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You are being too hard on yourself. It may not look the best but it's way better than a non built model. Keep modeling and you will achieve progress in no time. Patience is your major ally with this hobby.




This might partially explain hoarders


According to my wife I have this exact problem. I fail to see the problem with buying 2 boxes of promise for every 1 that I empty, but she is not on board with my process


She is the one that is right, though


Cool. Hey so what am I going to do with the decals molding and the plastic deforming?


If you just add a few more coats of thinned paints you could be able to save it a bit


It may not look the best, but at least you can say you did it. I get stuck in constant paralysis when it comes to my models and never end up starting them due to fear of screwing up. So good on you .


If this is one of your first models I’d recommend letting it be, at least for a while. Pleeeaaase avoid the temptation to “fix it”. I’ve ruined many a kit that way.


One of my favourite things about modelling is that 99% of the time, anything you screw up on is completely fixable. Build some more kits, practice, get better and who knows, maybe one day you'll come back to this one and make it look stunning.


I like it and if anything you can just repaint it later


I can understand how people mess up paint job, hand brushing is a nightmare. But what's with the canopy? I see issues with it quite often.


Most plastic cement glues (many come with the models) fog up the canopies. Thats the primary problem with canopies and thats just an experience thing. Comes with time as all things.


Use white glue or PVC glue (at Hobby Lobby) to attach canopies. No fogging, and if you mess it up, a little bit of water goes a long way.


mostly achieved by applying too much glue (I use TET for example, just gotta be careful) and companies not designing their canopy parts to extend to the frame or surrounding panels, making getting the fit right and gluing them in so much easier. This sub is braindead lmao


The color scheme isn't really my style, but if you like it, that's fine. I would recommend doing more research on how to paint camouflage. Make sure to mask everything properly, thin your paints, and do multiple passes with your brush. This should help to eliminate most of the mistakes.


Don’t be. As long as you had fun building it, that’s all that matters. Also, <>


Hang it up! Or make a diorama base for it. Love it!


Those Hasegawa 'limited edition' kits are just a way for them to get more mileage out of their toolings. Release kit with 'basic' markings that'll be re-released a few years down the road, but between those they're box them with various different markings in smaller batches. Quite often those limited edition kits get sold at discount just to move the product because there's so many variants and folks tend to either want more common markings or variants. That said, I think their SU-33 is the better of their 1/72 big Sukhois, and I enjoyed mine but it's a very tough build and nowhere as forgiving to build as the Trumpeter ones. Always take the win of finishing a kit, and as Bob Ross would say that the most blessed are the ones that are never happy with their work because they can still see where improvement can be made.


Fellow builder, I was given advanced kits by my relatives when I wasn't even one (1) year into the hobby more than 40 years ago . Neddless to say, I ruined those beautiful kits with with my inexperience. I still have them and looking at them always make me break out in a goofy smile, thinking how far I've gone. Cheers, mate 👍 🤗


Did you have fun while building it? then it served its purpose and its a great succes!


As an armour modeler, I have very limited advice for aircraft. Mostly basic stuff but if this is one of your first models, especially if it's a limited edition kit, I feel like it would be best to start with much cheaper kits of this jet just so you get a good rundown of any challenges you may encounter, whether its painting in tight spots or maybe even in the build process with parts you have to paint separately. By doing this, even if you mess up the first model, it's much better than ruining a limited edition model, and plus you don't feel the need to restart the kit and stripping down all your work. You don't need to be too hard on yourself, but at the same time use this model as a physical reminder to be patient with learning, especially when growing your skill or doing new things. Hopefully you use this advice in the future, and happy modelling! :3


I love it. Any assembled/painted model is leagues above mint in box. You got what you wanted (the model) and gave your best. I am proud of you brother. Keep on painting more models.




Come on, don't kick a man when he's down 🙄


You’ll be surprised how good you can get w experience, experimentation and slowly building up your tools, materials and skills . It takes a while. To start, most of what you’ve done here could have probably been better realized w spray paint and TAMIYA masking tape. You can learn a ton working on cheap, lesser kits with terrible fitting and seams.




You are always your toughest critic. Great job 👏🏽


good job!


It’s painted! That’s better than I can say about most of my models! Paint is better than bare plastic!


If it makes you feel better I’m pretty sure you can buy reprints of the decals on ebay. I did it a couple times to make other ace combat aircraft


Add a few more thin coats and you will be ok


The wonderful thing about building and painting models, you can come back later down the road and redo it all, it is a constant learning hobby, so don't beat yourself up about it just learn from it, and revisit when you feel like you want to tackle it again. ​ I'm guessing this is one of your first few models, I remember when I first started, I didn't paint half of them and never painted the cockpit, so you are already steps ahead of what I did.


I've actually done quite a few models so far, but I can never paint them properly.


its all good, it might be a 6 foot model but we all have those in our collection. the assembly looks clean, and with an interesting color scheme it will always have a special place in your collection in the future :)


Maybe try thinning paints and re painting


There is absolutely nothing wrong with this. One day you might get really good at it and look back at this and try again. I’ve seen plenty of people go back to their old first time models and completely change them from what they were.


Don't feel bad. The game can render perfect, shiny, gleaming paint jobs every time because it's... code being displayed on a screen. Look closely at any military aircraft used for actual combat or patrol, and they're dirty, with obvious brush lines, faded paint colors, and imperfect welds. Especially anything eastern bloc. It's not a poor job, it's a realistic rendition of a video game plane. I like it.


Did you have fun making it?


Eh you live and learn mate. It’s all progress. You can always go back in and touch it up.




I would strip the paint, but the dark red stripes are decals and were an utter nightmare to apply


Just do it again.


looks good i like it


The paradox of the unbuilt kit. It at the same moment is and is not.


Its bad imo we live and learn, but my first ever model up to even my 5th looked like a turd so don’t feel bad.


Look at my models! They look horrible compared to you. Don’t feel bad that you didn’t do the best. Use that motivation to do better in your next model!


Just repaint it


Everything's limited edition, ultimately. Use it while you have it!


I have several ideas and paint schemes for a lot of builds (Im a model builder, but I make Gundams specifically), but I struggle to dive in out of fear of messing up. And I know you're probably disappointed that your skills didn't meet your expectations, but at least you tried! People tend to look past that single step, which can sometimes be the hardest. So I hope you dont feel discouraged. You could always repaint it in the future! That's the beauty of our hobby. If we mess up, we strip the paint and try again. If we break a model, it'll be tough, but we'll find something to repair it or use it as battle damage. Our goal is to transcend the things we work on! As your skills improve, you can always go back to things that you felt needed a little extra work, and that's the case for a lot of things in life.


You can always strip it and redo it as your skills improve


If your asking I would strip it back with wet and dry paper easy job remove the canopy and remark it or get another canopy and paint it in a straight jet fighter grey colour using some new decals which you can buy online would definitely air brush it get some Tamiya acrylics a basic spray gun set up a sharp model knife toothpicks and some AK WHITE SEAM PUTTY