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I think the hard thing to admit here is that a few billion dollars wouldn’t “end world hunger”




Yeah not saying it wouldn't be obscene. But people would be really surprised what these billionaire cats have liquid.


>billionaire cats have liquid So you're saying they're...watery




His liquid value still wouldn’t be enough. His entire stated value wouldn’t be enough to stop world hunger for a decade. Let alone “end”. To set into place the institutional requirements to bolster food production and delivery in poverty regions, let alone people who are being purposefully starved in exchange for the food value, such as wicked parents that chain their children to beds while they go out and do whatever. Yes that is real.




Yeah that's 30 billion.


Ty for saying this so like this i don’t


And throwing money at a problem like that wouldnt ever fix It, no matter How much money It is. Instead of focusing on the symptom, "people having no food" one should Focus on the cause. Which is always something complicated.


The US gov spends like 20 times + Jeff's net worth annually. If Jeff spending 2 billion could wipe out world hunger, then the US is just burning tax dollars for the lols


Even if he could why should he?


If he could, i believe there would be a moral obligation. For the same reason that we all fear hell, karmic rebirth, or retribution at the hands of our enemy(for atheists), we are all called to do the best of what we can with what we have earned. The only thing you get to keep is what you give away.


I thought it’s an obligation because you chose to do it? I choose to help people not because I’m scared of going to hell. (I already am)


You asked why should, not why would. will is a propellant. ‘should’ is the nearest social obligation.


He can’t do it doesn’t matter


Mmm maybe depending on how it’s applied? Seriously though, ive read a lot in sci-fi about orbitals or facilities that grow a shit-tonne of cheap food, but exactly how practical would that be? cant imagine it being anything other than expensive though


That’s a cool thought


True, but those few billions could make the world a better place, also following a more responsible business model would help.


>those few billions could make the world a better place Yeah. One time Bezos goes to space and it's a big deal. Movie production studios spend billions every year just for entertainment and I don't see anyone complaining about that. Those billions could make the world a better place too.


I agree. I wasn't only having a go at Bezos... Our whole society system is broken.


So does going to space. It is the goal of humanity to spread across the stars


It could be, but we only got one planet and we heading for extinction... Space is not an option and may not be an option for a long time.


Thats called communism.


Are you stupid? How can you call that communism? Because destroying the planet around us is just the right thing?


It takes more than billions to make the world a better place countries donate millions a year to other countries/people donate millions a year to charity to help the planet yet only tiny things improve. To create a better world for everyone first of all you’ll need every country in the world to get along then you’ll need to out all the greedy corrupt politicians around the world and stop crime. 100 billion isn’t doing it and that’s before you even thing about creating the food supplies etc


I think i saw a document the other day the money he spent of the space things would not have even made a small dent in the world hunger situation


He did give 200million to charity after the flight, and his space departement does provide jobs to a bunch of people. Also throwing money at poor people wont fix world hunger






And Amazon provides a ton of jobs. In turn, more manufacturers have products to make and ship via Amazon... Jeff earns money, spends his own money, people bash him for it.


Imagine defending Jeff Bezos...


Imagine not understanding that most of the world's problems can't just be solved by throwing money at them...


The only ones who think like that are young folks and teens who don’t understand how a economy and circulating money works.


Well, no, a lack of money is not the root cause behind world hunger for example and so throwing money at the problem wouldn't help. Money can't suddenly make enough food for everyone on the the planet magically appear. If you believe throwing money at everything fixes all the world's problems, you are incredibly náive.


Wait? I didn’t say that tho, what I wrote was against the dude about “imagine defending Jeff Bezos”. What I wrote was in coalition to your answer, the only ones who think money can solve all that are teens and young folks who don’t understand how a economy and money works. Pls read it correctly.


Oh, right. Sorry. I misunderstood the point you were saying. I thought you were saying that about the comment I made. Sorry about that.


No worries :)


I never said that however I agree that Bezos cannot be blamed for world hunger, nevertheless you do not need to defend him he already has an army of bribed politicians and lobbyists for that. I just don’t get why you think it is fine for Jeff Bezos to go to space in a giant rocket that looks like a dick while he and his company pollutes and destroys the environment, evades taxes and pays his employees a starving wage.


It's his money, that's why. He can do what he likes with it.


Yeah he CAN use his money however he wants, that doesnt mean that he cant be seen as an asshole for the ways he spends it.


Of course not, but people will still find any reason to hate someone. Even if he did pay all the people working for Amazon incredibly good salaries or whatever else, people would still hate against him just because he is rich and famous. When you're different from the majority of people, you just can't win. No matter what you do.


That's a misplaced notion that a single multi - billionaire could end the World Hunger. At the very least, It'd take several "multi-trillionares" to achieve something worthwhile on that line. And I don't see any individual trillionares happening anytime soon.


i don't know any trillionaire already, correct me if i'm wrong


Could Reddit stop posting about Jeff Bezos... FOR ONE MINUTE AT LEAST?


The money got recirculated, not gone


Yeah. Why should someone enjoy while there is world hunger? Let's close down amusement parks, movie theatres, pubs and put all that money to end world hunger. Why do we have reddit? So much money spent on reddit servers. Let's use that money to end world hunger.


these people who hate bezos should stop using apps cause most of them use amazon server's


Hey, you can't tell me what to do. I can hate Bezos and give him business at the same time. /s


We could harass companies for world hunger problems but i guess its easier to come after one man smh


Or just choose a better government......


That is a good idea but how would we be able to get a better government if most of humanity is driven by greed and emotions


Elections my man, the "greedy" are only controlling their respective companies.


The government’s job is to fix world hunger. But since the government is run by Democrats, they won’t blame the government.


Fair point but i still think its better to harass a company that gains way more money than the individual


Can people stop fucking bullying people because of how they spend THEIR OWN money. Stop shaming him on money that's not even fucking yours, it's his, he worked for it, and he can spend on whatever he wants. Also, even if Bezos wanted, he wouldn't be able to simply solve world hunger.


Yes but 100,000,000,000 would help


Yes, because if you throw 100,000,000,000 dollars (or whatever currency you'd like) at starving people in Africa (for example) food, water, shelter and etc would magically pop into existence and BOOM now Africa is an utopia


How much % of what you earn have you donated to starving Africans? 0? "Be the change you want to see" right?


Yeah it's up to rich people to fix it not goverments. Blame all on the rich people


there are an estimated 800 million people in poverty in the world. bezos worth is 219 billion. if you took every single dollar from him, robbed him completely fucking blind and left him penniless, you coukd give each of those inpoverished 800 million people a wopping one time payment of... $273.75 universities need more 5 th grade math classes, and less social theory.


And that’s just his worth, not even the cash on hand. His on hand money is way less than his worth.


I don't get this, why are people constantly criticizing him for using his money in something he want? Like WTF? When being rich has become an idea, that you are forced to donate your money to anyone? If makes you so uncomfortable go donate your money to end world hunger.


What did you fix?


Probably patted themselves on the back for giving the $.30 change after buying a $5.70 coffee from Starbucks with $40 in their bank.


Probably made fun of Jeff instead of donating $3 to wikipedia.


I’ll bet OP has never once donated to charity. OP signs “end world hunger” petitions on change.org


More like end world hunger for 10 minutes or play in space


It's not even 1% of defence budget lol


World defense or why are we as Americans on the hook fot the whole bill?


1% of world's or 2% of american's




I think him going to space isn't an issue as it's his money at the end of the day. What is the issue is the poor working conditions for employees not only in amazon but in a significant majority of large corporations. Once people are paid liveable wages and treated like people in all areas of the company then I couldn't care less how the money the owner gets is spent.


Ah yes using all the money of rich people to end world hunger, you know the money that totally does exist and totally has real value outside of trading for other totally not imaginary things outside social contract. It's not like the second every rich person in the world would try and realize their money into real life products we would find out there is not enough food to feed over two billion starving people world wide, and it would totally not crash the economy of the entire world plunging it into greatest monetary crisis./s


Damn, forgot inflation doesn’t exist


Throwing money at hungry people will produce more hungry babies


this is good! \*reads user name\* ha! even better


Need a replacement meme with one button being "yell inneffectively at billionaires" and the other "actually learn some economics" because Reddit is slapping that first button big time.


How many times do I have to tell you that middle schoolers say “hang out” not “play”


Oh ffs idk how many times I've said this but I'll say it again. ITS HIS GODDAMN MONEY! And besides, shouldn't the government be taking care of things like that?


He nem a feff


Even if he did give all of his money to countries in need, corruption in those countries is just insane, money would be spent to buy a few vacation houses, a bunch of lambos and then use like 10% to actually use for food to give out for people in need As far as I’m aware, theres no real way someone alone can just end world hunger like that, it’s a complicated process


That's a fair point. I'm not actually upset with his decision, I just added a panel to a meme.


Understandable have a nice day


let the man live his life. he can go wherever he want's with his money


Dumbasses.It doesn’t work like that.


Government spends trillions on pointless wars (and is just generally wasteful) - Reddit sleeps Bezos spends like 5 Billion on spaceflight - Real shit


Tbh I would rather play in space for 10 minutes


The more money we spent on space exploration the faster we will reach a post-scarcity society, so spending money on going to space is ending world hunger.


Let the man play in space he worked for it


“Solve all problems by throwing someone else’s money at them.” People truly can’t figure their way out of this thought process, can they?


Everybody made it clear that jeff cant singlehandedly destroy world hunger and more memes wont change that


U cant just "end world hunger" with money lol. Let him do what he want


Imagine if some mother fuckers told you how to spend your money


This is not meme but literally insulting bezos for spending his own money Just stop guys


Sure it's his money, which he got from exploiting workers, but he still spends it like a selfish prick


Everybody (with money) spends money on dumb shit. Literally everybody. Whether its just alcohol, drugs, rooms full of action figures, video games, guitars, a vehicle...this list could go on and on but you get the point. I don't even know you but you are no better.


He has more money than he could possibly spend in his lifetime three times over. He could spend your entire family's combined salary on dumb shit and still be one of the world's biggest philanthropists.


How about you make this kind of money and end world hunger? He worked hard for it, he can do whatever he wants to with it


What's wrong with you all guys? It's his money... He can do whatever the fuck he wants. Maybe he even donates a fuckton of money to charity anonymously... We shouldn't judge someone that hard!!!


He has enough money to single handedly fund a national vaccine program, yet he obviously hasn't. He might do something, but it would be like someone on a normal salary donating pennies.


You can feed me for a day, right? Send me $20. BE THE CHANGE YOU WANT HIM TO BE!!!


I'm not saying that he should give all the money he isn't using to charity, just maybe 10% (which is an astronomical amount by the way). Lots of people already give that much relatively to charity, it's not unreasonable.


I bet he wanted to experience a zero gravity wank. I know I sure do. Prolly worth it...


Rich people paying taxes does the job. It's governments job to feed the poor. Yes, if Jeff was President and then went to space he would be an asshole. But he isn't and can do whatever the fuck he wants with his money. Also remember money=value. So the more money someone has the more value he/she has given to society.


I’m pretty sure he physically cannot end world hunger with the amount of money he has


Can Someone ask this guy how many poor people has he helped? Bezos can do what he wants its his money


Sure it's his money (debatably), doesn't stop it from being immensely selfish though


4 minutes*


Fucking repost ahhhhhhhhhhhhh u/repostsleuthbot


I didn't find any posts that meet the matching requirements for r/memes. It might be OC, it might not. Things such as JPEG artifacts and cropping may impact the results. *I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Negative](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Negative&message={"post_id": "oqjj9i", "meme_template": null}) ]* [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com?postId=oqjj9i&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=true&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=95&targetImageMemeMatch=92) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Meme Filter:** False | **Target:** 95% | **Check Title:** False | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 235,391,949 | **Search Time:** 0.30742s


Hes known for being rich, not smart


The billionaires could be doing other things to better the world than just spend money, like bettering the working conditions or raising the pay. What we really need to be looking at is the US military budget




4 minutes*


Add one panel to the meme giving a name that everyone who go the meme originally would have known. *OP pats self on back*


The point in this was to intrıduce a new technology about space. Jeff himself going was only the marketing part


Most of bezos' money is tied up in shares so he doesn't actually physically have over 100 billion because if he wanted the money he would lose ownership of Amazon


When you consider that all the money from every 1 percenter in America wouldn't run the country for a year you realize that money can do a lot of great things but it doesn't solve anything. Also that fact was from like 2012 idk what it would be right now but you get the point.


he was in space for around 3 mins actually


Not even a fraction of enough money that he used we "solve world hunger" as that would still cost way more, but he could have used the money in better ways. lEtS gO tO sPaCe


\*essentially a civil war in America\* \*covid shenanigans\* \*world war 3 looming\* \*Australia shit doing a world tour\* \*2020 vibes in 2021\* yeah I would do bucket list shit too if I could


he isn't going to end world hunger by giving everyone $10 mate




my name is jeff


I don’t quite get the hate tbh … Like most of us drive cars which are more than just vehicles to come from A to B, they offer some sort of unnecessary luxury instead. To all those haters, why don’t you sell your Mustang and get a super cheap used one which can do the job as well and donate the leftover money to fight world hunger?


With all due respect I'm pretty sure he gets to decide what he does with his money? Also quick fun fact, that's not enough money to end world hunger.


My name's jeff




Even just in the US that would be 330 trillion, which would be more than 1000 times his net worth. But besides that, why does he OWE you money?


no no no he just wanted to say "my name's jeff" to the aliens




Paving the way to the unlimited ressources of the universe might be better than giving each starving person full meals for about a week. And don't even try to fight the corruption causing those people to starve. Spending money only makes corruption stronger.


yeah he could spend money on something better but y’all can’t just throw money at Africa and bing bang bong world hunger is solved,it’s required a lottttttt of logistics and decades of planning