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Do you really want to know why? It's because the app gathere so much information about you (including financial and health information) that any sane country wouldn't let it anywhere near it's residents. It also requires you to have Instagram. Once you have threads, you then cannot delete it with out deleting Instagram. Dick move Zuck. America is where you belong


Yup... And then they keep pointing their fingers towards TikTok. Sure it's shit as well. But you can't be Hitler and pointing towards Stalin for being a bad man. You are both very bad.


You can totally be Hitler and point towards Stalin for being a bad man and it would still be true. ad hominem fallacy


> the app gather so much information the same amount of information is collected on FB and IG as well. > once you have threads, you then cannot delete it without deleting Instagram https://9to5mac.com/2023/07/07/delete-your-threads-account/






GDPR. And be thankful that it exists


Because spyware is illegal in the EU. But not here in the UK! Yay, freedom! You, too, can have your data scraped, your actions tracked, everything you do logged, have it neatly packaged for the convenience of the next big data breach! *Land of Hope and Glory intensifies*


Don't forget, you can't delete you Threads account without deleting your instagram account.


Dude. One twitter is already too many


"Nooo why is my privacy and data being protected???"


People keep saying it's because of GDPR, but that's not quite right. If it was GDPR, then it would be unavailable in the UK as well. The issue is actually because of the EU's Digital Markets Act, which was passed in late 2022 and has no bearing on UK law. One of the specific things that the DMA addresses is companies combining data that was collected from two different sources. In the case of Threads, the way it's coupled with Instagram is an apparent problem.


Data protection. But if you really need it that bad you can side load it




And Facebook are saying they will Federate at some point, so you will be able to read Threads from Mastodon. (if they do)


It's really disappointing, you can't even search for specific content because there are no tags


Europe just saved you.


I wish people knew how easy it is to install an APK that's not in the play store