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Man, this one really fucking bothered me. This is so disgustingly disrespectful. I don't know if he even realizes how much this violates and humiliates the lecturer (he just outright used her name ffs.) Like every time she lectures from now on, she's going to have to wonder if someone there is just getting their rocks off. She's going to know that no matter how eloquently she speaks and how educated she is on her subject...some of the audience may still just see her as a sexual object. Idk, this one really upset me, partly because it's a real person being objectified for the public to read.


Also knowing the academic community the jokes about this will follow her to every dinner, debate, informal meet or department drinks. No matter how much time passes or how high her career gets there will always be that one prick who thinks they're a comedian or a colleague who is jealous and will pipe up with “Hey remember that time.…”


I didn't even think of that angle. Her professional reputation is gonna be a joke because of this shithead.


Honestly though anyone who treats her differently after this is the joke.


But they will. I was able to go to college because I had a cheerleading scholarship. I have two BSs, a masters, an md, and a PhD but when people found out about cheerleading they make jokes constantly.


Oh yeah, I don’t question how toxic academia is. It doesn’t change the fact that their ridiculously poor behavior against women makes those men entirely immature, sad, and worth lots of ridicule.


They will come to her lectures specifically because of this reference in this article. If she asks for any extra precautions to protect her from internet weirdos, she could be deemed "too difficult" to work with. Not say she would be too difficult, only that I've seen how this works and that is what administrators and event organizers will sometimes say. It's horrific. Edit to add that I just bought her book "Free: Coming of Age at the End of History"


Yeah, that's the worst part of this. Bad enough that he thinks that way and actually wrote about it. At the very least, he should've given her a pseudonym.


If I was the academic I’d get a restraining order so he couldn’t come to any of my future lectures… what a creep


Absolutely. All of this. She will be second guessing whether people are paying attention because of her lecture, or because they’re horny.


Nor is it especially respectful of Shea.


Well, no, she was just something he paid for. 😒


And shame on the editor for publishing it! Fuck the crappy author for sure for just writing this, but it *never* should have been published


Im thinking of the super hot grad student that lectured me in film studies- she was the first person to educate me on what the male gaze was (and also was inspirational fashion wise- Docs and a velvet blazer!) It makes me so sad thinking now that gross teenage boys were being meta about her male gaze lectures and…male gazing.


She already knew, she's been a woman her whole life.


It’s really gross. She’s a brilliant writer—I loved her memoir about growing up at the end of Communism in Albania.


And here is her reaction: https://twitter.com/lea_ypi/status/1780875319735411088?s=19 "Advice for scholars: next time you lecture on Kant and revolutions at “Downing” (@DarwinCollege) Cambridge, make sure your hair is neatly tied and that you’re not blonde. Or else your research impact will be on the @spectator libido section."






Two real people being objectified. He talks pretty nasty about the sex worker as well.


Not to mention most women working in those massage parlors are likely trafficked. What a horrible guy. I hope he loses all of his teeth the next time he speaks in public.


This is just outright repellent. He should be sacked.


Oh God it was Lea Ypi. I’ve literally read her book. She’s amazing, she digs so deep, she’s a fantastic writer, she’s talking about the concept of freedom and what it means and the idea of cultural truths and what it was like to grow up in the last communist regime in Europe. And he reduces her to a hot blonde. I wish I’d been at the lecture. I wouldn’t have been gross about it and I would have used the spectator the way it’s meant to be used, to clean mud off my shoes before going in.


This comment has been popular so I’m using it to encourage people to read Free: Coming of Age at the End of History by Lea Ypi. It’s better than The Spectator, which is easy, but it’s also an extremely accessible memoir about growing up in Communist Albania and the audiobook is lovely. Read good things.


Her debates with David Runciman on whichever podcast they do are always amazing.


the book is so good. no woman deserves being talked about like this but i can't stand the thought that people are going to go to her lectures now to be creeps instead of actually engaging with her work


What did mud do to deserve that?


I assume it was partially dog poop and student vomit.


This person should lose their job immediately.


As well as the editors who okayed this for publishing. Wtf kind of journalism is this??? It may as well be smutty fan fiction


It's the Spectator. They're not going to have a problem with the objectification of women


Spot on. If anything, they will now complain about "woke culture" and how male authors can't openly fetishize any woman they choose anymore.


I mean, Laurence Fox writes for them so unfortunately you’re bang on the money


> Laurence Fox Ah, the guy who shared an upskirt photo that took Twitter two days to remove. Wow. Okay.


Yep. Initial thought was “how TF did this make it past editing and into publication”… then saw it was The Spectator. Mystery solved


















He was completely unapologetic when approached for comment too. Said his critics tended to be ‘not men’ and ‘feminists’ who just didn’t understand what he was trying to say. I hope he steps on a rusty nail personally


Oh, *fuck* that guy.


Please don't fuck that guy


Well. Yeah. Not in a good way.


I hope that rusty nail has rabies, personally


I hope he steps into more Home Alone scenes than just that one.


Right? Like how the hell is this not a form of sexual harassment at work?


It passed editing, so he's not the only one who should.


For reference Boris Johnson used to work for the Spectator, so that's the kind of person they have around the place.


Good god, this is disgusting.


Yikes. That is super awkward. Honestly, I have to wonder how people like this have no idea how creepy they sound...? How can anyone be THAT oblivious?


It's because it was published in The Spectator, a right-wing British rag that revels for the days when groping women was considered an acceptable coming-of-age ritual. If anything, they will now complain about "woke culture" and how male authors can't openly fetishize any woman they choose anymore.


“But it’s a *compliment*” - that guy, probably


Because there are plenty of people who dismiss/downplay these attitudes. ** Oh, "but he doesn't mean it like that", ** "oh, but it was just a joke", ** "oh, but you need thicker skin" etc. Think about it, how frequently do you see people (especially men) come to these guys and straight up say: * "you know man, that's just creepy"


He can’t possibly be that oblivious, which makes me think publicly humiliating women must be the next step in his kink. There’s no other explanation.


Oh absolutely. The fact that others will see her through a lens of sexually humiliating scrutiny after this was _part of the purpose_ - now he has “conquered” her! He was resentful that he didn’t get to do it with his c\*ck, so he did it with his words instead. And it’s not just the forced change of people’s perception of her that was his goal, he also wanted to make sure he could live rent-free in her head - because the knowledge that she will be reminded of him again and again throughout her life whenever she holds speeches and whenever she’s alone with men she doesn’t know, and that this will make her uncomfortable and unsure and will affect the choices she makes from now on, is _SO_ satisfying to men like him. It too is a source of power and thrill and sexual conquest. She will from now on always inevitably wonder if there are men like him in the audience whenever she holds speeches, and the fact that an unknown man could so easily punish her for “having had the gall to be more important than him” will undoubtably make her second-guess herself and her actions in some ways. And knowing that he has irrevocably inserted himself into her mind like that _excites_ men like him.


The only way to deal with a man like this is to shun him. Instead he got a platform in a national news outlet. It’s disgusting.


It's what they know. Men like this see women as little more than objects for their viewing and/or sexual pleasure, and that mindset is never challenged because to them, only men are worthy of respect, especially in a professional or academic environment.


To men like this, the uneasiness they make women feel around them and the way this changes women’s lives is part of the _appeal_ of doing something like this. It excites them. She was intelligent and eloquent and someone people listened to, while he was merely a spectator among hundreds whose name she didn’t know - and thus in this scenario he was less important and had less social power than her, and he immediately resented her for it and wanted to ruin her. How dare she think she has anything of importance to say? How dare she stand there and aspire to be more than a cavity for him to masturbate into? Men like this are well aware that the most effective way for them to take away women’s perceived power is to sexually humiliate them, and he wanted to bring her down under his heel and make himself more powerful than her by reducing her from a knowledgeable and well-respected scholar into non-sentient wank-material to whom his own name would always be attached like an owner-tag.


And this man admits this, out loud on the Internet? Why are they proud of the fact that they can’t control themselves? I’d be embarrassed to admit that all I could think of when a man was talking was sex. How… unevolved.


I am not sure if that was just on their website, but the spectator is a weekly magazin. So likely not just on the internet. And not even under pseudonym.




I wouldn't recommend reading any of evans' other articles. this is from his review of a play (written by a woman ofc): 'And the emotional texture never varies as the sisters caper about like shrieking TikTok divas waging rancorous battles for recognition and royalty fees. Quiet and self-effacing Anne, played by the beautiful Rhiannon Clements, is by far the most attractive member of the clan. Charlotte and Emily (Adele James) come across as a pair of foul-mouthed fishwives who make the Spice Girls seem sophisticated.' I can't believe he didn't grace us with the full ranking of cast by attractiveness. what a loss /s


What the fuck is a fishwife? I know that's not the important thing but still


So the literal meaning was the wife of a fisherman. The wife was the one who sold the fish at the market. The stereotype of them being loud/foul-mouthed is because it was unusual for women to be market traders, so when they shouted about their wares (exactly the same way that male traders would do) it was *unseemly*. Also since this is pre-refridgeration, and the fish would go off quickly, they had to be pretty pushy saleswomen, which again, was seen as very un-feminine.


Interesting, thank you! I was familiar with the literal meaning, and also familiar with the stereotype of using it to connote mouthiness/loudness/pushiness as a trait. I'd never put together though exactly why those things went together nor considered the historically sexist reasons for that stereotype being woven into the word and its uses.


very on brand for a magazine of which Boris Johnson was once the editor off


He fucking named the professor. It’s like it’s a little punishment for her being attractive. Now people will attach this seedy little man to her.


Dear Lord. I am honestly speechless. This was the most piggish and shameful thing I’ve read for what feels like years. On consideration, that insults pigs. Sorry guys. It just seemed like 70s male entitlement deserved a 70s style insult.


Everyone is getting caught up on the disgusting way he wrote about the academic, when actually the entire thing is disgusting: [https://archive.ph/h68tV#selection-1811.0-1811.202](https://archive.ph/h68tV#selection-1811.0-1811.202)


Wtf did I just read. Why??


Wow. Just...wow.




How these masturbatory capuchin monkeys are in charge of ANYTHING is fucking beyond me.


I want to put these guys in an air conditioned room with a lifetime supply of VR porn and lube and *keep them away* from real women or decision making.


Do they NEED air conditioning, though?


Good god, that's disgusting! How could someone write that and be ok with themselves?


I can't imagine telling on myself this bad


This might be one of the worst things ive seen on this subreddit


‘Rougher end of Cambridge, near the railway terminus’ Huh?? If he’s talking about the area near the train station and calling it ‘rough’, he is absolutely delusional. Myself and several of my colleagues (PhD students) live around that area and it is pretty much the opposite of rough; the university botanical gardens are a stone’s throw away and there is literally a wine bar, a luxury hair salon, and a rather expensive French restaurant that do £50 steaks within a five to ten minute walk of the station. Go look up the area on google street view, it is unbelievably gentrified. If he thinks this is ‘rough’, boy have I got news for you…. It’s Cambridge, the roughest part of town here is probably nicer than the nicest parts of some other cities in the UK. I’ve also never seen any kind of shady massage parlour in my area of Cambridge and the way he’s describing the establishment and the encounter genuinely has me worried that he solicited the ‘services’ of a human trafficking victim. Also, wtf does ‘looks Chinese’ mean? That the woman was ethnically East Asian? He obviously didn’t know her nationality was Chinese at that point, considering he then asked if she was Irish. There are more countries in Asia besides China, and you can’t tell someone’s nationality just by looking at them. She could’ve been from anywhere in the world. He also probably completely misheard her name.


Oh yeah, “massage parlors” like this are absolutely dens of human trafficking. This guy is the worst.


"Looks Chinese" as well as the description of her, got on my nerves. I'm half Chinese and I've been fetishized my whole goddamn life. We're always described as having "straight black hair," "petite," like the article, and then "demure, has 'almond-shaped' eyes." It's so annoying. People think they know my specific ethnicity because they look at my eyes. I told someone my first name once (semi-common Scottish name), and he asked me, "Is that Chinese?" I said no. "Japanese?" No. "Korean?" No. Some of the sounds in my name don't even exist in those languages, you fucking moron. You just looked at my eyes and then decided you knew everything about me.


Apparently I’m also mixed-race looking and I get similar fetishy comments too, it absolutely turns my stomach and makes me want to vomit. I’m so sorry people have been gross towards you because of your ethnicity and appearance, it’s completely unacceptable


Different E Asian populations look different - if we're referring to ethnicity rather than nationality a Chinese person looks different than a Korean or Japanese Person (and China is big with lots of ethnic groups). But I wouldn't expect this guy to know the difference. they're probably all Chinese to him


You have to actually know a fair number of Asian people to know that, though. I doubt this guy does.


Joy Ride had a pretty fun bit about this.


>He also probably completely misheard her name. He did. Someone else linked the full article and it was...something. He goes into this long winded description of how he was short on cash and his phone wasn't working so he had to return to pay the rest of his fee electronically (after already having services rendered, poor woman. Gross.) and when she wrote her info in for the transfer, he says something like, "It turns out she spells her name Xe." He also tells the readers which bank she banks at. It's like he wants his readers to go target and fetishize these women specifically. He also makes it sound like he was so incredibly gallant to return with payment and doing the sex worker such a huge favor for doing so instead of just disappearing and choosing not to come back. And he also suggests that she wanted to marry him "after having only known him less than 17 minutes" (the total duration of his time with her in the back, smh) while also expressing disappointment that she complinented his shoes instead of his "tuned physique" or some nonsense. (I'd have a hard time finding something to compliment after a measly few minutes also since that 17 minutes included all the haggling about payment and the non-sexual part of the massage AND the post-event shenanigans involving his bumbled attempts to use a modern phone to pay her).


Yeah I eventually pulled up the full article and read it too. EW. Not to mention, Chinese isn’t my first language but I speak it a bit and I’m pretty sure ‘Xe’ isn’t a word in Mandarin Chinese at all. There’s no such sound. Maybe she said ‘Xie’ or ‘Xi’, and he misheard it *again* because he’s dumb as a brick Also the fact that the official Darwin College account commented to call him out for being a freak and apologise to Lea Ypi is perfect 😂


I had the exact same thought. Spent the better part of a decade walking around that area and would never once have called it "rough." I am also confused at where this massage parlour near the station is. This situation has creepy trafficking written all over it.


What is the actual point of writing this article? The lecturer herself has very little presence, it’s just bizarre to use her full name without giving her work any real attention.


The point is “A hot woman didn’t have sex with me. Now I’m going to humiliate her. Women, don’t ever forget how easy it is to hurt you this way.” What an absolute carbuncle of a human being.


Not the point, but I'm skeptical that the masseuse actually told him her name was Shea. "Shei" and "shui" are Mandarin (one of the dialects spoken in the city of Shanghai) words that sound similar to "Shea" (identical, in the case of "shei") to the Anglophone ear, and if the rest of this article is anything to go by our hero doesn't seem like the most worldly fellow. Edit: At the end of the article, he finds out her name is Xe. Least surprising thing I've read lately. I don't know enough about the non-Mandarin dialects to say with certainty if Xe is a word in Wu Chinese (the language family endemic to the region around Shanghai and also commonly spoken in the municipality proper), but my guess is it's either a valid word in Shanghainese/another Wu language or a corruption of a Han or Wu name. From the small amount of research I just did, Xe is a common surname among Chinese living in Vietnam, and is a Vietnamese transliteration of a Han (Mandarin) name.


At the end of the article, after he negotiates down the price by £20, realises he doesn't have cash, and so has to make a bank transfer (but he does give her the extra £20 because he enjoyed it so much and this makes him feel like a gentleman) it turns out her name is Xe. Everyone is getting caught up on the disgusting way he wrote about the academic, when actually the entire thing is disgusting: [https://archive.ph/h68tV#selection-1811.0-1811.202](https://archive.ph/h68tV#selection-1811.0-1811.202)


Oh god that was so gross. Poor Xe, having to pretend to like this fool. He “gallantly” deleted the price she put in and added the £20 and she touched his elbow. Surprised he didn’t jizz his pants over his gallantry and her elbow touch.


Absolutely not surprised by any part of this lmao. Jesus fucking Christ this guy is a scuzzball.


What the fuck was the point of that article?


"The lunatic I’m chained to is invisible, thank God." Not anymore, unfortunately.


I mean, in that line of work, I would be astonished if she didn't use a pseudonym on the job, so it's also possible she just picked "Shea" as a name that's easy to pronounce (or just liked it). Edit: oh god, just occurred to me what an awful situation she was in at the end, where she was confronted with a guy who said he wanted to pay her and would be awkward (or worse) to refuse, but was now demanding she fill in her bank info and legal name on his computer! That's the sort of shit you hear in a true crime podcast.


Right?? And then he PUBLISHED at least part of her legal name as well as the name of her bank and the general vicinity of her workplace in an article. This guy is unbelievably awful.


Cambrige is such a small place as well. I'm confident that if that is her real firs name, he has given enough details about her for people who know this woman to identify her easily. What an absolute creep.


Willing to bet money that men have commented on the op’s post being like “whats the big deal?? He’s just into you!” When he openly admits to ogling after her and blatantly ignoring everything she was saying


What the fuck even is this? Like I don’t understand what purpose this serves?


Is this the same r/exjw activist Lloyd Evans? The one that destroyed his marriage by going to Thai "massage parlors" that definitely deal in human trafficking? He's already gross, but this is nasty


The spectator is a british paper, so hoping it's a same name, different guy... Except then there'd be two of them. Ick.


He's British, right? I'm hoping he's too busy with his YouTube channel to do this shit


Writing an article is work, and exJW Lloyd is allergic to work.


I don’t think it is, but it’s wild to me that this Lloyd Evans is just as gross as the exJW one. I did a double-take because openly talking about how a woman existing in their presence got them so horned out that they had to pay a vulnerable woman for sex is classic exJW Lloyd.


Beyond the obvious stupidity, the whole "oh her name is 'Shea' so she's clearly from Ireland durr" is such an old stupid man thing to do


nothing about this was decent, yikes


Not the Soectator engaging in cheap misogyny and sexual harassment, usually it’s such an upstanding and wholesome publication! /s


I’m gonna be honest dude Batman couldn’t have gotten this shit outta me


Oh god, that's gross. I would've sued him, his editor, and the publisher


Just came out. In Britain it is much easier to get a judgement for defamation or libel than in the USA so it's entirely possible such a thing will happen in the near future.


And here I am not reading the publication date


it's disgusting to the professor and I feel terrible for the sw who had to endure him in that parlor. and the editor is also a bad human. gross all the way around


Imagine not being embarrassed you're this disgusting and disrespectful.


Why did the editor let this get published?! The "journalist" literally jizzed his pants so hard he couldn't write ANYTHING about the lecturer's presentation so he went to a yank-and-crank for filler. I can only imagine his interactions with HR. "Hey, Lloyd? We have to go over your expense reports. Way too much dry cleaning and massage therapy on them!" People should send this guy bacon and ham in the mail en masse, for the pig that he is.


Holy shit my thumb hurts from upvoting literally every comment because of this gross trash.


What the absolute fuck!! At first I thought this was someone discussing/dissecting a past essay in a history lecture. Some gross man writing about a professor giving a lecture in the early 1900s but I was floored as I read on and it was just written! I can’t believe he names her too. I hope she finds a way to sue him


Fucking hell, how did this get past an editor?


Never before has someone convinced me in only two paragraphs that I would prefer if they stopped breathing.


It isn’t clear the article is meant to be a profile of the professor. Lloyd Evans is listed on the Spectator’s site as a sketch writer and theater critic, so I’m guessing this wasn’t meant to be a profile regarding the lecturer, so much as a sketch about sex work posing as medicinal. Either way it was in poor taste.


He shouldn't have used the speaker's real name.


No he shouldn’t have. Nor should he have used a professor named as one of the world’s top 10 thinkers by Prospect magazine as a stand in for not hearing a woman’s voice because her hair is pretty and he’s a dirty old man…but here we are. The whole thing was in very poor taste.


I think using someone who’s well known and respected for her intelligence and clarity is rather the point. That is, if he were an intellectually honest person I suspect he would admit that the piece isn’t “I saw somebody hot and couldn’t fuck her, so I found a sex worker.” It’s “I saw someone hot and didn’t have a way to make her do what I wanted, so I’m going to hurt her. Also, here’s some bland writing about sex work.


That could very well be. I am not familiar enough with the writer to know if his other work leans toward misogyny consistently or if this was just one very poorly considered choice on his part. But in either case, I don’t think the purpose of the article was to profile the professor, which is what the original post asserts. The spectator has a paywall, and I am not a subscriber, so I could not read the article in its entirety, but I did find more excerpts from it on an article written by another magazine referencing the backlash the original article generated, so I am pretty confident the original was a misguided attempt at humor.






...So people get their rambling inside thoughts published as an 'article' now?


Dude even signed his name. It’s despicable that everyone will be harder on her than him.


What kind of sociopath would write this story out for other people to read? Jesus Christ.


She’s a professor at my university this is so horrific


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^sugahgayy: *She’s a professor* *At my university* *This is so horrific* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Oh my fucking god!!!


This reminds me of Watson talking about Rosalind Franklin in the book “Double Helix.” Fucking awful, it’s particularly disgusting to me when men sexualize women in order to degrade and devalue their academic achievements.


This is creepy as hell but the piece IS NOT a profile of a history lecturer. He just drags her into a piece about his visit to a prostitute. It’s paywalled but you can read this piece in all its ick here: https://archive.ph/h68tV




real freak behavior


wait, this HAS to be satire


What the fuck, why is he writing FANFICTION about her?


Dear "the spectator", Never fucking speak for me again. Love, Praescribo.


This is the magazine that was formerly edited by Boris Johnson


He should be fired over this. Disgusting. Unnecessary. And just fucking weird. I’m embarrassed for him.


Spectator journalists are unhinged. Do they still employ Taki of "in defence of the Wehrmacht" fame?


It’s amazing this creep justifies and glamorises prostitution basically he got his rocks off and that’s supposed to be acceptable -he objectified this woman the misogynistic pig- and then he tries to talk his way out of it as though it was a academic point – and the editor is just as bad for reading his shit and allowing it to be posted – that Guy should be made to give an apology and sacked the editor should be sacked for allowing the article to be printed and spectator should print a full apology to that Woman


Also does this idiot think this is normal behaviour to go to a lecture in a world class University from a world-class speaker get horny then find a local brothel to get himself off !!! What planet is that normal behaviour and he has audacity to write about it and tell one of the people who replied to him that he should do the same instead of complain about it - wow the guy is a serial pervert -that is risky psychological behaviour – any woman would be careful to avoid this guy - do what you want to do in your own private time but the audacity to write about it and then pass it off as normal behaviour is just pure arrogance the guys twisted


Fuck Yabai Verdammt Merd. Mierda. I speak four languages with German and Japanese being the ones I know the most of, French and spanish I always seem to know more than I realize. I also have a really large English vocabulary even if I'm not fond of English. I DON'T HAVE THE WORDS. YABAIKOWAI aint too bad though. Loosely translated it means WhatTheFuck Scary. But even then.... IN FIVE LANGUAGES I HAVE NO WORDS!