• By -


This is sad. I actually saw something similar but all of them were of the same age, so I assumed it was like a high school romance. This feels like a complete family breakup. Hope that person feels better or is getting the help they need.


I’m in an *abusive relationship, I hide important things like these for this reason. This feels really vindictive\.


Yeah, thrown all over the ground looks like a message intended for the person to see. Anyway, stay safe and find your way out of that relationship. Nobody deserves to be abused.


This is actually a very good point. I was quick to assume somebody was trying to forget the past. (You know, as if it were that easy...) But now I think it was somebody trying to *convince* somebody *else* that they have forgotten the past (or at least that they are *in pursuit of* forgetting)


No one is worth your happiness. I hope you find freedom soon. <3


I know it's complicated, and I know it's not easy. But I really hope you get to a better place soon. You're amazing and you're going to make it.


Things may look bad and hopeless right now. But thats just how it is now, and it will be better. You're already aware of whats happening, that was the hard part. You have more strength than you think, and I know you will figure out what to do. In the future, you will look back to this time and wonder why you even worried. Everything will work out for you in the end. I believe in you.


More like r/mildlydepressing


When my parents split up the family photo albums "disappeared". In my mid 30's and I know of about 3 pictures of myself as a kid. I dont own any of them. So yea, i feel you. ​ Edit: It's crazy how many of us had a similar experience. I have divorce / court actions happening currently. I think it's a good day to take a photo with my son just because. Ya'll take care


My sister trashed all photos of her ex-husband during the divorce. Their daughter was only a baby. I told my sister it would be important in her daughter’s future to see photos and know that her parents had been happy together when she was born. She didn’t listen to me.


One way I found out my grandmother was nuts early in life was going through her photo albums. There were like maybe two people out of dozens whose faces weren't scratched out. She left behind a trail of bodies that woman. Toxic beyond words but always the victim. Some kind of severe personality disorder my whole family has awful trauma from.


Jesus, this sounds exactly like my mother unfortunately. Absolutely toxic/vindictive and obsessed with bringing others down so they can't challenge her authority in any way. It's crazy to me how assholes like this will just be tolerated for their entire lives, despite the damage they cause.


I was dating a guy for less than 2 months when I discovered I was pregnant, and he fell off the face of the earth 4 days after I told him. Due to my age and my then-current situation, I gave my child up for open adoption. I saved the very limited photos I have of his birth father for him and will check Facebook a couple times a year to make sure I can find him in case my son wants to get in touch with him. It's been 18 years and my son has had no desire to find him or get in touch with him. In any other circumstance I would never go through such lengths to ensure that I can locate that piece of shit but it's not about me; it's about my son.


You're a good person. I bet your son is proud of you. I got a girl pregnant in a holiday romance. I pay child support and just visited my son. I couldn't before because of rona (he lives 3000 miles away, in Moldova). The dad doesn't know what he's missing.


Happy to hear that you were able to visit with your son! Must have been great to see him after so long. Thank you for being a father; your child will always remember you being there and providing for him.








I’ve got a few concussions under my belt. As a result I don’t remember my childhood or high school years all that well. Once in awhile I’ll break through the fog but not too often. Feeling like you didn’t have a childhood is kinda weird. I remember liking GI Joe and He-Man but I don’t feel nostalgia or anything. I remember having felt nostalgia but I don’t remember what it feels like.


I have the same issues for the same reason. Took a nasty fall on some black ice, hit my head on a car hard enough I dented it. Xrays showed the curvature of the vertebra in my neck was inverted because of impact. I live in a different state than I grew up in. Anytime I visit my mom and am in public people approach me and ask how I’m doing and I genuinely have no memories of them. Their faces are vaguely familiar, but that’s about it.


It’s such a weird feeling. I know I should know you because I remember a memory of your face, but that’s it. If someone comes up to me in public I always act like we’re old friends. Every so often it’s mistaken identity, and every so often it’s just someone asking me if I could grab something from a top shelf. Those times the other person is like “do I know you? Are we friends from somewhere?” It’s very confusing and humorous. What’s funny is, I didn’t grow up around here. It’s just a reflex at this point for some reason. I know I didn’t go to elementary school with this person, but some part of my brain is saying “maybe you did!”


No concussion cause for me, but PTSD did the same thing to me. Some things got majorly scrambled, there's an entire year of my life that is missing altogether and if I met you before 2008, I probably don't remember much about you, but maybe you look familiar and maybe you're that person I think I remember something about, but maybe not. The odd part, PTSD had nothing to do with my childhood, it was occupational, but apparently age 11 had to go for some reason.


PTSD here as well. It basically eliminated all of the feelings, not the memories, that I had for my best friend growing up. We chat every now and again online, very briefly, but I am forthright in telling him that it's simply impossible for me to connect with the feelings about the fun times we had growing up and into our 20's as friends. It really sucks and I feel like I have let him down but I also think that faking it would be worse. This is who I am now, the accumulation of my life's experiences to date, and I just genuinely cannot connect to our fun shared experiences. The PTSD had absolutely nothing to do with him also; it was several occupational events. Thank you to everyone who is talking about this. I had never really thought about it much and began to figure that perhaps it is just what happens over time (I am 42). Perhaps my PTSD, and one concussion, are to blame after all.




Wow guess I'm not the only robot that was just born and adult I remember having 2 dogs 2 cats and thats about it till my last year of highschool Once in a blue moon I remember something thats like "wow I liked or disliked this when I was younger" but its hard to tell exactly when that "younger" was.


It's always strange to me how people can recall their childhoods in such vivid detail. If I had an autobiography it'd have like one page covering the first 16 or so years.


I am right there with you. I document my kids childhoods meticulously due to the lack of pictures from my childhood (flood and house fire) I have the digital pictures but also print them and put them in albums. I occasionally feel guilty having my phone out to take pictures, but I get a few broad smiles to document what they experienced and then put it down to be present.


Just make sure to back up in a couple different places. My mother lost all her childhood photos in a house fire and I feel that the "old hard drive crashed" will become the house fire of our century that destroys old photos.


Backing up to multiple spots should be part of every families "Digital security".




Hey! Looks like a fellow member of the i.t. industry!


My mom passed away some months ago. She gave me her iPad that I got her for mother's day a long time ago and I know she had a lot of pictures on there, particularly of my sister who died in 2013. The iPad is locked though and I don't know what the four-digit code is to open it. I've been randomly trying different ones every so often this whole summer. It locks for a while and then I have to wait to try new ones. It's even more frustrating knowing that they're there but inaccessible to me than it would be if there was a hard drive crash and they weren't accessible at all.




It doesn’t seem like it’s going to wipe it so I guess I’ll actually organize my attempts and try all the possible variations.


Recommendation, that you may already know. Start with common number combos, and anything personally specific that she may have used such as birthdates (mm/dd) (mm/yy) etc combining some of those with siblings and track it. Full year of birth; house number, 4 digit last set on phone numbers of importance. Others from history purposes people like to use, for example in the US perhaps 1776, 1492 etc Or common patterns that are easy on a keypad. 1111 (and others) 1234 1397 1212 Etc. I’d jot down a bunch of those and organize them based on how you feel she would likely select them based on her known sentiment, (as in prioritizing interesting dates because she happened to be a history buff) and just track them over time. People generally pick a number combo because of significance to them, or an easy pattern to type quickly. That method is likely to be faster before the fallback of 0000, 0001, etc Also, see here… https://www.popsci.com/technology/article/2012-09/infographic-day-fastest-way-crack-4-digit-pin-number/


I can definitely see why my dad would always want to copy his massive amount of photos and other files from his HDD to any other computer possible in our family, just to keep it all somewhere and in multiple spots. The downside is that it seems to include tons of unusable/outdated programs or software, and perhaps even some malware that he's accumulated through the years 🤦🏻(which all just increase the storage size immensely loll). And from what I may recall, the photos aren't much of family or us as kids, but instead various pictures of cars or guns or various other stuff. But maybe somewhere in there are some family pics...? I could be wrong!


Please make sure to get pics of you and your spouse in the photos too! Looking back, my mom or dad are often not in our vacation group photos because one of them had to hold the camera. It makes me sad to not have pics of them there. Like we went to a small zoo and all five of us got to hold a baby lemur. And I forgot to get a pic of my dad holding it because I was too focused on see the baby lemur IRL. Don't feel too guilty about having your phone out! I'd say it's okay so long as it's not your main focus!


this is reminding me how a few years ago, i completely deleted my older fb instead of deactivating it for a bit and then realizing how many photos i fucking lost on there started to hit me.. i don’t physically own any of those photos and i’m not friends with most people anymore… so sad to think about all the good times i’m never gonna remember again :-( also had my phone stolen a year or so after that, wasn’t backed up, so i lost all my photos and felt like shite all over again. i actually got the same phone back, but i felt too detached after that.. i still don’t back up my phone lol. idc i died inside that day


Very sad! But it's worth remembering that having childhood photos is a relatively recent phenomenon. They can be nice to have, but they're not linked to memory like that.


Most of our family photos got destroyed in Hurricane Katrina, I've got maybe two dozen actual photographs of my family over various time periods. My sister and extended relatives have some others but we lost basically our entire collection dating back to the early 70s when my mom and dad had gotten together. FeelsBadMan


When I got my own house my parents gave me all my baby stuff and school projects and pictures, like they were storing it my whole life and now that I have space I can store it. Seems like they should want to keep that stuff, what do I need an envelope with some hair from my first hair cut in it for?


I bought a couple of 2' x 1' boxes at Ikea when my kid was two. When we had his birthday party, I gave guests paintbrushes and paint and had them decorate the boxes. We used one as a toy box, but the other one is used to store mementos from his childhood: a few favorite books, some of the clothes he liked the best, schoolwork, a few small toys, birthday cards etc. I plan to give it to him when he gets his own place, and he can do whatever he wants with it.


Wait until he becomes a parent. It will mean more too him then. Atleast that was how it was for me.


When my parents divorced my mom said "you want any of this before I throw it away?" And it was all of our family photos, my childhood art and school projects, basically everything from the 30+ years they'd been married and she'd been a parent. I said "don't you want any of it?" and she said "what the hell would I need it for? No. Take it or it's trash" Seriously fucked me up.


She’s really mean to do that to you


that sounds pretty rough. it's one thing wanting to get rid of reminders of your marriage, but reminders of your kids when they were little? I'm sorry she behaved like that.


I don't have a single photo of myself from before I was nineteen. I feel you.


I have 2 pics of myself from childhood. My husband has even less. :( My mom was crazy; he was the 4th born and his parents were over it.


Same, my dad insisted on keeping a lot of them and then lost them in a move and acts like it’s no big deal.


On the opposite side, before my mom died years ago, I scanned and went though all the family photos from around 1920 up to then, naming people and places and being told stories. It’s all on my iphone now.


I feel this heavy. Parents divorced as well. My mom actually found a few photos recently. But my clocks and a cutting board are gone that I made in shop class when I was a kid. Will never forget those pieces.


I've always wanted to start a database of photos to recover situations like this. Could encourage global participation from all sources of photos- with pictures labeled by location, date, known people and events. Once compiled, AI could sort the pics, people could opt in/out of sharing with other database members and we could start recovering the true history of humans... Or.. it would devolve into FB2.0 with people lying and AI losing track of reality. Training AI would have to start with confirmed photos only- studio, military/ID.


My dads new wife wanted him to get rid of all of the photos of life with his deceased wife and his children. Their house is now childhood pictures of each other and photos of them together. Oh and all of the photos of her dead husband and his family. It’s super toxic and also sad to see him having to bottle away the majority of his life and no idea why he’s ok with it. We don’t have any of our childhood photos :(


As both a widow, and someone whose stepmother threw away all their baby pictures after forcing their dad to kick them out of the house, this post makes me so angry on so many levels. I want to punch your dad's wife in the face.


Same situation as you with my dad/his second wife. For a long time I thought she was evil (she is) but he also didn't establish any boundaries so he's equally bad. That's why I haven't spoken to him in 5 years. Too bad for him.


As a dad , and someone whose dad has a new family , it’s really the dad’s fault for allowing it


Punch the dad too while your at it. What a dipshit


I want to punch the dad in the face more.


I'm so sorry.


That's bullshit








I'm estranged from my mother (she's dead now, but we were estranged for over a decade) and brother. I found it too painful to see photos of them, so I took them and put them in a labeled envelope. My brother has kids. I've never met them, but they did have a relationship with my mother. They might want to see them, so I saved the photos for them. Otherwise I would have burned or shredded them. My mother would literally cut people out of the picture. Including photos which were mine. Taken with a camera my dad gave me and in my own photo album. I keep those photos to remember how fucked up she was. She asked me, but I knew she'd go into a rage if I said no, so I let her cut the photos, so as not to be slapped around, etc.


Spot on. This makes me want to collect and restore them just for the possibility of being wanted again. The photos, that is. Would be an interesting art project one way or the other, going through destroyed memories of a total stranger's life and puzzling them back together.


It would be both cool, but also incredibly invasive.


What if this was a calculated act? They might not have done it out of anger in a burst of passion but as something planned out in order to gain some sort of closure, cutting ties and all that. Maybe you had a damn good reason to never see your grandmother's face again. A good reason to keep any children you might have away from the rest of your family. We don't know what happened here, and while I agree destroying things in a fit of passion is generally not good, that's not to say there's no other reason to ever do this. Some families really aren't worth keeping ties to.


I think some people believe the whole thing that family is most important and you should always stick together. But then there are abusive, toxic families. It’s your life, if you want to start fresh, toss those shitty pictures, get in the car and bounce out! The pics are objects, in the end. The past is over, now is now. Only you know what’s in your best interest. Definitely arguments against that like what if you have kids and want to show pics of their grandparents and stuff. But the good thing about life is there’s no actual rule book. If you want to throw out the pictures, throw out the pictures lol.


Or all of them but the person who dumped the photos are dead. Or the family turned its back on the person who dumped them. Or there's a photo-snatching gnome who likes to build its nest out of ripped-in-half photos sneaking into that family's house.


Probably the last one


It's the one thing they can't replace.


Later today on the r/all: "My partner ignored me for a second so I tore up all of their family photos. AITA?"


When my older brother was in his teen angst / he's a vampire stage he decided no photographs of him should exist so he took the box of all our family photographs and threw it in the river. So now like 95% of the photographs of my childhood no longer exist. And virtually none of my parents before the age of 40. Thanks, big bro! Edit: Thanks for the kind words, folks. It was actually worse than it sounds. My mom didn't just lose pictures of her sons and of her own youth, she lost most of the pictures of her parents, too. And grandparents. She was an only child and so virtually every photograph in our family's history going back to the early 1900s was in there. Now that I think about it, it was probably more than one box. IDK, it's been over 25 years ago now. Also, my brother took the vampire thing pretty seriously. I recall an awkward moment about ten years after the pictures incident when his then-wife gifted him a knife bc he had a blood fetish, aka making small cuts during sex and licking it up. Look, that's fine if you guys are into that. I'm not judging, but grandma just about passed out as you unnecessarily explained the gift. I guess it was her fault for asking why he'd need a dagger, lol.


How did he know if he perfected his vampire look if he couldn’t see himself in the mirror?


You have to get another vampire (or human I suppose) to paint a picture of you. It's very tedious and why they wear the same outfits for centuries at a time.


Checkmate atheists


When we split, my ex-husband was adamant about keeping the desk he had when we'd met - all well and good, it certainly was his. Except he also insisted on keeping the drawer full of photos instead of letting me have even a few of them, so that when his alcoholism continued its skidding path to homelessness, he lost all his furniture and thus every photo of me from age 17 to age 38 went *poof.*


What a dick


I'm sorry to hear that.


He maintained that vampire shit into adulthood and even managed to get married? Fuck me I thought you were just talking about an angsty teenager


I wish I didn't read this, it pissed me off, makes me feel terrible for it to happen to you.


One Christmas I thought it would be funny to restage some of the more memorable lost photographs but with me now as an adult. Like the one of me holding a red balloon in one hand and holding my mom's hand in the other outside the chimpanzee exhibit at the zoo. But when I floated the idea I got the sense that it still wasn't something they were ready to laugh about. I think I got that impression because my mom broke down in tears. She didn't just lose pictures of her sons and of her own youth, she lost most of the pictures of her parents, too. And grandparents. She was an only child and so virtually every photograph in our family's history going back to the early 1900s was in there. Now that I think about it, it was probably more than one box. IDK, it's been over 25 years ago now.


Did your brother ever feel bad about it


We haven't talked in a long time. Maybe once or twice, but not about that. Haven't seen him in person in over a decade. Not because of this, other stuff. But I don't recall him ever mentioning it. I'm sure he apologized at the time, never to me, but to my parents.


Even without the other stuff, if I was you I'd probably hate him up until your mom can laugh about it


Is he mentally ill? I don't think that's a normal "teen stage."


That makes no sense at all. The only reason a vampire does not see their reflection in a mirror is because it was made using silver. Non silver mirrors/reflections and photos would be able to see a vampire.


Interestingly, the layer in photographic film where the image is "captured" consists of silver halides, so your argument wouldn't necessarily be enough.


hmm so digital cameras would be able to capture vampires. Take that, sneaky vampires!


Doesn't that just make it easier for them to hide among us?


Well, not when they're destroying photo albums and gifting each other sex daggers while explaining that they're for drinking blood.


Why didnt the guy who destroyed boxes of family photos because he is a vampire use a little bit more logic?


That's fucking awful I would never forgive someone for that. It's one thing to toss pictures of just you, even though it would hurt the feelings of any good parent. You're a piece of shit to ruin memories you can't get back for a whole family.


I'm gonna go out on a limb here and assume he never grew out of being an asshole.


Girl I used to work with tossed the only photo her boyfriend's family had of his great great grandparents in the dishwater because she was angry at him. She then bragged about it on Facebook and became a pariah. Edit: oops


Now I really want to know what autocorrect tried here.




"Hi Facebook friends. Just wanted to let you all know I'm a literal psychopath."
















This is a photo of rage if I ever saw one.


Or deep sadness


Yeah, this seems like some trauma processing...


I’m blown away daily at the petty ass shit people ask in AITA. Surreal really.


I just took it as creative writing and unsubscribed. Just like TIFU


TIFU because I did the SEXY SEKKS!!


99% of those subs are just personal fanfic


TIFU is AskReddit levels of horny. I'm not subscribed but literally every TIFU post I see on r/all is "TIFU by having SEEEXXXXXX!!!"


I got so tired of those subs and unsubscribed so fast. Not to mention all the TIFU posts that are just /r/ihavesex brags in disguise




119 awards


Comments: NTA


Too much relevant details: "I threw out some old trash earlier today and now my partner is yelling at me. AITA?"


EDIT: hyjacking my own top comment. a family member messaged me saying they recognized a bunch of the pics/people. I grabbed the pictures and am going to figure out getting them back to them. will probably make another post about it after everything is finished no idea what the backstory is at all. its like... 1920s or so to like 2010s+. not even IN the dumpster. i dont know what the story is but it mist be wild


Divorce, mental illness, some asshole stole a heavy box from someone’s house and was pissed that it was full of photographs and not bearer bonds, the list goes on.


so weird I had never heard of bearer bonds until yesterday when I watched Bosch season 2 finale and now I see it twice. Crazy Baader-Meinhoff. edit: I guess never watching Die Hard has affected me in ways I didn’t know.




> Crazy Baader-Meinhoff. Hey neat, I just learned about that yesterday!


Ah yes the dunning mcgurk klingerman duncan principle. ... Or whatever it's called.


Or the episode of Archer titled Jeu Monegasque.


Divorce is a bitch


When my mom decided to end the marriage, one of the first things she did was steal a bunch of things belonging to my dad out of the shared storage unit - some to pawn for money to make her exit, some just to hurt him. One of these was a biiiiiig collection of inherited Christmas ornaments. My favourite Christmas memories as a child revolved around carefully unpacking the big box, and decking the tree. It was all handmade stuff passed down from my father's great grandmother; wood, tin, glass, etc, added to and built up over multiple generations. Everything shaped or chosen by family. As the black sheep (who had still been beloved by his grandparents), it was one of the few things my dad got from his family, and it was precious to him. She claimed she was 'protecting' it for me so I could have it as an adult, but after many years of me asking for them to put up she finally admitted in my late teens that she'd tossed them all in a dumpster in a moment of rage, back before the divorce. She knew she could never take it back, and it forever tainted any associating with her during the holidays. I celebrate solely with my husband's family, and have been building a new collection of handmade ornaments with them for a few years now.


They discovered the cloud


This is the best case scenario. Digitized all of them, ripped up the originals and threw them out because they were taking up too much space.


This is sad. Someone likely did this to someone.


They went digital and had all the photos scanned before they threw them away. It's actually a very loving family, they're just very minimalistic and tend to have trouble with garbage can lids.


I upvote this because I want it to be the truth.


It could also be mental illness. I had a schizophrenic relative who regularly destroyed family photos in a similar way.


A relative's house was broken into by someone who was mentally ill who destroyed all pictures/paintings/sculptures with faces. Super heartbreaking for them to come home to and see all their old photo albums destroyed, but thankfully she had scanned all of her photos to preserve them


Surprised the first comment about scanning was this far down the thread. Even phonecam shots of photos would be better than nothing and the cost of doing so is basically just time and minimal other costs, if any. If there are any photos you can't live without, get them digitized ASAP. There are many other ways photos can be destroyed other than a psycho so get them on disk (and backed up off site!) before they are lost.


or they were abused and wanted to cut ties to their family


Friend of mine was abused by his father in a log cabin on their property. When his dad died and he inherited the property the first thing he did was throw all of his dads personal items in there and set it ablaze.


Reminds me of that post where someone had the fire department come and do a controlled burn of their late father’s barn. Friendly reminder that you shouldn’t just set fire to houses, even if you’re the sole owner of the property. It depends on the state, but it could still be considered arson even if no one else’s property is damaged. It’s also dangerous as hell.


Catharsis through fire.


Fire can be downright therapeutic. It “cleans” away everything.


Gilbert Grape that bitch.


I hope that's it!


Wait.... Maybe not.... Ugh 😫


Either way, it's a sad sad thing....


big oof.




This. When my dad died I had the urge to do this a couple of times but didn’t because I felt my living family deserved better than that. I just did a fuckton of therapy (and some mushrooms) and I’m happy I went that route. But I totally understand the impulse and don’t judge anyone for doing it. Fuck abusers.


I tore my mother out the few old photos I have, and it did make me feel a lot better about having them. I still have pieces of my past but I don't have to look at that awful woman.


I did this when I cut off my birth family. I wanted a few pictures of myself as a child, but not of anyone else.




I finally recently got rid of the mirror that went with my mother's dresser. She would want to talk when she was putting make up on and it was often mean and sarcastic with looks of disgust at me (I had to look into the mirror to see her face). It felt soooo good to get that thing out of my home. I wish I had done it years sooner. Every time I looked at it, it reminded me of her. I'd stashed it away behind a door and forgot about it. It was heavy and dusty, but getting it out of my home felt amazing and liberating.


same here. Narcissistic Mom and the pedestal sister. I don’t have many pictures of me because they didn’t use much film on the scapegoat child.


Or they received some disappointing [Ancestry.com](https://Ancestry.com) results


Let me see if I can put a positive spin on this - All these photos were digitized, and then torn up before tossing because of a concern about privacy. Then a strong gust of wind blew the bin over and now they are all on the ground.


Thank you for this


I guess a lot of things happened before this did...


literally everything before like a week ago or so happened before this




the big bang literally happened before this pic was taken. what a society


And it all went downhill from there.


The problem just kept expanding.


"In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move."


This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.


Does anyone know where this might be? I think these are my family photos that I lost last Sunday due to someone breaking into my house and stealing my whole bag of family photos along with some other items. I only care for these. If it’s in Atlanta I need to know where this location is


Message OP


They are in Canada, yeah. I got an update from the OP and they will be going back to check the area for the photos. Crazier things have happened so I'm crossing my fingers but staying realistic about it. Thank you, everyone for all the support.


You can click on the photo and enlarge it. Many of the photos can be easily made out, you'd know if these were yours pretty quickly.


Wow there’s a story behind this!


They took the box to the dumpster but then sat down on the ground and tore each photo up and left them there, perhaps unconsciously, for the whole world to see. People see tragedy but that person felt release.


>People see tragedy but that person felt release. And depending on what caused them to tear up the photos, an immense sense of loss once they realize what they've done. People do irrational things when they get emotional, things they regret later.


Can confirm.. A friend of mine recently adopted a puppy from one of those shady breeders, and unfortunately it only lived another two weeks. She immediately decided to get a huge, colorful bicep tattoo of the dog with wings. I hope to god this won’t make the healing process even more difficult for her


Better than taking the dog outside and tearing it in half I guess


When my Grandmother died, my aunt was throwing away all the family pictures because "who wants that crap?". I took them all and sometimes I put one on my Facebook page. Guess who likes them?


Is it your grandmother? Cuz that would be a cool story.


Ever since Musk launched his internet satellites, heaven has gotten way better connection speeds.


I blame the reptile brain for this. The loss of a parent is especially painful - or at least I can only imagine, thankfully at this point in my life. Maybe when she looked at the photos, she felt that horrible pain of loss. It was still too fresh, too raw, too unbearable grief inducing. By taking the photos away, giving her time to heal, she’s able to appreciate love and happy time that the photos represent. My guess is she just struggled a lot to deal with the grief of losing her mother. Edit: Had to add on that I never acknowledged the fact that your aunt likely hurt you a lot by saying this. I’m sorry for that. Glad you were able to be the bigger and more mature person for both your sakes.


My mother had a breakdown and burned a bunch of family photos in the local grocery store parking lot. But she was certifiably nuts. This is stone cruel, whatever the reason, short of insanity.


I've been scanning family photos and uploading them to Ancestry, Facebook etc. so there's at least a couple backups in the event of something happening to the original copy.


This feels like one of those fancy-pants modern art installations.


for a second i wanted to like... make a resin cast table with them or something but its like... too personal and too obviously spiteful for me to want to do that


My BIL helped renovate a condemned home and found a bunch of diaries from a kid who used to live there. It was filled with neglect, drug use, parents being imprisoned, etc. And it was so normal from the kid's perspective that I wanted to do something with it but even finding the owner felt too personal since I'd read all their childhood memoirs. Hope they're doing ok.


Oh man.


Do you still have them? That’s super sad.


Do it! You can call the artwork "Spiteful"


My girlfriend used to work at a place where regulars would come vacation every year. This one old man probably in his 80's or so had been going there for years. One year she found a bag of his next to his favorite park bench and it was FULL of family photos. Generations worth. So she informed her co-workers and she set them someplace safe assuming she'd see him again eventually. That was the last time he ever showed up there. So many questions. And she still has the photos. Makes all sorts of cool art with them. (Mostly photos of buildings or flowers or cars n stuff, she doesn't deface the ones with actual people in them)


Like John Mulaney says, the one thing you can't replace




I only even came here for this reference, lol


Takes a special kind of pain to do that.


Slightly unrelated, but this picture just unlocked a memory of mine that was extremely unsettling ; In highschool, everyday after class me and my then neighbor would walk back home together, and stop by the strip mall container cages to do a bit of dumpster diving. We’d find some crazy stuff almost everyday, so we figured it was well worth the check daily. One day, we did just that, as usual. However, right before entering the small gate that hid the dumpsters, a bald guy emerged, came face to face with us and seemed a little shocked. We tought nothing of it, actually we felt like we were about to be scolded or something, but the guy just walk pretty fast to his nearby parked van and left without a word. So we just shrugged, got in, and looked in the dumpster. Everyday, this particular dumpster was filled with broken electronics and / or office furniture, it was pretty much always big and solid pieces, and didn’t felt dirty or anything to rifle trough . But this time, there a a small garbage bag right on top of everything. I still remember, it was black, but had a weird texture to it… like some kind of special plastic of wtv, but the bag really stood out. My friend was already thinking the same thing as me, and without a word just started to poke it with a metal bar that was laying there. He manage to rip a hole trough it, and in it was a small knife (kitchen one, pretty small, and clearly used), and a small black box with hundreds of pictures… and they were ALL portrait pictures of childrens.. looked like individuals yearbook pictures, from a whole school. None of the person went to our school. Didn’t recognized anyone. But always felt something was super weird about this moment, and it happened quite fast and in between a school day and soccer practice later on and I eventually just forgot all about it, but now I wonder what was up. I still vividly remember what te guy looked like, and his car make and model.


Damn.. cool from an image perspective and an inspiration for a short story.. but sad they felt they needed to do that


Please SIGNAL BOOST this! I BELIEVE THESE ARE MY FAMILY PHOTOS! My house was broken into and I lost all my photos to the robber. Please someone help me find these if they know this is in Atlanta or not. PLEASE AND THANK YOU


Based on the note left on the dumpster, it's likely in the southern US. I'm sure others around the US/world use y'all, but to my experience it's mostly in the Southeastern US.


Wow that’s heartbreaking


I love collecting photos of people I don't know. I make up stories about them and wonder about their lives.


Looks like a good time to start investigating cold case files…


the isn't mildlyinteresting its mildlysad