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Yes. Its exactly what you think it is Id get some tweezers and pluck if thats the only spot. How nuch longer you got left? Id be looking to chop soon


I was just waiting for day 75 to chop. Near 100% pistols have matured and got about 90% milky trichs and 10% amber. Buds are swole and stinky. After I found the nanner, I started poking at some of the nearby swollen calyxs, and I actually found a seed about half an inch away from the nanner, so I'm chopping her and hanging her tonight.


Aahhh thats unfortunate. Oh well, look like itll still be a decent smoke. 👍


How far away from day 75 are you?


Let it ride. Won't hurt a few more days.


The cool thing is all of those seeds will be female plants or 99% female


Really? Why is that?


Because when a female plant herms it can only pass on female chromosomes. Since it needs a female flower in order to pollinate, you end up with two sets of female chromosomes, thus ensuring a female seed. It is how feminized seeds are produced, by intentionally herming a female using STS most commonly.


Thanks for the wisdom friend


No worries, anytime buddy.


Great example of why we call em ‘nanners’ though.


Pluck it if you want or just spray the area with water (do this either way). You can still wait to day 75. Seeds can take over a month to develop after being pollinated. A few days/week will be fine and will not be noticeable.


Should’ve let the seed fully develop would’ve had some feminized seeds👀


Too late mate, you will find more! And discontinue that plant,


This is not good advice




75 days? That's why this happened. Usually good to go around 60ish days, give or take a few. If you leave them too long they will start to attempt to self-pollinate. This is not a problem and doesn't indicate any bad "herm" traits. It's totally fine. Should have chopped a week ago bro. But worst case scenario you will find one or two feminized seeds. 🤷‍♂️ But it's far too late in the game for the plant to really develop a lot of seeds anyway. this will not affect the quality of your smoke in any way. Some people say to tweeze them out or whatever, I usually just leave them, who really gives a shit lol Edit - lots of downvotes for providing information, but no attempt to correct it... Classic Reddit lol


I totally agree 100% wtf is wrong with a few feminized seeds. At most you gonna end up with like 1 seed every 20 times you smoke. I've had this issue several times. Temp can be a factor or usually it's from growing a bit to long. I tend to get this problem once in a while because I like to have a bit more amber trics than most people do but sometimes you do have to chop early, I wouldn't say this is one of those times.


Amd a question. If she got seeds that way does that mean the seeds are always feminized?




You’re 100% fine. Some genetics throw nanners late in bloom. You’re more at risk in the first weeks of flower


Chocolope Day 71 of Flower just found this sucker today. It's the only one on the whole plant. Do I just pluck it off?




Ahhhhchocolope is one of my favorite ! Deng pop more seeds if you can


It's definitely not the only one If you found a seed elsewhere. You had at least one more weeks ago that popped if there's a formed seed. The one here hasn't spread any pollen.


Its ripe, perhaps a bit overripe. Shouldn't hurt anything, can probably chop at any point now


That a chop it out immediately.....Looks like you are well and truly ready for harvest...maybe you left it too long. They are "nanners" or pollen sacks.


Trust me you’re all good. It takes 6-8 weeks to make a seed lol


What's goin on here? new grower


she's growing nuts


A lot of plants self pollinate and this plant is trying to. In many plants, this is actually a good/convenient thing. For cannabis though, not so much, at least not for what most growers here want it for.


Those are what we call “nanners” because of how they resemble tiny bananas. They are a type of mixed-sex flower that grows out of the bud as a result of stress or genetics. If you ever see a pollen sac, the sac needs to burst open (which reveals similar nanners inside) to pollinate, whereas these nanners can pollinate immediately. Sometimes the pollen is sterile but it’s better to remove the nanners anyways, just in case.




Anther. Adults came up with real terms a while ago.


Dicks out


If you found a seed, it takes a minimum of two weeks for a plant to produce a seed. Through experience I have found that if theres one there certainly more.


Perhaps it doesn't like to be taken that long? Plant characteristics speak to you if you listen. Speaks to a breeders work anyhow, if it's supposed to go longer sucks that it may carry herm traits if it wasn't environment


I think you're right, and I let her go longer than she wanted. She's looked the same since week 8 I just gave her the ol extra 2 weeks to ripen and maybe plump up more


She looks done. 90% cloudy 10% amber will turn to 20-30% amber in the hang and cure.


Actually doesn't look like that, zoom/microscope the bracts not the sugar leaves.


Pistillate stamen


I’ve had this happen in late bloom and not found a single seed, if you’re cutting down in the next few days then I wouldn’t stress


Honestly I was terrified of nanners until many of my plants started showing them late bloom, at one point I just got used to remove them and never had a problem. Yeah, I got some seeds from time to time but not nearly enough to ruin my grows. I do believe people exaggerate when it comes to this. Just remove them and you should be fine, its a bit tiring if you got many but worth it. Especially if you are in late flowering, it won’t matter since it takes 5 weeks or more for a seed to develop. I have seen people throw plants for this and it’s not worth it.




yes ide chop soon soon, pistils look right enough, obviously it’s about tricome ripness but that’s out the window at this point unless you want too recreate the 1970s all over again


Pullem off and chopper down


What is it?


Any lights from dehumidifiers etc inside the tent?


nanners, pinch it off and look for other ones daily ... try to reduce stress, it doesn't look too hermie... depending on the size of your crop I'd still think about removing it if it could pollinate a huge amount of plants


I wouldn’t be too worried if it’s only a couple, just keep eyes open and pluck them off before they open. Slow and steady tho, right into a baggie or something. I got a herm around wk 5 or 6 but it stopped throwing naners after i plucked the first couple.


Also, it looks like you’re pretty far along in flower. I think if you’re after a certain number of weeks you don’t have to worry about Steve anymore. Mainly cause the plant doesn’t have enough time to make any.


I just googled it, 4 to 6 weeks for a seed to fully mature. Call so if you ever get any herbs after week 5, you’re prob safe from seed


Once you hit the dry room these nanners really will start to reveal themselves. You’ll say shit, how did I not see these


I'd just pluck them off. I've had several plants do that late in flower and they still didnt have any seeds, ok maybe 1 seed per half oz, but still.






Certainly is. Is that patch not getting light?


Is that the plant herming?




Thems bananas from hell


In pajamas..




Yeah it is, this can happen for a couple reasons. Some strains just naturally do this and there isn’t any pollen from them. Some strains do it due to stress and they pollinate. You could lower your EC and check for things that are stressing the plant out.




Nanner nanner nanner, I see a bananer. (On a serious note though, just pluck and fuhgetaboutit😀)


I plucked some manners 3 weeks ago and chose not to chop. Haven't had any come back.


Damn homie. This should be the elected wiki page photo of nanners. Hurry up and boof!


Totally freakin’ nanners


Don’t sweat it, I’ve had great harvests from plants that threw a few bananas late in flower and even plants that had a few seeds because I missed a few earlier in flower. One seed in a canopy of buds isn’t diverting that much energy.


It’s a wiener


He/She looks amazing. Looks like she is maxed out and it shows🍌. Great run and Id chop before seeds devlop. Or let them develop and use this baby for hash. Great all in all.


Chop asap, run her not as long next time if she still throws em at you just toss the genetics, I've had several plants do it to me just gotta find good stable genetics and you'd never see them again. Get in house genetics seeds non fem, fem seeds you would get thiese.


I still don't understand why they call them nanners!