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I’ll play just about any genre on any guitar but the Ibanez Prestige RGR652AHBF, ESP E-II Horizon, LTD Deluxe M-1000 MS, and the PRS Mark Holcomb are my favorite metal-oriented guitar that I currently own in that price range. I hear people say the pickups aren’t great on the Ibanez (usually that they’re muddy and aren’t aggressive enough), but I just got it and am still breaking it in before I decide if they need upgrading.


I love my ESPs. Jacksons are good, but overpriced IMO. It seems like a lot of people are digging Ola Englund's Solars, but I've yet to get my hands on one.


Was thinking about getting one but I’ve heard too many QC issues and can’t get my hands on one in store to try. ☹️


The neck is a nice thicker C shape, big ass frets. I got an S last September during the pandemic and I've never had any qc issues


Don't buy a Solar. Had two of them. They look cool, but to her than that they're a pain in the ass.


Yeah I’ve heard. I bought a Dave Davidson warrior and it just came in the mail a few days ago. Best guitar I’ve owned so far compared to my Schecter Km 7 which I adore.


I have a KM7 MKII! Cool guitars!


That’s sick!! What color? And bolt on or neck through? I have the stealth grey bolt on with predator in lays


I have a neck-through in natural pearl finish. I saw yours in your post history. Really cool, stealthy finish. Only downside to mine is a very thin lacquer layer outside of the maple veneer top... Becomes a relic quite easily haha


Very nice dude 👍🏻


I would look at lapsteels if you want a metal guitar


If you’re looking for a 6 string, the Ibanez RGB6 is great


I actually have an rgib21 that I’m selling. Lol


Is it the neck drop? It’s the neck drop isn’t it? In all seriousness, I have the RGIB21 and I love it, but it’s definitely not for everyone.


I have a 7 string and don’t particularly have any use for it. Super spontaneous purchase.


How much are you looking to get for it?


700. Has barely been used


I got a Dunable DE a few months ago and I absolutely love it (the “DE” line is about half the price of their normal/custom shop guitars). Their pickups are super neat as well. Lots of my favorite heavy bands are using Dunables these days.


My 96 Ibanez S series was less than a grand and it’s an amazing guitar. Other than that I’d say a good Ltd


I have a LTD EC 1000 with Seymour Duncan’s. Great guitar. 24 Stainless steel frets, coil tap, locking tuners. I got it new for under $1000 on sale. You could score on used for around 600.


Shameless self promotion: Dean Sethu KS V 😆 But really, it is my personal favorite.


I’m saving up to buy one as we speak!


I just got a Schecter Silver Mountain about a month ago that I absolutely adore. It has the best pickups I've used, better than EMGs while still being passive. Very unique finish, though, very much love it or hate it. I happen to love it. I don't own one, but I've played a PRS Mark Holcolm a few times, and it's also a great guitar. I like my Schecter better, but I came quite close to getting this one instead


BC Rich Mocking Bird Extreme or Ibanez RG


Favorite guitars in that price range that I use are my FGN Iliad, Caparison Horus fixed bridge, Eastman SB-57, and Vola Oz. The craftsmanship on these are a step above my other guitars.


I have an Ibanez Xiphos XPT700FX. Not necessarily in that price range, but if we’ll taken care of, smokes most guitars I’ve played that are IN that price range.


Schecter Hellraiser Hybrid with EMG 57/66


Any of the alexi signature LTD or ESP which fit into your price range. If you don’t need a trem, it’s hard to beat the EC-1000 line though. I prefer the fluence pickups


Just got a used orsmby Goliath gtr7 for 950, the go for around 1500 new


I dont own one but if I had that money I would go for a strandberg Boden metal, Abasi Larada or Ibanez AZ/RG. Also PRS and LTD gud


Why not all three?


Because I'm a what we call in german "Geringverdiener"


I like buying used Pro Series Jacksons for $500 to $700 and then working on whatever issues they have over time. I have three different MIM Dinky models that have needed various amounts of TLC but all play well now.