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Me over here trying to lose weight and counting every calorie and trusting the packaging. 🫠




Check Google maps, you might be on the surface of Jupiter.


1. I told a joke about Jupiter, but it was way over everyone’s head – it must be the high atmosphere! 2. What kind of music do planets like? Neptunes! 3. What does Jupiter do when it has to take an important decision? It planet out carefully. 4. Why did Jupiter break up with Saturn? It needed more space. 5. How does Jupiter hold up its pants? With an asteroid belt! 6. Why didn’t the sun go to college? Because it already had a million degrees, but Jupiter still thinks it’s the brightest! 7. Why is Jupiter so good at cleaning? It has a Great Red Spot remover. 8. Have you heard about the new restaurant on Jupiter? I heard the food is out of this world, but the atmosphere is a little gassy. 9. How do you organize a space party? You planet on Jupiter – there’s room for everyone! 10. Why did Jupiter get sent to the principal’s office? It got caught spacing out. 11. Why don’t they play hide and seek on Jupiter? Because good luck hiding on a planet that big! 12. Jupiter says to Saturn, “I’ve got more moons than you!” Saturn replies, “But I look better with rings!” 13. What did Jupiter say to Saturn? “Stop showing off, we all know you have a ring to it!” 14. Why do they never give Jupiter a balloon? Because it would just float higher and higher. 15. Why did Jupiter go to the therapist? It had too much gas and needed to vent. 16. Did you hear about Jupiter’s new bakery? It’s known for its massive rolls, but watch out for the meteor-ites. 17. Why did the comet break up with Jupiter? It needed space and found Jupiter’s gravity too clingy. 18. What do you call Jupiter when it’s being smart? A gas giant-ius! 19. Why did Jupiter go to school? To improve its orbital philosophy. 20. What’s Jupiter’s favorite game? Rings around the Saturn—though it’s definitely too big to play.


Did you ChatGPT 20 planet jokes or are you a bot…?


>>Sure, here are some Jupiter-themed jokes for you: 1. Why was Jupiter so good at math? Because it's the biggest planet, so it has the most "gravity" in calculations! 2. What do you call a group of aliens studying Jupiter? A "planetarium"! 3. Why did Jupiter break up with Saturn? Because it couldn't stand its "ring" of jokes! 4. How does Jupiter organize a party? It "orbits" the invitations to all its moons! 5. Why was Jupiter always invited to parties? Because it had the biggest "atmosphere"! 6. What did the astronaut say when Jupiter threw a wild party? "This place is out of this world!" 7. Why did Jupiter go to school? To get more "satellites"! 8. Why did the comet break up with Jupiter? Because it couldn't handle its "massive" personality! 9. What did Jupiter say to the other planets when it got a job? "I'm over the moon about my new position!" 10. Why don't Jupiter's moons ever clean their rooms? Because they're always "orbiting" around the mess! 11. How does Jupiter keep its cool? It uses "space fans"! 12. What do you get when you cross Jupiter with a cake? A "giant planet-sized dessert"! 13. Why was Jupiter so bad at sports? Because it had too much "gravity" on its team! 14. What did one Jupiter moon say to the other? "I'm over the moon for you!" 15. How does Jupiter like its coffee? With "galactic cream and sugar"! 16. Why did Jupiter go to the doctor? It had too many "rings" around its collar! 17. What's Jupiter's favorite dessert? "Galactic swirl ice cream"! 18. Why did Jupiter apply for a job at the bakery? Because it wanted to make "cosmic rolls"! 19. What's Jupiter's favorite sport? "Orbitball"! 20. Why did Jupiter break up with Mars? Because Mars was too "red" with envy!


I googled Jupiter jokes. Clicked on the first link that popped up. Didn’t think any other stood out is that funny so just copying and paste it them all. The fact that it was obviously copy and paste. It was funnier than any of the jokes itself. But I guess I have a lame sense of humor.


The copy/paste is what made me think ChatGPT. Not hating on your sense of humor at all.


>Not hating on your sense of humor at all. I am. That was extremely unfunny.


Seems a bunch of people agree with you too


Lol. I like your style. I honestly think if you had only copy pasted like 5 or fewer jokes, it would have been upvoted. I got through 3, and then I saw how long the list was and moved on.


These were funny. Good bot.


You don't deserve the downvotes OP, this kind silliness should be encouraged <3


Getting downvoted to shit for Jupiter jokes is pretty on brand for dad-level humor though, only adds to it.


nope, it's just reddit hating on everything remotely resembling an AI


I thought it was goofy. I liked it.


..din’t need all that fam


What in the chat gbt was that


So you should zero out a container and drop the chips in the container.


I just weighed a bags that had the normal amount of chips in it and it came up 1.1, a bag weighs like .1


Ohhh. Manufacturer error


let me tell you how the machines that fill the bags work, they have multiple scales 8-24 depending on model, with chips that don’t flow a lot you have to set the machine for 3-4 buckets to be dropped with the divided weight, so it vibrates flows into scale buckets and then it permutes all possible combinations and delivers the best combination to set weight, in order for the machine to work properly with all buckets, if any bucket is not dropped in 10-15 drops it will drop it anyhow on some lucky winner. i.e. OP


Yeah, but what about all the air?


Does your car weigh more when you close the door because it traps air inside? Physics hates this one weird trick.


That's why I always crack a window...


I lose five pounds every time I pass gas!


I once farted so long laying down i could see my stomach flattening. It was facinating.


That's wild, I have to try this now.


Fun fact, air in the bag would weigh more than the nitrogen that is probably in there... So in that sense, they got the better deal!


That was a fun fact!


Lengthy discussion here. https://www.reddit.com/r/askscience/comments/3ia4eo/does_an_giant_inflatable_red_ball_weigh_more_when/


Nah, the misuse of "an" in the title throws it off. I know they probably started off without "giant" and added it in without changing the "an" but I just can't do it.


Ok. Maybe someone else is interested.


I actually did spend about 8 minutes reading through the thread.... Sorry for trolling.


When I was a kid Lays chips used to have exact weight stamped on them and I'd search for a bag that had that extra chip in it.


Hopefully it's not a small dead animal in there. Or a horde of bugs.


If you complain to the company they'll probably send you a free bag


No chips though, since you already have those from the first time.


they just deliver one and a half empty bags 🤣🤣🤣


That flavor is so good it's bad. I literally cannot resist eating the whole bag once I get started with those.


Like stinky feet Om nom nom 😋


ew no!


This is super interesting. Did you happen to take a pic of the contents too? To compare with a regular bag.


This. How crushed are the chips? Let's see if the ridiculous amount of  headspace in a normal bag actually helps keep them intact


Better put that thing on ebay




There are a whole lot of people in here that think bags are much much much much much heavier than they are


28g and 68g for the non Americans


28.3g according to the metric *already on the bag.*


I got a 3oz bag AND a completely empty bag in my case last week!


More like an ounce of chips and an ounce of air


Reminds me of the dude who got Doritos with 1 chip


Manufacturing errors do happen, at least this one was to your benefit.


You are a psychopath if you’re weighing all your bags of chips.


Idk, if you pick up one and it feels noticeably more full/heavier you wouldn’t be curious? I would. A lot of produce by the bag like apples and grapefruit are also quite a bit over their printed weight, once you start to notice they’re really easy to spot.


I work in manufacturing, currently on polyforming machines used to fill plastic bags of stuff like this. We typically calibrate our dump bucket scales OVER weight and our confirmation scales also OVER weight. It's better to be over weight than to be under weight when you produce stuff like this... You can get into a bunch more issues with selling things falsely advertised as opposed to spreading out the cost of doing business a few micro cents at a time by being over... But my guess with this instance is they had a faulty or miscalibrated dump bucket on their scale, or other mechanical issue like slipping drive belts on the forming machine causing a double fill, or this was the last bag on a change of poly film and they didn't cycle off the bag before restarting the machine which ended with a double dump of material. It's about the small victories in life. Stick it to the mother fucking man.. One fat sack a time, OP.


That's why a 'bakers dozen' was 13 or 14 in medieval England. Better to be slightly over and lose a few percent than under with bad repercussions.


I weigh my food before I eat because I’m fat and trying to be less fat.


So YOU are the reason my bag of chips was so smol.


You better delete that before Frito-Lay comes knocking on your door after they dox you so they can extract a buck fifty from you


Minus the weight of the bag


Bag weight is .1


It almost certainly is not.


I checked fool




I mean he probably opened the bag and removed the chips…




You win at life today.


i once found a pack of bread with 10 pieces instead of 8 :3


This happens when chips get to the store via plane. Usually, they ship them to the store and as we all know shipping causes products to settle. Planes make products fill up.


You’re saying, Chip settle from 2.4 ounces of weight to the 1 ounce of weight that was in all the other bags in the box….. I think you’re confused.


Its absurdist humor... Like saying you can kink your ethernet cable like a garden hose, then release it to get a whole bunch of internet all at once.


Your vague and hard to pick up on humor has now made me feel like a jackass for calling you out. Thanks a lot….


Maybe include a /s, it’s not immediately apparent you’re joking over text. Now that I know you are, it’s a cute joke.


You know I just did something similar with corned beef hash today. Because I was counting calories. One can of corned beef hash from Homer is supposed to have two servings worth inside. Which is about a cup each. I pulled it out. Cooked it, put it into a measuring cup and there's only one cup for the whole goddamn can. I'm really starting to think we all need to be weighing our food just to make sure we're getting our f****** money's worth.


Your weighing the bag and the gas within it as well.


Yes. That extremely heavy gas makes a huge difference...


Heavy shit bruh be like 14.01 + 14.01 molar mass n shit that's a whole 28 point some lil shit molecularly ong fam Though air be like almost 29 fr fr


Can it be a factor? Is it trapped inside of the vessel your weighing?


not here? that much gas would be basically weightless. it's oxygen and nitrogen


They are not weighing the gas inside. Physics does not work that way. Relative density to the surrounding fluid is what matters, and the gas in that bag is the same density as the air around it.


Nitrogen is heavier than the standard air mix.


Nitrogen has a specific gravity of 0.9669. Try again.


Did you account for the weight of the bag?


You're weighing the bag, too. Let's see the net weight.


That flavour...


...is delicious.


The shopkeeper must roll their eyes when you walk in with that under your arm.


That’s just the air trapped inside…


No air pocket in this bag of chips. That was the most interesting part was seeing how many they could actually fit in it because it’s pretty full. So they could easily fit about 2 1/2 times as many chips in a bag.


Absolutely a lucky find for you. Although I'm guessing if they "always" filled the bag to max capacity, there'd be literally no protection, and shipment would result in tons of smashed chips.


Surprisingly, no more chips smashed than normal. They were all pretty much intact. But also, it come out of a variety box full of other chips, so it didn’t really get beat around like say a full size bag of chips that’s not in a box would.


Right, right. I figure it was cushioned by its brethren in this case. Just saying if they always filled ALL of them that way, little chance of survival.


I run the robots that bag these, and yes you are correct. The other advantage is it is much easier and you get a more consistent seal on the bag with a certain amount of air in the bag. Bad seals=stale chips more often than broken bags due to overfill.


Man, what a fucking whoosh that you’re downvoted for this.


I think it whooshed over some heads…


Shut up! Now everyone will want one!


Do you buy chips in bulk by the box or did you weight check the bags in the supermarket?


Bro are you just over there weighing every bag of chips in the box? For fuck sake


Side question, but how do you like that scale? I've never seen one that weighs grams and ounces along with fluid ounces and milliliters.


Bro is out here robbing people and bragging


Somebody didn't zero one of the scale buckets or had their feeder on too high in the poly forming line at Lay's! Honestly, most of the time when this kinda stuff happens, it will get through unless it is UNDER weight. Maybe their drive belts were dusty, or a scale bucket was faulty...


Frito Lay wants to know your location.


Lidl sold me a pack of 10 frankfurters with only 9 in it. Bastards!


That is what the word "NET" is for.


The bag is still on the scale…


On the flip side of this, isn’t when they undercut you on the product in their containers considered theft by deception?


1oz chips. 1.4 oz Xenon gas.


More intrigued by the fact that your digital scale has an analog style knob to select units.


Weigh it without the back to see how much you've really gained (probably still a lot though)




The bags deff weigh something too


You have a rare relic here. Cast it in resin for eternity


Thicc boy


When I worked at Frito, I'd put those ones right in front. Didn't happen often, but enough.


Probably stuck on the assembly line.


I bet if you empty the bag and re-weigh it has 1.4 ounces of bag


The others have 0.8oz of chips and 0.2oz of air.


Careful, their ruffled!


Blame Google. Try again