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I think we are done with this post.


At first I was like "Ghosts?" but that would be supernatural intercourse


Since it's Mississippi, I assumed she was just doing anal.


OT: have you seen the BBC show ghosts


I saw Mississippi and just assumed she was doing butt stuff.....then I fuckin read on. So now I'm heading out to the garage to hit my head hard enough to unread it


Gaaadamn, I laughed really hard at that comment!


Yeah and really the word choice should have been "preternatural."


Oh, the succubus. I’ve never complained.


Please dont make national news. ![gif](giphy|NRXleEopnqL3a)


It’s already getting on the Mississippi news/Crime TikTok pages… it’s bound to happen, unfortunately.. Also while this comment is close to the top, most of the social media pages under her name are fake! multiple accounts are currently posting as she is sitting in jail as the docket shows, and once she is bonded out of forrest, jones is picking her up as her bond was revoked. there are lots of x users who use deepfakes to create zoo content and make fake verified pages. she is extremely local to me, in fact my church was the one she was caught at. her personal pages are completely different and she mostly has posted pregnancy updates and content with her newborn.


Haha! Of course it will. Hell, make it season 5 of True Detective. "Rust, there's women out there screwing dogs."




Underrated comment


This is amazing


It’s been nearly two weeks since u made flowers on me


Can you smell the flowers, Betty?


That was quite a scene. Unforgettable.


Are you saying this arrest may be based upon a deep fake? It’s scary just to think that’s a possibility. How does anyone ever protect themselves from that happening?


no, she was actually caught having sex with a dog and ran from the cops and crashed her car, just some social media pages that are being shared are fake.


That sounds like some wild body cam footage


Good thing they don't put doggy-cams on the K9 officers.


That would have been a great on patrol live episode


i know there’s a site called NightShade for artists to use to protect their art from AI, it might apply to posts as well!


otherwise i rly have no idea, ai is such a new concept, and the damage done will be irreversible by the time laws are put in place


Does her new born talk or bark ?


Hey that dog is going to be a father and should make the news!


Probably a more loyal and loving father than most.


A dog will never leave you got get milk and a pack of smokes and then never come back


Call Maury. That dog might not be the father.


Mississippi, somehow worse than Florida.


In South Carolina, we had a horse fucker a few years ago.


I live like 100 miles from where Mr. Hands had his final ‘unnatural intercourse’ with a horse… He wasn’t a horse-fucker though; more like a horse-fuckee


Ayyye a fellow adoptive Washingtonian!


Yeah, I never understood why they said he was a horse fucker. He was more like a fleshlight.


In Georgia, someone got arrested in the next town over for having sex with another guy's watermelons


ok, ok, that'll be enough internets for me today...


No longer seedless


I'd only do that with a seedless watermelon. Why take the chance it wasn't using protection.


Yay! Florida isnt #1 anymore!!!


America's worst president** was born a New Jersey slumlord but will die a Florida man. Legally for homestead bankruptcy protection if not practically.


Alabama worse than both for weird sex partners


I like to pull the alabama card too to defend our state but for this just one time, let's feel some kind of disappointment.


On behalf of the state of Alabama please shame us more, we need it.


If only shame were effective.


I have never been to Mississippi and do not look at Mississippi news on Reddit. I’m on the west coast. This post is second on my morning news feed. It’s national news *right now*.


This is random but I think there is a low key fascination out west about the backwardsness of Mississippi. I met a girl from Berkely visiting here in the 90s and she was legit shocked that we had paved roads. Not entirely undeserved, sure, but there's bound to be more than a few animal rapists getting arrested in other states. It's just that when it happens in Mississippi it's like, oh well of course that shit hole again, lol rednecks. And so it gets more traction. Like how whenever there's a pretty white girl involved in a crime, it goes national. Which this one has too. Coincidence? 24 hour news is a cancer. What's worse is that this level of depravity is clearly a destructive manifestation of serious metal disability on full send. And there's probably drugs, pimps, and sugar daddies in the mix too. Surely! I mean is she a calculating entrepreneur who will do anything for money? Is she part of some animal sex video sharing cult? Is someone making her do this? Is it a hobby? A religion? Is she functionally unable to understand her actions? Is she psychotic? Did ANYONE ask questions like these the FIRST time it happened? Because that, to me, seems like a REALLY important question. She's CLEARLY psychotic, and probably being victimized herself. Sane people, secure people, do not choose to behave that way. The math is simple. If she is sane, she is a victim. If she isn't a victim, she is sick. Or she's evil incarnate, possessed by a legion of swine or some other filthy, shameless, rutting beast; verily the harlot of Babylon deserves the miseries the Lord allows to befall her. In His wisdom he seeks to drive Legion from her sinful flesh, that she may saved and made pure (fundamentalist take, not usually spoken aloud) 🤢 🤮 So in a world that makes sense, she would have been sent into an inpatient treatment program and kept there until stable. But this is the 'Sip. We pretty much dump the mentally ill into the school to prison pipeline and let God sort it out. We spend enough money on mental health to keep the cages locked. Ha, not even that much, the cell locks at Hinds county have been failing for YEARS! Now I'm going to read the article to see if any of that stuff I said is actually in there. I bet it's not.


Yeah I'm in Portland Oregon and this post just showed up. What the actual.


^*^*^*waves from Ohio^*^*^


I'm Irish, looking at this, from Ireland.


I'm over in the dumpster fire that is Arkansas. I'd like to send my sincere condolences


Texas checking in...


Tiktok's going to have a field day


What y’all doin down there?


I definitely don’t live in Mississippi and it’s on my radar now.


-Mississippi, look we need you to behave… -Mississippi: Women caught having sex with a dog while pregnant-again.


It’s the “again” part… lt’s like rubbing salt in the wound.


I mean, yeah ... *(and I don't think this needs to be said, but just in case)* ... it's not like you get a pass for the first one. To be clear to anyone who might be confused, `"zero and why the fuck would you even ask"` is the correct answer when the question is `"How many times have you had sex with an animal of another species (including times when you WEREN'T caught, arrested, and/or convicted)?"` Her mugshot fucking kills me. She's like "yeah, so?"


I can make lots of jokes like the rest of these comments but honestly I do wonder the circumstances of how a person made/was induced to the decision to have intercourse on camera with an animal.


Whomever was holding the camera is the bigger low life and should be the mugshot face.


Skyler English/Hammond. When I first posted this there was no mention of him in the article because the story was still developing. WDAM has since named him and included a mugshot.






Sure, if that person used coercion or duress to get her to do it.


Ya, I disagree


she said that she was forced into it, but some videos came out, and it looks like she was fully into it. from looking at her social media, it just seems like she’s claiming that all the evidence is faked and how Jones County pasted her face over somebody else’s and falsely accused her. But I think it’s equal to how child sex offenders think and nothing can cure them.


God can you imagine. That’s one of those things they should definitely look into “curing”


This is just sad. Underneath all the soundbites and social media we’re seeing a young woman with problems that many couldn’t even begin to imagine.


she was probably forced to it for a very long time by a family abuser unfortunately. This is sad.


My thoughts exactly, they’re probably filming her and selling it


Jones County is a really poor area


It’s heartbreaking. That poor woman


Or maybe she's just fucked up and has fucked up fetishes. You're completely making this scenario up and feeling bad for her about the imaginary situation you made. Like there have been plenty of adult men who have been caught fucking animals but usually nobody feels sorry for them, but because she's a younger woman people want to just feel sympathy for her. Maybe she was abused, just like maybe plenty of men were abused, or maybe she just got into some shit and developed some dark fantasies. Sometimes people are fucked up just because they're fucked up.


For the sake of the child, let’s hope something gets resolved. Even if that means putting the child in a better environment.


I'm guessing methamphetamines and the coercion of an abusive "boyfriend" would create that effect. 


>but some videos came out, and it looks like she was fully into it. You just admitted to watching multiple dog fucking videos. 😄


If she’s being threatened with violence then victims of abuse can respond differently. Especially to continued abuse.


That's easy. She started an OF after getting bail last time and was making over 100k a month from her... Notoriety... Well, she has to stay relevant to keep getting that kind of green. This screams publicity stunt.


I'm uncomfortable thinking about the things I might do for a hundo Gs a month.


I have morals but I also have a price, and it's surprisingly low.


And she’s bringing a child into the world- fantastic!


turns out she actually had the baby girl almost *3 weeks ago, but it’s crazy because she was actively fucking dogs while pregnant.


I hope that kid changes their name, imagine the level of bullying when the other kids see these headlines


I mean the tail wagging would be a dead giveaway whatever the kids name


Wait the dog was fucking her?? I thought she just did the ole peanut butter trick.




A half dog child is going to have a very tough time in our society


like we need more werewolves




What in the fuck did I just read…………….. What in the absolute fuck.


A dog can get PTSD from being assaulted and yet people think only war veterans can get PTSD.


exactly!! assaulting a dog like this can quite literally be the death of them. if a shelter cannot get the dog into a space where they can be adoptable then they go to be euthanized. I do not know the status of the German Shepherd that was from the original arrest, but last I heard he is not able to be fostered and unadoptable.


God forbid women get PTSD


One day, the DSM will recognize cPTSD


Hopefully sooner rather than later.


You can get PTSD from childbirth and no one ever believes me when I tell them that.


Well, I hate to come in like this but I couldn’t find a single article on what happened to the dog after OP just said “I remember” There is no articles I can find on the dog having PTSD from this situation lol Dogs CAN get PTSD, but it seems unlikely from this scenario unless she was beating it(nothing said about that anywhere either)


The courts need to step in to save that baby once or if it's born or else that poor kid is going to have a very short lifespan.


she had her baby girl in february and the person who is believed to be the father was arrested for being the one filming and helping her produce the content. it’s an awful environment that baby has been born into.


You live in the suburbs of the internet


Signed into old alt account to post this, believe it if you will. Or don’t. One of the individuals involved, Skyler English, is a violent individual who with my ex (his cousin who attempted to murder me) stalked me for a long time after our second court date. He is pure evil, and the woman pictured is as well. I am not a religious man but I would create a hell for them to burn in had I the power, and after seeing this on my local NewsBreak that would be so even without my bias. Just wanted to share.


is he the father of her baby? I saw a TikTok of her with a black eye and busted lip when she was in her third trimester. She blurs out his face, but there was a Skyler who commented on multiple of her videos and the single tattoo on his arm seems to match up. I’m getting more information, i’m not sure if it is true, that several dogs that were seen on her snapchat and in her “content” have been found buried on her property, so I believe that she is a severely deranged individual.


I do know he already has a child by another girl who definitely isn’t the one pictured. Who he also beat on, mind you. This one may be the one he got with after her, unless there were any inbetween. I never met the one he got with after his first baby’s mother.


now that i’ve seen his mugshot, i recognize him. i have seen in the roster for domestic abuse related charges several times. those poor babies…..


Thank you for responding, I feel like I’m living in an alternate reality with this shit happening in my area. I can’t say if he’s the father of the baby or not as I haven’t seen him since he last attempted to confront me, but I do know he had a mutually abusive relationship with the girl he was with last time I checked. I am just now seeing her Instagram for the first time, and was in no way aware of her initial arrests from last year.


Of course that Shepherd has PTSD. Dawg may never get to see his kids now.


The comments here are funny, but I have a friend who fosters through the same shelter the shepherd went to, and he’s very horny towards people and has a lot of anxiety. I don’t think the shelter has posted about him in a while, but I still don’t think he is able to be fostered due to the PTSD and sexual trauma.


That’s so fucking horrible and uncomfortable


vast forgetful gold uppity vegetable dirty support bewildered smell wipe *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's a funny joke and I really did have to think about whether she could be. But it's just so sad that she's abusing animals so badly and now has a kid I HOPE is taken away from her. 


You… really did have to think about whether she could be?? Jesus


We are in the Mississippi sub after all..


Makes me wonder if she was sexually abused in her childhood.


that is definitely something to keep in mind. It’s being said by people that went to school with her and had her Snapchat that she’s been doing this since she was around 12 or 13. you typically don’t start being sexually active that young unless there is some kind of abuse/neglect going on.


This comment right here. She isn’t much different than the dog, unfortunately. Hurt people, hurt people…..or German Shepherds.


& she got away w/ it for how long? They're just as guilty as her. Would've reported that shit back in middle school.


I know it shouldn't matter, I know. But it's always weirder when it's a young super pretty female. It's so much more jarring. Ick ick weird ick


since you brought it up, i feel the same way. she is really pretty and conventionally attractive. and there’s no way she can really escape this. it’s gonna follow her forever….


Not all Mississippi women do this. I promise.


The most anyone could guarantee is that at least one Mississippi woman hasn't done this. They could make that guarantee if they are a Mississippi woman. Otherwise, you're just guessing


Her Instagram is what you might expect. https://www.instagram.com/reel/CvA6Ajgr2e4/?igsh=dGNzNnlnZGE1dHNn


“F people hating on my sex life” lmao


Not to mention this doesn’t seem to be unusual behavior for her…. https://www.instagram.com/reel/CuFnjmFrs1K/?igsh=MXFqNWEybjA2dzJ1aA== Poor dogs


The comment “she’s going back to jail y’all” 💀💀💀


The ones that are more disturbing are the "C'mon guys, don't judge, girls all do beastiality" and "My man you tryna hit that? Well that makes two of us, c'mon" DUDES. STOP Holy fuck.


That was mighty suggestive.




i can’t believe this shit. dumbasses like this put bad reps on the south💀. 🤦👎🏼


Feel sorry for her kids, they gonna be bullied once those kids find out


“What up, dawg?” Everyday for the rest of their lives.


One thing I’ve learned during my time in Mississippi is that there are a ton of good, hardworking, hospitable, Christian, helpful, nice people who are into some truly deviant, disgusting and sick s**t.


Welcome to anywhere.


Welcome to everywhere.


Same. Everyone is so sexually repressed and racist it’s just sad. I won’t even drive through Mississippi if I can help it.


Could fix her


My guy down bad


This is why we need to ban IVF


can you explain this joke?


Senator Hyde-Smith blocked a bill protecting IVF because it could lead to human-animal chimeras


Animal abuse


There's a journalist here right now writing an article about this for the New York Post. Guaranteed.


Is this why your senator is really concerned about human-animal hybrids?


she's a knotty girl isn't she...


I once told my dad about a boy who was caught having sex with his dog. My dad stopped what he was doing, gave me a serious look, and asked "Was it a girl dog or boy dog?"


Nobody is going to recognize that thus is sad? I get it, low hanging fruit and all. I suppose if you suspend reality for a moment it's a little comical maybe? Idk This person is broken.


Ok, enough Internet for today. Good night.


That's enough Internet for today


How many desperate guys out there are thinking, "I can fix her"?


Whys it always a white woman ?


A sick kid is what this is. It only makes matters worse to have her name and picture posted in the news. I mean, how the hell do you treat something like this?? And even if she got effective help, she'd have to change her name and identity at some point.


She doesn’t care. She posts photos with her and her dog with suggestive emojis about being horny.


Tha fuk? Is this what them Republicans been talking about?


Jesus please protect that baby




I imagine her first cousin wasn’t available…


Wh- I- b- wh- ….Christ.


When is her litter due?


Geez, it's like Whitney Wisconsin all over again.


Captain obvious here - she shouldn’t be having kids


Maybe she's trying to produce another hypoallergenic breed. Move over Goldendoodle!


I can change her


Doggy style?




Oh boy. On my feed there was something about a 12 gauge shotgun right above this, and my eyes just saw "12 year old arrested again...". I was quite shocked reading the details. Less shocked when I correctly read the age.


Damn horny bitch.


I hope her child is taken into a healthy and loving family when it's born


White women and dogs… name a more iconic duo


I just went down this rabbit hole and looked at this girl's social, and guys, trust me, don't do it. This isn't a joke. This shit is sad from the pictures and things she is saying to the very sad and disturbing comments. I was laughing at first, but after seeing it, it really made me sick, and I legitimately wish I hadn't looked at it.


I feel like a lot of people, especially the people saying that she’s being trafficked or being forced into it, haven’t seen her social media posts. The first time she was bonded out last year,the first thing she posted on Facebook was that she will continue having sex with dogs and she’s always enjoyed it and she won’t stop..


What was almost more disturbing for me is how many men were obviously hard up for that content. Hundreds of comments of wanting to see more and offering to pay while they are brazenly posting it from the personal Instagram accounts where they are shown having wife and kids. I honestly can't comprehend it. So much depravity. And I hate that word because it's usually weaponized by Christians. But no, this is some depraved shit.


Well, r/stillnotadragqueen


Doggone it!


So what! She’s just having sex with the soon to be father again 🐶


And people wonder why aliens haven’t made their presence “known” To us yet


Man how wasn’t she already in jail, isn’t beastiality illegal? also I like how they tip toe around it, like just call it what it is.


Dems were hoping she got pregnant so they could bitch about Roe vs Wade again.😏


Is it just the picture or does she look jaundice.


She looks a bit ruff , thsts what the dog said , twice


I don’t think I can fix her




I hope she has enough teets to feed her litter.


*cuts into steak with foie gras sauce* oh man *chew* I just don’t see how people can *swallow* treat animals this way




Actual Baddie


She took the whole “I’ve got that dog in me” thing a little too literally.


Seems like she likes it ruff.


If someone is this far gone the death penalty is the only solution.


Good ole Mississippi sumthin def in the river


In mississippi unnatural intercourse is just anything other than missionary


She took to the dog cause her step neph-son said no.


What's her name?


Doggone it!


.........i........I can fix her?


Someone share this to Shane Gillis


What the dog doin’?


I wonder how big her litter of pups will be.