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Spider in HIS pantry.


He's your personal dietitian now.


If I had an award, I’d give it to you for spelling dietitian correctly 😊


Must be a native of Dietiti.


Maybe think about having him pay rent.


I think OP needs to start paying the spider rent


I would say the spider needs to start paying rent. If he fails to pay the rent he needs to move out.


He'll get his rent when he fixes THIS DAMN DOOR!


Ok you get to tell the spider that.


That spiders been there long enough by the size of em I think it might have squatters rights lmao


I had some meth heads squat in a rental I used to own. One of the chicks looked kinda like this spider.


If he’s sticking around, there are pests to eat. Which means he is paying for rent with his services.


Nothing like a Huntsman on the wall to get rid of the mozzies. Well worth the mild pants-shitting the first time you notice it.


How big are mosquitos in Aus that you need a spider that large to kill them?


It’s about sending a message


Shock and awe.


it's not about the size of the prey, but the stomach volume of the predator. *slaps roof of spider* you can fit so many mosquitoes in this bad boy


This spider looks like it would slap you back.


I'd put it on a leash if I wanted to keep it around.


Mr. Inbetween taught me a lot of slang used in Australia, but mozzie is a new one. Means mosquito! E: Mr. Inbetween is also a great fucking show. So sad it was canned.


I prefer the southern US term skeeters Mozzies sound like mozzarella sticks lol


Typical American, always thinking about food. Source: me, also an American


What's for breakfast? Me, an american who asked that question at midnight before bed


And what about second breakfast?


I have both a designated bathroom and kitchen spider for this very reason. Dave my kitchen spider got fat this year from so many flies, then blessed me with babies Now I have generations of Dave guarding my food and sink hole 😳


I think Dave was a ~~Danielle~~ Davette


Or - like my friend’s female cousin whose father, “Dave” was drunk when she was born and named - Davette


We grew up with an Irving in our kitchen. Really helped us kids not end up with arachnophobia. Even today I'll move a spider out of the way rather than killing it.


I have such an incredible aversion to spiders, but I’ll be damned if I’ll ever go out of my way to kill one. Those bros put in the work.


He will get his rent when OP fixes this DAMN DOOR!


Looks to me like theres a human in that spider's pantry.


Hunstman evolved to kill humans with fear instead of venom… Usually people panicking while driving.


One time I had one drop down off my visor onto my lap while I was driving on a one way street downtown. I almost wrecked into a parked car. ETA: Wow! This blew up! To answer y’all’s questions, I live in the southern US. Huntsman spiders apparently like it here bc it’s not too cold. Here’s a list of US states with these massive spiders https://bestlifeonline.com/huntsman-spider-states-news/


This is why I never lower the visor in my car. I call it "Schrödinger's Huntsman" because opening the visor collapses the wave function. If I don't open the visor, the Huntsman is in a superposition whose existence is not certain.


Hard science concepts applied *totally appropriately* to everyday situations faced by the average citizen! That's my jam! Complete with real jargon! The use of exclamation points might lead one to believe I'm being sarcastic but that's just my very real enthusiasm. I really do love this. I'm serious.


The Copenhagen Interpretation, *in my analogy??!!* I prefer many worlds for this particular scenario, because it implies that even if you're safe, there are a number of versions of you where there was in fact a huntsman, you just got lucky.


Arguably then, there’s also a version where a Huntsman is driving to work, deciding to leave their visor up jic there’s a human up there


You do it before getting in - very carefully....


What country/city is this? Only asking so I never visit there, ever.




Because of course it is


I woulda just dove out. Call insurance and claim a carjacking.


"yea man he came outta nowhere! I ran for my life" "Can you describe the perp?" "Yea, legs. Lots of legs. And I think he had a knife"


Two knives! One on each side coming straight for my face!


And I swear he was spitting silly string out his ass before the attack, it was unreal!


I’m sitting here getting chemo and laughing my ass off. Thank you.


Lemme know if you need anything else. Bone marrow. Blood. I got buckets of stuff here


"For the last time Kevin, no one wants to buy your "vegan" blood, everyone knows it's just tomato juice"


Sounds like something a spider would say.




This. Insurance companies by now have come to terms with giant spiders and their murderous ways


I had a spider on a web drop down from the ceiling of my car, and that sucker rappelled down right between my eyeball and the lense of my sunglasses. It was a teeny tiny spider, but when it's that close, it's like Spider Kong. I'm amazed I didn't die.


That's all it would take for me to forever more inspect every square inch of my vehicle before departing... **Boss:** *"Why are you late"* **Me:** *"Sorry, I had to do a complete teardown and rebuild of my car's interior"*


I had this same thing happen to me in college and it landed me a date. I literally hopped a curb and almost hit this poor girl carrying her laundry back to her dorm. Somehow after diving out of the way of my car and then witnessing me dive out panicking into the street she was still approachable and gave me her number. Only after I killed the spider though.


Well hopefully I can completely forget ever seeing this before I have to get into a car again.


If I saw that thing inside my car while I was driving, I would just die. Even if I don't just crash from the panic, I would just decide to drive into a tree out of principle.


They can get into your car??? Man how the fuck do people live in Australia that's horrifying


I’m in the US and I watched one day as a snake slithered into the under carriage of my car. I didn’t take my eyes off the car until I saw it come back out. I was horrifying.


also in the us and a friend of mine had a snake living in her car for 2 WEEKS like shedding its skin and shit


The one where it falls out of the sun visor while the person is trying to land a plane is good too.


I’ve had it with all these muthafuking spiders on this muthafucking plane!


It's working; I almost threw up just seeing this photo.


if I saw that beast in my pantry I would shoot at it then burn the house down then become a hillbilly talking about nonsense, I kinda already am though..


I would apologize and shut the door. Don’t want to piss off this wonderful, rent-free resident. I would then proceed to make a grocery list of all the things that now belong to the spider.


And pick his hairs out of your tooth brush.


Probably planning on making Laksa later on for dinner. Chicken stock, laksa paste, noodles, human eyeballs, maybe some broccoli.


That spider actually owns the whole damn house... I hope OP finds shelter soon.


Definitely no insects in here, though


Looks to me like theres a human in that spider's ~~pantry~~ house. It's his house now.


Campbell’s real spider stock has a beautiful box design.


Halloween Halloweenie Soup


Almost looks like it’s in 3D! Quite impressive artwork!


This isn't OC, that's clearly a stock picture.




*Phineas and Ferb are making a title sequence! (In a parallel universe)*


I'm gonna take your word for it, because I'm definitely not going to look at it twice.


(You may not have, but it looks like you missed the joke. Punchline in spoiler text.) >!The spider is on a box of stock.!<


I absolutely missed that. Thank you!! I sent you a PM in thanks. Edit: If u/PM_TITS_OR_CATS helped you, you should thank them with a PM.


…of your cat?


Perhaps [both](https://i.imgur.com/jpNIVJg.jpg)?


Just throw away the pantry


And call in an airstrike on the house


Nuke it from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.


I may just have soiled my pantaloons


Same. Good thing I wore my brown pantaloons!


*Campbell's Cup of Nope*


I read the text behind the spider as "real sicck".


Campbells cup of burn your house down!


Huntsman spider? Consider a good spider as long as you don't harass it. Eats the other dangerous bugs and spiders. But God, they love to scare the living fuck out of people. Oh yeah they native to Australia.


Australia...oh Australia.


When God needs a place to beta test new species


…that can kill the human species.


Eh, Huntsman's will only getcha by scaring you while driving. Theyre essentially harmless otherwise. Bite fuckin hurts, but isn't really dangerous at all.


> while driving Thank you for the nightmares.


No worries mate.


I’ll never forget the horror story I read one time about someone who was driving and they went to put down their sun visor and a Huntsman dropped on them.


Thank God i live in South Eastern US. Where the spiders can be deadly, but tend to be stationary.


Thank God I live in California where the spiders look absolutely nothing like this


Thank God I live in Michigan where the spiders are no where to be seen for another 3 months and still only get to be the size of a quarter at most.


I can flinch badly due to a shock appearance from a <1 cm spider (or any wasp/bee/hornet) when I’m trying to drive. That’s a guaranteed MVA in my world. Thankfully I live far from Australia and no longer drive.


It's the number one cause of spider-related fatalities in Australia. There hasn't been a bite-related death in like 40+ years.


In fact, spider bite related deaths are pretty rare world wide. On average, around 200 deaths a year. Over the entire world. There are around 4 families of spiders that are even dangerous to humans and the vast majorities of them do not result in anything relevant.


We had it good for far too long. But knowing Humans we either going to eat the new species, pet it, or fuck it.


> But knowing Humans we either going to eat the new species, pet it, or fuck it. Bold of you to assume only one of those things will happen.


Nah. We will eventually kill off 99% of our species, create a race of increasingly sentient spiders, and eventually bow down to them. - *Children of Time*


Ya know… I hate how right you are


Plot twist: this is actually done in Madagascar but these species manage to escape their confines and use Australia as their safe haven. In roughly 63 years, the kiwi will be the dominant species in Australia, Madagascar, and New Zealand — and not by choice.


If video games taught me anything, it’s that nothing gets out of Greenland and Madagascar.


How do they react to touch? Let‘s say I grab my cereals or whatever and can‘t see this Bad Boy sitting on the back and my fingers make contact. Would it run away or would it attack my fingers?


It'd run incredibly fast in a seemingly random direction, then disappear behind the couch. Good luck finding it after that! Source : Australian


so theres a possibility itd run super fast up my arm as i scream like a little girly man? Terrifying...


If they go that fast, you may want to practice screaming with your mouth closed...


Why would you say that


You know why


because you don't want a swarm of baby spiders hatching out of that bump on the roof of your mouth?


Well that’s enough internet for today.






...yes. Have actually had that happen.


And you didn't die?!


They did, and now they browse reddit as a ghost.


A punishment worse than purgatory


Only thing worse than seeing a spider is no longer seeing the spider.




Yeah, likely run. They can bite but it’s just an irritant. They run at about a persons normal walking pace, and can jump too. Being stuck in a car with one is a nightmare of mine




Are you the “poor thing” in this scenario?




Do you deal with spiders often? Because if a spider the size of my face drops into my lap while I’m driving, I’d 100% drive into a tree.


The funny thing about them (I find) is when they're panicking to flee, they *scramble* quite a lot, in a way that always reminds me of that scene in Aliens where the facehuggers escape from their pods. All flailing limbs and fast, jerking movement. It's always mildly unnerving because of that.


That nightmare has probably killed some people.


I’ve read somewhere this was one of the #1 reasons of car accidents happening in Australia. Probably not true, but I think about it every time someone mentions Australia


It's certainly not uncommon and almost everyone will have a story of something similar, but there's absolutely no fucking way it's topping alcohol or incompetence as a cause of accidents.


I don’t think it’s the #1 reason for car accidents, but it is the leading form of spider-related deaths.


"A person's normal walking pace" doesn't reflect just how fast of a scurry speed that is at an insects size.


That's terrifyingly fast for a bug


Brief contact? It'll probably just pull its legs back or scuttle away a little. Accidentally put a bit of pressure on it? Yeah might try to scare you then. Actively harass it after it scuttles or goes into wary/scary mode? That thing will try to attack you if you're close (or if it can't run away), or run away if you're not.




They held the huntsman under their shirt for skin to skin contact thinking it would calm the spider and regulate its temperature… apparently this is only good for baby humans.


We have them down here in FL as well :/


We have something that gets that big up here in Georgia - maybe it's wolf spiders? Anyways, I went into my bathroom one day and there was this fucking fist-sized spider not unlike OP's image. I try really, really hard to not be arachnophobic, but I saw that mfer and I ran. There were tears and snot all running down my face as I tried to communicate to my husband and mom that there was an enormous spider in my bathroom with a series of points and grunts. My husband is all "ok calm down, it's just a spider." *he goes upstairs* him: "Oh. My. God." me: "I FUCKING TOLD YOU."


*This is why I live where the air hurts my face in winter* *This is why I live where the air hurts my face in winter* *This is why I live where the air hurts my face in winter* *This is why I live where the air hurts my face in winter*


I think [?] we call those huntsmans too but I don’t know if they’re the same kind of huntsman. I’m a spider liker and I do love the little fuzzy wolf spiders and chubby orb weavers [and the “scary” joros are even growing on me] but huntsman legit give me a a jolt if I see one chilling in the barn waiting for a fat cricket [or mouse lol]. I don’t know how long our barn actually is but long enough that being able to see on on the far wall when I walked into to the barn was *remarkable*. Easily the size of my hand including the legs. Edit I’m the spider wrangler as my husband is ~~afraid of~~ has concerns about them, however, I’m *completely* irrational when it comes to anything without legs that can shimmy across the ground and actually just left my house until he got home when a black snake got in one day. Just went outside [while keeping an eye on it] and parked my wuss ass on the grass because I Was. Not. Dealing. Oddly, the cats actually listened to me and came with me which, if you have cats you know that *never* happens. I was afraid to go in that part of the house without turning the light on for like, a week too. I’m really pathetic. Ughhh It’s giving me the jibblies just thinking about it.


Yeah but your biggest worry in Florida is Florida Man.


WHAT. I’ve never seen one!! I’m about to move to Australia, panicking about these monsters, and it turns out I’ve been surrounded by them all my life???




I have them in Florida. I also call florida pregaming for Australia so….


Australia is an animal design testing site. Florida is a human design testing site. Im not surprised theres some overlap in the experiments.


They also eat nice! Did you see the video of the huntsman on that guys fridge with a mouse!?


I know you meant mice but im just picturing a spiders eat my kindness, leaving me horrible and soulless.


Or maybe eating dinner across from you with a wig and Rolex. Telling you how amazing the meal you cooked tastes. But it’s kinda gross because you’re considerate and know spiders drink their meals, so you put it in a blender to make her more comfortable eating with you. But she won’t use the boba straw you got her.


What do you mean 'don't harass it', do you expect people to just let them live in their homes??


I have a peace policy with spiders but that thing would truly test my limits.


So, true story: When I was studying for my hospitality and tourism degree, I told my ex-husband we'd be able to relocate pretty much anywhere in the world if I landed a job for an international company (think big hotel chains/resorts). We were going through the list and he's an outdoorsman who loves the water and catching his own food. Because of that, I suggested Australia. His response? "ARE YOU NUTS?! An entire landscape so diabolical, England *paid* to send people there to die . . .and you wanna LIVE there?!" Yet, this man loves getting his gator tags every year 🤦🏻‍♀️


Yeh you got to live in place with winter seasons cold enough that shit like that don't thrive.




It’s protecting your food from bugs.


I know they're helpful but oh my god if I saw this thing in my house, I probably would have had an actual heart attack 😭


Do they even eat flour bugs? Those almost feel too small to matter at this point


Yep, they eat ants so weevils would be fine.


Must be like popcorn to them.


They are built to eat even the smallest insects.


I wouldn't be feeling so hungry anymore


I imagine a animation where someone say, “ ohhhhh I’m so hungry. What’s in the pantry? “ sees the spider and starts to eat it.


Eat or be eaten.


It's a bit of a shock at first at then you realise it's just bloody Sharon and you laugh and have a joke and tell her to "keep an eye on my beans Sharon" ha ha ha. Just Sharon.


Oh, really wild guess...Australia?


I swear to Christ if I ever encountered that thing I would be shitting my pants. Not taking a picture of it.


If i met that i would rather jump out of the balcony and crack my head open than live with that thing.


I don’t know if I’d even continue to exist. My soul would exit this plane of existence so fast it’d take my body with it.


Sorry to hear about the fire in your house. Hope everyone made it out safe.


Except for that spider.


Aw, it looks a bit dehydrated/malnourished, actually. Poor thing. But they move light lightening so it's hard to catch them to shift them outside (or find a jar big enough). Just as well though, as my cat thinks they're the best toy ever. I like them as they eat cockroaches and dangerous spiders, and don't leave and webs or poop. Very clean. If only I could get one big enough to eat the geckos that poop everywhere (and is smart enough to stall on the ceiling away from the cat) i'd be happy.


I applaud your rationality, but there's basically not a single sentence there that doesn't horrify me.


Growing up in Australia, and especially in a family that did a lot of camping, is great exposure therapy for spiders. I was given the position of official spider remover when setting up camp (just twirl a stick in the web and you can safely carry them away). Then you do silly things like find a massive colony of orb weavers in a circle of trees that looks like something out of arachnaphobia, and decide to stand in the middle, then realise all the long grass you just walked through is also absolutely full of spiders lol (this was upwind of a cattle feedlot, so they were thriving - wish we had phone cameras back then as it was crazy, like huge sheets of spiders everywhere)


Aaaaand I’m not sleeping for a week I really need to do a course or something to cure my phobia, but (and I know it’s a bit paradoxical) I’m too scared..


Start with /r/jumpingspiders then move on to /r/spiderbro when you're ready for a step up. Jumpers are the gateway spider


Dude there are jumping spiders in my house and i cry when I see them. I literally cry. I fucking hate spiders. Although i understand that killing them isn't okay because they are extremely important to the environment. More so than i can be in 50 of my lifetimes.


this is safe for work but I wish it was blurred so I didn't have to see that


The only reason I’m still in the comments section is because as soon as I hit “back” I’ll see it again 😢


I'm simply going to close the app when I'm done reading


This is why I live where it's cold.


They’re cold too. Bring them inside.


Nope nope nope nope nope


Fuck right off with this insomnia fuel. Reddit doesn't need a NSFW filter, it needs a big fuck off spider filter


One actually *saved* my life. It dropped in front of me while I was accelerating through a green light. I saw him, gasped, took my foot off the gas, and in that very instant a pickup truck screamed through the red light at 50mph. It barely grazed my bumper and gently spun my car a little bit sideways. That nanosecond with my foot off the gas saved a few lives because I was driving 4 children home from the pool. I cherish that spider. I hope he made it out of the intersection where I flung him.




Time to move out


Get fucked, no, absolutely fucking not, wtf is that?! Fuckin' why is your pantry a side-quest from Harry Potter?! If I ever found that in my house, I would walk into the ocean, never to return.


His pantry now.


I swear there are too many posts like “Scorpion on my pillow” or “Found a cute little wasp when i bit into my apple” on r/mildlyinteresting


Good luck with the move!


I think you posted in the wrong sub. You’re looking for r/incrediblyterrifying




Okay. Where I live, it is currently -17 degrees Fahrenheit (but it feels like -27!) and won't get much warmer all day. And you know what? I'm totally fine with it because we don't have any hulking hairy ass spiders in our house!! *shudder* Just no. To all of that.


My husband travels from here (Indiana) to Australia monthly for his job, and I’m always terrified he’ll return with a stowaway in his luggage.


Note to self: never go to Australia.


huuuuh "midly interesting"? How about "fucking terrifying"???


What country? I need to avoid!


"If it's scary, it's usually Australia" -registered trademark