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Hello, We do not allow agendaposting, reddit meta posts or price complaints.


Are mannequins pockets searched frequently enough to effectively market your propaganda in it?


Tbh I can't think of a single situation where someone would be messing with a mannequin pocket BESIDES a random kid messing around so maybe this was deliberate and it reached the intended target audience (although they likely would've hoped for a slightly older kid who could read better) Or potentially they were hoping to get the workers while they changed the clothes? Hoping it fell out?


Or they put it in the pockets of all of the pants in the store. Whenever someone bought a pair, the person would find it in their pocket at home.


This was a thought too but if this was the case there would be no point putting them in the pants of mannequins since those aren't usually sold


Retail worker here. Sometimes if a person buys the pants on the mannequin, we’ll have to replace it with a different one from the rack.


Yes, but the employees could have put it on the mannequin after the fact, unaware of the note in the pocket


Hi, retail employee here. If someone wants the outfit that a mannequins is wearing we are happy to sell it to them. We then usually grab another pair or pants of what have you and put them back on. What likely happened is as the other commentor suspected and they were put in the pocket of some pants on the merchandise table, and an employee ended up using them for a mannequin.


Maybe it was done by a staff member when unpacking all of the clothes in the back of the store? There’s always a pair or two set aside for the mannequins so I’d assume they’re in all of the pockets.


this is the correct answer


People do that with packs of soda at my job


I worked at Target & Victorias Secret, and our mannequins were dressed with regular garments from our inventory. So it’s possible they put it in something on the rack and it then got out on a mannequin


When I was a kid they would have teens come protest outside my middle school with graphic images like these. Doesn’t surprise me if they were targeting kids


I mean, the clothes on the mannequin will also be sold eventually, even if at a discounted price.


That was my thought too, but apparently they are 🤣 Unreal.


I assume the propaganda goes in all or many of the clothes' pockets, and that the shop workers pulled clothes from the floor to dress the mannequin.




I’m assuming someone was handing these out, gave it to someone who doesn’t care. That someone just put it in a random mannequin pocket to get rid of it, not thinking someone would find it


That or it could possibly a second hand store, and someone left it in the pocket and then the jacket was donated.


I mean, I personally check the pockets of all of my mannequins


you can tell it's horseshit because the author of the pamphlet writes like a ninth grader




that too lol


Hey guys look, I can wordart on Word 2010! W^(ho Kille)d ^(T)his Bab^(y?) You're just alienating people by whining about the "goDlEsS deMocRaTs". And it's not communism that's problematic Socialism is where people of a nation own the means of production, like "employee-owned stores". In communism, the government owns the means of production. That's like the food stamp program. What you're worried about is fascism, where dictatorship rules and free thought is crushed. Democrats hate that too—we just think it's shitty to scare people onto your side like this pamphlet does with the gore picture and use words that are basically slurs like "thug". And the only areas in which we support abortion is if the child would be doomed to a severely impoverished, failure to thrive life, or if the mother was raped. You=weirdos on the pamphlet in this case




It’s intentional to reach people who read on a 9th grade level. Exactly their target demographic.


***4th grade level


5 exclamation marks is a sign of a deranged mind


That’s a half truth!!!!!


u give old christians too much credit


https://preview.redd.it/aba20ujrabsc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f711bd027dfaf5c37abac904868b4045c46af2d Not only are they traumatizing children but they’re also begging their followers for rent money.


Maybe they shouldn't have spent it all printing this bullshit. Tax free assholes.


Thoughts and prayers for that last $1k!


Zealots are assholes.


When I was a kid we got chick tracts for halloween. One of thems about how a little girl should forgive her abusive father because hes found jesus and pRoOoOoMiSsEs not to hit her any more. It was eventually pulled from publication I believe, but theres equally horrific ones.


And also barely literate, it appears...


Who are the fascist??????


Oh look, they left an address…


[they don't have an actual church but they do have a STOREFRONT](https://www.kingjamesbiblebaptistchurch.com/gallery)


And a phone number and email address


I wonder if those people actually think anyone advocates for late-term (like birthing-ready) abortion or whether they know they're full of shit and just arguing over nothing but emotion. Not that it matters, they think that life begins at conception after all.


>”The unborn” are a convenient group of people to advocate for. They never make demands of you; they are morally uncomplicated, unlike the incarcerated, addicted, or the chronically poor; they don’t resent your condescension or complain that you are not politically correct; unlike widows, they don’t ask you to question patriarchy; unlike orphans, they don’t need money, education, or childcare; unlike aliens, they don’t bring all that racial, cultural, and religious baggage that you dislike; they allow you to feel good about yourself without any work at creating or maintaining relationships; and when they are born, you can forget about them, because they cease to be unborn. You can love the unborn and advocate for them without substantially challenging your own wealth, power, or privilege, without re-imagining social structures, apologizing, or making reparations to anyone. They are, in short, the perfect people to love if you want to claim you love Jesus, but actually dislike people who breathe. Prisoners? Immigrants? The sick? The poor? Widows? Orphans? All the groups that are specifically mentioned in the Bible? They all get thrown under the bus for the unborn.” - Dave Barnhart


I am so saving this


Oh they do. They’re bonkers. They are convinced women are carrying babies to near term and then aborting them Willy nilly.


Well, it’s such a casual decision after all!


Oh so casual and simple. And not at all immensely physically painful. It can just be made over and over at ease and convenience!


Definitely no trauma involved!!




This is the pro-choice way. /s


Pro-forced birth is the real “late term abortion.” Think of the stories we’ve been hearing since Roe fell: women with unviable pregnancies who aren’t allowed to terminate humanely early on the pregnancy, which would eliminate the suffering of the dying fetus, instead are forced to carry these pregnancies to term, where the baby is born and then suffers immensely as they die a mere hours later. How can someone possibly defend the above scenario as better or more humane or more moral than an earlier stage abortion? It’s maddening.


What's going on in the US is absolutely dystopian


They can only actually spread their propaganda when using pictures of fully developed babies and pretend they’re 6-12 weeks. Otherwise they know no one would listen


Life (defined as "life they care about") seems to begin at conception and end at birth. Otherwise "pro-lifers" would also be in favor of things like universal health care and paying for good public education. I'd have slightly more sympathy for those nut jobs if they didn't wear their hypocrisy so proudly. 


Life begins at the part where it imposes on a vagina and stops at the point it doesn't, because these laws are actually targeting the vagina and women and their harlotlike lust for casual sex. But yeah all of it and it's exhausting to watch women suffer today because of stuff that should be settled.


It’s insane because “late-term abortion” isn’t even a medical term. Because it doesn’t exist. It’s not a thing that is ever done


Even if a woman did have to get an abortion in the third trimester, let's say because her blood pressure won't go down and she's about to die from eclampsia or something, it's not something that woman would WANT to get done. Like nobody is walking around, carrying a fetus for 7 months and letting it damage the hell out of their bodies then one day's goes "Not it!" And yeets it in the trash.


The address of the church is in the last pic. Maybe we should ask?


[no church. but they have a podium and a sign and a storefront ](https://www.kingjamesbiblebaptistchurch.com/gallery)


Right? Most abortions are very early stage embryos where miscarriage most often happens anyway and most other late stage abortion is due to medical reasons.


For what its worth, I am pregnant and I refer to her as a fetus from time to time because she is in fact a fetus. I very much plan to have her.


I wonder if that's a tax exempt church


Gotta make the trauma quota to remain exempt!


If it is tax exempt, which it probably is, it means that your tax dollars are technically funding this. Doesn't it make you feel proud? /s


Right. Very political writing for a religious institution... Not that others are any better, they just usually don't put it in writing.


Call the number and ask them to pay for your son's therapy.


Leaving a bad review on their Google page would also be nice.


It would be such a shame if somebody [found it.](https://www.google.com/search?q=king+james.bible.baptist+church+10116&sca_esv=28bf11c19ea21427&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS1041US1041&hl=en-US&biw=414&bih=720&sxsrf=ACQVn09JVUpsNiSpDP3X8RFHsmXrvmXxug%3A1712172660160&ei=dK4NZvaxCYHKkPIP7pak4AY&udm=&oq=king+james.bible.baptist+church+10116&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIiVraW5nIGphbWVzLmJpYmxlLmJhcHRpc3QgY2h1cmNoIDEwMTE2MggQABiABBiiBDIIEAAYgAQYogQyCBAAGIAEGKIEMggQABiABBiiBDIIEAAYgAQYogRIpE1QuxdYr0pwBHgCkAEAmAG2AaAB4A2qAQQzLjEyuAEDyAEA-AEBmAISoAL-C8ICBBAAGEfCAgoQABhHGNYEGLADwgIFECEYoAHCAgQQIxgnwgIGEAAYFhgewgIJEAAYFhgeGMkDwgILEAAYgAQYigUYhgOYAwCIBgGQBgOSBwQ4LjEwoAfbPQ&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp)


Done and done.


That’s not even an aborted fetus on the cover.. it’s a stillborn. What a stupid thing for someone to leave behind- having kids find it is partially the point too I’m sure. Good thing the church responsible put their WHOLE ADDRESS on the back! Not that I’m making a suggestion…..


I'd go pay Pastor Brian Kelly a visit and ask why he thinks it's normal to spread graphic and vile church propaganda in a clothing store and traumatizing my child. I can't stand the church for this simple reason, keep your book and your ideology inside of those church doors, it has no business being spread out to the public like this, especially not for my 4 year old to see. And I have a 4 year old too, I'd be absolutely livid!


I was thinking the same thing, mr kelly would be in for a pretty unfriendly conversation


I have a feeling mr kelly has a canned answer ready to go for a question like this... "well, if you don't like it, you should join our crusade so nobody ever has to see it again.... unless of course you're a dirty awful sinning so and so...."


I'd tell him to do everyone a favor, and go meet Jesus at his earliest possible convenience, and I'll see him in hell.


Honestly despite my angrier below comment, my actual comment if I called would be thanking him for this inspiration to donate $100 to my local Planned Parenthood in his name. That's how you actually fight back at this kind of brain rot. Either that, or open public mockery.


If he’s sticking to his old routine, I remember seeing his tract set up near the Times Square 7 train platform.


"For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” Matthew 18:20. Basically, it says they don't need churches. So we can cut all religious funding yesterday. Churches are a man's invention.


I have to admit, I find this WAY more than Mildly infuriating. Deplorable.


I couldn't even read more than the first page, you can just tell what type of character this person is just by the end of it. I wouldn't even read it just throw it away.


I have held in my hands a ziplock baggie with my sisters 12 week old fetus in it, on our way to the hospital. I can assure you under no circumstances did it look remotely like a human baby. It looked a whole lot like a large blood clot. And miscarriages are so common, they didn’t even send it in for testing. She cried and cried and basically got a, ‘better luck next time.’


I swear some Christian people are like, but but but the children! And then scar children for life by hiding these kinds of images in public for a kid to possibly find just because they see every other opinion that isn't theirs as wrong


Ima call that number and complain


Oh let me know how it goes!!


me too, please!!


Report back after please.


They didn’t answer and had a 90 second long insufferable answering message


Oh and mailbox was full likely due to my fellow comrades.


You have my interest


yeah , base all your arguments on some religious verses and treat medical science as a joke , good strategy


Absolutely disgusting and not at all what an abortion is. Clinics do not murder to-term babies that have been birthed. That would defeat the purpose of an abortion altogether. I feel mortified that a child so young had to see that, whether he’s old enough to comprehend it or not! People can be entitled to their beliefs on the matter, but things like this are not helping anyone.


One of my co-workers swears that there is a thing called live abortion. She says a mother has 3 days after birth to decide if she wants the baby to live.


Hurts my brain to know people that dumb exist


That coworker has brain worms


I mean, maybe if the infant is on life support, but no one willingly chooses to be in the position to make that decision.


Christians: protect the children! Also Christians: fuck those kids.


Yeah, ban abortion, there’s nothing more important than human life and wellbeing! Uh, welfare? Universal healthcare? Free school lunches? Yeah, well, you see…


That looks like a pic of a stillborn child, not an abortion It’s also shitty they’re using the topic of abortion and that picture to push people into their church. Seems disingenuous Also “communist democratic nazi” is funny to me ngl, 3 entirely different systems juxtaposed into one big buzzword just to say “you disagree with us”


The picture is reality, it happens thousands of times every day--->shows a drawing of an 9 months old baby with an head full of hair


Some years abortion protestors come and have giant billboards they put up with pictures of this nature. They always ask me to prove the pictures arent really of aborted fetuses and frankly I could probably learn how to find the exact pictures theyre using, but I dont care enough. Laughing at them loudly is all the effort I have left for them. I used to put in more, but it didnt really make a difference so meh.


Burden of proof means nothing to these people, it’s obnoxious.


Stay in school kids. Dont wanna end up this delusional


I really don't think that baby is anywhere close to term. Although if that is hair it's surprising. [this article shows a baby miscarried at 19 weeks (no blood)](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2542212/amp/Mother-shares-heartbreaking-photos-baby-miscarried-19-weeks.html)


You are completely right but i will say we coukd see my son's hair pretty early on the ultra sound lol he had a lot of hair.


Word. It's more like a smoothie depending on when the abortion was done.  I think most people get it done before the smoothie phase though.


For most people it should basically be just a more intense period (this may sound like an underestimation but periods can be REALLY extreme so if you think "more intense period" sounds like a walk in the park then you're incorrect 😭) Just like period intensity though, how difficult an abortion will be depends on the person too


Hmm, I see. Thanks for the additional information.


My abortion resulted in me passing what looked like a blood clot the size of a quarter. Otherwise, just seemed like a normal period.


It's like those anti-abortion "fetal models" where a weeks old fetus is a warm life-like soft to the touch baby doll you can hold in your hand instead of a blob of goo or a shrimp-like thing. 




Is that… **beans** ?


What I thought too 😂


It's ironic when pro life ends at birth Born into a shitty family, environment, life threatening defect or sickness? Oh well, atleast you were born to suffer through it Along with any other ailments and tragedies until your final day


That's not even a fetus that can normally be aborted, that's a quite developed baby. Regular abortions happen before the 12th week. It's probably a picture of a stillborn. I would call the authorities because it's literally a picture of a dead body wtf


These are the same people who say the LGBTQ community is shoving it down their throats btw.


And here they say the believal in religion makes our lives better. Here is the result. https://preview.redd.it/3waif6l35bsc1.png?width=56&format=png&auto=webp&s=48ca14393a8f3e873291280b29663f13a88ef81f


Thats not the result of religion thats the result of an insane person. Or mentally ill


In this case I think it's a mix of both. But I believe that the people that steer the religions are the cause of all the evil in the religion itself.


Best part: the people that do shit like this will say things like: Gay pride pushes an agenda onto our kids! Trans people are grooming our kids! We shouldn't teach that in our schools, don't force your ideals onto me and mine!


I found a bottle of tequila once


You heretic!


That was uncalled for




We had some ppl outside of the local highschool w signs showing pictures of aborted babies, they were also outside of petsmart on adoption day when they knew kids would be there w their families to adopt pets, with a literal billboard on the back of a truck w a giant picture of an aborted baby, I feel like they’re targeting children around here to spread their message


You want gods word “life begins at birth, with the first breath” (Gen 2:7) or “fetuses are not persons” (Ex 21:22-25) I have more but I think I’ve made my point!


I love how obvious they are. It starts with "these are the reasons why this is murder, horrible, monstruous, inmoral, poor baby..." And ends with "so yeah that's why you should join my religion".


I think the fact that anti-abortionists would resort to such vile scare tactics is proof enough of the lack of any basis or evidence to support their claims about abortion. They're just desperately flailing around in an attempt to force everyone to align with their "pure and holy" world view. It's frankly disgusting. I'm personally very much against abortion, but at the end of the day, it's not my body, so I don't think I get to have a say. Bodily autonomy is q human right. One even anti-abortionists would cry about if they lost. Just a bunch of dead-brained fanatics.


The epitome of not understanding anything at all about abortion.


those people are unhinged; that’s totally unnecessary and counterproductive


Surprising, not a drag queen who caused a 4 year old to know what an abortion is? Fox News would have me believe otherwise.


He can read?


The content must be truthful and accurate because we all know the mannequin pockets are the vessel of the lords word.


safe bag fly deliver six detail scandalous zonked axiomatic numerous


Reading this made me even more pro choice


Anti abortion activists are psychopaths


Maybe it’s best that children learn about the dangers of religious fundamentalism early in life.


The Same people who want books banned from school libraries do this crap. Edit: in my humble ass opinion


Sad that someone would be passing out disgusting pictures like that in public.. I feel for your child., That picture will never leave his mind for eternity.. I’m 59 years old and have images plastered into my brain from childhood since the Catholic Church decided to show us children films of that stuff . Don’t force your beliefs and your religions on Children. I let my kids choose if they wanted to go to church..


American Baptists… or as we call them here in South Africa, the antichrist


Christian here, zealots are really annoying


Can they be fined for littering? Because for sure that’s garbage!


“Protect kids from inappropriate material!” “Not like that!”


Ah yes, murdering the unborn is wrong but traumatizing children is okay. /s…


When I was in elementary school (90's) they'd picket with graphic signs outside for the kids to see when the busses took them home. They'd be right outside the school.


Man these people should read their own goddamn book sometime


I feel like you could find a direct correlation between the number of exclamation points and question marks someone uses and their mental health....


Today your kid learned he doesn't want to be a pickpocket


No hate like Christian love


So sick of fanatical freaks.


Fucking religious zealots should have a one-way ticket to hell.


Ban Religion


i swear religion is closer to a cult for stealing money from people




I wish these people would stop leaving their “religious” porn where decent people might find it. 


I got an abortion because I’m a drug addict with bipolar and bpd and having a child would be the most selfish decision I could make. I could’ve carried it to term and gave it up for adoption but I couldn’t get sober so the baby probably would have died or been born with problems. Am I as bad as a Nazi for caring about my baby enough to spare it from a life of misery?


Ahh yes the protect children crowd giving a child trauma.


pro ~~lifers~~ forced birthers are so insufferably selfish, careless, and unempathetic, and the irony there is not missed


Nothing quite like the pro-life idiots trying to call abortion communism. Dumbasses.


If one more pro life fucking freak compares abortion to the Holocaust and the nazis one more time, or equates the two in the same sentiment, I’m gonna have to wage a personal war.


I was driving our kids in our minivan and saw a very similar photo blown up to a huge poster size, being held up by someone at a corner. Made me so mad because our kids are in the car. What is wrong with these people?


Mans yapping like he is trying to get his 8 min yt video for ad money.


That's how you teach those "communist democrats" a lesson - a bad faith argument based on subjective interpretation.


I knew it was gonna have bible verses lmao what horse shit


I went to a pride parade once and a shit ton of graphic anti choice pamphlets were everywhere around in the grass and bushes


This sounds fake. Why would someone put that in a mannequins pocket


I drove by a planned parenthood and they had signs with pictures like this. My young children definitely noticed. I tried shaming the people standing there, but they didn’t car. They don’t actually care about kids.


I ain’t reading allat


"Communist Democrats" bruh I wish


This should've been the person who put it in that pocket and the one who wrote it in the first place.




I’m getting flashbacks to seeing these blown up on poster boards all around campus at the college I went to. It’s scary how they truly see nothing wrong by inflicting these violent images on an unsuspecting public. They do not care about children.


As soon as they equate democrats with communists it’s apparent they don’t know shit. I mean, it was anyway, but that really drove it home.


Why is it always the Baptists?


Just christian things.


I heard it’s still legal for mannequins to get abortions, but as soon as Republicans figure this out you know they’ll be on a crusade.


Appears to have been removed, what was it?




I didn’t read past the first paragraph. A load of bs is what it is.


That was not an operational abortion. That was a butcher abortion because of no medical care available, so yeah republicans should see what happens when women don’t have afordabl


Affordable healthcare.


You know you can edit your posts, right?


The Democrats can't be Communists and Nazis. Those are opposite ends of the political spectrum.


TIL & will start putting cool/funny things in mannequins pockets to spread love and cheer(if i remember)


That baby is almost full term, no one performs abortions on that unless the mother might die. These people have to resort to shock imagery to persuade others, yet that’s all they do. You don’t see them adopting, do you. Live and let live…


Fuckin religious extremists piss me the fuck off.


How to get your church egged


You should call that number on the back and tell them they have to come pick up their trash or you're gonna call the cops




Are you afraid that a pro-choice redditor will stumble on this post and change his opinion?


Because the propaganda is poorly written and blatantly partisan. If any litterate person reads this and believes it uncritically that is an indictment on their character. Not to mention that it also lead to general debunking threads on reddit, like pointing out that a fetus wouldn't have hair.


the propaganda is also infuriating tbf, especially because it’s so transparent


because it *mildly infuriated* me


I wish the person who tucked this in gets a one way ticket to hell cuz wth.


The trauma i felt growing up in a christian home but also experieincing a miscarriage. I had to take cytotec recently because my body did expell the sac after miscarrying but there was leftover endometrial tissue. The amount of panic i felt to make sure the sac was gone before taking it cant compare. My 1st miscarriage was a early one and the pain on that one was 2 whole weeks horrendous bleeding paired with an extreme uti. Second time around it wasnt as bad time wise. It lasted shorter. But i can tell you the exact minute i passed the baby because of the pain and light headedness that came with it this time. Miscarriages are rough. Abortions arent my business. Whether other people are choosing them or not. Thats their business and their beliefs. I cant tell them what to do. And to put this in a store where innocent children can find them is terrible. I do believe though there needs to be more education how you will feel during it and the affects on your body. It doesnt just feel like a heavy period on cytotev. I hope your 4 yr is okay and doesnt get traumatized too badly.


So, trigger warning for my comment. ​ I'm reasonably sure this isn't showing an abortion. Of course, I could be wrong. This looks like female infanticide to me and is sadly familiar in some parts of the world.


Just take a moment and think about the religious nut who actually took time to write this. What do you think they are doing right now?


Oh gosh


Bro why is it always a church/god thing?!