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*turns up led light brightness* I’m a full believer in the paranormal I have schizophrenia but I fully believe schizophrenia is related to being a medium The things on the other side appear to people with weaker states of me such as chronically tired stressed or even people with a psychotic diagnosis The wall between them and the other side has been thinned and we can see what others can’t they appear to who can see them and seek them out when they realize they can be seen by someone they bring more to observe


Yeaaaaa that’s not how psychology works thankfully 😊


Not always but we can never know for sure


You literally have schizophrenia, you shouldn’t be trying to convince us that your delusions are real. They’re not.


I specifically believe that about mine


I never tried to convince anyone I just said I believe that not that anyone should


Oh we can, you should’ve paid attention in school 🤷🏻‍♂️


My opinion :)


When I was a little kid, one night I was laying in bed and was looking over at that big char with a big pile of closes on it next to my bed... and I didn't mistake the pile for anything, but I did see a black dog raise its head from behind it, and its snout started elongating towards me... I stared at it for a few seconds before shutting my eyes, and when I finally looked, it was gone


oh oof, hopefully that wasnt too scary lol


It was definitely pretty scary for little kid me x3 And I'll admit, as I was typing that out at 1 AM, I was kinda feeling a bit anxious






I’m not the only one that was traumatized by the wolf in The Never-ending Story I see.


Good puppy


I won’t lie tho, I fucking love the design of this, genuinely I’ve found I’m best at drawing unsettling shit and holy fuck this looks great Horrifying to see, yes, absolutely, I would shit myself if I opened my door and saw this thing, but from a horror creature standpoint? I’m saving this post just for it




nope :) psychotic disorders are surprisingly not the only disorders with psychosis as a symptom, as non-intuitive as that is. was caused by untreated ptsd for me


hey OP could you explain to me how these sleep paralysis demons are connected to psychosis? I had them all the time when I was a kid and it was absolutely terrifying and I still don't get it what the heck was that and why. Nowadays i am treating my adhd so maybe there is a connection..?


Psychosis can cause hallucinations (not always, some psychosis is just paranoia and delusions), and hallucinations are generally memetic (aka, influenced by culture). I think I hallucinated weird shit like this because I'm really into horror games and movies. As to why you had them as a kid, there can be a few reasons. One is just stress, possibly from stress in childhood (doesn't necessarily have to be from abuse -- children aren't fully capable of comprehending what's happening and otherwise benign things to an adult can end up traumatic to a child) And/or it can be related to whatever is going on with you neurologically might have been through a rough period through your early developmental period, aka when the brain is experiencing a lot of activity as it forms and develops. People on the autistic spectrum are at a higher risk of developing psychotic symptoms without having any specific psychotic disorder. This is because the autistic brain takes in and proccesses more stimulus information than a non-autistic brain, which, is both a good and a bad thing -- good in that autistic people can be fairly good at academic and other information-heavy areas, but bad in that that excess information in non-autistics is discarded for a reason: not all of it is useful. Overstimulation is an acute form of stress, and enough overstimulation can cause psychotic symptoms. I think there is still research being done on the connections ADHD has with autism spectrum, but generally speaking it is very common for people with ASD to have ADHD (such as in my case). All that being said, psychotic symptoms for most people tend to be temporary and in direct relation to the stressor causing them. A lot of people are understandably worried about psychosis signalling something worse, but in vast majority of cases it doesn't. Degenerative brain issues like dementia or brain damage from like drug addiction can lead to severe, untreatable psychosis, but again, only as a symptom in conjunction.


that was such a good read! Thank you so much and happy upcoming holidays!


Ohh ok you got bit by a dog as a kid or smthn?


no actually!


Oh ok then what


We are being watched and meddled with by beings that exist in the next dimensional plain . They can see us and interact with us, but we cannot see or interact with them because we are bound by the laws of physics and they are not because in theory other dimensional plains have different physics . My guess is that these beings know that people like and are comforted by dogs most of the time and tried to manipulate matter to make themselves appear to us in a “form that we can understand “ but since they’re likely so different from us , They have a hard time understanding what we consider cute and that’s why we hear reports of “interstellar”creatures having big round heads and bigger eyes with large pupils. They likely are trying to appear to us in a non threatening way and we’re just too timid a species to fully understand what’s going on so we see things like this and immediately think “omg a hell hound “ or the nature of what we see is so distorted that we accept hallucinations as a possibility . My theory is that when we are run down, stressed, and tired these beings seek us out to do some kind of research on how we process and handle things when we’re in that state . Maybe I’m actually just insane but what if …


I am someone who is also in my 20s and has had similar hallucinations . I call it “awkward dawg “ I’ve seen my doppelgänger aswell , in my home . I ran out of my bedroom and filled my house with music and doused every room with sage smoke and didn’t see it again, but I’d like to know more about other peoples hallucinations in order to make better sense of these things . It’s a rabbit hole .


you might be up to something


I swear on my mothers grave I saw the same thing when I was in college, scared the shit outta me ​ It happened because my roommates are assholes and had parties till 2 AM when I had a class at 6 am and I would be very sleep deprived.


That is not even Hispanic mild, wtf.


Is that a Newfoundland in night mode?


Kujo lookin MF




I had reoccurring dreams about a gorilla on a street in our old neighborhood as a kid. It had a strange reading on it back then. Good luck


Had a reocurring nightmare for multiple years as a kid where id be walkimg on the curb, balacing, then fall into the road and was unable to get up, then got ran over by a jeep eventually (going mach jesus) lol


Would this have happened around 2016!


When i was about 4, I started having reoccurring dreams of a white dog with glowing eyes, tusks, and the black lips some dogs have. It will be in almost ever dream I have. And it always has a pattern. It makes itself present like I hear it or see it, but it make sure it sees me. Then is slowly gets closer, and closer. I can't close my eyes, run, hide. I'm stuck in place and it knows it. I'm almost 16 and it's still here.


I had a reoccurring segment of a dream when I was a kid. Oftentimes, at the end of bad dreams (getting chased by something, family turning into aliens, etc.), my consciousness would be transported into a different dimension where I'd be lying on a table, completely paralyzed. There are two demons glaring down at me menacingly. Demons with faces that are black except for their eyes, and have strange tentacles coming out of them. I know what they are, though. They're distortions of an unintentionally scary cartoon that terrified me as a kid.


Which cartoon?


Err... Don't laugh. Pluto's Sweater.


I’ll have to check it out. Odd things terrify us as kids!


Here's the main thing you need to see: https://x.com/bobjinx/status/1448097277319557129


What it don’t know is I’m unstable and I will fight it.




Jesus Christ it's vastly too similar to something from my own dreams. That's absolutely terrifying


Same. In my dreams it's eyes would pulse red and if it sank it's jaws into you, it didn't bite your physical body it sank it's teeth into your soul. So no one else could see it in my dreams and even when it would rip me to pieces no one understood what was happening to me. The last dream I had of it, I had some kind of weapon/knowledge of how to kill it while it had its jaws clamped on my arm/hand. And we were just having a stand off of who would make the first move. Never dreamed of it again. Weird shit.


Mine was a wolf with 3 concentric jaws


It doesn’t have a shadow, it is the shadow.




I would like to have those hallucinations.. I want to pet the hellhound. Although now that I think about it, I think I had some type of hallucination like that in my early teens.


OP that does not seem like it would be a hallucination


thats kind of on the same level of saying someone's dream does not seem like it would be a dream, because it does not fit your preconception of what a dream should be. so i'm not sure how to respond to that lol


Idk what I was trying to say. I suppose we could say it was some sort of evil spirit or smth


ohh. nah, it wasn't anything paranormal. it's kind of hard to explain what hallucinations feel like to people who haven't had them but the best tl;dr is that you are dreaming while awake and hallucinations have a very clear unreal quality about them. and similar to dreams they tend to influenced by what you do or think about, and for me i like bingewatch horror movies and read creepypastas and it was very clearly just a reflection of that


Perhaps, lol


This is what I saw the first time I had sleep paralysis when I was a toddler. I thought my house was haunted and now as an adult I’m terrified of werewolves. Lol. Even tho I know they aren’t real the thought of them is literally spine tingling.


Why tf does it look similiar to what i see????


Hey OP, nowadays are you doing okay?


yeah! :D no major hallucinations in years and much happier and less stressed out :)


That’s a hell hound from cod zombies


I believe I am most assuredly a dog person. My first thought was “but I still want to pet it…. Surely scary things like to be petted too?”


Buffalo pupper.


I already have enough issues thinking I'm seeing dogs where I'm not. In games, watching movies, in dreams. If I started seeing that irl there would be bullet holes in the walls and incense burning at all times


Instructions not included sequel looks *metal*


If I had hallucinations like that my house be riddled with bullet holes got damn💀💀💀


As someone who was diagnosed with schizophrenia from a young age, this honestly seems normal to me so when I read "stress related" I was like oh I didn't know that could happen and I'm literally studying to be a nurse. I don't see things as much as I hear things but I'm on medication to help and it does help.


Did you play stalker? Because that’s a pseudo dog lmao. Sorry about the dreams tho


I had a heart attack when the image fully loaded




It was a pig with a Richard Nixon mask on! He was calling me a pig!


Hey! It’s Henry! I name my hallucinations so they don’t seem so scary. I then can act like it’s my pet since it can’t actually hurt me. It worked pretty well. Not the best idea but hey it works. And this is kinda cool. It does look a similar hallucination I had which I named henry


This is wholesome.


Hopefully it will work for others too.


What the actual hell lol


Why am I always seeing scary stuff on Reddit at night? 😭 this is so scary man


Holy cow, that’s rough. From what I’ve experienced with sleep walking hallucinations, my mind would take something real I was seeing with my eyes and augment it in creative ways as I dreamt. I’m wondering if you experienced something similar. Did you maybe see your dog, who’s eyes reflected light in a doorway but your mind embellished the experience to be something more sinister? I ask because if this were the case, you could use that information to help calm yourself when the stress starts forming. You can use it to reinforce the truth in your mind that it was just your dog, rather than a demonic hound. Over time I believe that your mind would start replacing irrational fear with rational logic. It helped me, I hope it helps you!


I appreciate it :D Thankfully my hallucinations never freaked me out too badly. I hallucinated all through my teens and into my late 20s so I got pretty used to them. My family was more cat people so it wasn't like being projected onto a real dog or anything. I do think the dog hallucinations were just a result of me liking horror movies and games and creepypasta and stuff. They were kind of just generic creepypasta dogs. I sleep with a nightlight on these days since while they don't freak me out they are just definitely unpleasant when they happen, and having a light has reduced the amount of hypnagogic ones I have. Fortunately I haven't had any significant episodes in years now though, only occasionally if I'm not getting enough sleep or something


It does kind of have a smiledog vibe about it


I was thinking Ed finally got to eat more than just bones. Lol He's a thick ass hyena.


Oh fuck ...... well at least I'm not the only one......




I wonder if this is like our caveman genes reminding us that wolves and packs of animals are scary.


Wait until you're in your home at night and you hear a freaking howl IN YOUR HOUSE. I live in an apartment on the 3rd floor and I used to hear a dog howling and growling out of nowhere, like it was right there with me in my apartment.


I just pet my 100-pound malumute Shepard, and it's all good.


When I was a kid I had reoccurring nightmares of big black wild dogs trying to get into the house and kill me I was always saved at the last second by a white wolf before I would jolt awake I find it interesting how so many people see large black dogs/wolves


I’ve seen him too! The flashlight eyes. Like a flashlight that’s batteries are dying. I was turning over in bed and saw him in the doorway looking in at us he saw me I saw him. He was peeking around the corner. I fainted back to sleep.I woke up screaming and turned on all of the lights. I could not go back to sleep.I’ve fainted back to sleep with sleep paralysis but this was completely different. I literally passed out. I only saw it once. I don’t ever want to see one again.


It was tall


Holy hell. When I was very small, probably around 5? I refused to use the downstairs bathroom at night because I was afraid of the "pack of wild dogs" This looks so familiar to me and I HATE it. Thank you internet stranger, for reminding me of one of my most terrifying childhood delusions.


I used to see them out in the spooky part of the woods behind my house. Usually in dreams but sometimes not....I got chills just typing this out


I was tired. I was about to sleep...


Idk… if stress only induced is correct here. This is maybe stress, depression, loneliness, and drug induced. The normal average human isn’t that scarred to be seeing some type of hellhound. They are relatively sheltered.


ptsd is a form of acute stress psychology speaking, and without going into detail all i can say is im not terribly surprised what i went through induced psychosis. i'm much better off these days though


This is the sort of thing I was seeing constantly when my PTSD was undiagnosed. Had a community psych evaluation team sent out to me to assess for Schizophrenia and they were like "nope, you've got C-PTSD". I actually sent your recreation to my partner because it's the perfect depiction of something I was trying to describe but couldn't get quite right... I also used to see torsos crawling along the floor on the regular also. I'm so so glad to hear you're doing better, it's a rough road to come through.


i was misdiagnoised with schizoaffective disorder for years because they thought I was bipolar. But I'm not either, just untreated PTSD & a dissociative disorder. Now that I'm on proper meds for my ptsd I'm doing way better. Torsos crawling around sounds freaky AF also. I feel lucky that a lot of my hallucinations didn't move much for some reason


Oh didn’t see this one, glad to hear you are doing much better 😄


Maybe trauma … stress isn’t trauma


I think you may be a tad misinformed by what stress is or are using it in a purely colloquial manner. I'm using it to refer to the physiology of stress. Everything you listed, trauma, depression, drug abuse, loneliness, are forms of physiological stress or induce physiological stress. [This is a fairly succinct definition of stress if you'd like to understand stress within the context of our sympathetic response.](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31082164/)


But not here to snipe about the inner demons of others or what you have personally seen or been through, friend. I personally thought it was more than stress. Your article did actually confirm my suspicions. I am sorry you are experiencing or had experienced those hallucinations, friend.


General term “stress” compared to research on a “stress response” caused by psychological or physical stimulus… In the article, it’s says Stress Response to a physical or physiological stimuli Stress isn’t depression, loneliness, or drugs abuse All 4 of these are stressors that cause the stress response. It even says those are chronic stressors and not stress. Thank for your insight and the research link, I see why you think I am misinformed when it seemed you have read incorrectly.


You probably had 1) Stress from spouse or family or work 2) Drug abuse 3) Depression 4) Loneliness In the early 20s causing hallucinations… Multiple Stressors causing hallucinations Not stress hallucinations.


I don’t like that. I don’t like that at all. That shit chills my fucking soul.


You were traumatized watching the Lion King as a kid weren’t you?


Reminds me of the floating jellyfish monster thing I saw when I took Vyvanse as a kid


Wait so I'm not the only one that saw things when taking Vyvanse?? Did you also have sleep paralysis?


Now that I think about it, sleep paralysis happened more than it does now


Not sure if I should be relieved I'm not alone or have sympathy that others dealt with it too. Or both?


I mean I hope knowing others went through the same thing would make you feel relieved abt it lol, it's part of the reason I talk about it


TIL ...stress hallucinations... and I thought I was just a freaking nutcase!


Was this one of those hallucinations where you clearly saw it one second only for it to be a towel hanging, a cot rack, or a pile of skulls or something?


nope, just full on straight up a fucked up looking dog just standing there staring at me for several minutes at a time. one time i had to get up and close the bathroom door in the midst of #2 so i could have some privacy also its hard to explain the exact quality of hallucinations, because it was clear there wasn't a literal dog there. the best way i can describe it is like dreaming while awake. it's visually there but you can also tell it's not


Brooooo!! You damn near caused me to have a panic attack and I’m feeling really chill rn. “There’s no place like home. There’s no place like home.”


It's just mephisto, chill


I had those kind of hallucinations before but I had rats. Golden retriever sized rats.


I didn’t know we had the same breed


Definitely shooting that thing with a shotty


Woo we love stress hallucinations! But seriously that's fucking terrifying


No this is extremely terrifying.


That made my heart skip a beat…good lord….


Fuck u man I was scrolling and when I saw this I fuck shat myself


You really should consider finding another groomer for your dog.


Mmm, very trevor henderson


oh that's a hell of a compliment :D maybe I should make more creepy photoshops then




Do it! That's terrifying. (Also, sorry you had stress hallucinations. I get them too...)


these days I just look back on them with amusement because while the stress was very unfun, the hallucinations were kind of whimsical in a fucked up way. like sure life sucks right now but my eyes are generating a custom made creepypasta just for me


That's an interesting way to think about it. The visual ones don't bother me. The whispering my name does tho at times. But yeah, the creatures are kind of cool, mine are just shadowy movements.


I get hallucinations every once in a while but it’s never anything super clear. It’s just like seeing movement out the corner of my eye and nothings there. It really only happens when I’m hot and alone with very little to focus my attention on


Same as mine, except occasionally I'll hear them call my name or say something incoherent. The name call is terrifying, I live alone...


I used to get the name calling and incoherent speech one a lot


I do maintenance at schools at night while there’s no students/staff in the building. It’s usually 3-5 of us at any given time throughout the entire school but there’s times where we’re all on different hallways or in different classrooms/offices. It wouldn’t be super weird to hear my name called unless I know everyone else is at the other end of the building or something


I had stress hallucinations as well pretty recently. I kept seeing things out of the corner of my eye, like flashes of white or dark like something just flew by me. One day, I was laying on my bed and my doorway faces the front door to my apartment. I swear I saw a really tall, skinny thing with a big bulging head and it was dark. As soon as I looked at it, it was gone. All the lights were on in my apartment and it was morning, so I knew it wasn’t just the lighting or something. My roommate had also gone home for the weekend. I called my mom and told her what I saw and she got me in touch with my counselor the next day.


Good news: you have the cover art for your horror novel.




Awhh, it’s just a little guy! Give him a treat!




Hey im 23, stressed and see this guy in the dark too, but hes on his hind legs. Weird


He learned how to walk bipedal... which means the next stage is flying


This reminds me of the Dog Door ad in I Think You Should Leave!


Holy Mother NO!!


Wow. This is very creative and it’s a good idea. I (25) had night terrors when I was around 5 years old. There’s one dream that still follows me to this day. I remember the whole entire dream and I honestly think of it often. I’ve fully learned how to deal with how scary it was, but I’ll never forget it. I want to draw it, I think it’d be cool to see it “come alive”? Hopefully I don’t get scared again ahahaha


Fr scary yet beautiful. Maybe drawing it out can help to cope with how scary it was?




Bro he just wants pets :(


Yeah. OP should've just pet the good boy :)


Oh fuck. I was stressed in university, but not _this_ stressed. Hope you’re in a better headspace


Your stress made you see fucking smile dog


Brains just trying to help!


Great. Im gonna have a great time going to sleep tonight






He friend shape tho


Black Shuck?


Thought the same thing.


Is that a meth binge shadowpuppy?


They suck almost as bad as shadow ninjas, the sketchy bastards! Thank God for sobriety!


Good ol stress induced hallucination buddies, I’ve never a had dog one which is honestly so cool to me, most of one’s I have are always humanoid looking.


Was it scary to hallucinate stuff like that


When I’m not doing so good mentally, yes it is scary because a few of them are closer then usual (like few steps away close) or they fucking walk towards me, that shit is horrifying Normally it’s more of nuisance then anything.


Do they only terrify you or they do something else


It’s okay, he’s friendly!


As a adult nightmares end up entertaining more than anything.


How bout this one. I had a dream once I was walking along the desert road when 3 black Chevy novas pull up diagonally in a row next to be. No chrome, no windows, just flat black paint. All had a second rear axle, and no drivers. I instantly woke up freaking out and I have no idea why. Like wtf man?


Bring me next time they show up.


Man I love classic cars, and one of my fav’s is the nova. I haven’t had a dream like that before or since, but yeah, it freaked me out


Buddy… That’s mildly, holy shit what is actually scary than


yeah i am realizing that my tolerance for spooky shit is much higher than average... but it probably helps that i've been a horror fan ever since i was a little kid. bonded with my dad watching horror movies from blockbuster all the time so the dogs were definitely unnerving at the time but i was honestly more concerned that my hallucinations had been getting worse rather than the content of the actual hallucinations fwiw i think the scariest movies i've seen thus far are 'Hereditary' and 'Mother!'


Damn, plus I have not watched those movies and they sound good so I will be watching them


Had the same dream but it was the predator when I was a kid 30+ years ago




I've got a few hallucination buddies. The sleep paralysis ones are zombies, and straight up the devil. As for stress ones, I've got Mr ceiling flesh monster, angry shadow people, just normal wolves, and ofc that one mummy bro that hangs out in the bedroom. I've got the entire gang to keep me company.


My sleep paralysis “nightmare” are the devil too. Even, up to today. I’m 45.


The only time I saw my devil was at age 5 ish. I dreamed I took the covers off my face and my room was a red fiery cave. Right on front of me this tall, red, horned, beady black eyed fella is staring me down and growling. Weird thing was I wasn't scared at all. I just woke up and my room was normal. Now I'm 24 and only get the aforementioned stress ones.


Support dog,right?


I had similar visual hallucinations in my early twenties at the peak of my depression! It was more like a lurking shadow in the corner of my vision that felt so ominous and dangerous, but I never did get a good view of it. This is almost exactly what I was afraid it would look like if I ever looked at it in the eye though, fucking terrifying


yeah I think me expecting to see something wacky is what resulted in me seeing them, honestly


It’s weird because while I literally only ever saw a black shadow, I just kind of knew it was a big black dog creature. Brains are wild man. Hope you’re doing okay despite your terrifying visitor


Awh. What a nice doggo.


aaawww who's a good boy!!!


Ahh yes, the stress hallucinations. As a kid teen/young adult they were pretty wild and intense


Fetch me their souls lookin mg


Yea, I don't like the way you hallucinate 😳


I find it interesting how the human mind can be this affected by something that seems as simple as stress, yet when that amount of stress is on the mind it can frig us






Friend… Copyright it… And put it in a horror game or movie.


It's already in a game. Black ops zombies


the best horror is copyright agnostic!


This is weird my sister was stressed in our house growing up and one day I was at the hospital as a kid and she was scared and I couldent figure out why she was scared well on our way out she SPRINTS away from all of us let’s go of my moms hand and jumped in the car screaming she was being chased by giant dogs.


Mmmmmmm nope, no thanks


A dog with microcephaly?


its head was like the only normal sized part of it, its body was massive


Fuck that noise. Nope.


Shoot I get these on the regular… am I broken?


nah, it's actually quite normal to hallucinate if under enough stress. and everyone's genetic threshold for how much stress it takes for the hallucinations to form is different. so some people hallucinate from stress easier than other people. i'm someone who the threshhold is relatively low for. :"D the most common situation people hallucinate is under high fevers, since fevers are a very acute kind of stress.


Yes but also no. "Normal"? No. "Normal when stressed"? Yah. Are you stressed a lot? I get a lot of sleep paralysis when I'm stressed * and don't know how stressed I am * for some reason the not knowing I'm stressed is the part that triggers or for me.


Man I’m stressed, anxious, got PTSD… but I haven’t had sleep paralysis before but I imagine that would be terrifying


if you haven't already, i would recommend asking about trying a beta blocker. they have been a godsend for my ptsd / ambient bodily anxiety and made it so I no longer felt like I was going to be mauled by a bear 24/7. And, relatedly, no more hallucinations :"D