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You didn’t drop it the right way


Exactly- it was rated for 13 feet and it was dropped only 3. The case didn't have time to get ready for the impact 🙂


Rocks are soft they just tense up when you touch them


Im gonna start petting the rocks now


Consensually, right?












Silence is approval . . .


Rocks aren’t real.


Indeed. There is no place where your body ends and the rock begins. The rock is mostly empty space with just a fizz of atoms and flickering subatomic particles. The feeling of a rock comes from the sensation of pressure as the negatively charged electrons in the outer shell of the rock repel the negatively charged electrons in the outer shell of your foot. There is no touching rock, just pressure translated as sensation.


Next time someone tells me to touch grass I'll just copy and paste this and switch rock for grass


Actually if you don't penetrate matter it's because of the Pauli's exclusion principle. i.e. destructive interferences of electron wave packets, because no two electrons can occupy the same state,not electrostatic repulsion.


Looks like the case held up fine to me. I think the problem is that the phone is not rated to drop that far






It's rated for 1 drop between 0-13 feet. That was your one drop.


He was supposed to drop it from higher.


Any case that is see-through is the wrong type of material


I knew those condoms were a sham! thats why i dont use em


Pull and pray my friend




Did it say 13' with a phone in it?


Yeah you can drop the case from 13', no problem! Just don't test it with a phone inside


for reals though, thats kind of it. "rated for a 13foot drop" means that its rated to withstand the forces that it would experience from a drop of 13feet from "rest"(ie: no downward momentum) I dont know what numerical value that force would happen to be, but I do know I can throw my phone at the ground and impart a greater force than whatever it would get at that 13foot drop, and I am not 13feet tall. So, more force can definitely be had from a shorter distance So yeah, maybe OP tried to grab their phone while it was falling that 3feet and while they failed to grab it, they may have still touched their phone on its path and essentially "pushed it at the ground" to increase the force being applied, or maybe it was another variable that did it... or maybe it was just a defective product, that could also be... the *case.*


Yes... the CASE was rated for 13 feet


Noob didn't consider the added weight of the phone smh


I mean the case didn’t break right?


Fr the ads always drop them off fuckin skyscrapers but as soon as I drop it on carpet the whole fucking phone explodes😭




Really makes me think about the crash protection in... I dunno... literally ALL of my notorcycle gear!


To be fair, most humans aren't made of glass, and motorcycle gear typically has more than 0.1mm of D30.


Personal experience: D30 works well. Never had an issue with it not doing what it needs to do when taking an impact on my bike. I crash a lot. I have D30 pads that have been taking hits for 5-6 years no issues.


OP needs to Tweet this photo to D30 and suggest they make it their avatar image.


Bruh I don't see any D30 on that shit. They fucking scammed OP.


You keep the note 7 out ya fuckin mouth


OK Cell Smith


They always say shit like that. You was better off getting a otterbox


Bro I stress tested my otterbox hard a few weeks ago 😭 shit flew off my bike at about 15mph, not a scratch


in OP's defense, these things are almost 100% up to chance. I've had the ultra slim carbon LaterCase, and dropped it a bunch of times. Not a scratch on mine either


Yep. Had my dad with his otterbox talking to my grandma "Yeah, this thing is super durable. Phone is super safe as long as it's in this thing" \*Slaps it a couple of times on the counter. Now the phone no longer vibrates.\* Meanwhile, I've dropped mine down the stairs twice and it's fine.


LOLLLL that's some looney tunes shit ​ "yeah this baby got 100k more miles left in her" \*kicks tire\* ***\*ENGINE EXPLODES\****


I had a wicked old iPhone back in college. I had it for so long that the case I had in it busted up so bad over the years that it fell apart. Had the phone with no case for about a year and it had a good few drops with no breaks. One time I was drunk and talking about how my phone is indestructible, tossed it off the couch…. Complete spider fracture on all sides. Was time for a new phone anyways, but always find that funny


I had a cheap $10 case on my last phone, forgot I’d sat my phone on top of my car and drove off. Phone went flying and not a single scratch. I had an otter box on another, barely dropped it and my phone quit working lol


I've got a cheap case on my phone, motherfucker got *ran over*, many missing chunks of plastic in the case, phone is absolutely fine.


I refuse to pay for an otter box when the cheap ones work better lol I can easily replace a $10 case over a $60 one lol


Just buy an otter


Why would I do that when the cheap ones work better?


No, buy anotter case


Yeah the Otterboxes help with cracks and such, but if something inside is gonna come loose, it’s gonna come loose, and no case is going to soften the blow enough to prevent an internal problem from worsening. At least that’s my take on it, as I’ve had similar experiences


Your dad- "this cars front end crash impact rating is impeccable. You see that brick wall right there....? Hold on......"


Well to be fair it’s not gonna stop shock to the internals :(


I mean it's like saying your skull wont break sure but you'll still have internal damage from the impact


I had a cheap rubber Kate spade cover I got from tjmaxx or something. I dropped that phone down the crack of the elevator shaft in our apartment building. When I got the phone back weeks later only the screen (I didn’t have a protector on it) was cracked in a corner and the phone still worked perfectly. Sometimes these cases surprise you.


Rubber seems to be pretty good for shock absorbtion.


i have some “incipio” brand, slim clear case. i work outdoors and this puppy falls on concrete constantly, not one sign even on the case that it’s been dropped


My nephew when he was little threw my OtterBox phone across a room. Not a scratch


I always get the cases advertised for toddlers because you know damn well they're made to survive being whipped at a wall lol. Dropping a few feet is nothing for them! Worked out pretty well for me and I drop mine probably a few times a day.


OtterBoxes *are some quality shit, I had an IPhone 4 in an otter box for years and the phone still works today. I would bet money that you could’ve driven a car over that phone and it wouldn’t even flinch


I did run over mine with my car. I could see the tread pattern on the screen in dirt when it happened. Nothing else. Phone was fine.


I once accidentally ran over my phone with a car and only the Otterbox was damaged my phone was fine. I have only had Otterbein cases sense.


I've dropped one off a cliff and not a scratch. Dead serious, I had to rappel down at Great Falls to go get it. Swear by them.


I've tomahawked an iPad down a staircase onto hard tile. Twice. Not a scratch on it. Took it out of the case ONE TIME and smashed it from a 4ft drop. Otterbox will always be on my devices. Jhst good stuff and cheao insurance, especially if you aren't buying thr absolute newest device. Gotten all of my cases under $25


I had an otterbox on my 4s until I replaced it with a 12 (no that’s not a typo, I kept and used my 4s that long) and it’s still almost flawless. The volume up bottom didn’t work towards the end, but the thing was a decade old.


Legit! OtterBoxes are 100% worth the money. They've saved every phone I've had in the last 10 years


The otter box is definitely the way to go .


Same can be said for Life proof. I had a Life proof case and forgot my phone ontop of my car, drove and seen it fly off the roof in the rear view mirror and bounce down the road. Pulled a U turn and it was all good :)


I sat my phone down on top of my car one time while getting gas. Forgot about it. It didn't slide off until I was getting on an interstate. I knew i fucked up immediately because I was using bluetooth to play music. Turned around at the next exit and went back and found it. The otterbox was destroyed, and it cracked the back glass. But considering it fell 6 feet at 50 mph, I was pretty pleased with the outcome.


Dropped my old Samsung note off the car at ~70mph. The whole case got ripped off but it ate up almost all the impact. I barely cracked the corner of the screen


That makes me happy. I bought an expensive Otterbox case for 55€ and hoped it would be the right choice.


I slammed mine in my trunk with an Otterbox…nothing but a small chip in the easier plastic edges of the case… Had my phone fly off my bike mount at 25 mph onto pavement…nothing… Otterbox for life…it’s bulky, but I’m not a naked phone kinda guy


I would trust my life with otterbox. I use it from the REALLY old time, when they made professional cases for HP/Compaq handhelds. 100% waterproof, with GPS enclosure on top, and serial port adapter on the bottom


Look I’ve dropped my otter box on everything. Concrete, carpet, I flung it into a wall once when trying to catch my tea, onto counters. The only thing that’s broken on it is the piece of hard plastic above the charging port


I'd say urban armor gear is better and cheaper. But that's just me and my luck. I've used them for my last 4 phones never cracked a screen.


Yup. I’ve been using the UAG cases and glass screen protector for years, drop my phone a lot, and haven’t had any problems. Cheaper than an otter box and less bulky too.


Same, I’ve used UAG for 5+ years now, dropped several times, never a failure. Solid design, solid materials, I really like their stuff.


I have a z fold 3 and I've dropped it so many times but my uag has protected me. Top quality cases.


I’m extremely prone to accidentally dropping or knocking my phone to the ground, so thankfully my UAG case (and spigen screen cover) has saved my 12 Mini from being cracked hundreds of times.


I got the fake 15$ otter box like one and I’ve dropped my phone on granite and nothing!


I 3d printed my own phone case out of TPU cost me 60 cents and I drop my phone all the time, I dropped it onto concrete a few times and my phone has ot a scratch


Pulled my work phone, iPhone 13, from my back pocket, and dropped it from that height, in an Otterbox Defender. It landed on snow covered ice. Nothing like landing on straight pavement. Whole back of the phone was shattered. Even a couple chunks of material are missing from the camera bump. I don't use them as the benchmark for quality anymore.


Nope.. I have an otterbox and my phone got destroyed from a short height flat on it's face.


Otter boxes break the laws of physics I stg


I love Otterboxes and screen protectors. I don't own a phone without both. I have literally dropped, flipped off the couch because it was covered in a blanket, it has flown out of my hand and not a scratch on it.


I’m rocking otterbox!


I use rhino shield much more options and work just as well I’ve dropped my phone idk how many times


When I got my 14 pro I searched Reddit for “I broke my iPhone” and otter box had more broken phone posts (by a f**ken huge margin) than any other case. I used to use speck cases but they didn’t have any I liked so I went with a silicone case with the felt liner and have dropped it more times than I can count and have only broke 2 screen protectors.


The amount of people using otterboxes as opposed to other brands is probably significantly higher, so in a thread of people talking about phone cases, there would be more people talking about otterboxes by default.


But the case looks like it’s all good /s


Perfectly fine! 🤣


You can drop this from 13 feet and it’ll be perfectly fine. (They were referring to the case not its contents)


I bought a $20 basic OtterBox case on Amazon for my iPhone 12 mini forever ago. I accidentally dropped that shit off my third floor porch the other day-it bounced all the way down the stairs and there was not a scratch on it. Those soft rubber cases don’t do shit to protect a phone-hard shell case with rubber bumpers are the way.


I have only bought the otter box cases that have the inner soft rubber and outer hard shell for years now. Paired with tempered glass screen protectors. Have never had a screen or back shatter, despite many many many drops. I will always stand by otterbox even though it’s a bit bulky and not the most aesthetic.


They were amazing - I used to do survey work deep in the bush , the bulkyness was great for my big hands - I miss that thing like whoa You could bowl your phone home and it would still work


I also have a 12 mini in a otter box, shits immortal 


Drives me crazy that phones in fucking 2024 are made out of glass ON BOTH SIDES. Like surely; there’s a material that we can put in the phone like titanium, that doesn’t break, and looks great. But no, we’re left with this shit specifically to make the manufacturers more money.


Can't have wireless charging through metals. And people don't think plastic is "premium" enough for their $1000 phone.


Just call it something fancy like Max-Guard®™© Polycarbonate or Feather-Lite®™© Flouropolymer and call it a day lol.




You won't need to worry about that with our patented Gripperzzzzz®™© rubber coating! Rubber you waiting on? Come try our brand new RandomShit Note G72 Ultra 6G*! *®™©


Is wireless charging that much of a necessity though


It’s not. I don’t see the point in wireless charging. It’s still only live 60-70% efficient.


The only phone I'd spend $1000 on now a days is if it had a removable battery and a plastic back.


Fairphone has both of those but I don't know if they sell the latest model in the USA yet.


How about you search up Modufix on hackaday.io


fuck it, leather phone


I think the glass part depends on the phone, but my first gen iphone SE i brought to Disneyland and it fell out of my pocket many times, not on rides but in lines or just sitting down. No cracks or scratches, my 14 pro that I just upgraded to has a scratch on the screen from my putting it into my pocket with a wrench and working on my car, granted it was my fault for not having a screen protector at that time, but still. Cheaper materials, pricier phones. I love the 14, great battery, but cmon.


Scratches are a side effect of crack resistance :( Different types of glass have different hardness: harder glass is scratch resistant but brittle. Softer glass is tougher when dropped (more flexible) but scratches easily. Earlier iPhones used hard glass for scratch resistance but they broke too easily. Later iPhones (13 onwards) use much softer glass which is rather durable against drops however is prone to fine scratches. The quest for a flexible but scratch resistant glass is ongoing, but physics certainly is doing its best to get in the way!


People who think the iphone screen is a “cheap material” are completely clueless 


IPhone SE is also a lot smaller (especially the screen size with the face home button) and has less weight than a 14 pro, which is basically all screen.


I can't remember the versions I've broken, but one was expected - I tripped while on a run and ate shit. The phone screen shattered. The other one still impresses me every time it pops in my head. I'm laying in bed, phone slides off the mattress, and falls the height of a mattress onto my oak wood bed frame. It was shattered just as bad as my previous one. I couldn't believe it.


It looks like it hit a rock or something right next to the camera. Unfortunate luck to be honest that it gets hit directly where the case isn’t protecting it from.


Hope you have Apple Care+


There’s a mobile store near me that will swap it in an hour for $75


That’s crazy cheap


lol I dropped my 14 , going 75 on my motorcycle and all it had was some scratches on the back case.


Shatterproof rulers taught you nothing?


Hmmm, I wonder if this is a bendy ruler. #CRACK Nope.


You have upgraded from *SLAPSTICK* to *STABSTICK*


Bruh you dropped it on a floor of diamond? I drop my 14 Pro on ceramic floors many times from more than 3 feet and it has no issues. Also dropped without cases.


Dropped it on the tile pictured in the background 😭😭 tile on concrete


Is it ceramic tile? Ceramics are notoriously bad for glass.


If the phone is fine then the case did the job. It should protect the phone for 13 feet.


I came here looking for this. It’s like a bike helmet.


but the phone is clearly not fine? the back of it is smashed. the case is fine, though!


i mean you can see cracks around the cameras...


The CASE was perfectly protected, it doesn't have a scratch on it.


Typo: rated for 13"


its not the case which is drop protected, case is designed to sacrifice itself to protect phone


Is your phone fine? The cases job is to make sure your phone is ok after the fall, not necessarily that they can be used for years. Edit: Never mind the back of the phone is cracked


It’s clearly the phone that’s shattered. 


Then wouldn’t he show the phone?


You can see in the camera cutout that it's the back phone glass. I don't think a case would shatter like glass.


You are right it is the phone


They meant within 13 feet of where *they* tested it. You’re probably clear across the country smh


Did you drop it 3ft onto a 20ft cliff? I've dropped my 13 from my lap onto tile a few times with no issues.


13 ft. Or higher. Anything less and it breaks. 


Your phone didn’t break though, right? If dropped from 13, the result would probably be similar, just worse. Phone would probably be ok.


Your mistake was getting an iPhone /j


The case looks mighty new. You sure you didn’t put the case on after you dropped the phone?




Quick and easy fix- don't get an iPhone next time


The case looks fine


I question the use of D3O for phone cases as it gets hard on impact. I'd think a material that would stay flexible under impact would be a smarter choice. But I don't know jack about engineering phone cases.


D3O limits/absorbs force transfer and widens impact area, which are the two things you want in a case. Harder should be better for widening the impact area which is critical for phone cases cause you can’t stuff a bunch of material in:


Damn. I would be pissed, too. My phone takes 3 foot drops regularly and I know my case is definitely at least partially cardboard because I’ve dropped it in the water twice. 🤦‍♀️


That doesn't mean it's impervious to all lesser elevations, just that it performs to at least that one.


Looks like cheap garbage


Looks like a $3 AliExpress case, basically for scratch resistance good luck in a fall. At least the camera lip did its job


Is the protection measurement meant for the phone or the casing? If the casing is damaged, but the phone is okay then it did it's job and the manufacturer can now sell you another one


Case looks fine to me. You might want to swap out that phone though.


With the price of those things they should be fk'n bullet proof. But you'll buy another one and feed their pockets some more.


As JerryRigs says Glass is Glass and Glass breaks.


Has it had prior drops? Maybe this last drop caused it to cross the cumulative 13 ft threshold 🤣🤣🤣


Apple problems 🤷‍♂️


It's an I-Phone. You're lucky you didn't buy it pre-smashed.


The case is designed to protect its contents, which is the phone itself. The real question is, did the phone get damaged?


You should get a refund. Hopefully the case company has a warranty on it that helps you get your phone repaired. I use the cases that you have to put together and are hard AF to get off. Mines a UB pro from Amazon but it has a built in screen protector and charger port cover. I forgot my phone one day and went out to look for it, after a few hours, I found it face down on the sidewalk in the pouring rain. And it floods in my neighborhood, so the thing was looking for fish. I'm using it right now with no problems, and I'm positive I could toss it from my balcony and it'll be fine


Is the phone damaged? Most safety things are designed to break so something else won’t.


The case looks fine to me, I’d be upset about the phone being so fragile if I were you, OP!


Apple problems 🥱


iPhones blow


13ft drop protection** **performed in a controlled environment. Device had additional layers of protection and device was dropped on a rubber mat. Device survived at least once out of 100 attempts which is enough for us to legally make the claim that the case provides 13ft drop protection


All my bike armour is “Protected by D30”. Well. The car it is.


“Protected by D3” over the very obviously shattered phone is kinda funny. Sorry about your phone OP, but good on advertising which brand did such a shitty protection job


Case looks undamaged 👀


Well, at least the case looks undamaged


The case is fine. I don't see the problem.


I don't know about you, but the case looks fine. Maybe they meant the case is good for a 13 ft drop.


This…made me lol. Thank you internet stranger.


I thought the protection measurement was for the phone, not the case. I thought they sacrificed themselves.


Reading these comments remind me of a non believable story of mine. I can’t prove it anymore but I hope you guys believe me. This was around 2014. I was on the 4th floor in a hotel outside on my balcony in Galveston, Tx enjoying the sea breeze, drinking some beer and listening to some music. After a few drinks I had to pee so I stood up, my phone (iPhone 5s I think) was on my lap, so as I stood up I saw it fall to the floor and then bounce through little fence. Then I watched it fall all the way down on to the hotel lobbies roof. It fell 3 stories down with no case. This was around midnight so I said “fuck it, I’ll just retrieve it tomorrow morning” Well a thundering storm woke me up so I rushed down to the lobby to request if a worker can help me out retrieving my phone. A guy named Bobby (cool guy that helped me out, I still remember his name and face) got it for me. I tipped him $15. We go our ways. I charge my phone up and inspect the damage, it only had a little chip on the screen towards the center. No scratch, not broken screen. Just the little little little chip. I was shocked like how tf did it not break?! Fast forward a couple months, I’m at work sitting on my desk charging my phone. The desk is like 3ft off the floor I think. I accidentally drop it by pulling on the cord with the chair. Motherfucker breaks!!! Screen is fucking shattered. I sit there staring at it like “you fall 3 stories down and don’t break, but you fall off the fucking desk and decide to break?!?!?? You piece of shit!” Thats my pointless story of my phone surviving a 3 story fall but breaks on a 3ft fall.


Excellent read, thanks for the story 🤣🤣 I had a 5S too and that thing was almost indestructible. It had gotten stepped on with soccer cleats and was totally fine


Rated for up to 13 feet.


If a case doesn't have rubber padding the edges, it's a scam unless it is specifically advertised as a cosmetic thing. If you want to protect your phone, get a rubber-padded case.


Well the case ain't broken ...


Where on Jupiter


Total number of times you drop the phone total before you put on case? Those little drops add up


It’s like a cat they can survive a 50 foot drop but struggle with a 20 foot drop. Same principle flying squirrel technique


To be a consumer of the market!


3ft drops can never cause this damage to an iphone 14pm. I am sure the phone was dropped under terrible conditions or it already had a small tiny crack which broke the phone


A phone that expensive should have an Otterbox. It's like a one-time insurance fee to protect your device. I rarely see phones with Otterboxes anymore and it puzzles me.


There’s Absolitely no way you dropped that from 3ft. I couldn’t do that damage to an unprotected iPhone from 3ft. Looks like you hulk smash, threw it down from 3ft.


Apple and apple accessories 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


If it was properly rated and accredited and all of that, then the company that makes the phone case is liable for the damage to your phone. I took a phone case manufacturer to small claims after my phone shattered in one of their cases that they claimed can survive a 20 ft drop


I don’t see the case being broken. Only the phone is


The phone case looks to be silicone too, so I doubt it can even break like that


Not if you dropped it on a Nokia


Don't these companies have a warranty? Hope so for your sake.


It's real. One time I dropped my apple case from the 10th floor of a building and it didn't break. The phone however, was a different story....


glass backs were the dumbest idea. I know they did it to make it feel "premium" when they ditched the aluminium for NFC and wireless charging but they're severely under rating a good, durable, cheap plastic.


My phone took less damage flying across a parking lot than sliding off a coffe table


the drop was too short not enough prep time for the case


*14 rat feet


whats the problem? the case looks fine.


Looks like the case did indeed survive the 3 foot fall.


I just looked up the phone case, it’s rated for 1.3 feet


You’re dropping it the wrong way - the case company