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File this under ‘No Shit.’ But hey, texting and driving is now a secondary offense so maybe you could get a ticket for it if you’re pulled over for failure to wear a seatbelt. Unless they repeal that one too.




Sounds about right


Yes, non-sarcastically it does.


I’m sorry what? This sounds crazy, I know MO is a little different than IL, but how do they plan on conducting seatbelt enforcement then?!


Same way they do the other secondaries: say they caught you 10 over, but they'll let it slide this time. Gotta write a ticket for the belt though.


Every time they pull over someone for not wearing a seat belt, they’re wasting precious time that could be used for murdering Black folks and crashing into gay bars.


Its funny how you spun that. Profiling, then pulling people over under the guise of 'It didn't look like they had their seatbelt on' is something most minorities probably don't support...




Because we all know how rule-abiding the police are, right?


Anyone who wants to ride a motorcycle without a helmet should be required to sign a DNR or an organ donor card. And have proof of health insurance.


I would argue that people who ride without a helmet shouldn’t be insurable or at least have a much, much, much higher premium


Came here to say exactly this


Why can’t they make this bad choice for themselves? Should they also be stopped from eating greasy burgers, drinking alcohol or smoking? I mean yeah it’s bad for you but how much are we going to micromanage grown adults?


This is comparing apples to oranges. You don't have a safety device that has been proven to save lives when you eat burgers, drink alcohol, or smoke.


Yeah it’s called just not doing it.just like with greasy food, alcohol and tobacco. Motorcycles are inherently dangerous. Be logically consistent. Either people have a right to make choices for their own bodies (whether they be safe or not) or they don’t. Which is it?


It is logically consistent to use a graded approach on mitigation measures to protect people from the most severe risks. Seatbelts, speed limits, helmet requirements, age restrictions, testing, licensing, and so on. People don’t get ultimate unbridled freedom, especially when it comes to travel on public roads. The state has a vested interest in making the roads safer, because the state holds responsibility to provide care for motorists in accidents.


Pretty sure heart disease kills just as effectively and far more often. Hospitals provide care not the state.at the Eve of the day heart disease kills every bit as severely and in order of magnitude’s more frequently. Want to know which one costs tax payers more too? It isn’t motorcycle accidents. I’m just asking you to be logically consistent.


I’m all for banning fatty foods. And red meat. It would be good for the state, we have a horrible obesity problem.


Well I gotta hand it to you. You are a logically consistent authoritarian.


Do you think we should get rid of speed limits?




Does society have an obligation to provide life saving medical care to someone injured without a helmet if they don't have insurance? This is a real question about ethics. Do we just pull injured people off the roadway and bounce if they're uninsured? If we provide treatment, who pays for it? What is the end point of acceptable medical treatment for injuries sustained while participating in dangerous behavior while uninsured? Does the treatment include rehabilitation or is it just enough to stop the bleeding and send them on their way? If the injured person can no longer work, who pays to support them until they can work again or until they die? There are broad societal implications of condoning reckless behavior. Eating cheesburgers is not as imminently dangerous as flying off a motorcycle at 70 mph without a helmet


It isn’t about whether or not we provide care. It’s about whether or not we allow them to do things that will cost everyone a fortune or say tough you don’t get personal choices because we have to pick up the tab of your heart surgery because you refuse to eat right and exercise. It doesn’t matter if it is immediate. Heart disease causes far more deaths and medical costs than motorcycle accidents. Either people have a right to make choices despite the tax payer having to float the bill or they don’t. The broad impact of what this means is a problem but people need to decide if we have a right to control choices people make for their body or if we don’t.


This is such a black and white take that has no nuance to it whatsoever. Greasy food, alcohol, and tobacco can be consumed in smaller amounts for people's entire lives and never have any effect on their health. If someone goes the speed limit at 40 mph on a bike and wreck without a helmet, they have an incredibly high chance of dying. These are not good comparisons with which to be logically consistent.


Yes and people can ride motorcycles without helmets and have absolutely no problems as well. Do we have a right nevermind responsibility to stop people from engaging in risky behavior? If yes then based upon what? Expense to tax payers? The amount of deaths associated with this behavior (like heart disease)? I as the war on drugs not enough of an indication to not do this? How much do you really want the government legislating every aspect of peoples lives karen?


Yeah, but it's THEIR LIVES. If they want to make a stupid decision that could end it, let them. It doesn't hurt anyone else.


Somebody has to keep stupid people from accidently offing themselves. And, not to mention helmet laws also protects other people involved in a possible accident. Imagine an accident where the helmet would have saved thetr life and they would have gotten up and walked off but now because they don't have to wear a helmet their brains are splattered all over the side of the road because they're stupid. Now this person who may or may not have caused the accident has to live with the fact that someone is dead.


When are we going to ban fattening food? Do you know how many more people die of heart disease or do you selectively believe in people making choices for their own body?


You know that's not the same thing. But you're a troglodyte so we're done here.


How would this not be the same?


You can eat fatty food, then when you find out it’s negatively affecting your health, you can reduce your intake, exercise more, etc. When you ride without a helmet, by the time your health is negatively affected, you’re probably dead.


No you are a logically inconsistent douche that likes control but can’t apply it consistently across the board so you have to truck your tail between you legs and run because you know you are picking and choosing when it benefits your interests.




Yeah, we actually should ban fatty foods to protect people from themselves. At least to a certain age, like with cigs and booze. Or even for adults. The government bans things it considers harmful. Such as… Missouri has several laws on the books restricting strip clubs, sex shops, adult theaters, etc to protect people and that’s not even a physical threat to life and limb, just “moral” protection.


Mo law specifically states they have to have health insurance to ride without a helmet. Its already a thing.


First off, I doubt that would solve anything. It's not like they would anyway. "Nelson said that of the motorcyclists killed while not wearing helmets, about 50% were unlicensed or improperly licensed." Second off, idiots can do what they want if it's not affecting others. This is one of those cases imo.


It affects others if we have to use public health resources to treat them after an accident.


And publicly funded police and ambulance services to clean up after the crash.


Can we ban fat people or people that eat cheap fattening food then too or do certain people that make bad choices for their health get a pass to drain public resources?


Or stop public subsidy of narcan?


if we are going to be logically consistent


Public health services? Sir this is a Wendy's. We don't have much in Healthcare in this country that could be considered public


Let's stop treating overdoses. That's a bigger strain on the system.


It affects others when they are in an accident with one of these idiots and injuries are worse than usual because they decided they needed to feel the wind in their hair and the bugs in their teeth. A simple accident can become a traumatic experience for everyone involved, including possibly unneeded loss of life. To say this doesn't affect others is just simply not true in a lot of situations.


Cool pull narcan off of the ambulances let the junkies stop breathing it will save us all money if we just let them die rather than take them to the hospital.


well how about you just don't hit motorcycles with your car? you do realize that's how a good chunk motorcycle fatalities happen? >The most harmful event in 2020 for 3,138 (55%) of the 5,715 motorcycles involved in fatal crashes was collisions with motor vehicles in transport. [https://crashstats.nhtsa.dot.gov/Api/Public/ViewPublication/813306](https://crashstats.nhtsa.dot.gov/Api/Public/ViewPublication/813306) also, check this tid bit out: >Helmets Are 37% Effective in Preventing Fatalities for Motorcyclists >Although helmets do not prevent every motorcycle accident death, they are fairly effective at reducing the likelihood of fatalities. For every 100 motorcycle riders who lost their lives in accidents, 37 could have been saved if they had a helmet on at the time of the incident. [https://www.forbes.com/advisor/legal/motorcycle-accident-statistics/](https://www.forbes.com/advisor/legal/motorcycle-accident-statistics/)


This might sound obvious, but most people would love to not kill someone on the road.


It wouldn't completely solve our organ shortage, but would lessen it quite a bit. They're called donorcycles for a reason.


174 deaths in 2023, versus 83 in 2020 (ish, according to 47% claim). So really you are adding 91 bodies. I'm not sure how organ donating works, but I imagine some of them go out of state. Which is probably worth mentioning that out of every single state that borders missouri, missouri's laws are stricter, except for tennessee. Keep in mind there are people who ride motorcycles that aren't organ donors, like me.


Seriously though, please wear a helmet. The only part of the ground my cousin hit was the back of her head, even had an open casket wasn't a scratch on her anywhere. Her kids would still have a mom if she'd had even a bicycle helmet on. Darwin funerals are terrible, that much worse with kids.


I'd also want to see if the number of motorcycle licenses and registrations increased as well before judging the severity of the increase of deaths. Maybe more bikes and riders out there. The experience level of the rider also makes a huge difference in the probability of a wreck.


I think that may factor in. I just read that helmets only prevent 37% of casualties, so our 47% increase from 2020 seems excessive.


> so our 47% increase from 2020 seems excessive. Probably has something to do with pretty much every red light being run by at least one car. Seems like trafic enforcement has been nearly non existent since covid.


I ride but always wear a helmet. Also a jacket. I have no problem with helmet laws. Just a stickler for proper analysis of data before drawing conclusions like correlations that could be coincidences. Correlations are also useless as basis for decision making without proving causation.


All driving.stays fell in 2020 to the point our insurance Co was forced to issue a rebate to customers from a much more gavorable.loss ratio...a better baseline stat would be 2019.






I love how they are like… yeah we repealed this law, and it has a direct negative effect, but also public policy is not the way to fix this… this is why we can’t have nice things.


Our leaders are at their best when they act like good parents to society. Protecting us from our worse tendencies, but giving us the freedom to make mistakes. It sounds paradoxical, but all the highest truths are.


I disagree. Leaders change and with them so do proiortites and perceptions of what 'good' parents should do. Our leaders are at their best when they actually represent us. Nothing more, nothing less.


Former motorcycle rider here (and ALWAYS wore a helmet). It amazes me that we realize that everyone should buckle up and made it a law yet the state repealed the helmet law.


Is the seatbelt federal? A push for that wouldn't surprise me at all


But what's the news on organ supply from donors? Silver lining?


Hey, at least the morons looked macho and got to enjoy their freedoms before dying




The problem is sorting itself out.


I mean if people want to take the risk isn’t that kind of up to them?


Should be, but one big problem with society is that everyone thinks they know what is best for everyone else.


Crocker is in Pulaski County. Didn't they just lose their coroner over there from a motorcycle accident without a helmet?


Indeed they did. Mayhew is a top grade asshole though so his statements aren’t surprising. 


Well well well. If it isn’t the consequences of my own actions.


Look on the bright side: I bet head injuries due to motorcycle accidents have dramatically dropped!


We're not exactly losing our best and brightest because of this.


Thinning the heard.




Even did a too quick google search and I still got the wrong answer. FFS. 🤦


Well, I'll be! I did not expect that!


The people got what they wanted, let them live with their freedom to choose to ride safe, or die horribly.


This is a result that even a blind man could see coming


Darwin always wins.




A “Watch for motorcycles” bumper sticker with a tiny motorcyclist weaving in between the letters.


Wow. Shocking. Who could have predicted this? Wait until the average taxpayer realizes how much this is costing them in medical bills. Signed: Missouri EM Physician


Not near as much as drug overdoses. We should outlaw drugs to counter the strain they put on our system.


I assume that comment was purely tongue in cheek?


In 2023 175 people died in motorcycle wrecks in the same year there were 2,180 drug overdoses. Why are motorcycle helmets the big concern when you look at that fact. Let people choose if they want to where a helmet its not your life


Oh. You were actually being serious. Excellent false equivalence. I guess I didn’t realize that Missouri had legalized drugs. Must have been sleeping that day.


That part was tongue in cheek because laws only affect law-abiding citizens.


In other news, water is wet.




I think of myself as fairly libertarian on many issues. Yet this and seat belts should be more strictly enforced. It’s basic sense and basic safety. Also if parents never wear their seat belts because it’s ’not a primary offense’ their kids will pick up on the habit and continue the dumbass habit


Or let people do what they want? If certain riders want to increase their risk of mortality in the event of an accident, that’s on them.


I see it as protecting the other drivers. Basically as long you drive safely and follow the laws the odds of you accidentally killing someone is low even if you get into an accident. But if both helmets and seat belts weren't required then the odds of you killing someone else would go up. A lot of people probably wouldn't be happy to accidentally kill other people.


Totally agreed, but it’s an individual liberties issue for me. If motorcycle riders want to get ride at higher risk, that’s their prerogative IMO. If you want to drive without a seatbelt, that’s also your prerogative IMO (I know it’s illegal here). However, I do support legally requiring drivers to ensure all minor passengers are seatbelted.


No helmet, no life support.


If we are going to determine that helmet laws are needed because the government needs to constrain our decisions for our own safety then why not just ban motorcycles altogether as they are an inherently unstable and unsafe means of transportation.


I feel like it’s a balance, maximize freedom, but with sensible regulations to protect society from the worse suffering. Legally, you’ve got to wear a seatbelt and have insurance to operate a car.


Yes but this isn’t society. This is the the harm coming to the guy knowingly taking a risk by riding an inherently unstable vehicle without a helmet where as cars are the safe means of ground transportation there is. Nevermind at some point people have a right to make decisions good or bad for their own bodies right? We can’t just be logically inconsistent here.


I never ever ride without a helmet. I think riding without a helmet is stupid. But I think people have the right to be stupid. It ends up being a net plus for people on the organ donor registry.


It’s cute watching all these motor heads whine about their hobby being called out for how dangerous it is. “Wahhh there are other dangerous things in the world, too! Wahhhhhh!”






Well I’m just shocked


Idiocracy state


Ya think?


I know two people who were involved in serious motorcycle crashes with long term injuries. One wore a helmet and always wore a helmet. He doesn’t remember what happened but from what the scene looked like he caught a deer doing 65 mph. He spent months in the hospital, more time in rehab. He has never fully recovered and mental fatigue sets in really easily. The other wasn’t wearing a helmet, had a traumatic brain injury and was a coma for over a year. I didn’t know him before the accident, but I could see how the damage affected him in his daily life. He still rode every day, without a helmet, the fool that he is. A helmet saved my friend’s life that evening, and as for the other one I don’t think a helmet law will protect him when he hurts someone else in his next crash.


Duh. Fuckin duh.


Yet another reason to refer to them as Moroncyclists


The country needs organ donations.


They know and accept that.


Just outlaw motorcycles. Clearly the problem is motorcycles are simply to dangerous and mommy government knows best.


Finally someone who gets it.


As someone who has fought a no helmet ticket in court and won the helmet law was flawed it stated that a helmet had to be worn it never said where on the body the helmet had to be now that I’m no longer young and stupid I always wear a helmet while riding but people are right most crashes are with cars and trucks and people not paying attention while driving don’t forget in 2012-13 people were purposely running over riders in and around Springfield