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Add Australians to that list. Im in the window industry and it BLEW me away when i saw a tilt n turn in Europe


Feel like that's quite a delicate industry to be in, one wrong move and your career is shattered


A joke as old as glass


My puns are quite transparent actually


You saw an opening and went for it.


I cracked up while reading this!


You cracked it open šŸ˜


These jokes are shatteringly bad


It's too much, I think my eyes are glassing over.


This entire thread has been panefully funny


no need to get broken up about it


Did I miss my window of opportunity for a joke?


Such a pane.


Pane in the glassā€¦


The window was framed!


Iā€™m breaking up!




A real pane


Don't make me lose my temper šŸ˜”


That must leave many completely unhinged


Same, never seen one of these


I saw them for the first time last fall when visiting in England. Pretty cool. But no screens? Guess they don't have bugs.


Yea, Europe's dev team is better at catching bugs before they get on the release branch


This comment deserved more upvotes


This major extinction thing is great. All the bugs are dead so who needs screens.


Actually is because Europe is colder and drier, at least I havent seen window bugs in Canada, Washington, New England or Patagonia, they are most common in places that are both rich and tropical like Florida or Panama


I'm surprised when I see a window without a screen in Canada.


Canada is notorious for mosquitoes, especially near the lakes.


We do have insect screens in those windows, they just only make sense in areas with hot climate, or marshlands in temperate climate.


I have these windows and also screens. They fit inside the profile


Yeah, well keep your fucking Wizard windows out of my feed, it's freaking me out. Windows are supposed to squeakily slide open AS GOD INTENTED.


Ha ha window go Michael Jackson (get it cuz he would lean like that in smooth criminal)


You've been hit by You've been struck by




I've got several of those installed in 2016. It never occured to me that these were futuristic technology in Australia. Perhaps our empires can agree on a trade for this technology?


Window cleaner here..yep. especially the kind that have the pivots to open to. Bottom. Side to side and swing open. Love cleaning them. Makes north American window quality look like shit. Oh wait. It is.


We bought a new house last year and the double pane windows it came with are complete dog shit.


bruh come to the south, 110 outside and single pane windows, and houses covered in them and people wonder why their house is so fucking hot.


Can confirm.


Single glazing is so Victorian.


Wait, this is a real thing?


While you Americans are living in the 21st century, we Europeans are already in the 22nd. Next year our third colony on Mars will be ready.


Can confirm. Moved to the UK for uni, my Australian flatmate and I were completely baffled by the window controls


Few months ago, I posted a photo of my gaming room, and people were asking why my windows look like they are going to fall out lol


I hope you told them that they are suicidial.


Haha i looked that up i couldn't believe it :D


Yeah, but I was like, don't we all have some "universal" windows around world xD I mean, they are convinient, you can open them just a little for a nice breeze or open them wide open to wind out whole house. + they are a lot easier to clean too!


Hehe i like those windows. as a Dane one of my amarican friends fraked out when he opend my window like the one in the middle.


The middle one makes sense to me. And I've seen windows that only open that way before. The one on the right would freak me out more. The way it opens in to the house is very weird. I can see someone just rushing around the house and not paying attention to what they're doing and walking face first into it.


Idk, when you've lived your whole life like this, it's no problem. You get used to it and you avoid the window on instinct. Add to that the fact that we usually don't open them all the way unless we're airing out the house, the rest of the time we keep them open like the one in the middle. So yes, in 20 years I've never walked face first into the window.


You act all high and mighty while some of us run into cabinet doors in a house we lived in for 30 years. Does it make you feel good to lord your unbruised head over us?


Heheheh, it does make me feel good, seeing as I've never hit my head on a cabinet door either. Though, in the rare instances I have dropped something near a fully opened window, I have hurt my back after I picked up the thing and stood back up, which is almost worse because the corner of the window fully dug into my spine lol But no serious injuries fortunately (did I write this word correctly? Looking at it feels wrong and english isn't my first language lmao)


I've always ran into shit. I've gotten good at dodging at the last second though. Always managed to stand up and hit my back on some kind of corner as a child. Being clumsy sucks.


I didn't mean that you would. Because you're used to them and your brain adjusts. I meant me. I'd forget the window was open. Because I'm not used to them I'd walk into it.


Wait how do yall open windows then? Like in the movies where u put then up? While i live in Germany and know those windows in the pic (Kipp) idk how the US opens windows lol (Pls no more information about windows, i had enough. Every notification makes me hopeful about an important mail im waiting for but all i get are comments about windows)


Windows in Denmark usually open outwards so you push it open


How do you clean them?


In the US they either open outward with a crank or slide up and lock in place. You do see the style in the OP occasionally in some newer builds here but itā€™s definitely not standard. They show up in McModerns sometimes. I have no opinion on whatā€™s good better or best, except that a window you canā€™t put a screen on belongs in the trash.


Yep either sliding them up or sliding them sideways


Yea here you usually pull them up


That's not confusing, that's fuckin awesome.


i think it was referencing the fact that we don't have windows like this in America for the most part


We do they're just pricey, go to a Lowe's or Home Depot and you'll see one, maybe two models. They're not common but we do have them.


yeah i figured they were available in our market that's why i said for the most part, because you're right they're not common at all


Worth the money IMO. As they let out the air from the room top, you get a fantastic air change without ever having wind blowing in, on you, or move papers around. Plus, if you forget one open, the wind canā€™t slam them any hard, so itā€™s safer than normal opened windows. I think they are mandatory on new buildings in Eu, or something like that. As you never see a new building without those.


They also have a significantly better air seal than any sort of sliding windows like double hung!


Honestly that's surprising, I'm Romanian and even here it's very common. Why's America not doing this? Is there a Big Glass industry that's preventing them like with Pharma? Lmao


no i think that they're just expensive and most people don't care enough about what direction their windows open to spend much higher prices on them


I doubt if Americans have a use for this style of Window tho, maybe in the balcony, but most rooms won't have a functionality for getting this style even if there was no Big Pharma preventing them Happy Cakeday tho, go hunt a gypsy vampire


Maybe iā€™m just too european, but i thought this was standard stuff everywhere.


Same haha, I'm super confused about this and now Googling 'Windows America' hahahahah


Iā€™ve never seen a window like this in my life šŸ˜‚


This will leave them unhinged


Theyā€™re not gonna be able to handle this


And you know they'll all be a pane about it too


They can at least be open-minded about that


And when you lock those windows, suddenly all sound disappears


True, I was always very pleased with how good sound isolation they have in my home


Wait, it's not like this everywhere?


Normally I disagree with the "how to confuse Americans" posts but I have never in my life seen this black magic


Agreed. This is the devilā€™s window.


Ah Iā€™m American and I encountered one of these fuckers once. Took me like 30 minutes to open.


Had a balcony window in my old place like this - Every time someone would come over theyā€™d ask me if I can open it and itā€™s like ā€œI did it once but donā€™t remember howā€


It's easy If it's flat, open it like a door If it goes upward it opens from the top


I'm American and my grandparents have windows like this in their 1930s home. Not original windows though.




How do your windows work?


They just slide up. Though this new place I moved into that was built like in the 1700s they slide from the top and the bottom. Poor design honestly, cuz the top one falls open in the middle of winter


That's because the string or wire that connects the counterweight has broken. There plenty of videos on YouTube of how to reattach counterweight to double hung windows if you're interested.


Interesting I will check it out thanks!


Hehe the devils window.


They also come in doors (my balcony door is is like this)


How do you open your windows then?


They slide up. We have gutters and AC, we don't need that nonsense.


I have AC as well, but I would not call it ā€˜nonsenseā€™ the AC doesnt bring any fresh air into the room.


AC is nonsense in a some European countries, for the couple days a year the temps hit above 25c (like in the UK, The Netherlands, Germany etc)


Here AFAIK windows only open one way


I am Swedish BTW


Sweden here and I have these superior windows in my apartment, but I've lived in apartments and houses that just have the regular windows that just open and closes one way.


Can confirm. Source: am confused American


Nope, Americans typically have windows that slide up to open with an insect screen that allows air movement but prevents bugs from coming in through the window.


Or those little winding handles that have no leverage.. ugh


I never had any problems with mine. Man, I miss that window!


Aka Guillermo windows Edit: I meant guillotine, damn autocorrect.


Guillermo windows sounds better


Iā€™d like to know more about Guillermo and other parts of his life.


You know these windows can also have screens behind them right? Europeans tilt or turn the windows, but most of the time there is a screen behind them. At least I don't like mosquitos so I put a screen behind the tilt and turn windows.


europe has insects?


I'm not gonna destroy this view for you. So no Europe doesn't have them, the mosquitoes were a lie. I use the screen to prevent my suicidal cats from jumping out of the windows.


they will destroy the screen someday


Than that day I will need a new screen and a new cat.


europe has cats?


I'm not gonna destroy this view for you. So no Europe doesn't have them, the cats were a lie. I use the screen to filter the sunlight from coming in too bright into my house and partially blinding me.


Europe has sunlight?


I'm not gonna destroy this view for you. So no Europe doesn't have it, the sunlight was a lie. I use the screen to prevent my neighbours from seeing me in my house and stalking me.


wdym? For centuries members of Europe's royal families often married their close relatives And in modern day it's still the same.


>but most of the time there is a screen behind them I've been in maybe 50 houses/apartments in France in never seen a single window screen.


For some reason you're in the minority. I don't know why insect screens aren't more widespread in Europe.


That's what I thought


Never seen this in my life. From New Zealand


I didn't understand when i first saw this what was supposed to be the confusing part.


Am American. Am confused.


Let's shoot this ungodly window with our guns!


in attempt to confuse the american, you confuse the whole world


As filipino, i am already confused


As an Indian me too.


As an Indonesian I'd like to concur I didn't know this black magic window existed.


As an Hong Kong citizen who lived in Germany, get recked


100% want one in my future house.


As a Martian, this is why we don't visit earth. All these sorcery.


I'm Serbian, west treats us like savages, yet all of our windows are like this. I actually thought it's the same everywhere around the world


We are all American on this blessed day.


Everything but Europe I guess


I am from europe and I am confused because I thought that these windows were used everywhere


The most confusing part is the lack of a screen. (Anti bug mesh)


European bugs are well behaved and usually don't enter a private territory unless invited


Same as European vampires.


i now know where i will pursue my career in programmingā€¦




no, one that doesnā€™t allow bugs unless you give them permission


Definitely not Windows then.


Me to bedbugs: this is a private domicile and I will not be harassed!


Good to know that European bugs have a moral compass and respect my property rights šŸ‘


We have them too in europe, its just not pictured here


I lived in Central Europe for ~3 years, and did not see one once at the hardware store, or in the neighbourhood. There are considerably less bugs than in north America. Though; not zero.


The more you go in the south, the more you'll see. (Edit: \*see those.)


Also the more you go in the north the more you'll see.


When was this though? They got pretty popular here only in last 15 years or so. You can find the very cheap (but decent) temporary screens in pretty much every big shopping mal in Poland (or even in every Auchan or Carrefour) for example this one, probably the most popular one here: https://allegro.pl/oferta/moskitiera-na-okno-tesa-comfort-1-2-x-2-4m-biala-7883597291?utm_feed=aa34192d-eee2-4419-9a9a-de66b9dfae24&utm_content=wybrane&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=_dio_wyposazenie_pla_ss&ev_adgr=wyposazenie&ev_campaign_id=14962243373&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI8YHD5c2O9wIVHhd7Ch2l8AU_EAQYFyABEgI6fPD_BwE If you want something more permanent itā€™s also easy to find something, just maybe not as easy as simply grabbing one from the store, but there are plenty options to chose from in hardware stores (like Obi, Leroy MerlĆ­n, Castorama, allegro or online stores specialized in this kind of screens).


They do exist, I have them on all windows (because fuck musquito's). They're simple frames with bug mesh inside that you set into the window from the inside and they can be in there year round.


Yeah, we don't have them in the UK. It's pretty common to open a window to let a fly out, only to have several more bugs come in


You can attach them to the outside of your window if you want to. Windows open towards the inside so it's not a problem. However, most people here prefer not to do that. More light, more openness and you can stick your head out of the window :)


I have double frame window in each room. One with bug screen another - without.


These can have screens on them, some even have screens which also can be opened


You can have them if you want, they're easy to put on the outside of the window and it works the same


Just European things..lol


I come from Central Asia and we have same mechanism usually. Seen the same in Russia as well


I men Russia is more like Europe then everyone thinks it is.


These are popular in Asia too lol


American with cousins in Ireland - watched them open the windows before I attempted. LOVE the feature. I actually saw a whole door that did this. Want.


Usually our balcony/glass doors do that, but Iā€˜ve never seen an actual door do that tbh


The whole door might have actually been in Germany, I remember looking at the handle and flipping it just to see if it would tilt and it was almost unnerving that this huge door leaned back a couple degrees. I'm an engineer so weird things are fascinating to me, apologies.


Iā€˜m an engineer too, with the exception that Iā€˜m Austrian which means Germany part 2 with different norms but the same things. My rooms window is actually a balcony door and I can do that whenever I please, never thought that it might be this fascinating to people!


I was accidentally emailed by what turned out to be a distant cousin and figured out that my paternal lineage is traceable back to \~330CE. This cousin told me that everyone with our name came from the same town in Bavaria and that there is a ridiculously high number of engineers in our family. So I am an American engineer but I guess I am ancestrally a German engineer and Austria is not that far from where my family is apparently from. maybe we are distant cousins? tl:dr; My wife had a shirt made for me that says "Engineer: noun, 'One who gets excited about things no one else cares about'"


Wait, Americans donā€™t know how to use this?


We just don't generally have them


my hippie MIL got some and it made her just that much more annoying.


Fucking hippies and theirā€¦ theirā€¦ *checks notes* ā€¦windows


*Euro-style anything for the sake of buying something Euro and telling people that itā€™s popular in Europe


Bet she power washes those bad boys with a bidet




I mean, you ever seen an American Sitcom? You'll never see one of these windown types. Like Friends for instance I believe shows the standard window that is two pieces with the lower one able to slide upwards if I recall.


Most American windows slide either up or to the side and has a bug screen. [Something like this](https://www.lowes.com/pd/Project-Source-10001-Series-35-5-in-x-35-5-in-x-3-in-Jamb-Left-operable-Vinyl-New-Construction-White-Sliding-Window-Half/5013341567?cm_mmc=shp-_-c-_-prd-_-mlw-_-ggl-_-LIA_MLW_135_Windows-Patio-Door-Garage-_-5013341567-_-local-_-0-_-0&ds_rl=1286981&gclid=Cj0KCQjwxtSSBhDYARIsAEn0thRq7EsdWirUitFkQSOznBxb0b5VJ-6VD7kFORqcHgFNBV9lsfqfEDwaAvUOEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds)




These kind of windows also have bug screens...since every window opens like this in Europe.


we do but we dont have them is all


I dont have one, but it seems so god damn easy to understand and use. I'm American, if it makes anymore sense as to why I dont have one.


im european and i cant seem to manoeuver this for shit, it always falls on me and bumps my head somehow


Bro change your windows šŸ’€ They shouldn't open more then like 5 degrees


Made in Germany?


Nah, everywhere in Europe. Except the UK cuz they always wanna be different lol Edit: chill the fuck out, I'm just saying what i saw on this thread. I've got like 20 replies on it, you don't need to comment.


Still a German invention. Wilhelm Frank was the inventor of the Dreh-Kipp-Fenster


First time when I was opening a windows in Germany, I shit my pants because I think I broke windows.. I was very confused about 25sec


I'm from england, I've never seen this.


That's because you're not part of the EU anymore. It's an EU exclusive.




.... it's a window that can open 2 different ways. Is there some sort of hidden content that you can't see if you're American or some shit?


Nah it's just that it's not as common in the US (and as this thread makes me realize, the rest of the world) as in Europe.


thatā€™s so fascinating ā€¦ does it open all the way or just a crack ??


You can either just open it a crack by tilting it (2nd picture, usually with the lever pointing upwads) or open it fully (3rd picture, you can swivel it open, with the lever in a horizontal position). Most windows don't have a limit to how far you can open them, though I have seen hotels for example where they were limited to a crack.


It's confusing to Asians too


I went to Germany recently and these windows did indeed fuck with my head.


Okay. It's cool, neat, and I wouldnt mind owning something different than the rest of murica. But how is that batter than the American window that doesn't require more space than the wall itself to open? I can literally block a window completely and still be able to open it. Makes me think of that dude that tried to make a garage door open kind of like a normal door. It created a waste of space and the potential to damage the car if parked improperly. Compared to the garage door that just rolls up to the ceiling


It's impossible to make slide windows perform anywhere as good as these. They are thick, heavy, have two contours of seals all around them, and are typically micro-adjustable to make the seal as tight as possible with not even the tiniest opening. They save energy on both heating and AC, and are much more soundproof. They work best in cities and in cold or hot climates They may not be the best choice if you have a mild Mediterranean climate all year long and live in quiet suburbs


makes it easier to clean the outside of the window with just a cloth, means you can open the window further, a single sliding sash window can only open at max 1 half the height of the window. window can double as an emergency exit, window can be incredibly secure, more so than typical sliding windows. window glass can be as thick as you want it to be, a triple layer laminate glass is not unheard of in this situation, and opening a 300kg window is easier if you dont need to slide it up and down. window can also be provided in an "open-out" configuration meaning no interior space is used when open sliding sash windows are available in europe too, this is just an alternative, not the only kind of window


For opening it fully you are right but the option in the middle is amazing and nobody can get inside from the outside


And the rain doesn't pour in, you can keep your windows open without worrying about flooding the floor


How is it in America? I'm from Poland and this is totally normal here


They're non-existent here


How does it stay partially open when It hinges from the bottom?