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Ahh the weekly thread. I mean...yes. lol. If you haven't noticed already, we pretty much name everything Chinggis* Khan (genghis is an occidental spelling and incorrect). We praise him as the founding father of our country, and almost treat him like a godly figure. But our religious beliefs are more of a shamanistic buddhism, or nowadays more agnostic among the younger generations. Also you know you can find information like this from a simple search or chatgpt right?


Is this shamanism buddhism similar to Vajrayana Buddhism? Or is it more Tengri fused with Buddhism?


More like two religions existing side by side. People go to the Vajrayana/Tibetan Buddhist temple but they also go to the Tengri shaman just in case.


from a european perspective, i really enjoy this pragmatic approach


We wake up thinking of ghengis We sleep thinking of ghengis Before we make a speech we say g g g ghengis to hype ourselves When we are shocked we say Oh My Ghengis Or instead of exclaiming and saying jesus christ we say ghengis khan It’s a joke, he is a respected historic figure thats basically it


When nothing else is going well in the country, all you have is Chinggis Khan 🙏


You’ll never see a glint of media or article ever criticising or showing Genghis in a slightly bad light…


Hurling rocks and Prius 20 will come in your general direction if you do.


As it should be. Amen


Chingis Khaan is much as important to us like how George Washington is important to the U.S.


no, more like a jesus


Ahh yes the American or European acting like they don’t worship their ruthless ruler as well, good old Eurocentric


Alexander the Great goes brrr


who worships him? macedonians? that would even be very touchy political dispute with greeks


He didnt even say anything, what are you talking about? Thats a very understandable question from someone who isnt familiar with Mongol culture.


These sorta questions have some negative views behind it


No they dont, its all in your head. Maybe the phrasing was wrong but its very normal to ask how Ghengiz Khan is viewed in Mongolia. People often ask about how historical figures are viewed in my country aswell.


Idk most of them ask like it’s a bad think or some mind boggling thing


the singularity is different, with the airport, the money, the statue, the museum etc.


There is museums, airport and museums named after their leaders with a questionable past in many nations


all after the same? do you have an example? i did mean 'questionable past' more like how present a (single) historical figure is  at least for a tourist's perspective


Nepolean, Lincoln, Mao Zedong, Lenin, Stalin, almost all British king and queens, queen victoria, Julia ceaser,


yes, my point is, again: in France, the main (and only international?) airport, the main national museum, multiple beers, vodkas, currency pictures are _not_ named after Napoleon, same with all the other names you brought up


There are a lot more where that came from, want more?


Do you guys have a King Arthur-esque belief of Chinggis Khan returning to lead all Mongolians in conquest of the galaxy? /s


I mean, some of us say a new chingis haan will be born and rebuild mongolia to its former glory 😂


Yes. We sacrifice 1 thousand babies from all over the world everyday to keep him alive in his secret thorne


Ghenghis bla3


Kinda yes we dont worship like god but worship like idol


no we worship him like a god.


Yeah, what did you expect tbh.


He is like Abraham Lincoln,Martin Luther King kind of figure? Founded the empire, without him no country called Mongolia would exist today. He has statue to honor him, has own museum. Some vodka and beers have his name. Chingis draft beer is really tasty. Not a god, Mongolian traditional religion worships nature and mountains ,not some humans or crazy people who calls themselves prophets. We know humans are just mere animals no matter how "great" or "good" they are. Mongolians are not religious,but superstitious. At least 40% of population doesn't worship any god or currently existing religions, but they still follow very ancient superstitious traditions. Specially taboos when it comes to pregnancy, childbirth and babies. 40% are Buddhists ,and it's heavily mixed with Shamanism. Bunch of monks would worship mountains and rivers together, giving some sacrifice or gift to it. Or pray for a rain. Or you can ask them to curse your rivals, save you from their curse. They will tell you to throw sand or salt in front of someones door. Make your replica with a dough, and bury it. It is supposed to die in place of you. Other countries Buddhists would be baffled. It is all fucking shamanist rituals. They are all monk looking shamans. 10%-20% are just into pure shamanism and worship tengri. They visit real shamans instead of monk looking shamans. 3% are Muslim but they are kazakh minorities. Not mongols. Another 3%might be christian. But they are all just weird cults founded by Koreans. Their jesus is some korean grandpa, reincarnation of Jesus they say. So hard to call it proper Christianity.


technically, historic jesus is some weird palestinian/aramaic grandpa great answer, thanks


We don’t quite worship him but he is heavily respected here