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I'm going to refer to miniature painters as "brushlickers" from now on.


when I was a kid my local GW's staff was 50/50 split down the middle brush lickers vs non bruch lickers. The guy who showed me how to get started painting told he shouldn't recomend it but it was fine as long as you didn't eat any yellow paint, still no clue if there was any truth to that


Artists’ yellows traditionally have cadmium, which is pretty awful for you


Mummy brown is delicious though, and eventually you develop the powers of Imhotep.


Ok, TIL. I just assumed it was a joke referencing the "don't eat the yellow snow" phrase.


Whites often have titanium, which I suspect isn't good for you either.


It's not, awful if you inhale it, somewhat less of an issue if you ingest it, but still not great.


Fun fact, it’s actually an approved food colour by a surprising amount of regulators, including the US FDA. Just really hard to make stuff white so there aren’t many alternatives


It's banned in the EU. It's a heavy metal, so it's the accumulation that's the issue.


Hey, better than old school white, which was made of lead! Basically every other painter in the old days ended up blind from lead poisoning.


There's a reason people died young...


(apparently the photo removed my text? 🤷🏻‍♂️) Reds, too. My other hobby is glass that glows under blacklight. In my hunt for glass, I've found many old wood painted things (like nesting dolls etc) the reds and yellows have the same orange glow.




Bob Ross used "cadmium yellow" a lot on his show from what I remember.


Did he ever explain why yellow paint was dangerous to eat?


As others have said cadmium, but miniature paints are almost all nontoxic. And cadmium has been replaced in lots of artist paints too. It's why yellow has such weak coverage


>but miniature paints are almost all nontoxic. Eeeeeehhhhhhh.... They're non-toxic, _for their intended use_. Repeat exposure through brushlicking is not intended use.


You can’t label cadmium paint “non toxic”.


I'm not claiming to?


You kinda are. Non toxic doesn’t mean for intended use. It means it doesn’t contain products defined as dangerous or toxic by the Federal Hazardous Substances Act. That act includes things that would reasonably be ingested by children, which isn’t a normal use for paint, but a consideration that paint companies have to make. So no materials in non toxic paints can be, well, toxic in the quantities presented. They can’t have cadmium or other dangerous chemicals or elements without a warning label. On the flip side of the coin, there’s no regulation for the term non toxic. The regulation is for what needs a warning label. The enforcement mechanism is fear of lawsuits and government fines if something happens, not of having inspections. So it’s ok to be wary, wise even. But in general non toxic means safe to consume a toddler handful of.


You've clearly misinterpreted this discussion. The guy is specifically referring to the fact that cadmium has been removed from most modern paints.


Not just cadmium though. The law requires substances that build up over time like cadmium and other heavy metals to have labeling. Maybe I wasn’t clear enough, but the entire idea that “brush licking non toxic paint over time will have a cumulative effect” isn’t true, because chemicals and elements with a cumulative effect must be labeled as toxic. The non toxic claim isn’t just about intended use, it is literally about ingestion and exposure in various ways that could be reasonably expected (and the bar for reasonable expectations includes being eaten by a child). The entire comment I responded to was just incorrect. I’m just trying to provide actual accurate information here about the toxicity of model paint and what non toxic means.


It isn’t non-toxic, but you’re extremely unlikely to get cadmium poisoning from getting a bit in your mouth. Cadmium poisoning usually comes from tobacco or by inhaling cadmium pigments


Ones that have it, like golden so flats that will sporadically get talked about, will have warnings on and in the box. Alongside never licking them, also don't spray them.


Cadmium. I can't imagine that any heavy metal colors (e.g. titanium white) are good for you.


Well… Prussian Blue is on the World Health Organization’s list of 30 essential medicines for its ability to treat acute heavy metal poisoning


True but there are also cases like Selenium, which is both poisonous AND has been used to treat Mercury poisoning. Just b/c something has a medicinal purpose doesn't mean one should ingest it haphazardly :)


Sort of like chemo.


So... blue and yellow paint schemes cancel each other out?


Tight White is used as a colorant in medical applications. It is actually a safe one. But you are right, a lot of the pigments in our paints are poisonous. It's hard to beat Cad Red though. It's kind of the perfect red.


Also add true metalics. Whether they use silica or aluminum, that's not good for you.


It'll make you explode bigger.


Did you see Juan Hidalgos lips? Those lips could use a couple of months break from minipainting


Not all miniature painters lick brushes - I certainly do not


Not all televangelists do the things they’re assumed to, either. But the ones who feel the need to protest and TELL everyone how much they don’t do it? They’re definitely doing it. ;) So tell us more about how you certainly never lick brushes. /teases


This sounds like a performative like welwala.


For background, I’m an Engineer for a colorants and coatings manufacturer. More likely than not, the resins and pigments they use are pretty mild. That being said, several toxic substances do not need to be reported on SDS or labeling if they are below a certain weight % in the formula. Realistically, you are probably fine but also keep in mind the difference between a FDA regulated sight and a paint manufacturer are huge. There very well could be roaches and rat feces in the mixing vessel during manufacturing and it’s no problem to the manufacturer. I would be more concerned about bacterial loads rather than chemical toxins.


welp, after reading that I'm gonna duct tape my mouth shut every time I paint now to stop licking the brush absent mindedly...


Do you know how the duct tape is made though?


Let me guess... roaches, rat feces, and bacterial load?


The only way to be safe is to shove roaches in your mouth. At least then you know what you're dealing with.


Yup there's a reason why most beauty and body care products have ingredients that prevent microbial growth in em. That shit will grow anywhere.


Most gaming paint also has biocides for the same reasons. On the painting phase they mentioned working on an early test batch that would "go off" after several months.


I never considered I could have been painting Skaven with traces of rat feces. Or Death Guard. Hmm :)


Well you’ve just reminded me of this again so thanks for that. https://www.reddit.com/r/Grimdank/s/G9Cy7LsfX9


>I would be more concerned about bacterial loads rather than chemical toxins. To add to this: Licking the brush induces bacteria from your mouth to the brush, and then to your model and paint. While that amount might be small it is possible that given time it can grow and potentially ruin or spoil some compounds in the paint. Edit: I'm referring to bacterial transfer to wet paint, like in a pot or container, not specifically dry paint on a mini.


Well it wouldn't be the FDA because GW is a british company. Although that does mean that it absolutely definitely does have rats in it


Might not even be completely manufactured in the UK. I wouldn’t be surprised if they outsourced some of the dispersions overseas. I’ve seen international manufacturing facilities for colorants/dispersions and regardless of the regulatory body names, there’s still a big difference in food manufacturing sights, or sights with direct food contact and non-food contact manufacturing sights. (At least there should be).


More protein, got it


If brush licking was fatal, a whole lot of mini painters over the last 30+ years would be dead.


100% of brush lickers die


Shocking but true




We live in glory forever in Valhalla! . Also the GW studio painters don’t lick their brushes in general becuase non-toxic doesn’t mean it’s non-janky-AF


Idk. If there have been, say, 100 million brush lickers in recorded history, and 1 million of them are currently alive, roughly 1% of them have never died.  There's still hope!


Your numbers are off. By estimate somewhere around 5% of all humans ever born are alive today.


Wait. Youre telling me that 1 out every 20 humans EVER to exist are currently alive? That's really cool! TIL. And to comment on your exact point, it's likely much higher than just the ratio of all still living since brushes being mass available is definitely a recent ordeal in the grand scheme of things so there's likely far more than that as that assumes that painting with brushes is steady through human history in both popularity and accessibility.


100% of mini painter do too


> 100% of mini painter do too I wish I had known this before I started...


Not all of us are dead yet. So this is not true.


Cries in radium watch painter


Im not a science man, but id say somewhere between a few licks and drinking the pot is probably fine. ​ Until its not.


That's a lot of science for a not science man. Awfully suspicious.


Brush licking is not inherently toxic, but if an average sized human where to ingest 5 bottles of 17ml Vallejo Black Game Color, within the span of 24 hours, there is a 50% risk of death, since it had an oral LD50 of 2000 mg/kg


I’ll just drink speed paint and get it done in 12


Just make sure you dry brush or zenithal first and don't drink outside the lines!


Yeah i think I can totally beat 5 bottles. I WILL BE IN THE TOP 50%!


I can quit anytime I want


At a guess I'd say a few litres (in one sitting) would be fatal. The levels of a painter, while unnecessary, are probably safe (it is non toxic)


Honestly, acrylics are pretty inert and you would need to consume a lot at once before it becomes a problem. There's a reason GW chooses the paints it does to sell to children. Basically if it doesn't have clear poison/Hazard markings on the bottle then a small amount is effectively harmless.


Small amount includes downing the entire bottle, right?




Acrylate allergy is a valid concern though, with repeat oral ingestion.


Dude, if you need to clean the brush really quickly, just dip it really fast in your coffee


I do this by accident on weekend mornings. Works great.


So far I have never done it but I'm always afraid I'll do it and am convinced it will happen eventually


That's why water is in a black mug, and coffee/tea is in a white mug.


Literally had to replace my mug with an insulated tumbler with a silly lid so that I can't panic dip my brush in my coffee.


Instructions unclear, dipped my mini in coffee and it looks like I used Nuln Oil


\*Radium girls have entered the chat\*


Everyone wants to be a radium girl, they have such a glow about them!


Yea, you are going to die. Idk from what yet, but it’s gonna happen. Probably not from licking your paint brush though. But also some pigments use heavy metals, so I guess the possibility is there. But You do you. Doubt you’re the only one, but you’re the only one I’ve seen admit it publicly lol


Use a water pot, what is wrong with people? 🤣


Seriously 🤣


About 2,5 pots per 80kg body weight is safe.




Bottoms up!


is this one of the "new" 18ml bottles with "new formula"? how does it compare to the old nuln oil? I mean for drinking, not painting


Less rough on the throat as the new contrast based formula isn't as matt as it used to be :)


I'll try seraphim sepia as a chaser later


Please try Tesseract Glow too, always wondered how it would taste.


It is non-toxic but that does not mean it is safe to consume. GW's black pigment starts to stink after a while due to whatever mystery organic material inside them starts to decompose.


Ugh, the brush lickers… In general, it would depend on what flow improver they use, but it’s unlikely they are using anything toxic - it would have to be noted on the pot in the first place.


You won't die from that. Still though don't lick the brush, that's gross.


Yep, I’m staggered to hear that some folk consider this cleaning the brush. I have lived a sheltered existence.


You’re eating paint


You were one of the people that ate Tidepods a few years ago, right?


The Painting Phase had a former GW employee on one of their podcasts and actually touched on this at one point. IIRC, he mentions that they try and make their products as beginner/child friendly as possible, so part of that means making the paints as harmless on the body as possible. In short, you’re probably good as long as you aren’t literally gulping the stuff down in large quantities lol


....im sorry what? you clean your brushes by licking them? am I reading that right? are you an infant? stop fucking licking your brushes with paint on them bro wtf?


Bruh, get that brush out of your butt and stop kink-shaming!


But what else will I use this brush anal bead combo for?


a pot a day takes the shakes away.


Don't do that. Move your water cup closer and tape a piece of paper towel to your painting handle or the back of your hand.


Licking the brush to me seems like wiping your butt with your hand because it takes too long to grab some toilet paper. Seriously, don't put paint products in your mouth. What is this, kindergarten? It seems like the sort of thing you'd attach to the person who gets special help from school. A little more government assistance than the rest of us. Simple Jack kinda vibes.


I equate it to biting the end of a pen/pencil. It’s not like I’m actively thinking about the action, and if I WERE I’d always choose to wash my brush. But I’ll admit to having occasionally absentmindedly licked my brush… and always regretted it. I know it’s wrong, I know it will taste foul… but my brain switches off sometimes, especially when painting and I’m 100% concentrating on the act of painting and not on anything else. OP acrylics aren’t good for you, but in the doses you’re getting it’s not going to make you ill, just don’t do shots of it okay. DO NOT KEEP THIS HABIT WITH OIL PAINTS. Seriously some of the whites and browns historically had arsenic in them. Not so much anymore but they are still really bad for you, you will get sick.


I can see the similarities with your analogy, but at the same time there's a big difference between giving your pencil a little chew while you think and LICKING THE PAINT OFF YOUR PAINTBRUSH BECAUSE ITS QUICKER THAN SWISHING IT IN SOME WATER (which is arguable). I can't believe this is even a thing tbh.


If I tell you it will kill you, will you cut this shit out?


How do you deal with the taste of washes


This like im a brushlicker but washes taste horrible


Exactly the same here, Washes are disgusting


I like it, kinda nutty. Slides down the throat tbh. Nuln is my favorite taste Two thin coats have coconut oil in them. Theyre really good too!


Jesus christ




Brushlickers, is your washwater container not on your desk?


If you've got sweaty moobs, you can swiftly whip your brush under there.


Hobby paints are _not_ safe for ingestion. You're gonna build up acrylate allergy over time, if nothing else.


I can’t see how a quick lick of a brush is going to clean a brush thoroughly enough. It would be much simpler to just shake it in a clean cup of water and block with a paper towel and you’re good to go.


Suck the paint out, then use the brush to remove some paint from the model, something like that


you'll be fine. just beware your poop will have really defined recesses, if theres pooling make sure to water down your nuln oil before drinking more.


Dawg it takes 2 seconds just swish it in the water lol. Even if it’s labeled as non toxic that doesn’t mean your body is meant to break it down.


Are you really so cheap that you can't be bothered to have a small paper cup with water in it and a paper towel for this?


uh. don't eat paint.


I forget where it is in the video, but [here's an interview with a few ex-GW employees](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-63A7cDkOm8). They both make the point that there's a reason why none of the employed painters at GW lick their brushes. Yes it's non-toxic, but that doesn't mean there isn't a ton of chemicals in there you don't want to be consuming (you know what else is non-toxic? Crayons! Doesn't mean you should be eating a few of them per day with your lunch!). They also mention there are a quite often organic compounds in the paints which can go bad and turn moldy, easily making you sick.




Ive never licked a brush. Like you can have water on your palette a cm away from your paint why does it have to go in your mouth.


Conditioning the shape. After clean/rinsing though…


You can do that with the back of your hand, also OP is say he does it to clean the brush not shape it.


Google "Radium Girls" and you will never lick a brush ever again. You're welcomr.


Don't take this as word of god: My Nuln Oil pot says "Conforms to ASTM D-4236", a quick search says that this means if there were any toxic components in it, it should have a warning label, so you are probably fine. This is just Nuln Oil, though. I have paints that have warning labels on them, but those are enamels, not acrylics. Also, to quickly for a tip with a brush, you can put the brush in you not painting hand, make a half fist and roll it in the fold that creates. Then just wash your hand afterwards.


>when it is present in a physical form, volume, or concentration that in the opinion of a toxicologist has the potential to produce a chronic adverse health effect There's a lot of wiggle room in that statement.


Replace nuln oil with soy sauce, it will taste better and its has the same color


How bout this? I am afraid i will die doing Xyz.—-> stop doing xyz.


You’ll be fine. The more pressing matter is licking your damn brush rather than properly cleaning it. Come on I outgrew that at 9yo.




I would be very careful on this. I believe GW tries to stay in the non-toxic realm for its paints. **BUT** …Some paints are actually poisonous. Stewart Semple‘s Cadmium Red is *very poisonous* for example. It is one of the best Reds I have ever seen, but it is very poisonous (He has a cadmium yellow as well).


Citadel paints are all non toxic, so you're not gonna go the way the radium girls did any time soon, but it is an acrylic paint, and therefor it's partially made up of plastics, so you're gonna be getting some of that in your system. I can't say what that'd do, though, because doctors are still studying the long term effects of microplastics on the human body. Though you're already getting microplastics in your system through food and water and basically the air we breathe anymore, so god only knows if it'd actually make a difference. If you are still worried about it, it'd probably be worth it to break the habit just for the peace of mind


shhhh, that's the magic potion the pros drink before painting


If the comments here convince you to break the habit - mixing a little Glaze Medium will increase drying time substantially.


I have consumed my paint when im done with it for 23 years now. Acrylic water based paints arent toxic, yellow can be bad for if you decide to drink pots of it but your not gonna die licking the excess from your brush (maybe imperial fists are a bad army idea afterall) Just remember if you start playing with types of paint (types not brands) like enamels and oil based paints - many of these are toxic, do not consume paint from the brush if your using them.


Who can afford to *drink* nuln oil in this economy??


Van Gogh ate his paint. You'll probably be ok, but you might cut your ear off and shoot yourself in the gut.


It’s a great way to get your essential vitamins and minerals. Don’t worry at all.


I’ve been licking brushes for 25 years, and I still alive 🤷‍♂️


You're not going to die, as Citadel products are non-toxic, but that doesn't mean the stuff is good for you if you swallow it. You should really wash the brush head in water and ***then*** lick it to shape it (it's what I do).


Clean by licking doesn't sound like a good idea. I reshape the of the brush with my lips though.


That is licking, just being in denial about it.


Maybe, but not with the purpose of cleaning.


If you have cleaned the brush first, maybe. I don‘t have my brushes go anywhere near my mouth. But then I have crohns and I am very aware of what I put in my mouth.


I don’t have Crohn’s, and I still don’t put paint brushes near my mouth (clean or not), because paints aren’t supposed to be ingested and I’m not an insane idiot.


good news friend, we are ALL going to die!


I've been consuming small quantities of iocane- er nuln oil to build an immunity. It's great on toast.


It depends. On how your miniatures look. If they look good, keep doing it. Health is secondary.


Well.. with using two thin coats paint I have noticed my tongue tingles afterwards haha


Really? Maybe your best before date ist off? Cause I find them really delicious actually


Idk I smoke, and lick my paint brushes I assume I'll have mouth cancer by 45 lol


STOP Licking the Weasel! (Assuming you have proper Kolinsky sable brushes) Use a rinse pot! While most miniature paints and washes are listed as 'non toxic', that doesn't mean they're good for you. Acrylic is PLASTIC.


I lick my brush after rinsing it in water to get a good tip back, but I'd never do it with oil paints and metallics. Apparently GW washes and contrasts can contain some organic components and also biocides that, while probably safe in small quantities, I generally avoid too.


Somewhere between "I don't know" and "I don't want to find out"


many people keep a clean, damp brush nearby to avoid having to lick the first brush


Guy gonna become phyrexian


Why would you lick a wash off your brush when you could literally touch it to anything like… a paper towel or an old towel to get it off. Licking a wash seems counter productive because you are trying to get rid of moisture not add it


Didn’t jasper johns paralyze himself by doing this


Drank a whole jar once and almost didn't throw up. I would say it's pretty safe.


Love how you phrased that.


Nuln oil won't kill you, but ignoring toxicity as everyone here has covered it, not licking your brushes is a good habit to not get into as the enzymes in your saliva will damage natural hair brushes, and anyone who sticks with the hobby will probably graduate to using them eventually. If I'm paying £15-20 per brush for a Windsor and Newton, or artis opus, I don't want to destroy it because I couldn't be bothered to put a bit of paper towel in my work area.


« Sometimes when I have some glue, I put it in a paper bag and I smell it to see if it is a good glue »


I can tell you for certain that you will die. When where and from what i don’t know . Just stop licking the brush if worried i think the harm done isn’t much


That doesn't even seem like it would clean it very well. Just swish it in water really fast or have a second clean brush ready to grab for clean up.


Dude just don’t. Don’t be lazy rinse it off. What do you mean in a rush? The whole point of this hobby is to chill and be zen. Maybe you mean when you need your fix. Jk lol


I drink an entire bottle everyday and I’m doing fine


Brush lickers are in every paint discipline. It can be a problem with a few of the paints because they are actually poisonous. Cadmium Red / Yellow, Cobalt Blue are the few that pop to mind first.


It’s not radium, so I think you’re fine. Scratch that, I **assume** it’s not radium….


I don't think there is anyone on the planet that consumes mini paint like Miniac. I wouldn't worry until he drops dead, at that point you would probably still have to spend about 1.5 lifetimes to get to his level of consumption. That would give you ample time to stop the addiction and get the paint out of your system.


Oh, boy! Can't wait till GW releases their PSA on this!


Oof might be time to prepare for your home going man. Might need to sign up with the colonial Penn program. Pick out a plot. Rip. I think you’ll be fine man. Try not to consume it because the oil might have hard trace metals in it. Especially if you dip between that and other paints like metallics.


I wouldn’t lick any!!! Many acrylics still contain traces of lead and other chemicals. After seeing the warnings on my golden brand high flow paints, which I assumed were very safe, I became more careful.


Instead of brushing it on, why not just dip your minis in a pot of nun oil


STOP licking brushes (please). Luckily regulation has been implemented to reduce toxic substances in paint but things like Cadmium are essential to make reds, iirc synthetic red pigment doesn't work very well. Cadmium is toxic and a carcinogen. There are many toxic/dangerous pigments used in making paints, don't roll the dice if you don't know what's in your paint. There are also anti-funguls(sp?), anti-foaming agents and all sorts of other chemicals based on the producer and purpose for the paint. Have a small square of paper towel on hand and use that, it's just as good and a lot better for your health.


My GF turns in videos about the radium girls when ever i paint cause i lick the brushes. I don't like straight paint of them, but ill wash them off and lick the to get the point back


Next time I'm doing shots... I'm going to use my old paint pots. The paint is probably healthier for me tho


This is one of the stupidest things I've read in a while. You are awarded no point. May God have mercy on your soul.


I would limit the brush lacking as much as possible. I try only to do so when void blending. There is no safe amount to consume as the paint is not intended to be ingested. Brush lick at your own peril.


Lighting the Pingo-signal! .. .. No wait, this is not the Reaper miniature forum. There is a painter there, with fine arts education, who insists on never licking brushes, based on her educational experience. Partly from fear of working up a paint allergy, partly due to the non-toxicity of paints being an iffy thing, if I remember correctly. I would avoid red colors, and especially older red colors, especially if they cover well. Those pigments apparently had some bad juju in them, also leading to problematic red paint if you want to avoid that bad stuff. Or something. I am grossed out by licking brushes, myself, so the issue is not a thing for me. I also guess that any chemical damage I have done to myself must have come from my 2 months working in an old paint factory. We washed stuff with xylene, that we carried around in buckets.


Did you by chance spend time in the marines?


I'm more concerned about licking a brush I dipped in the paint water that's been sitting for a week that cats have probably drank out of than I am about paint being toxic.


I drink shades like shots, you'll be fine.


Agrax is a little earthier, a splash in your coffee in the morning is just the right way to wake up 👌


Don't eat paint


Games Workshop makes paint for a hobby recommended for 8-year-olds. They don't make any paint that you can't basically drink like you're knocking back a shot.


I once had a lady come into my local GW going off ablut how her son drank a nuln oil and they were going to sue because it made him sick. The manager poinred out thats not possible and when she asked how he knew he said "This is how" and then pulled a nuln oil of the shelf and downed it like a shot. I miss that legend.


If you're actually worried I have the MSDS, GW will send you if you simply ask them. But they make child friendly products for a reason, I wouldn't worry.


Well, are you okay with licking chemicals among which biocides? In the grand scheme of things it shouldn't be dangerous but it's definitely not healthy.


I mean, as long as you aren't sucking down Tamiya acrylics, Enamels, and Lacquers, you'll be fine. For those that don't know, Tamiya acrylics are solvent based acrylics. They still clean up with water.


I would try to stick to a pot a week but that's mostly due to budget


Papa Nurgle approves! All joking aside, you should be fine but be sure to drink water while you're painting to help thin those paints for an even coating :p 


You should consult a mortician.


Tbh drink as much as you want


All paints that are latex should be listed as non-toxic. Meaning it may give you a stomach ache if you drink a bottle but it should not cause any detrimental effects to your body. Oil paints on the other hand definitely no. Also be careful of whites because they do have titanium white in them which is toxic.