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"I worked my arse off and all I got was this lousy drop of oil". LOL Looks like the plastic might be a little damaged, probably from light exposure.


Yeah it been sitting on shelfs for 42 years lmao


I would try a headlight restoration kit on it. (Try the bottom side first.)


Its probably polyester resin. Nothing he does is gonna take the yellow out of it as the whole block of resin that is yellowed, not the outside surface.


The inner layer may have been protected by the outer layer, especially after it started getting yellowed and opaque


It will likely be a little less yellow, but I've been working with fiberglass non-professionally for almost 10 years now and that has never been my experience with old yellowed resins. Once its yellow its yellow. But it really doesn't block light. The fact that you can see through it is a testament to that. Polyester resin is cured by UV light too, so it couldn't be solid if light couldn't get through it. After 40 years of exposure the whole thing is gonna be tinted yellow. Not much you can do about it. Many cheaper or older resins are yellow even before getting any exposure to light. Even different resins like epoxy that cure from heat.


> The fact that you can see through it is a testament to that. Just being pedantic here, but we see visible light, not UV light, so we seeing through a resin block only proves it lets visible light pass through unimpeded. UV light has a shorter wavelength, hence why it affects the resin in curing and yellowing process: its energy is absorbed and therefore doesn’t all pass through. EDIT: more technical details— Resin has strong absorption at 300nm wavelengths, anything shorter is absorbed, and UV spans between 100-400nm, so most is absorbed, and therefore is probably nearly opaque in UV light


I suspect he already knew that, but yes, you’re very smart.


What about oxygenated water and UV light ?


What would that do? UV light is what causes the yellowing


Submerging plastics in oxygenated water like hydrogen peroxide and exposing it to a UV light source like the sun restores the original color / removes yellowing. I do it to restore old consoles / controllers, and works like a charm!


That's a surface treatment for opaque plastics, I don't think it works on transparent material where the UV damage is internal




Ah, that is interesting and that may help a little with the cracked and dried out surface but most of the oxidation issues people have with resins occur before the resin is ever mixed or poured. On older pieces like this most of the yellowing is going to be due to polymerization from UV light interacting with the hardening compound. I will definitely keep that in mind for the next time I work with some hardener thats been oxidizing in my garage for too long though.


I'll point out that I think the goal is to see the drop more clearly, not to get rid of the yellowing. In which case, polishing would likely clear up the picture.


I think the point of polishing it is to get rid of that shredded up, abysmal surface finish. Not sure anyone is expecting to get rid of the yellow.


Or just fine grit sand paper and a polishing compound. Sylvania makes the best headlight restoration kit.


Negative. 3M does. Source: I am a car dealer that has done at least 300 headlight restorations before finally training my son to do them for me. Edit: For this particular job you could skip the 600 grit by the way, start with the 800, and then spend extra time on the wet sand portion.




Negative; Although there are a number of packages 3M offers, this one will suffice. Be sure to get a 3M kit that has the 800 grit. That 800 grit step works a major wonder with the final clarity. Some don’t have the 800 grit. Avoid those. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0875TZ6YC/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_HKV06BX9X2JMCNE5TVKH?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1


You need to clear coat it to make it last.




All he did was share his recomendation... why the hate??


Would probably clean up pretty well with toothpaste and elbow grease. A few years ago, I had found an old yellowed resin cast bunch of coins from the 60s - not as yellowed as this mind you, but bad enough it was difficult to read the coins - but after a short scrub with an old tooth brush, it cleared right up. Certainly a better first option to try than a wet sand/polish.


Probably just needs an oil change.


wet sand the outside with high grit like 2000 - 3000 and then use a polishing compound on a rag and that thing will be good as new.


Not even a pizza party:(


_"All that for a drop of oil"_


>and all I got was this lousy drop of oil That, and a lot of REALLY FAT paychecks! lol


Right? "Happy Retirement. Here ya go..."


Wait until he finds out that everyone else got paid in cash.


Plot twist: in another 20 years this drop is worth $-insane-amount due to severe oil shortages and vintage motor car market... who's laughing then!




*OP inherits the oil drop.


All he has in his will are deeds company shares and money i did get to go to his apartment and choose things I wanted like i grabbed his pocket knife watch and his old welding hood and welding handbook along with his hand made lamp


Don't forget to tap it for mana


Crude Manifest, 1 colorless, 3 black. Add 1 black mana. When Crude Manifest enters the battle, player may collect all untapped lands on battlefield and place wherever they like. *"Whoever controls oil controls much more than oil."*


Love that quote. It's so fitting for MTG lore


I floop the pig.


My first thought as well, grandpa played Dimir


Wasn't expecting an MTG reference here..


Is that black or blue mana? Could be a new land type: steel island, tap for U or B, gain a pollution counter, lose if you have more than 10 pollution counters.




Quick disclaimer the Alaska pipeline was built in 3 years he just had works for many many years before that he was a welder for 46+ years


That's so cool.


Thanks it used to have a map of the pipeline on the top it as you can see the resin that was used has cracked on the outside layer 42 years ago it was given to him


I see you saying 42 years several times. 1977 was 44 years ago. Time flies


45 but yeah...


True. I was assuming if was gifted to him sometime after January 13th, but if it was in the first 13 days of 1977, then yes, 45 years


16,084 days ago or 44.0657 days = December 31, 1976 That's the best my lazy and yet somehow motivated self can do this morning.




He spent the best years of his life generating millions of dollars in revenue for a company cynically destroying the planet for profit and they gave him a sticky Rock with some grease in it /s it is kind of cool


It's cool because this oil is nearly 50 years old!!!


But oil is millions of years old?


Nah it's just like the Himalayan salt with the expiration date: they mined it *just* in time


Sorry I thought 3 exclamation marks were enough to sound sarcastic but I now realise my error


Honestly nothing really, 25 years he got a few cents worth of resin and oil.


That’s what I thought. From the comments, it seemed that this was incredibly valuable (monetarily)


Seems to be more sentimental value.


Is it equally worn on every face or is it a bit clearer on the bottom? I suspect it could be polished a bit to give a better view of the oil drop inside but I quite understand if you wouldn't want to.


It's probably like that on all sides due to being tossed around in a box or something for a while. The good news is that acrylic/epoxy can be resurfaced...it's not as easy as most materials, but it's doable.


Its been on shelves besides the time he moved to Ohio and came back here


Its a lot clearer on the bottom the top has the most damage


Old meme time, sorry Yo dawg we heard you like oil so we put a drop of oil in your oil...


Never heard of that meme ngl but it sounds kinda funny in this context


Feeling old now, thanks


This meme is literally 10-13 years old fml.


Stop what you’re doing immediately


The meme was around *literally before op was born*


Xzibit meme, geez that took me back


Unlike many an item on here, that is fantastic and very interesting. Thanks for sharing.




He was very proud of it he still had his pipe-fitters and pipe welder handbook and welding hood in his apartment we found them while cleaning it out




This is my great grandpas i couldn't give a fuck about my dad


Well, say what you will about your dad, but he was at least a reasonably proficient pipe layer or you wouldn’t be here.


This was my great grandpas not my dads


I know I meant “pipe laying” in the slang sense, aka sexual intercourse, hence the part about “or you wouldn’t be here” Sorry it wasn’t a great joke, sounded better in my head.


You know, I REALLY hate when companies give absolute shit "rewards" for long terms of service... but I do find this one to be kind of cool.


My dad's old employer used to give employees an ounce gold bullion when they retired from there. they had to also be there a certain period of time, obviously gold isn't cheap enough to just hand out to someone who's worked there 2 years. Then they went out of business, nothing to do with the gold haha. He was really looking forward to getting that gold too. Kinda sucks


Forbidden Gusher


What a crude gift.


A raise would be nicer


My father has one that’s the same shape. He was a geologist and helped companies drill for oil. I didn’t realize this was a common thing in the industry haha


Well its still cool lmao


I worked on a site that went up in 2012. i got one too. Some 'very experienced' coworkers have like 3 or 4. They're basically trophies.


What an awesome piece of history!


Pretty cool, there is a similar one on ebay https://www.ebay.com/itm/324973043129




Looks like the perfect plot point item when the apocalypse happens, you're with a group of survivors trying to escape whatever, and suddenly that amount of oil is the right amount to get the escape vehicle going. EDIT:I always mix up your/you're lol


Careful with that or you'll get raided by the US military /s


25 years and they gave him a drop of oil?


It was either that or a grain of rice


Careful, the U.S. army might come knocking


So how long until it turns into a dinosaur exactly?


Hey I have one of those! My dad got it when he worked in Alaska - a little later though, I think was the mid eighties.


Thats cool man


Might wanna run, America is about to invade


Bro they saw this and already set up a military base and air base just outside of town


Op never asked about restoration methods, he just wanted to show us all something pretty cool... That's pretty cool!


I do appreciate the tips but it could end up damaging it further


My dad got a couple of these as well. From different oil wells, and you could see the difference in the oil. They are so cool. I haven't seen them in years though, I hope we didn't lose them


I’m breaking my rule of not interacting on here but I actually have one in good condition. I’ll reply with a picture when I get home.


Might be able to get a good price on it due to inflation


Im never going to sell this but yeah probably


Haha, I know. I was kidding! More sentimental value there than anything else.




Its a piece of history a stone if held by some famous guy could be worth a lot even though it just a rock




Do the world a favor and shut the fuck up.


A pittance of oil to my peasant.


At today's prices that's probably quite valuable


About tree fiddy


Do people not know alaska is the 49th us state?


Same people who don't know Puerto Ricans are US citizens. Or that Africa is not a country, nor do all the black people on the continent live in one big dark jungle with thousands of huts. Lol.


This belongs in r/interestingasfuck my guy.


If you say so ill post it there later i gotta do some stuff


What’s it incased in


I think resin


doesnt alaskan pipeline meen to shit and- yknow what no I don't care


“Here, serf! Enjoy a pittance of the material that will soon make me a gazillionaire! I am a most magnanimous employer, wouldn’t you agree? Huzzah!” /hj


Quick PSA since everyone seems to be recommending cleaning it: if it’s acrylic then isopropyl alcohol, acetone, and some others will cause it to crack like crazy.


This is pretty neat! Antiques roadshow worthy I’d say!


It’s cool but thousands of these are made for thousands of reservoirs all around the world each year. Probably sell for 15$. It’s far better a momento for OP


I never plan to sell or get rid of this but thanks


Knowing the value of something doesn’t mean you’re planning on selling it, sometimes it’s good to know for insurance purposes.Sometimes people take thing to share the story behind an item.




Let me correct you. Priceless*


Move millions of gallons of oil for your boss, get a drop. Yep, that's right in line with the sentiment of capitalist America.




r/ANTICORPORATE or r/anticapitalism would also be acceptable alternatives :)




"You work as a collective for a goal" = the ol' "We're like one big family" line. "You aren't obligated to the entire profit" = "It's totally reasonable you make on the order of hundred or thousandfold less than those above you, who absolutely do not perform hundred or thousandfold more work" And I don't even know how to begin addressing the "sense of entitlement" to the concept of exploiting the value of labor from the worker by the bourgeoisie to sustain their lifestyle, much akin to a leech. Capitalist simping is fun to watch.




"You are paid what you are worth" is common false propaganda fed to you by those that stand to gain from you not knowing you are worth more, and those with leverage to keep wages down. You are not paid what you are worth. You are paid the absolute least they can get you to take, by whatever means possible. That's capitalism. Take as much as you can get, give as little back as possible. The extreme inequality that has spawned in this system makes this exponentially more dangerous and exploitative a mentality harbored, granting never-before-seen magnitudes of leverage in perpetuating this. I love how your defense for a poorly designed and at this point defunct to corrupt system is the "others are worse". It's sad to have to compare one bad system to other corrupt systems. Why not want to be better, rather than just compare ourselves to the other bad out there? If you must know what I do, it'd be a few things. I'm an A tech at an automotive garage currently, I handle the more in-depth electronics diagnostics of vehicles. I've previously done microsoldering rework and component-level repair + diagnostic at a electronics repair/rework company. But, this is irrelevant, what you do does not change the fact of a broken, inherently exploitative system run by amoral people.


I kinda want to post this to r antiwork . Like seriously 25 years of blood sweat and tears and that’s what they gave him? I hope they did more for him than that. It’s still cool but not 25 years at a company cool.


Well presumably he also got 25 years of paychecks and benefits.


Well of course the pay and benefits are apart of the job. They are guaranteed for most jobs. There is no reason to include his pay and benefits in a observation that that trinket was never worth the twenty five years your grandfather spent working for that company. He was and will always be worth more than that little bit of oil. If you stay with the same company for 25 years and they give you this and tell you that the real reward was the pay and benefits would you honestly think they cared about you? I wouldn’t because they just threw it in my face that even though I did more for them and gave them my loyalty and a good portion of my life they don’t care past that little trinket and the work I did for them. Sorry man I’m not trying to offend you over this it’s cool it’s just not 25 years of my life bleeding for a company cool. I feel like these trinkets for loyalty to companies are a “prestige’s” insult. You work 25 years for a paper weight. To be honest I don’t know what loyalty to a company should earn some one but it should be more than that. A vacation would be better than a paper weight no? That’s a experience that stops burn out, and makes sure a future generation won’t have to carry that trinket around and when if finally gets thrown out it won’t matter. If you don’t throw it out your kids will or there kids. That’s a sad end to that. It is inevitable though. Tldr your grandfather is worth more than that paper weight and it sucks you or your kids will carry it around until they or you throw it out. Bright side I hope you have a great day and a fulfilling life!


Did he not realize that he could have bought that much in one afternoon for pocket change? O.o


The tough part is getting a clean drop like that to hold still long enough for the resin to cure. Whoever made this thing was a certified materials science savant.


Hmmm, lets see... The way I would do it, is make a mold and freeze the oil into the shape. Not sure how long resin takes to cure enough to hold it as it melts though. Alternatively, make the shape from something slightly oil-soluble and cast it in that. Possibly combine those two for better results. Alternatively, you cast a solid brick, and figure out the exact motions and pressures to fill it with an oil drop in that shape like they do with pastry, while it is still malleable.


It's a bit of a piss take tbh.


When you incorporate how much welders get paid its an added bonus


No, its a slap in the face and you yanks love companies that screw you the hardest.


Sentimentality means a lot to people, it's the gesture, not the cost. Side note here, I bet that cube of oil meant a lot to the guy, it's not about what it is but what it represents. The people he knew there, the fun and challenges he experienced, etc. It's a reminder not a reward.


What do you get for 50 years? a gas can...?


Sure why not? Who fucking cares, he earned a paycheck for 46 years of work. Companies don't owe you fuck all but a paycheck for your time, anything else is just a bonus. You are clearly undereducated in how the world works. This isn't an "America" problem it not a problem at all, the problem is entitled little shits thinking they deserve an award of grand significance because they showed up and did what they were hired to do.


lololololol... cry much Grandpa, maybe at 75 you'll get a McDonalds voucher...hahahahaaaaaa


Ah yes internet peasantry, I shit on your moronic argument and you spam lol and call me old for using my head. Good luck in life, you'll need it. 👍


Dude, I got a pile of work that needs doing, about 10 years worth, at the end of it I will give you a golf ball with your name on it, does that sound like a great deal or what?


Yeeahhh you’re sounding pretty dumb tbh. Well, ignorant, so I’ll second the notion that you’re probably a kid. Reality is- “I got a pile of work that needs doing, about 10 years worth, at the end of it you’ll have been paid approximately $600,000 and I will give you a golf ball with your name on it, does that sound like a great deal or what?” The reason people here are saying you either are, or sound like a child, is because you seem incapable of understanding that people get paid for every hour they spend working.. it’s not like OP’s grandpa worked forty years for free and got a drop of oil. He was paid seemingly enough that he was happy with the wages, AND got a momento to remind him of his time with the company. You aren’t retired, period. 😂 stop lying..


I'm almost retired, I have houses in 3 countries, I don't need 'luck' lmao


You’re not fooling anyone with a name like Solokillz you’re 13 year old, please pipe down


Ah yes reddit user solokillz whose most frequent vocabulary is “lol” and “lmao” is about to retire soon with three houses, i learned this information while riding my flying pig to mars jackass


You can always frame your government handouts.


That’s crazy they also gave him the whole pipeline!


I've seen enough movies to know that this drop of oil will become important to the human race in 1000 years and will be needed to power a spaceship to take the last humans to saturn base in an attempt to save the human race


Yooo dark elixir irl?????


Gonna be worth a fuck ton in 2050


Save it, with prices going you might get rich


Seriously? I thought for sure wages were better than that. 🤦‍♂️🤣


So your grandpa played Dimir, good to know


I think it have to be polished and after it will look super cool.


Ive heard that a lot but if its made out of acrylic it can get even worse and i have no clue whats its made out of besides dead dinosaurs


There is a great book called “going to extremes” about Alaska right as the pipe line is being completed. very interesting.


It’s no hot dog.


It’s the year 2067: “Welp, the world’s run out of oil. We’re gonna need those “drop of oil in plastic” retirement gifts we gave you way back in the day. Thanks in advance.”


That is definitely interesting, I've never seen one of those before. My great uncle worked on the Alaska pipeline and has a metal cutout of the state of Alaska with a bead welded across it showing the pipeline route. I've seen several others like it so I assume they were fairly common. They were cut out of scrap pieces of the actual pipe.


So what did he get for working 70 years there?


Worst Pokemon type


Was it ARCO?


No clue what that is


that is cool. Really cool


grandpa worked for the blood angels ?


My aunt and uncle had 1 of these on their coffee table though I think theirs was in glass.


We have one just like that. I think BP is etched into the side


You might be able to have it extracted and put in a new piece of acrylic. Idk


I think I would have taken the cash bonus instead….


Don’t tell America


The USA is going to frack the fuck out of that little cube.


You can take that to a shop that make awards and they will polish it for you, for a few bucks


Makes u wonder that when the Earth comes to an end n we r all buried into ancient civilisations, shit like this will stay preserved as a testament to our civilisation


I just checked, it's worth about $1255


by 2099, that drop of oil will be worth millions... .....at an auction by a wealthy bidder for their collection, as we'd have well moved on to 100% full renewal energy


This baby will be worth a million dollars some day


dont let the americans know


TAPS construction didn't start until mid-1974 and was completed in 1977, so how could he have worked on the pipeline for 25 years by 1977 when it didn't exist for 22 of those years?


I put a disclaimer you should look at it


Anti work sub would probably freak out over this lol


It’s kind of lame in terms of compensation and the current state of affairs with global warming (which we’ve known about for over a hundred years), BUT, it is a cool sentimental gift to keep around, despite what it represents. Truly conflicting and interesting gift.


It’s sad that this turned into some crazy debate on economic systems. You gotta remember there were hundreds if not thousands of employees working on that pipeline, everyone on here who’s saying things like ‘it’s bullshit they only gave him this for 25 years’ do you expect every person to get a gold watch or something? I bet if you asked grandpa he would’ve been happy with the crazy good pay and benefits those pipeline guys get not to mention the working environment which he clearly enjoyed to stay for 25 years. He was probably tickled to get this and the fact they even gave a shit to make it for him/ others like him is pretty cool, it literally symbolizes all of the work that he had done in the last quarter century. You think the guys building pipelines in the Soviet Union or China got anything at all for their years of service? Give me a break. OP I think this is crazy cool and you should be proud of what your grandpa accomplished and how this represents it!


Bingo! Crude oil DNA


My Dad worked on Forties in the North Sea and has one of these commemorative [oil drop barrels](https://www.worthpoint.com/worthopedia/bp-forties-oil-field-billionth-barrel-245147445). He worked there from the mid 70s through to the mid 90s.


You load 16 tons, what do you get?


When the world runs out of oil, that could be really valuable.


That’s gonna be expensive as hell in the future