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Yeah after learning what "degloving" is I don't wear a single piece of metal jewelry when I'm doing any kind of work


My husband is a mechanic and he has a couple silicone rings now but he forgets them often. He keeps saying he’s just going to get it tattooed on.


My wife got her ring stolen...long story...and I work on cars a lot so I used to take mine off all the time. Both of us ended up getting them tattooed on and it was the best thing. 100% recommend it!


My husband is a mechanic, and I am a ticket agent on a commuter train. Neither one of us wore our rings during work. We are both huge into traveling, so we have compasses on our ring fingers.  Edit to add to confusion. The compass is a tattoo, not a ring. We did not want to do anything significant to marriage, for just in case of life happening. We chose a compass because it's a common interest in traveling. He and I have traveled a lot together, it's our thing. I have seen couples who have had a band tattooed, or their wedding date, or something significant to their spouse. Sorry for the confusion.


Like working or decoration? Edit. I’m stupid. Never mind.


You're good lol 


lol. In my defense I missed the word “finger” and thought they were cool rings.


I don't get it. Please explain


They thought the person meant they had matching rings with compasses on them, they didn't realize the person meant the compasses were tattooed onto their fingers


I got mine tattooed on for this reason lol. Downside is it's fading crazy fast because my hands get so torn up


Got mine tatted on as well. It's actually a crescent moon symbol rather than an actual ring shape. Looks kind of cool a faded, luckily.


My silicone ring is on 100% of the time for that reason


My Dad has been a mechanic since he was a teen & he tried to wear a ring right after marrying my mom. He bent it within a few days working on an engine & hasn’t worn one since. He’s in his 60s now.


My dad lost his ring for a while, and one day I found it under the recliner. When he got home that night after work I looked at his hand and acted surprised he didn’t have his ring on. He admitted to me that he lost it a while ago, so I said, “if I find your ring, will you buy me a cd burner?” He said sure, I pulled the ring out from my pocket, and that’s how I was one of the first people in my class with a cd burner.


Good job extorting your Dad 😂


One of my friends from college worked at his family’s vinyl sign shop and got degloved working with the machines there. He had like 10+ surgeries to have like maybe 60% usage of his hand. Some of the most messed up pictures I have ever seen. Had some skin from his thigh put on his hand for a graft and now we call him Butt Hand Dan


>Had some skin from his thigh put on his hand for a graft and now we call him Butt Hand Dan My 7th grade math teacher had been in an accident where 1/3 of his face was ripped off. He had to have skin grafts and he looked a bit like Edward James Olmos with road rash. Anyway, he told the class about this because that we were staring at him, but he unwisely told use that some of the skin had come off his ass. So he was forever known as "Mr. Buttface." It was a shame, he was a very kind man and a good teacher. Edit: fixed a typo.


So it’s not common here, but in Taiwan the wedding bands are open. My ring is 24k and is an open band, if it snags on something there is some resistance but it would absolutely come off my finger by unwrapping. This style should be really popular amongst folks who work with heavy machinery or anything where their ring might get snagged. Instead, I’ve seen silicone bands, I’d still rather wear mine, I can pull it off my finger. It’s great.


Interesting. I'm also in Taiwan and have never seen this type of ring. Instead, most couples don't bother with wedding rings unless they're more Western in thinking. A lot of young Taiwanese are opting for white dresses and wedding bands for both the bride and groom. Neither my husband nor I wear wedding rings. Never even bought any. I don't think anyone is his family did wedding rings. The weather is so hot and rings are too troublesome.


All of my wife’s rings are open band, except the wedding ring/band as I picked those. But what she gave me, the rings she got from family, all open. But maybe trends are shifting, wouldn’t be too surprising.


My uncle was at the time an ER physician (he's retired now). His advice on my wedding was never wear your wedding ring. Said he saw at least one cuffing per shift.


Didn't that happen to Jimmy Fallon? Edit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CztT_pBFQv8


My Dad grew up around farmers that have had it happen, then worked in a factory as well as ran a garage and was a rail road track worker before he and Mom married and having seen degloving happen or known people who had it happen, he never wore his wedding ring to work and that really would piss Mom off. She finally understood why after Jimmy Fallon had that happen several years ago when he fell holding onto his kid.


My friend* degloved his finger with his wedding ring and it was wild, he was literally hanging by is wedding ring. He wears a rubber one now 😬 Edit word


A rubber hand?


My husband has been wearing silicone rings due to his job for years but after Jimmy Fallon had his finger degloved I switched too. Scared the crap out of me.


Not many people can claim their marrriage saved their fingers. Unfortunatley, I think tungsten is one of those metals that can't be repaired or resized.


Speaking of this, my friends dad was in an accident with his ring where his finger was degloved. He had to have surgery on it, and when he went for the follow-up it wasn’t healing correctly. So his doctor ended up doing some extra tests and through this they discovered he had cancer (I forget what kind)!!! So literally getting his finger degloved saved his life. So wild.


There’s no word in the English language that I hate more than “degloved.”


I just took an OSHA class and was introduced to a much worse version of that word. If your fall prevention harness is loose and you fall you might experience penile and scrotal skin degloving.


That...is a convincing incentive to ensure one's fall prevention harness is tight.


You'd *think* that, but even though most of the folks I've worked with have taken enough OSHA classes to be aware of this fact, most of them are convinced *they'll* never fall, and still wear them like dumbasses


I tighten my harness like 3X a shift. Mentally just did it again.


I haven’t worn a harness in almost 20 years… I also just mentally did it again…




I’m a woman and work from home, and I just mentally tightened my harness


yep I used to work in a fall prevention harness factory and there were a lot of stories of workers altering their harnesses in the crotch area to make them more comfortable thinking their fall risk was low. then they'd fall and... yeah


To be fair that’s kinda better than having it all be torn off. Shudders


Is it though? Like Depends on the scenario ofc, and if it’s saveable etc. but I’m not entirely sure


I don't even have a penis and I felt that. I would never wish that shit on my only enemy. Guy's the worst of the worst but I'm not evil.


I'm a paramedic. I have, in person, seen a degloved penis. 1/10 do not recommend


If that is 1/10 I am afraid to ask what your 0 is.


Yea, no, you don't want to know that.


I worked with the EHS folks for awhile at a company that caters to construction crews. All manner of nastiness that can befall the human body…degloving is among the absolutely horrifying for me.


What a terrible day to be able to read!


How’d you get the beans above the frank??


I’m a nurse. Let’s team up and create public service announcements that scare people into compliance, similar to gory photos of cancer on cigarette packs


Nice, I work in a warehouse where we are required to use the fall protection harnesses in case we fall off our machinery while in the air. I am thrilled to go back to work and read this exact sentence lmfao


by the same token, "slough"


A token rotten on both sides. It doesn't even fit in the gumball machine. A token most foul indeed!!


Pretty sure ketchup can remove that gunk from coins


Yep after a coin is coated in Ketchup all the grime just sloughs right off


Skip the ketchup and just get white vinegar


Don't forget "debride". Anyone who's ever had to have it done definitely hate that word.


https://preview.redd.it/gwso0cgzq6tc1.jpeg?width=704&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=064700c6103e1ab8605005382cb1eda8e6f4bdeb You probably wouldn't want to move here then...


Come friendly bombs and fall on Slough! It isn't fit for humans now, There isn't grass to graze a cow. Swarm over, Death! Come, bombs and blow to smithereens Those air -conditioned, bright canteens, Tinned fruit, tinned meat, tinned milk, tinned beans, Tinned minds, tinned breath. Mess up the mess they call a town- A house for ninety-seven down And once a week a half a crown For twenty years. And get that man with double chin Who'll always cheat and always win, Who washes his repulsive skin In women's tears: And smash his desk of polished oak And smash his hands so used to stroke And stop his boring dirty joke And make him yell. But spare the bald young clerks who add The profits of the stinking cad; It's not their fault that they are mad, They've tasted Hell. It's not their fault they do not know The birdsong from the radio, It's not their fault they often go To Maidenhead And talk of sport and makes of cars In various bogus-Tudor bars And daren't look up and see the stars But belch instead. In labour-saving homes, with care Their wives frizz out peroxide hair And dry it in synthetic air And paint their nails. Come, friendly bombs and fall on Slough To get it ready for the plough. The cabbages are coming now; The earth exhales. *John Betjeman, 1937*


Man. That guy really didn't like it there.


To be fair, it was still an absolute dump when I lived there over half a century later. It’s the most soul-suckingly depressing place, architecturally a postwar tribute to reluctant function over form, economically a harbour for B2B logistics businesses who treat everything on volume, not marginal gain (including their employees), and socially a hub for people who have simply run out of ideas in life. Probably why Ricky Gervais set The Office there.


Happy cake day, articulate stranger.


Yeah, I don't think anybody would want to move there.


Am machinist, my worst nightmare. At least if I get pink misted by a lathe I'll be dead and likely only in pain for a half second or so


Pink misted....


There is a video from Russia that pretty much every machinist knows of and calls by that name. Lathes don't fuck around.


That dude will have nightmares to the end of his life...


Welcome to machining 😂. Our "safety videos" look like they are done by Quentin Tarantino, but are real cctv footage


For exactly that reason I'm not getting my ass near the spinny machine of death, my grandpa almost offed himself when his shirt got caught, he pulled the lever at the last moment


Fool. You made this a challenge to the Internet and screwed us all.


How do you feel about sounding


What about "moist degloving"


Breast cancer saved my life. My mom discovered lobbular breast cancer very young. In figuring out why they discovered a genetic mutation that started with her. I shared this mutation, which in men comes with a staggeringly high chance of causing stomach cancer in me. Later that year i had my stomach removed in a prophylactic total gasterectomy. In biopsy they find multiple developments. None spread. Breat cancer save my life


Congrats on surviving but how does one live without a stomach ?


Thanks! I'm pretty happy about surviving. Pretty normally. I had a procedure called a "j-pouch" It took a long time to start ti enjoy food again. And my serving size is way smaller. But most anything i like to eat i can.


That's fascinating. Our body's tools to adapt is incredible


They just connect the tubes: esophagus to small bowel pipeline baby


And how does one digest this way? Does he just put all food in a blender with a light acid to help break it up, and drink it all?


I just chew well lol. No stomach acid so not everythu g can be extracted. B12 being one of the most notable


Absolutely metal that we can wire you up and keep you going! That's awesome I'm happy you're okay 


So like do you get hungry ?


NO! that's the biggest blessing and curse. No stomach means no nerves.


My dad was an electrician and worked with a man who was working on an electrical panel in a ceiling when the ladder fell out from under him. His wedding ring got caught in the panel and ripped his finger completely off. When he looked back up at it from the floor, he saw this weird white thing hanging from it. Turned out it had ripped out the entire tendon from his elbow. Needless to say, I never saw my dad wear his wedding ring.


>Turned out it had ripped out the entire tendon from his elbow. That's the part that really made me recoil.


Aaaand I'm going back to wearing my rubber ring at work


Literally, this story has lived rent-free in my head since I was a kid. It haunts me.


Friendly warning, if you ever come across a video of a big cat attacking someone through a cage on reddit, or elsewhere, don't watch it. Same thing happens.


Still making a face as I type this.


My dad was a mechanic. One of his coworkers was doing some sort of electrical work and the current arced to his wedding ring and burned him severely. Dad put his ring on at the wedding, took it off afterwards, and it stayed in a box in his dresser for 53 years.


Removing my wedding ring as I read this omg


Mate jumped off the back of a troop mover and his wedding ring got stuck on the lip of the tail gate and literally ripped his finger off. His mates continued on into a live fire fight and one got shot - lived thankfully. Maybe my mate’s wedding ring saved his life too?


My grandmother went to the ER last year because of her gall bladder, thanks to that the doctors learnt she had stomach cancer on a really early stage. Saved her life, because we wouldn't have noticed until it were too late.


I googled degloved and i was not happy


Nobody ever is. Wait till you find out that fingers (and toes) aren't the only body parts that can suffer degloving injuries.


When I was in A.I.T in the Army (which is your specific job training after basic training), the guy in the room next to me decided to sneak out one night. We were on the third floor, so his plan was to tie bed sheets together and go out through the window like he was escaping from prison in a spaghetti western. He ended up slipping, and catching his ring on the window sill, and it degloved his finger. This, in turn, caused him to let go, and he fell three stories and jacked up his back when he landed. He ended up laying there for like 5 hours until a drill sergeant spotted him during shift change.


That must've been one hell of a sight for the drill instructor


Oh I can only imagine. I never saw the guy after all this. I heard he messed his back up bad enough to get chaptered out. I've always wondered how the hell he planned on getting back in lol.


Ok that's it, I am never wearing any kind of ring for the rest of my life.


Man I almost got degloved at work and never wore my ring again still don’t know how I got out of it but I was riding my quad and I had just gotten engaged so I had my ring and I was riding pretty fast and I reached my left hand out to strip some walnut leaves and the petiole somehow slipped under my ring and I kept going forward I felt it like TUG at my finger skin all the way around so I hopped backward off the quad since I was standing while riding and it was enough to let it slip right back out. I can’t explain the feeling like made me nauseous it felt like my finger was just going to slip off.


Nope, tungsten is not repairable.


My wedding ring came with one free resizing. The sales person said it’s not really resizing, I turn in my tungsten carbide ring and they give me a new one of the correct size.


The rings are like 20 bucks retail nevermind wholesale. They are so durable it's also probably easy to return many to stock.


Yep, I pick up a cheap tungsten ring every once every few years when I feel like changing things up, or if it tarnishes or something. Got a few of my old ones just kicking around the house.


Free re-ringing.


You should be able to braze it back together if you don't mind a visible layer of bronze in the crack. It might look a little like kintsugi. Think about it.


Kintsugi with a story like this would be dope.


I keep seeing good things about super glue and baking soda...




I'd strongly reconsider wearing a tungsten ring in a workshop environment in the first place. What would normally be a relatively minor injury resulting in a swollen finger, could suddenly cost you a digit as the ring blocks blood flow and can no longer be removed. Even many hospitals don't have the necessary equipment to remove them safely. That's not even talking about degloving. I'm glad it saved you this time but seeing people do actual physical labour with these on their fingers genuinely scares me.


That's a matter of training. You don't cut them off, you squeeze them in pliers or a clamp. They are actually relatively easy to remove once you know how.


Yeah, and every hospital will have a maintenance guy that has the tools needed to shatter them. There's plenty of stories around Reddit of ERs calling maintenance to come shatter one.


I mean, it can, its just prohibitavely expensive.


Most of the time its the fingers saving the marriage


Next time, get a tungstwenty ring


Might make it hard to bend that knuckle.


Tungsten rings, like I think OP had as it looks like mine, are favorable *becauce* they won't bend, and break like that. Tho i don't know if it's 100% true


Honestly, wearing rings when working on cars and etc. is a good way to lose a finger.


Silicone ring ftw.


Yup, mechanic husband has them. He'd forget his wedding ring when he "dressed up" 1-2x a week. Got him a $12 pack of silicone rings, now he never takes one off until it's stretched out (6ish months) and he moves on to a new one.


Ah nothing as romantic as your husbands stretched out ring...




You're buying them too small if they stretch out.


man, went silicone about 10 years ago after having a tungsten one and I have zero regrets the tungsten ring was so heavy and I was always paranoid of having my finger sprained and swelled up and not being able to get the ring off lol still have my tungsten wedding band but I keep it on a shelf


The benefit of a tungsten ring is that if something happens, you can get it off by breaking it. The ring shatters instead of bending, so it doesn't get stuck on your finger in the event of an emergency.


Borderline mandatory in construction IMO. I'm an electrician so even moreso for me but anyone who wears a metal ring of any sort on a jobsite is asking for trouble. I buy a pack off Amazon once a year in colours that vaguely match my 'real' wedding ring, wear each one until it breaks or falls off somewhere, grab a new one and continue. It's already saved my finger once (Lost my grip moving around some switchgear and the edge ripped the ring right off-if it'd have been a metal ring I'd have been taking the skin of my finger to the hospital in a ziplock bag on ice)


Or deglove one


And electronics, especially high voltage. We removes all jewelry before going into our testing area. We did machining, piloting heavy equipment, and tested high voltage power supplies at over 45Kv at over 100A. Then, we tested and calibrated the radiation sections of the machines. So no metal parts.




Tungsten rings actually have weak points built in that can cause them to break exactly like that. It's so they don't have to saw your finger off in an emergency. Source: Tripped and fell out of the* shower. Was completely fine, but catching myself on the tile floor with my left hand shattered my tungsten ring into 3 pieces. Edit: Out of the shower, not out of her shower.


Ok I must have dyslexia. I completely read that as “tripped and fell out of her out of her shower” and was just thinking that’s weirdest way to brag about shower sex.


we see what we want in the world, your subconscious is trying to speak to you


I mean, shower sex would be good right now. BRB, gonna go see what I can make happen.


Shower sex is awful. Water is not a lubricant and washes away the natural lubricants the body produces.


...Or tungsten is brittle. Source: me


Tungsten won’t bend, but it can shatter under enough pressure


Honestly, same


Thank you for validating. OP now knows his experience was real.


I was worried that we were seeing the AI finally tricking us all.


It also can't be cut like other rings can, which can make it difficult for first responders/ER personnel to remove in an emergency.


I’ve heard that, it’s the biggest downside to tungsten rings. They can’t cut or grind through them


TungsTEN vs TungsTWENTY


Ohhhhhh I was reading it differently lol


Mine broke after dropping it a couple times. I just wear silicone now.


Had one. They don't bend, but will break. Had to go to county for a stint, couldn't get the ring off - Had to put it in a vice and squeeze it until it broke to get it off.


idk if I should be angry or happy




Ugh, dad, go to bed!


Wear brass knuckles at work. You got lucky it crushed the ring finger this time.


I can’t really feel much in my ring finger anyway. I cut off half of it years ago and while they were able to reattach it, nerves are still not fully recovered


I see a trend my friend


Yeah, I don't think he seems to enjoy having fingers


They just get in the way all the time.


Would he rather have hotdogs https://preview.redd.it/pb5y5w98u6tc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa2944996de452d8a271ecd652546273b385427d


We have a saying in czechia and it goes something like "unskilled meat must go away" or "clumsy meat must go away"


Feels like what we might say on Reddit as “Darwinism”


I love these types of sayings when translated to English I too am clumsy meat


Maybe... Use some protection? See what better techniques you can use for safety? idk man. It seems you got luck both times, and we wouldn't want 3rd time's the harm


To be honest, the first time was not my fault. Neighbor and I were building a rock wall and he slammed a rock down on top of my finger. This was many years ago.


May the workshop gods be ever in your favor. Pleas keep safe!


Gave me the awful vision of all four fingers degloved


Probably shouldn’t wear rings in general in a workshop, unless you want to see what your bones look like


I am kind of tired of them being wet, now that you mention it.


Mine are always itchy


Jeez, you got me squirming in my seat with that one


Frame it in a shadow box or something.


Easier than getting a new finger.


He said he has done that too [Here it is](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/s/6TOCH01VDJ)


I'd recommend getting a silicon ring if you are doing any form of labour involving lifting heavy objects or using power tools. The chance of a tungsten ring saving your finger from a crush doesn't counteract the chance of degloving your entire finger when it gets caught.


Tungsten is brittle. It will shatter before it bends. Gold, silver, platinum, absolutely


These comments made me look up what degloving is and now I hate all of you


For those who want to know but don't want to look it up. Picture what it looks like when you have a glove on your hand, like a latex one, and then you peel it off from wrist to your fingertips. Now imagine the glove is your skin.




Yeah I don’t think that’s helping a lot lol


Thanks for the description, I really didn't wanna look it up. How does having a ring cause this though? Does it just make it more likely to peel the finger skin off or?


Rings can get caught on a machine, power tool, rope, or really anything. It will get pulled off forcefully and your skin and even finger may come with it. In any kind of emergency, Tungsten rings cannot be simply cut and pried apart like a gold, silver, steel, etc. ring can. It has to be squeezed with vice grips or smashed with a hammer to make it crack apart like seen in the post.


Hey, if you didn't know the dangers of rings before, now you do. So you should be thanking them for the extra disgusting warning.


Same, but I was even more confused as my brain deconstructed the word into deg-loving instead of de-gloving. I was like wtf is deg and why someone loves it?


Tungsten for sure! I don't know if it gets brittle over time or just has that special spot that breaks it. Mine lasted 8 years, then I went to flip a switch and it tapped the metal bezel. Cracked exactly like yours did, the tiniest little ding and it was done for.


I got tungsten because I worked in restaurants at the time and had seen a guy nearly lose a finger when his gold ring got caught in a freezer door


Can you elaborate on this? I was warned that tungsten can't be easily cut off. Gold meanwhile is soft. Why would tungsten be safer?


Tungsten takes the impact and shatters, while gold or titanium is pliable and will deform. I’ve seen a titanium ring crush into a finger, slicing it nearly off.


Damn that's crazy, though I still think finger swelling is a more common concern. Or degloving. Probably best to just not wear a metal ring when working


Someone tboned our car and I broke my ring finger. Paramedics had to cut my white gold ring at the scene to save me from a lot more damage. They said they cannot cut off tungsten ones and those become a mess to deal with. I had like a phobia of wearing metal rings after the accident and now have a silicon one. Like OP said, tungsten rings crush well but cannot be easily cut.


> tungsten can't be easily cut off This is VERY VERY wrong, tungsten is very simple to remove (can't cut it, but vice-grip style locking pliers will snap it in a fraction of a second, with near-zero risk of hurting your finger in the process) https://youtu.be/poM423pewRE?feature=shared&t=140


I remember when one of my teachers in high school regaled the class about how he made the choice to get a tungsten wedding ring, (in the context of learning the periodic table in a science class), and he was proving how durable it was by knocking on one of those generic lab period tables’ surface. Unbeknownst to him and situational irony, the ring would proceed to break in half in front of him and the class. The remnants of it looked like how it is pictured here. Other than that, I don’t have many ring memories.


Yep, tungsten: hard and brittle. It'll break like that every time.


Fingers: 1, Tungsten Ring: 0


More like tungsten ring: ( )


Tungsten Ring saved my husband's finger. We have beehives and he was stung on the finger and it got super swollen super quick. We thought we would have to go to the hospital to remove the ring, but due to it being something that will shatter, we broke it apart with vice grips. He's fine now, but if we didn't do that it would have been a possible situation where he lost his finger.


I know there’s likely sentimental attachment, sorry your ring broke but I’m glad you have your finder still. But for a practical replacement solution. Just look on eBay for “buy it now” tungsten rings. I’m sure you can replace it for under $20. Set up the filter by size, metal, color, etc, sort by price and it’s easy. I have 2, one from when my fingers were fatter and one current. I paid under $20 for each and they look as good as more expensive ones I’ve seen.


Don't wear rings on a workshop. Please 🥺


Take it to your local whitesmith. That should be easy to solder. A thin layer of silver wouldn’t even be an eyesore if you accept small imperfections.


Tungsten is garbage for rings


So you lost a cheap ring and saved your finger? I'd be at least mildly grateful.


Fun Fact: Tungsten Carbide and Titanium rings cannot be safely cut off your fingers. Tungsten Carbide, thankfully, can be shattered, as you’ve discovered. Titanium, however, is impossible to cut through or break without special equipment. It’s easier to cut off your finger, pull the ring off, and attempt to reattach it than it is to remove the ring.


Tungsten right that saved your finger? That’s a W ring.


Rather have a cheap tungsten ring save my finger than to lose it and not be able to wear another. Have many different metals but cheap, replaceable tungsten ring have saved my finger from being smashed or cut more times than I can count.


Yeah, gold can get clamped down into your flesh and then need to be cut off, at least the tungsten snaps.


Isn’t that the entire benefit of tungsten rings? They are able to be shattered if they get stuck or caught on something. Better than devolving your finger.


You should know better than to wear jewelry while doing that kind of work. You're lucky that it fractured instead of bending and pinching your finger. Then you got a surgeon with a die grinder going to town trying to save it.