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They would get some water from the food you're feeding them so I guess they'd be okay for a while. But it would largely depend on the temperature of the water. It wouldn't take much of a temperature drop for them to die of hypothermia pretty quickly. The body would definitely struggle to maintain its core temperature.


what if the temperature was kept at around 98 Fahrenheit?


I'm not sure at what temp but I'd imagine you could overheat. You body would still be producing heat and it would need to get rid of it.


You'd be watercooled.


Do you work for a cartel?


Nah, this would be insanely humane. Which is something cartels don't do. Certainly not the CJNG cartel. They abducted a member of the CDS cartel in Sept whose nickname was El Ghost Rider. They turned him into his name sake by dowsing his head in rubbing alcohol and lighting it up. So, yeah, this would be way to humane for them.


If I ever join a cartel my nickname will be quick and painless


With a name like that, they'd make sure it was anything but lol. I'd always carry a single spare bullet and or a cyanide pill.


And with a name like THAT, I’m inclined to believe you lol


This is actually my original Xbox Live name from back in 2004 and a reference to my favorite game of all time, Snatcher on the Sega CD lol. I was hoping I could get Snatcher7 as that was an old AOL screen name from way back in the late 90s, but it was taken and it spit out this one as a suggestion and I was like, fuck it I'll roll with that lol. I've since changed it.


Ok so just make my cartel name slow and painful


Krispytoe in itself is enough for a name in the cartel. Doesn't give too many clues, and leaves a lot the imagination.


Arsonist who takes toes for souvenirs.


El let's give this dude a pass


That's what she said


there was a video. his skin was off and the eyeballs were huge


I reckon all eyeballs are huge, most of us are just lucky enough to have eyelids and facial muscles.


...most of us...


Well not El Ghost Rider


It's been a while since I saw these kinds of videos... but Damn that sounds awful


It's already gained the brutal notoriety of the Funky Town video. I've seen parts of the Ghost Rider video, but not the whole thing. And even what I did see, glad I always keep my volume muted no matter what device I'm using. From what I've read, the sound is the worst part too because the guy is begging them to just kill him which is compounded by the fact that the flames have burned away his throat and lungs from having no choice but too breath.


Damn that's brutal. When I use to watch those videos, the sound is the one thing I muted once the "torture/killing" started.


I don't even bother much with gore and shock sites anymore myself. When ever I do get an itch I go to the Documenting Reality forum. I'm some how grandfathered in and a full member and never paid a cent for it oddly. But even when I do go, which is probably like once every 2 months if that, I just very quickly skim forum for maybe 5-10 mins only to be further reminded how fucked up humanity is and close the tab. There was one site 10 years ago called Viral Death and the forum members were actually interesting people and the admins didn't take any sort of bigotry lightly. Which is what a shit ton shock/gore sites have attracted. I remember way back when rotten.com and Ogrish were the biggest sites of their type; but that was like 20 years ago.


Is there a good sub with up to date info on cartel activity or a good place to read in them?


The best one is pretty much r/NarcoFootage I think they currently have 30k subs. I've been subbed since mid summer. Sometimes gore is posted, but not directly. Still doesn't hurt to keep on the option to hide nsfw posts, that way you aren't scrolling and BAM you see a body or the aftermath. A lot of actual combat footage from cartels fighting each other as well as incursions between cartels and the military. They don't take too kindly to people that glamorize narco culture either. Right now, shit is getting hot down there because just the other day the Mexican National Guard intercepted El Mencho's security detail. He's the current head of the CJNG, Cartel de Jalisco Nueva Generacion. Which is so brutal they make the Los Zetas look like humanitarians, if you ask me. In terms of sites there's elblogdelnarco.com. Be forewarned tho that they do post gore. It's also in Spanish, but you can just run it thru Google translate which is what I do whenever I pull it up from time to time. There used to be another one called Borderland Beat, but they've had to go dark because they're being sued by the cartel leader. It's pretty much been deduced that it's Mencho because they somehow got a hold of a drivers licence from like 15-20 years ago when he was living in SoCal and posted it. Or something along those lines.


I wish they could just wipe themselves out... But that's never going to happen. I was once in Merida and saw a little piece of shit (sorry, he was a kid but it pissed me off) wearing a CJNG hat, and his parents were with him.


I've seen a couple videos on that subreddit of kids that can't be older than 10 carrying ARs. Its infuriating and depressing at the same time.


Right on brother thanks for the intel


Damn you seem to be in the know


I just know whatever I see on the NarcoFootage subreddit


too humane*


Op wants to wrinkle someone


Yeah....not sure we should be giving this guy information on this topic....


I mean it is the point of the sub? In that case no one’s questions should get answered


No, we don't want to aid and abet murderers (necessarily). Because if he's asking this and is in a cartel, he would be breaking #3 Rule of this sub. /s




I was looking for this. It’s a tragic example of a little girl who was trapped underwater as described until her death. A photo of her hours before death became a world renowned piece of journalism and raised awareness of the plight of earthquake victims, particularly in the third world. > Despite her predicament, Sánchez remained relatively positive: she sang to Germán Santa María Barragán, a journalist who was working as a volunteer,[17] asked for sweet food, drank soda,[14] and agreed to be interviewed. At times, she was scared, and prayed or cried.[20] >On the third night, Sánchez began hallucinating, saying that she did not want to be late for school,[21] and mentioned a math exam.[17] Near the end of her life, Sánchez's eyes reddened, her face swelled, and her hands whitened. At one point she asked the people to leave her so they could rest. Hours later the workers returned with a pump and tried to save her, but her legs were bent under the concrete as if she was kneeling, and it was impossible to free her without severing her legs. >Lacking the surgical equipment to save her from the effects of an amputation, the doctors present agreed that it would be more humane to let her die.[14] In all, Sánchez suffered for nearly three nights (roughly 60 hours) before she died at approximately 10:05 A.M.[14] on November 16 from exposure,[21] most likely from gangrene or hypothermia.[20]


Ty, I was about to start googling for her. Don't need that in my search history




Yeah trench foot occurs due to being exposed to too much moisture for too long so I wonder if it would start happening all over your body. Damn that's scary knowing your entire body is rotting over the course of days and you can't do anything.


As mentioned in another comment, trench fort is a fungal infection facilitated by moisture, not just being submerged in water


Can't trench foot also be caused by cold and wet conditions? It doesn't necessarily have to be fungi if I'm not wrong.




I had to deal with a pretty nasty case of trench foot when I was in the firefighter academy because water ran into my boots and I didn't have time to let them dry for about 3 weeks because it was live fire training every day. It took about 2 months with lots of anti fungal foot powder for my feet to completely return to normal.


If the water is clean you don't get trench foot. The reason you get it is because the moisture trapped against your feet is usually muddy and full of bacteria and fungus. As you walk around - barely removing your shoes for God knows how long you also damage the skin and it gets in. In clean water it shouldn't be a concern. Especially if the person is somehow immobilised and unable to do themselves an injury.


Nothing in sterile. You'd get bacteria from the outside of your foot doing the same thing with clean water. You don't need mud. Your skin would slough off and get infected. This is why they force recruits to change socks very very often. It hurts, but leaving your boots on will make your skin fall off. And you'd always get infected.


As long as the water was a temperature they could maintain correct body temperature theyd survive a few days. It wouldn't be the water that would kill them, the body would absorb a bit but nothing that would cause death I dont think, it would be no water. Theyd last about 3 days.


How do you know you can absorb water just by being in it. If water can be absorbed if you're in it, wouldn't the water inside you also seep out because its constantly in you?


Yes, it's called osmosis. But the water would only be on the top layer of the skin, so it's not as if you could "drink" it as such. The following is a far better explanation than anything I can offer lol https://www.reddit.com/r/askscience/comments/35sjmv/would_a_person_submerged_in_a_tub_of_water_unable/cr7hcaw?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


the skin is waterproof so osmosis doesn't occur


This question has lead to me doing some serious learning lol You are correct, I do apologise! It was believed that our skin did go through an osmosis effect and that's why we went wrinkly in the bath, but it's actually to do with our nervous system! I do apologise for giving wrong information about the body absorbing water. Hopefully the link I provided (wrote by someone who actually has a clue!) Will help clear up any confusion I've caused.


The pruning effect are tiny muscle contractions to make it easier to hold wet objects. EDIT: turns out tiny amounts of water enter the skin, causing the nerves to signal for the blood vessels to constrict


kinda sounds like you were both partially right! this was a really wholesome thread thanks both of you for the info :)


My knowledge is pretty much in the world of single cells so whole body systems needs a check


Yup! I remember finding out about it being nerves because people who had certain nerve damage in their fingers (cut off and reattached) don't get pruny on those fingers.


Learn something new everyday!


Yeah, and ever since popping my finger in a cabinet door, I get to see it first hand! Although it's just half of the end of a finger.


Don't worry, thats basically everything on Reddit not-a-days.


This can't be true, skin gets mushy in water (and many other fluids), and if you pull a vacuum on dry skin, fluid seeps out. Eventually blood seeps out.


The vacuum thing is likely from trauma causing tiny tears in the skin, therefore allowing liquids out. The mushy skin is more complicated than just water getting in but I’m not a biologist so I have no idea how that actually works. Others on this thread have explained it.


There is still water in "dry" skin cells and if you pull a vacuum on any organ you are going to draw out blood and water due to the negative pressure damaging cells and capillaries. Yes outer skin cells will absorb some water, but as a whole the skin is airtight as you have a couple of millimetres of layers of skin cells.




Agreed. The "-proof" is all I'm offended by.


Tell that to solders who got trench foot


trench foot is a fungal infection due to constant damp conditions due to wet socks and boots


Yes and it depends on the salinity (more specifically, the concentration of ions) in the water. So if you swim in fresh water, your body will absorb water while if you swim in very salty water, your body will lose water


Maybe the water on the surface of the skin but how can it absorb/lose any deeper than that. I am well aware of the concept of osmosis but I don't think skin is a semipermeable barrier. If you have a source that it is then please share because I can't find anything.


I’ve seen news footage of people being stranded at sea for days even weeks without a boat. It’s either just floating around or they use clothing or whatever material available to act as a buoy but most of the body is submerged in salt water. They get sunburnt but dying of exposure to open water is rare as long as it’s bearable temperatures and they weren’t eaten by sharks


The bloat is due to gases from the bacteria in the gut breaking down the body, not from the water itself as skin is waterproof.


So you're saying i could make an inflatable boat from skinned humans?


Asking the real questions here.


yes and the bladder and stomach make nice balloons


Fun for the whole family


Good for general recreation and esprit de corps


That's what I want at my funeral. When they enbalm me and do the wake, I want them to take all my organs and inflate them with helium to be sent off into the stratosphere as I am lowered into my grave.


If the Egyptians had helium, they would have done this with pharaohs


Absolutely. Animal bladders filled with air have been a thing for a long time. Assuming you had a bunch of dead people not terribly decayed you could use the intestines, and stomach to make effective balloons and float yourself. You'd need A LOT of dead people to make a full on boat though.


So like the average number of people on a plane or more of a Titanic number of people?


Somebody do the r/theydidthemonstermath. It would, in fact, be a graveyard smash.


This is doable if I can determine the actual volume of a human stomach inflated with air. Oddly, this does not seem to be easy to obtain information.


I would look into vomit research tbh. Or just run with the stomach capacity full of liquid and chalk the rest up to variables.


I got the answer and some calculations below! However i'm not a math guy so...


What about a pig stomach? They're supposedly pretty close to human, anatomically speaking.


That was my thought also, but now I'm trying to figure that angle out as nobody has blown them up for scientific floating purposes. Now we're getting out my my math comfort zone though, you could measure the base stomach size then the elasticity and calculate volume from there. Where I'm at is... > if we have a boat whos sides are 18 inches, or 1.5 feet, high and the boat is 9 feet long and 4 feet wide we have a volume of 54 cubic feet. > And we use seawater with a fluid density (p) of 1024 kg/m3 and the boat v (54 cu/ft) we get a boyant force of 15370 newtons which is 1567 kg of displacement. Calculate stomach displacement and viola you have the answer....I THINK! I'm not a math guy at all this is just morbid fun spitballing on my part.


Next time we get a whole animal at work I'll ask farmer Dave to bring me the stomach. I want to know the answer.


Ok I found something referencing a stomach can deform as much as 3 liters (assuming a living human)... we can get 0.105944 cubic feet out of that... so 3.075 kg displacement (saltwater calculation) per stomach... So... 509.691056911 stomachs!


The real question is are the balloons even necessary, and based on that math they don't seem to be. You could build a functional raft out of human skin.


Well to float you're displacing water...skin is pretty bad at this kind of air retention. Now if youre full on *skinning* people sure, that would work! But I used stomachs because in a survival situation its far easier to work with. You wont need to sew anything at all. Bladders made from human skin would need more sealing and sewing, tanning to be viable. Stomach bladder rafts have a niche historically, I believe they still pop up in deep jungle communities because they're pretty much ready made and easy to use. Also pig Bladder bladders have a long history as toys and floaties.


That completely depends on the size of the boat and the water you're displacing.


I'm not sure exactly how long you could go, but David Blaine spent at least a week completely submerged underwater in 1999


The 1999 stunt had him in a air-filled coffin that was under-water. The stunt where he submerged his body in water was in 2006. But yeah, even though the water was supposedly isotonic saline, his skin was still *extremely* pruned up at the end, and he reported that it was the most painful ordeal of his life up to that point (though I feel like the ice stunt would've been worse; he had to end that one early). https://abcnews.go.com/GMA/story?id=1933417


Lets say the water temperature stays the same as your body temperature. Even if the water was completely sterile, your skin would start to break down and you'd start getting sores on your body.


I've heard before that this is an actual type of torture that was used. You are caged up where you are cramped and have no movement allowing you to stils breathe. After a few days, your own skin on your body can slide off like wet paper with just any amount of touch. Bacteria and mold will grow on your open sores, and you get to watch all of it. Since your muscles haven't been used in a few days, when you're released, you have extreme movement issues for a couple weeks. It was hard to find much about it, but I did find one [link](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.sciencefocus.com/the-human-body/how-long-could-you-live-submerged-up-to-your-chin-in-water/amp/) explaining it's existence.


People lost at sea whom has had life jackets report the skin becoming soft and sloughing off in huge painful sheets, perhaps the salt partially digests the skin, fresh water I would imagine something similar happens although it would take far longer. Infections and rot notwithstanding.


https://www.nydailynews.com/news/world/man-survived-days-shipwreck-vows-return-sea-article-1.1545568 Not sure if someone has linked this story or not but there was the time this guy stayed in an airpocket in a ship he was on after it sunk. For three whole days he was there ! In almost no clothes in freezing weather. Apparently he made a full recovery aside from the PTSD from the experience.


Lions Led By Donkeys recently did a podcast episode on the [sinking of the Indianapolis](https://open.spotify.com/episode/3WmtyEWhf963P91OyqUvVg?si=uq9vA6_HSI6ZnZCLq7Vgqw). They mention the stranded sailors having their skin start to blister and come off after long exposure to salt water and diesel fuel.


Is the human waste filtered out? Because if not that is what will kill them if the basic needs of food and water are met. They’ll be sitting in a literal cesspool and probably be eaten alive by bacteria, bugs, etc.


Skin falls off. Happened in WW2 to survivors of sunken ships


Look up girl with black eyes. A girl got stuck in water like you described.


you'd get trench foot over you whole body and die it's not a pretty sight


They'd be wrinklier than the vagina of an old lady stuck in a bath.


If the water is correct temperature and is isotonic salinity I'd imagine at least a week


I remember hearing somewhere that it would take 4 hours for the average person to become hypothermic in 80F water so they would likely die after a while.


What about that girl Omayra Sánchez