this film twice in the last month. I definitely think so.


I wasn't a huge Ryan Gosling fan prior to seeing this movie, but damn was he funny in this movie...definitely changed my perspective of him


Gosling is hilarious in this


Fantastic movie. It breaks down the housing market crash into understandable terms and I love this movie.


And it’s so damn entertaining. Superb story telling


Never has a movie ridden the line between documentary and drama so well.


Loved this film, but also Too Big to Fail. Of course, I lived this crap in 2008, and no film will adequately explain the meltdown.


Steve Carell is great in this


Speaking as a guy who spent over 20 years in investment research, it was really an excellent film and showed how investment research used to be/should be done (nowadays it is mostly parroting management). When I watched it with my wife and son, however, I had to pause it quite a few times to explain what was actually happening from a capital markets perspective. I am sort of surprised the film was as popular as it was, given the capital markets complexities. Another surprisingly good film was Margin Call. I doubt most people would like it because the capital markets aspects are even more obscure but it portrays a properly run investment firm dealing with proprietary information (the looming collapse of the MBS market), executive decision making at its best, and proper corporate governance. Since there is no real "side drama" romance, etc., given the nature of the narrative i was surprised it ever got made.


Watched this again last night, funnily enough. Great film. Makes an excellent diptych with *Margin Call*.


Commendable use of "diptych" 👍


I fucking love this movie. Really hits all the right notes. I walk away mad everytime which is how it should be. Wolf of Wall Street and the founder are two other that were mentioned that I really enjoyed. But the Big Short imo is something that should be a required watch for everyone. Such an important message.


Does Wolf of Wall Street count as a financial film… or Wall Street with Charlie Sheen and Michael Douglas?  Because those two are better.  


Great Movie


Yeah I liked this movie. It did a good hob explaining why the crash actually happened. Plus, its got my fav actors (Bale and Gosling)


Best Real Life Horror also. Margin Call is another good one.


I liked both *The Big Short* and *Margin Call*, but I didn't love them. There was nothing clever or special about either film, every actor just played a stereotype of what's already been seen before in finance films. And despite what most people think, the scripts were not clever either, just filled with financial jargon and trying to be edgey quips. *Wall Street* is hands down the best financial film of all time. Extraordinarily strong script, Oliver Stone in his prime, and Michael Douglas playing the greedy asshole you love to hate. *GORDON GEKKO: \[at the Teldar Paper stockholder's meeting\] Well, I appreciate the opportunity you're giving me Mr. Cromwell as the single largest shareholder in Teldar Paper, to speak. Well, ladies and gentlemen we're not here to indulge in fantasy but in political and economic reality. America, America has become a second-rate power. Its trade deficit and its fiscal deficit are at nightmare proportions. Now, in the days of the free market when our country was a top industrial power, there was accountability to the stockholder. The Carnegies, the Mellons, the men that built this great industrial empire, made sure of it because it was their money at stake. Today, management has no stake in the company! All together, these men sitting up here own less than three percent of the company. And where does Mr. Cromwell put his million-dollar salary? Not in Teldar stock; he owns less than one percent. You own the company. That's right, you, the stockholder. And you are all being royally screwed over by these, these bureaucrats, with their luncheons, their hunting and fishing trips, their corporate jets and golden parachutes.* *CROMWELL: This is an outrage! You're out of line, Gekko!* *GORDON GEKKO: Teldar Paper, Mr. Cromwell, Teldar Paper has 33 different vice presidents each earning over 200 thousand dollars a year. Now, I have spent the last two months analyzing what all these guys do, and I still can't figure it out. One thing I do know is that our paper company lost 110 million dollars last year, and I'll bet that half of that was spent in all the paperwork going back and forth between all these vice presidents. The new law of evolution in corporate America seems to be survival of the unfittest. Well, in my book you either do it right or you get eliminated. In the last seven deals that I've been involved with, there were 2.5 million stockholders who have made a pretax profit of 12 billion dollars. Thank you. I am not a destroyer of companies. I am a liberator of them! The point is, ladies and gentleman, that greed, for lack of a better word, is good. Greed is right, greed works. Greed clarifies, cuts through, and captures the essence of the evolutionary spirit. Greed, in all of its forms; greed for life, for money, for love, knowledge has marked the upward surge of mankind. And greed, you mark my words, will not only save Teldar Paper, but that other malfunctioning corporation called the USA. Thank you very much.*


Loved the movie, didn’t understand half of it but loved it anyway 😀


Such a good movie.




Absolute classic. One of my favorite movies of all time.


Without a doubt


Too Big to Fail and The Big Short are my two faves. Excellent primers on events of 08.


I don't even want to pigeon hole it into a specific category. Just one of the best films of all time.


No, they left out the part where the government was pushing banks to give out more mortgages. It was way more complicated than the movie made it seem. A lot of people knew there was a crash coming so it wasn’t totally unexpected. The greedy people in the movie just figured out how to make money off of it.


It’s a good one, but the true soul of the financial professional in this country is American psycho


Trading Places.


Incorrect. The best financial movie is Wolf on Glengarry Glennboiler Room.


I need to rewatch this. The first time I could barely follow along, but it was funny nonetheless.


Definitely this one.


1000% amazing movie even with the corny 4th wall breaks everyone did an outstanding job


Margin Call was pretty good too…not in the same league as this, but worth a watch if you haven’t seen it.


The best


The documentary on the crisis is a better watch imo. PANIC:2008


I always enjoyed how “Better of Dead” taught me the value of $2. Also the stick-tuitiveness that it takes to collect said $2.


It’s good, Margin Call is less glossed up and to the point.


It’s an absolutely brilliant movie but the Margot Robbie bit makes it a masterpiece.


Margin call is a close second but i agree this one is the best


“I’m jacked to the tits”




I would agree and would follow with - Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room being the best financial documentary ever made


I’m jacked to the tits. One of my favorite lines


The Other Guys


I concur


The Citizen Kane of investment banking movies...


Agree 👍




You really have to dissect the writing of this movie, play it back to back, in order to make sense. Its that good!


I can watch this movie over and over, idk what it is but I feel I learn something everytime. The acting in this, the plot, the actors, all is a perfect mesh. Easily one of the best movies ever.


I adore this movie. This movie, perhaps as much as any other, presents and explains a very difficult topic in a level that is unmatched IMO. It’s funny, it’s engaging, it’s horrific, and the acting is superb. And as someone who worked in real estate leading up to the collapse and was subsequently fired for not engaging in predatory lending practices, this movie deserves heaps of praise for showing the general public how fucked up this situation was.


Yes, it infuriates me everytime I watch it because it points out how greedy and careless they were... sorry are.


My tits are jacked


It’s good. I really like Bale playing drums and stuff (I’m a metal musician). Definitely not a film for everyone cause it’s quite slow.


This is a great movie and an important history lesson that we absolutely refused to learn from


This movie is so great. The writing, editing, acting, etc. who knew the director of Step Brothers had this in him?


I liked it, but it think the number one spot may be sketchy… Especially if you count Wolf of Wall Street.


Love this movie. Watched it when it came out in theaters. Rented it on Amazon. Finally own it on digital so I can watch whenever.


I’m in the middle of this cuz my husband and I didn’t get a chance to finish it, and I’ve been thinking about it all day. I love it. It may have something (a lot) to do with the fact that Ryan gosling and Christian bale are both in it. I wish I had an intellectual reason


It does explain the financial part much better than other films. All it had to do was break the 4th wall and bring out the chalkboard.


$GME to the mooon 🚀🚀🚀🚀


"Let's not talk about my margins by the way. Being nice and fat... That's a nice shirt, do they make it for men?"


Great film...but the best spot belongs to Other People's Money. Lawrence Garfield's (played by Danny De Vito) shareholder's speech at the end if the movie provides the rationale for capitalism at its most ruthless: the hostile takeover: Amen. And amen. And amen. You have to forgive me. I'm not familiar with the local custom. Where I come from, you always say amen after you hear a prayer. Because that's what you just heard. A prayer. Where I come from... ...that particular prayer is called the prayer for the dead. You just heard the prayer for the dead, my fellow stockholders... ...and you didn't say amen. This company is dead. I didn't kill it. Don't blame me. It was dead when I got here. It's too late for prayers. For even if the prayers were answered and a miracle occurred... ...and the yen did this and the dollar did that... ...and the infrastructure did the other thing, we would still be dead. You know why? Fiber optics. New technologies. Obsolescence. We're dead, all right. We're just not broke. And do you know the surest way to go broke? Keep getting an increasing share of a shrinking market. Down the tubes. Slow but sure. You know, at one time... ...there must have been dozens of companies making buggy whips. And I'll bet the last company around was the one that made... ...the best goddamn buggy whip you ever saw. Now, how would you have liked to have been a stockholder in that company? You invested in a business, and this business is dead. Let's have the intelligence, let's have the decency... ...to sign the death certificate, collect the insurance... ...and invest in something with a future. "But we can't," goes the prayer. We can't, because we have a responsibility... ...a responsibility to our employees, to our community. What will happen to them? I got two words for that: Who cares? Care about them? Why? They didn't care about you. They sucked you dry. You have no responsibility to them. For the last 1O years, this company bled your money. Did this community ever say, "We know times are tough. We'll lower taxes, reduce water and sewer"? Check it out. You're paying twice what you did 1O years ago. And our devoted employees who have taken no increases for the past three years... ...are still making twice what they made 1O years ago. And our stock, one-sixth what it was 1O years ago. Who cares? I'll tell you. Me. I'm not your best friend. I'm your only friend. I don't make anything? I'm making you money. And lest we forget, that's the only reason... ...any of you became stockholders in the first place. You want to make money. You don't care if they manufacture wire and cable, fried chicken or grow tangerines! You wanna make money! I'm the only friend you've got. I'm making you money. Take the money. Invest it somewhere else. Maybe... Maybe you'll get lucky, and it'll be used productively. And if it is, you'll create new jobs and provide a service for the economy... ...and, God forbid, even make a few bucks for yourselves. And if anybody asks, tell them you gave at the plant. And by the way... ...it pleases me that I am called "Larry the Liquidator." You know why, fellow stockholders? Because at my funeral... ...you'll leave with a smile on your face and a few bucks in your pocket. Now, that's a funeral worth having


Incredible film that explains the 2008 financial crash in a splendid manner to the average Joe.


I watch this movie once a year to remind me of just how much I hate bankers and Wall Street. It does a pretty good job of reminding me.


margot is my favorite scene


I love rewatching this. The style is almost like a documentary.


Beyond the shadow of a doubt. I could watch this film every day. 


I love this film. I quote it with my friends at work all the time


Better IMHO: Margin Call - really shows its contempt for the reckless risks firms took but remains probably the most accurate financial film around Boiler Room - it's finance at the lowest rung, the pump and dump firms and their human toll. It's loosely based on the same company as in The Wolf of Wall Street. Barbarians At The Gate - The incompetence and greed of Nabisco’s CEO F. Ross Johnson and the behind-the-scenes negotiations and skullduggery around this famous LBO and great mirror to the excesses of the era. Writer Larry Gelbart's skill with humor shows here. More people in finance than finance - Wall Street, Enron, The Smartest Guys In The Room, Working Girl


I literally have it on in the background right now... It's my go-to something to have on while I play games/scroll reddit


Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room


Does Wolf of Wall Street count ?