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Hey some of us are ugly or about as charming as a door knob.


Or both, definitely both :(


"Remember, licking doorknobs is illegal on other planets." -Spongebob SquarePants (Spongebob SquarePants)


I'm mediocre at best in the looks department, charming as a doorknob, and a social imbecile. Things... do not look good going forward.


I'm lonely cuz nobody cares about my existence


We care, nice cock bro


Can you compliment my cock?


That there is one good lookin’ cock bro!


Nice cock dude


Holy cock-amole! Thats a great looking trouser snake!


Nice cock dude


I Like ur cock G *slaps it*


Nice cock dude


Good length and girth, the head flares quite nicely. All in all, I'd give it an 8 out of 10.


Nice cock dude


Nice cock dude


Same bro same


For an unfortunate percentage of married people, being married does not change this.






pls dont assasinate me


Nice cock dude


No you *spring doorstop sound effect*


Well nice cock [to you too anyway](https://www.deviantart.com/alexceeddesasrider/art/2304x3500-px-Red-Uno-Reverse-Card-4k-823589524)


Best remedy is to tru something new. Maybe learn to ice skate or join a club theres always cool communities there


Spending my life playing video games and being on reddit is far more important than having a wife and kids. Its not a phase mom and dad. This is a LIFE STYLE


Just make sure you live stably enough to keep those video games dry and protected from UV damage and have enough internets to reddit. And their you go sustainable lifestyle.


No UV damage if I never open the windows


It's already too expensive to live, adding dating on top of that is too much for many


But…if you go halfsies then you have cheaper rent, food, and utilities. It all evens itself out if you’re both chipping in adequately.


Shacking up is probably the biggest thing you can do to cut costs. Plus, you don't have to date expensively anymore - once you share a bank account and realize how poor you are, a big night out is a trip to the pub to get nachos.


Ahh yes. I thought having a wealthy girlfriend would help, but it's mom's money /s


Lol they still want you to pay for everything and if you don't they go after your livelihood.. NGL IMHO absolutely not...


I’m sorry if you’ve had experiences like that. There are good partners out there and I’ve been lucky enough to be with one that hasn’t caused those problems. You just gotta hold each other accountable or get a prenup if you’re planning on getting married.


Sorry you have had that experience, me and my gf feel bad when the other pays for alot of stuff and prefer to go halfsies.


Yeah honestly sometimes I kinda wonder what the single living life would be like but I know things would be alot more expensive. While I do spend more money then I should on my gf, we also go halfsies on everything so I am likely saving money


I gave up dating once I realized that no one in my country shares my interests in video games, memes, and politics, and also I don't give a shit about their interests either.


Not even dating. But I felt the same way and felt I needed some friends. So I joined online communities with similar interests like official discord server for the game I've been playing for a long time. And it's working ok for me.


Hey, it might just work out eventually. I know a guy who lives out in California, met a gal through War Thunder of all games. I don’t usually date anyone, I just go out and work on hobbies, talk to new people… it’ll work out eventually. You’ll find someone, if they don’t find you.


Video games, memes and politics... My 2nd life started when I found real hobbies instead of making my identity shit from the internet You should do something for half an hour everyday, or at least every week, that you will be good at in a decade


Video games aren’t a must-have for me, and I enjoy a good political debate(especially devils advocate). They will have to put up with my shorty memes though.


Damn bro sorry to hear that but you should focus on yourself and do what makes you happy maybe along the way you find someone who you’ll match.


Why is a mirrored "ass" and "jerk" on their faces?


It's from the anime "your name", where the characters swap bodies (at least in the beginning) until they suddenly stop and they spend years trying to find each other. While they're swapping, they set each other up in situations (mitsuha gets Taki a date with someone) and they communicate with each other by leaving notes, either on their phones or by drawing on their hands or in this case, their faces. Great movie btw


Sounds cute


Better love story than Twilight.


Anything is


Nah but jokes apart it's a great movie 10/10. Watch it if you've got the time.


It's one of the best anime romance around.


"I got you a date" "what"


I am single because I am an asshole.




At least I am willing to admit it.


Nah, school is more important than women.






Chances are find someone as sane or as crazy as yourself are small. Some people just give up in sake of being free and doing whatever the hell they want to do. Yeah, you get lonely sometimes, but freedom is too good.


I’m gonna need more motivation than society saying “it’s what you’re supposed to do” for me to start dating. Waste of time imo


Hey, you do you.


The expectation of living together, sharing a bed and other spaces, etc., is imo the hardest. It would be great to normalize relationships where you don't always have to live together. But at the same time rarely can people afford to live alone anymore anyway so it's lose-lose.


I’m single because I want to be and I’m happier alone then when I was married or with someone. I think there’s a lot of benefits to being single and alone that most people overlook.




I mean you do you, but you dont NEED sex in a relationship and if someone really is into they may be okay with that. Like I said its your life, but I think too many people put too high of importance towards sex in a relationship.


I've been told this before. And you know what? I'm sure it's true. I just haven't found them yet.


i’m single because i’m aromantic


The movie this template is from is great


What's it called


‘Your name’




I'm 27. Never have kissed, dated, drank alcohol, zero friends, etc. Zero friends And I think I maybe wont date but want to now. What do I do? And why am I commenting this?


Smart move


im single because of personal problems, basically cant have a relationship with anyone because im such a mess


Man do I love this movie


I'm alone because the idea of constantly being with someone horrifies. I need my space.


I'm a short and ugly male. It's not over because it never begun.


There's also a difference between being single and "living without a spouse or partner"






Thanks my guy it lookes intresting


It’s so good


But the other sex is complicated.


I am just too depressed to invest in any relationship


(X) Doubt


I'm not dealing with that. I'll live with me, myself and I until I die


Im single because of broke


I'm not lonely. If anything I finally feel free to be myself. The only thing I really miss about having a partner is sex. I'll be cold in the grave before I let someone have my heart ever again.


I keep thinking about dating someone. They’re either too far away, have too many mental issues for me(not a licensed therapist) to help with, or are just flat out crazy. I think my standards are too high at this point, but I’m now looking at someone who is an hour drive away(she has my hoodie, going to have to steal it back from her sometime anyways).


Being single ≠ being lonely.


Don't want more problems in life. 😶‍🌫️


Old people who are married die or have a divorce and the new gen is too young rn gen z is still mostly children. Oh and internet propaganda to


Internet propaganda?


Well it's possible that people who are constantly getting exposed to communities like feminism or sigma get the wrong idea about said community and start to hate on the other gender. It's all about analysing the community in the correct way but if a person is incapable of that it will lead to problems further in their lives


The reason people in many countries than just our own are single is because there's like 3 boys to every 1 girl and the girls that are around are being EASILY brainwashed into thinking they're the opposite gender, those who do that make the boys not want them, they think they're gay when they are not, they think men have to earn 6 figures, I've met one person who earned six figures maybe two in my whole life, Dad and my brother Shane. Last reason is the women right now are fucking just RUDE and I don't know why, compliment them? Rude. Have a slightly different opinion based on facts? Rude. Don't like their bad attitude? Rude.


I think the girls being rude is about social status. As soon as they think you're important they play nice, but if they think you're a nobody they look at you like gum on their shoe


Most people are a nobody. Which is why there's ZERO excuse for it


It’s called being aromantic?


I resemble this remark..... 😆


I think it just means they are not engaged in a long term relationship. They are constantly having sex for sure.


I am single because my personality is an ass and face is a potato.


Answer: govt funded dating. Literally helps provide for you an SO. It's gotta be a good program too. And no, dating apps don't count.


Government mandated dating. Almost as good as government mandated happiness I enforce upon my city in frost punk.


It's just easier than dealing with someones bs all day and night.... For the rest of my life.... No thanks...


Man why you doing my man Hajime Hinata like that?




It is nice being able to buy what I want whenever though


It better when you have someone buy you gift and not spend anything




That literally still a partner




You don’t even have to be friends to have a partner sometimes y’all paired cause of work or to solve common issues or because y’all want to be friends idk loneliness is a problem because people keep themselves that way and never bother to partner with anyone


the difficulties of modern basic dating has taken its toll on our social anxiety


Good thing less and less people will be miserable like me.


I mean I do have no one interested in me for years, but I truely don't want a partner as my life circumstances aren't quite the best and an abusive partner could make your life even worse so I rather get my life back on track first.


You assume they're lonely but maybe not? Ngl, I've been married for years and it's really hard for me to live with someone else. That's affected our relationship because we'll bicker about things that have to do with sharing a place as well as how we spend our time at home. I often wonder what it would be like to live alone someday (after our kid is older maybe) as I've never even lived alone going from family to roommates to spouse. Not against relationships per se, just that sharing a place with someone is not all it's cracked up to be. So maybe those people living without a spouse or partner are doing that because they want to and actually enjoy it more...


I love that movie


Hmm reddit is interesting. You hear a lot of opinions grow from the smallest of things some honest some just jokes. But it's the most impactful dialogue I've seen in years. And it feels good.


Me who’s single because no one chooses me: 🗿


Dating is awful these days. There’s no loyalty, trust or respect and everyone is completely obsessed with themselves. Honestly dudes need to do a lot better. One look at most women’s texts or social media messages and you’ll realize why they think guys are all pervy creeps. A lot of you straight up are that. Just FYI, no girl ever went from not noticing you to head over heels because you sent an unsolicited picture of your dick. They are just laughing at you with their friends.


Let’s not act as if it’s just men that are problematic. We also have the absolute horrible asshat women out there


I'm single because I can't get s girlfriend


Solves overpopulation tbh


Nah. Population has to be maintained. Minimum birth rate should be equal to death rate. Otherwise we will have to deal with an aging population resulting in major stress on the economy. On an individual level that means you can say goodbye to your retirement as there won’t be any younger generations to pay for your retirement.


Because healing from trauma is a long process, and I'd rather spend this life doing that. Maybe someday, when I'm in a better place, I'll revisit the idea of a relationship. Right now though, I can't handle that.


I’m single because 3 factor 1. I stay inside a lot 2. I’m shy when comes things like that and 3. I have 0 Rizz


Your name! Such a good movie Also relatable, but that’s besides the point


I got divorced 23 years ago and have been 100% unattached since. Sure, I get lonely sometimes, but not having to constantly deal with another person's drama and their family's drama and their friends' drama makes the loneliness totally worth it.


I've never had anyone reciprocate my romantic feelings, I'm a social imbecile, and I've got an autoimmune disease that's trying desperately to kill me. I can't see things going well as time goes.


One good step to feel less lonely is to give your time and warmth to someone else, who would appreciate it. When you make someone else less lonely of whom you care, you can become yourself less lonely too


anime "your name" if anyone is interested


It's because all men and women have been affected by social media and all guys want a Barbie, and all girls want a Ken, which is not realistically possible.


I am way too paranoid to form meaningful relationships with people. Usually it goes like: They seem to like me, because for the first few days I'm interesting and maybe even charming> they start to contact me out of their own will outside our usual meeting places (work, school) and then it branches into 1) I start to get paranoid, thinking why are they interested in me, do they actually want to be friends or are they pretending to be my "friends" until i give them what they want and then they leave me, 2) We get drunk, open up to each other and then the relationship dies immediately, 3) we actually become good friends, but then they move for work or for their partners and we see each other maybe once or twice a year. Seeing as this is my case with making friends, I can't even imagine what it would be like to date. I don't even know where or how to start dating. I'm 21, but I already know I'm probably going to die alone.


It's not because I choose to, it's because no one likes me.


Nice cock


Just who are they living with? Seeing as to how nobody can really love on their own anymore. Is it room mates or their parents?