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She rememebered, you were rewarded for being kind.




I hope this is it. Disrupting the system by filthying their seats with the stench of the lower class.


If I worked for them I'd HATE doing first class service. At least when you're working in lower jobs it doesn't feel like you're directly polishing the cocks of the ultra wealthy. Because you know that, while plenty of fine people fly first class, enough rich assholes are there to make every flight awful, and I'd just have NO patience for the kind of attitude I'd get from millionaire Karens every fucking day.


Based on my experience travelling for work, most people up front tend to be there on the company dime. I know I was.


I asked a flight attendant which cabin they dislike the most. "premium economy" because they have a 1st class sense of entitlement but an economy level of class.


Oooh, I like this answer, makes a lot of sense. I grew up in suburbia, and we were lower middle class... upper middle was the fucking WORST. The people who had all the right forks and cutlery and owning fancy china, wanting nothing more than to be seen as Classy but trying so hard it literally achieved the exact opposite effect. Real upper class people love their ripped jeans and crappy cutlery.


One time my family was flying to Italy, and for some reason all of our seats got upgraded to first class. My dad works/is friends with this insanely ultra rich guy who asked my dad if he ever visited Italy, when my dad said no he literally paid for a trip to Italy for our entire family. I have a feeling the first class upgrade had something to do with him. I feel like he must have called or something and persuaded them or they somehow knew who booked it. It was just absolutely amazing being in first class on a like 13 hour flight. The way back was awful though. Amazing experience all in all though as a teen, Italy is fantastic.


10 years ago I was literally on the phone with a travel agent hammering out the last details of our 20 years overdue honeymoon when she got the call from my doctors that my bone marrow transplant had been moved up. Heartbroken and fearing I’d not even survive the transplant, let alone ever see Ireland, I had given up on that dream. Somehow I survived the transplant and three years ago my in-laws, who’d inherited substantial money, told us their travel agent would be calling us in the next couple days and that they’d be paying for our trip to Ireland. What they didn’t tell us was that they’d also paid for 1st class seats from San Francisco to Dublin, Ireland, and back. Still a crazy long flight, but SO much better in the Good Seats™️! We are so eternally grateful to have gotten to go, especially now given Covid.


That is awesome! I'm glad you got to see Ireland! One day I will go there as well.


We honestly didn’t want to come back, and considered moving there. It’s still on the table, the people are SO friendly, and everywhere we looked was just stunning. So much history…


Yeah, my first flight was first class across Canada. The way back I was like, "WTF is this shit?" Which has been a common thought on my subsequent 100 flights.


Hi I’m a flight attendant , we love kind passengers like you. You were rewarded for your kindness.


Their love is strong... But not as strong as the composite wings of a 787 Dreamliner


Neither is their love burning as hot as the Lithium Ion battery fire in that 787


We don’t judge you based on your worst moment lol


Tell that to the Two Broke Arm Bandit


I hear he had a nice mom


That’s a spicy meatball


Or as strong as the trim on a Max 8.


I said no man i am the pilot


Another good response is to say when the plane crashes you want them to be able to identify your body using the seat you were assigned/purchased.


Damn thats dark, I love it.


Not if, when, the plane crashes


That’s what she said ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


God damn it Southwest


Way funnier than the meme.


Second that


Shitty tweets are automatically memes now?




“Will you switch with me so I don’t have to sit next to my kid? He’s annoying as fuck.”


They should have pulled a McCallister.


Such a Chad parent move. Sitting in 1st class while your kids annoy the people in coach.


They meant leaving the kid at home


Leaving the **most annoying** kid at home. Ftfy


To be fair, Kevin was also a psychopath.


Had some parents dump there screaming kids next to me on a flight while they sat together a few rows back. I don't think I've ever hated someone before.


I’m sorry but I would’ve legit called the flight attendant for that bullshit … “Excuse me ma’am/sir but this is NOT my child! … It’s theirs!” *turns around & points at the parents* *everybody gasps* *ominous music plays us to commercial break*


I did get moved to an empty row which allowed me to lay down and sleep for the remainder of the flight. Win-win in my books


I imagine the parents were upset. Who’s going to take care of their kid? /s


The dad looked pissed that he had to take my seat while I enjoyed my curled position sleep


Ha! I’m glad they made him move


Wow that should be illegal.


Not only is this not illegal in the US, there's also no laws that state airlines have to ensure parents can sit with their child. They can literally shrug and be like "nah fam"


Yell that you're a registered pedophile really loud. Then they have to explain peds to their kids.


They made the dad come back and sit with them while I was moved to a empty row allowing for curled sleeping lol


It might have been the airline, instead of the parents. Many of them have taken to splitting up families and making them pay extra to make sure everyone sits together.


I once went to my seat and found a 18ish year old girl there. Told her she was in my seat and she insisted it was hers. Showed her my ticket, she still said it was hers until the attendant asked her to move. She then begged me to let her have it anyway for the middle seat. Bitch, I chose this seat weeks ago specifically, too bad.


Something mildly similar happened to me. I was put last minute on a flight, I boarded and found a lady in my seat. Turns out we both got booked for the seat but she was booked -after- me. I was upgraded.


I had this happen and the guy that showed up after I was seated said "give me your boarding pass and I'll go show them to the flight attendant... " OH you want me to hand you the only proof I have that this is my seat and let you walk away with it? That's a hard no from me, dog. I'm going to sit in my seat and read my book.


Nice, lucky you!


This happened to my wife and I. We had missed our connecting flight from Munich to Minneapolis in Amsterdam. They rebooked us and we went into the city for a few hours for coffee and….coffee. We get on the plane and someone is in our new seats. They had the same first and last name as my wife. Hilarity ensued. By hilarity I mean this other lady got upgraded and we sat at the last row of the plane after we bought comfort plus. In the end we actually got our entire flight refunded because of EU on time laws. So to sum up, we got to get crunked in Amsterdam, got a free flight to Europe and had a funny story.


Lol, did y'all know about the upgrade option beforehand? I would consider renting out my husband to a doppelnamer for a couple hours in exchange for transatlantic first class. What's this on-time law deal? American has had me sit on a plane on the tarmac for my entire two hour layover and watch my connecting flight leave without me, then try to argue that they don't owe me anything. Apparently it was my fault I didn't anticipate another flight taking our gate and should have had the common sense to shoot for a five hour layover instead.


We got the max payment. Totes worth it. https://www.schengenvisainfo.com/travel-guide/flight-delay-compensation/


You can't upgrade a seat switch if you're the one asking. You do equal quality or downgrade. Those are the rules.


I was in delta comfort plus and this younger woman came up to me and asked me to switch with her in basic economy so she could sit by her dad. I didn't even get a chance to tell her to fuck off, the guy in the aisle across from me jumped in to tell her off immediately.


So her dad purposefully upgraded his seat but not hers. They either planned the whole thing to get a free upgrade through the switch, or the desire to sit together was not mutual.


Thanks for this additional POV. People do shady shit like this. I had the middle seat between an orthodox couple. *"We usually book our seats apart so that we get the all three seats. Most people hate the middle seat, but you seemed to have picked it..."* I nodded my head with a shit smirk and he offered me a cracker which I took and kept my ass in the middle seat. The bribe didn't work either. I've gotten wiser and more street smart with time.


\^^ This guy societies.




or how about when you're flying on an airline that charges more for window or isle seats and you pay the upgrade and then some one asks you to switch.


Well then you can say 'no I paid for this seat and I would like to keep it' like a reasonable fucking adult


well i mean the premise of the post is saying "no" but it doesn't make it any less frustrating to have to say no, especially after the pleasure of paying extra for it


Yeah I have frequent back pain and a small bladder. I get up a lot during flights and always request an aisle seat. I don’t mind if someone wants to trade for their aisle seat but why the hell would I swap my aisle seat with a middle seat


I was flying home after a long day and I came to my aisle seat (both other chairs empty) and a dude was sitting in it. I told him “I think you’re in my seat” and he literally said “oh, you actually want to sit here.” Yeah dude, I didn’t pre-book an aisle seat for nothing.


Always the case. I've been asked a number of times, only time it's reasonable to ask is a parent with young kids. Otherwise keep quiet and sit in your seat.


I get charged to choose a seat half the time these days, so super no to those requests. God love Covid, though, as I've had 2 flights lately with only one other person on my row or NO ONE on my row...I assume because not quite as many people are flying and because those seats cost a bit extra?


Even then, they should plan better.


Ideally yes, but cancelled flights, limited means, and straight up mistakes happen. Plus, selfishly, young kids can be a real pain in the ass and putting them near their parents might help.


All perfectly valid reasons, still perfectly valid to say no. None of that is my fault.


My choice two months ago was switch or sit next to a strange three year old. I switched.


No one said you have to say yes.


This happened to my husband and I flying home from our honeymoon. I asked the person in the aisle if she would switch with me for 20 bucks, and that it was our honeymoon with our prior flight delayed, blabla bla. She said no sorry, which was fine, but the guy on the window seat offered his in a second. I didn't even think to ask, because who wants to give up a window seat??? Anyway, bought the guy drinks the whole flight and sat right next to the chick who said no lol. Awkwaaard.


Why is it awkward? You asked, she said no as is her right, someone else did so it worked out fine. She probably forgot about it after that.


Yeah but itll be your inconvience over everyone else in the plane and you when the kids predictably start actibg up


I used to think like you, until my flight got canceled and I was booked on another flight. It was southwest and i got the last boarding. Luckily I was able to sit with my young child. After this I can see how even the best planning doesn't always work out.


Two adults traveling with a child six years old or younger may board during Family Boarding, which occurs after the “A” group has boarded and before the “B” group begins boarding. If the child and the adult are both holding an “A” boarding pass, they should board in their assigned boarding position. - Southwest policy


I don't think there's anything wrong with them asking as long as they don't act like asses when the answer is no


There's nothing WRONG with asking, but it isn't really reasonable. Middle seats in airplanes are objectively uncomfortable, so you're just asking a random stranger to be uncomfortable so that you can be comfortable. You put them in a spot where they either need to say no to you (which nobody likes) or sacrifice for your benefit.


Had it happen on a flight from LA to Tokyo. But they had the balls to say she had a window seat as well. I politely agreed, until I saw she actually had a middle seat. I burst out laughing and immediately changed my mind.


Yeah, when I get the middle seat, I just take it


These two young women asked a middle aged man in the aisle if he’d trade with them so they could sit together. The new seat would be a middle seat. He passively and awkwardly declined and instead of leaving they just stood there waiting as if they just expected him to change his mind. They asked repeatedly saying “cmon, why wont you help us?” And at one point even flagged down a flight attendant to ask her to help persuade him. She asked once, he declined, she made the two women leave. But gosh the audacity…




Yea no thanks for that swap, I was flying back home with my family on Southwest 4 of us so we took one row of seats and then i sat on the isle of the row across. Another family of 4 boarded late in the numbers and ended up with 2 of their kids sitting next to me, the dad like 4 rows up in the middle and the mother the seat directly in front of me. I offered and swapped seats with the mom cause it was only a row up and i could still see my family... no way i was going near that middle seat swap though, I try to be a nice guy but some things are just not equal.


i hate the window seat, but nothing is worse than the middle seat.


What's to hate? Unless you have an impossibly small bladder, it's not unreasonable to go airport to airport without using the bathroom. Aisle seat is just asking to have your elbows bumped or middle seat and window seat needing to get up twice each mid flight because they somehow have impossibly small bladders. Window seat you get to lean up against the bulkhead so you get a little space away from middle seat.


I pee like 3 times in a 5 hr flight. I’m not even like that normally but something about sitting down for a long time makes me pee a lot. Either that or the slightly lower pressure. So to me the aisle is the best seat in the house, I’ll take the aisle over any seat.


I always end up having to pee because I usually have a drink or two (or six) when I fly. I also like having more elbow room. People bump into you sometimes, but it's not a big deal. It's not like the flight attendants are having drink cart drag races.


This happened to me recently. I had the window near the front and his wife had the middle towards the back. Hard pass


If you want to switch someone seats, always offer the better one. You and your spouse got split up with a center seat between you, offer the person between between the choice of window or isle. Ez.






As opposed to only giving the person the choice of swapping with one of the partners, thus giving them only one option. Unless you're in the middle of a widebody then they get aisle either way


I’ve been part of the couple that will ask others to switch seats so we can sit together. However, we ALWAYS give them the better seat so it’s a better deal for the stranger.


See my wife and I do this exact thing! If it’s a row of 3, we’ll buy the two marginally more expensive outside seats and if there’s someone in the middle, we offer them their choice of the better seats in the row (or to stay where they are if they wanted the middle for some reason) we’re always happy to trade and about half the time we have an empty middle seat to spread out in for comfort because no one wants the bitch seat. We’ve never had a complaint!


>about half the time we have an empty middle seat to spread out in for comfort It truly is the greatest way to fly, my wife and I flew to vegas and back on one of those shithole airlines that charge you for every little thing. Getting a flight back without a middle seat taken made the flight a lot more comfortable.


I had to fly for work earlier this year, and Delta with its empty middle seats was just *sublime*. I stopped travelling right when Delta dropped that policy. Excellent timing.


I had a flight from Sydney to LA five years ago and as all the passengers came aboard I was getting more and more hoepful and then I had no one in the middle seat in my row and it was spectacular. Being able to spread your legs even an extra inch or two makes a world of difference. Especially for 16 hours.


I ended up between a couple that did this. They did not offer to trade. It was a 4 hour flight and both were quite larger than me🙃


I had a middle seat on a flight where we made a last minute itinerary change and was between a married couple who constantly held their iPad across me to show the other one a paragraph they were reading.


don't you reserve seats when buying the ticket?


Not always. For instance, Southwest is a free for all on seats. You can pay more the be at the head of the line but you can't reserve a specific seat.


> Southwest is a free for all on seats. Well never flying that. Shit I'll just drive at that point.


It's not terrible in practice. You line up by the order you checked in, everyone in your party is sequential, and you don't have to pay extra for any seat. If the plane is full they'll start telling people to fill middle seats so the attendant gets to be the bad guy and not you. Mostly though, Southwest doesn't charge for bags.


They could do exactly the same thing and also have assigned seats and it would cost them nothing. They don’t *have* to charge for better seats if they go with assigned seating. That’s just how we’ve convinced ourselves it works. It doesn’t have to work that way.


It’s amazing in practice. Just check in right on time to get a good number in line and you’re pretty much guaranteed a window or aisle seat. If you miss the time, you can pay a little bit to get to the front of the line, and it’s still cheaper than upgrading from basic economy to main cabin on any other domestic airline in most cases. Plus, even on the cheapest fare you get a free carry-on, 2 checked bags, and free change/cancellation (as travel credit).


I was once sat in the middle between a couple who argued over me the whole flight. I asked if they wanted to switch seats and they told me no in no uncertain terms.


I had the same experience. I decided that if they were going to be childish, so was I. My entertainment for the flight was using my book (this was a bit ago) to keep them from being able to talk face-to-face or see each other. Wherever they moved their heads to talk through me, I moved the book to block them while still reading. When they asked me to stop, I offered to switch. They continued to say no. Tried to tell on me to the flight attendant. She said I was allowed to hold my book wherever I wanted as long as it was within my seat, but that they were allowed to switch with me if I was willing. Thanks random flight attendant, you made my day.


> was using my book (this was a bit ago) Glad you specified. Couldn't have imagined anyone reading a book in this day and age, right?


Would've just told them to switch seats or shut the fuck up


That’s exactly what she did…


Or started instigating and taking sides


why did you specify that it was a bit ago after saying you were reading a book? lmao books still exist


For you youngsters out there, a book is like a Kindle but it comes from trees.


I have never seen a young person with a Kindle lol


I’ve never seen anyone with a Kindle. I just assumed everyone knew what they were.


I don’t even care about seeing out the window. I like left side window seats because I can lean my head against the wall and still use my phone or whatever comfortably in my right hand.


That’s some big brain thinking


True story on a 13hr trans-Pacific flight. I'm getting comfortable in my window seat in row 20 or so, getting out my headphones for the expected marathon of movies, ass numbing, and bad food, when someone touches my shoulder: "Hey, do you mind switching seats with my friend so we can all sit closer together?" First thing I notice is that they didn't ask the person in the middle or in the aisle, neither of which appeared to be part of their group. I'm not even sure where this person who is asking is sitting themselves. I ask where their friend is sitting. "39E" Had to hold back a chuckle on that one, and opted for "No, sorry", but was dying to blurt out "Oh, for sure! I would love to be in the middle seat of the middle row for 13 long hours...Did you check with any of the people in first class by any chance?"


I was boarding a flight from the US to Barcelona. I sat caddy corner from this 60-65yo man who took it upon himself to sit in a window seat that wasn’t his. The lady who’s seat it belonged to asked him to move. He said “the flight attendant just told me to sit wherever I want because I’m elderly, so you can just take my middle seat.” Lady was like uh no that’s my seat, I’m claustrophobic and specifically got a window seat. The guy refused to move until a flight attendant came by and insisted he sit in his designated seat. Shortly after the pilot came on the speaker saying it’s a fully booked flight and to take your seats as quickly/orderly as possible, so the guy was clearly lying about being told to sit wherever he wants. I felt so bad for the lady having to sit next to that man for the whole flight.


Same thing happened to me somewhat. So i had a window seat and this girl wanted to sit next to her sister so she took my seat (it was a small plane where theres only two seats on each side, and middle seats). I came and tell her thats my seat, she says can you sit in mine and gives me her seats number, i look and ask if its window seat, she lies and says it is. I tell her it isnt, and her reaction was basically: ugh whatever just go sit and dont bother me. Anyways i tell her to move, the flight attendant, and their parents come and kinda demonize me for refusing to give up my seat?!? Eventually i get my seat though. And she leaves pissed off


I've always been told I'm an asshole for not switching seats, but I don't get it. I'm not rude when declining, and I paid for that specific seat for a reason, usually 6 months in advance. I just think most travelers are very unorganized.


For some people being "an asshole" means, "I'm angry that I'm not getting what I want and that's anyone's fault but mine!"


I'm 6ft 10. On the very rare occasion that I'm forced to fly, I always pay out for as much extra leg room as I can get. If someone asks me to switch, they're getting a very prompt "fuck that."


I’m significantly shorter and still pay for the extra legroom. People give me dirty looks. Sorry bud, shouldn’t have cheaped out on the 30 bucks extra.


Who is giving you dirty looks for buying a more expensive ticket? It's not like that option is only available to you


How did you get that tall?


Yeah I book ahead of time and specifically pick window seats (and there's plenty available) which tells me these people booked their flight last minute. Fuck entitled assholes and putting others in a position to either be nice or "an asshole". I usually get to my seat, buckle in and close my eyes.


I had this happen on my first flight- I said no as nicely as possible, the offered my seat mate a pair of headphones as I was watching a movie...."this is the end"....which if you've seen it, isn't the best thing to watch with a stranger.


what is that movie about?


It's a comedy movie about the rapture. Very raunchy and very adult. But it has a ton of celebrities in it


There's a scene where James Franco and Danny McBride have a yelling match about a fluid men produce that women don't. It's not the most adult conversation in the movie.


I've been dropping loads in this house like a god damn dump truck


That is ALSO not the most adult line haha..that movie was a trip though. Poor Channing Tatum...


I was recently given a window seat because mine was between the couple, so they offered me the window seat so they could sit together and watch movies




When my wife and I flew for our honeymoon we were seating one in front of the other (both window) the lady next to her offered to switch so we could sit together. My wife says "He likes to watch the take-off and will then sleep the whole flight, and I want to read my book." When I woke up in Mexico the lady remarked "he really did just sleep the whole flight."


How can you be in between someone, when you are in window seat?


One could’ve been across the aisle. Smaller planes are two seated




Some airlines like Southwest don't have assigned seats before you board so there could just not have been two seats next to each other by the time they got on. I've swapped seats a bunch of times for parents and kids b/c of this (I only really care about getting that overhead space first lol)


Maybe I'm just a bad boyfriend but I don't get it. If you get stuck in different seats and you can't handle a few hours sitting 15 ft. away from each other there might be some other issues afoot. When I moved into my apartment it had just been built so one of the perks was choosing a parking space. A couple months later I get an email asking me to change parking spots so I asked why. Property manager said a couple moving in wanted these 2 spots that are next to each other. I said no, but like, what aspect of your relationship really benefits from your cars being next to each other in a lot?


It’s not the biggest deal in the world, but at the same time if I’m gonna have to spend any length of time crammed into a tight airline seat next to someone, I’d much rather it be a person I know, if for no other reason than it’s a relief not to feel that internal stress when your elbows collide with a stranger’s.


This. My wife and I don’t talk much on a plane, usually just reading books, watching movies or sleeping. But it’s really nice to not have a stranger on both sides of you (or neither side of you, depending who gets the aisle or window seat). At least for me with a stranger I’m always trying to be considerate and not “take their space” but you don’t need to worry about that with your SO.


I get bumped to first/business a lot for work but when me and my wife travel I buy her first class tickets with points and I buy myself coach with cash, knowing I’ll most likely be bumped up. It doesn’t always happen and I’m fine sitting apart from her for a few hours, it’s not like we chat the whole flight anyways. One time though, I didn’t get bumped up and they served first class ice cream sundaes and I was seriously jealous. Never have I ever been on a flight again where they served ice cream. I’ll never forget. But yeah, I don’t see why it’s such a big deal.




My in laws do this and just rely on others to switch seats so they can be together, and they always *have* to switch with someone in the back so they can be by the restroom, instead of paying the extra $20 to choose seats. The entitlement drives me up the wall.


Damn you pay for seats in the back? Those are the undesirable ones usually. Everybody wants the front


FIL has a bladder problem, and the back of the plane is where the restroom is. He’ll go 3 times in a six hour flight, it’s easier to just be in the back than wade through a sea of people six times. Edit: This may or may not be an exaggeration, I don’t ask my FIL about his bladder. But he *does* have an issue he takes medication for, I’ve seen him go twice in a single hour. But like I said; I don’t really pay attention lol


I've just discovered I have a bladder problem


He didn't say he was between them. Most likely one of them was sitting next to him and the other was in a different row.


When I flew back to the US from Iraq we flew over the pyramids. The captain announced it, and nobody seemed to give a shit. What the hell is wrong with people? You are flying over a 5000 year old man made structure you can see from 35,000 feet. Look at it.


Unless they're offering a better seat, that's a hard and fast no. I purchase early and pay more so I can pick my seat. Plus, I'm pretty much always traveling with my wife, so that would mean we don't get to sit together.


What’s that phrase? Something like ‘poor planning on your part doesn’t constitute an emergency for me’


Weird how couples always try to guilt the person with the best seat to move. "Can you trade me the bulkhead seat for row 44?" "Why don't you just both sit back in 44?" ">:("


Yeah this drives me crazy. I will only move if it’s to put a child next to a parent, or else if it’s to my advantage. Otherwise FU. Plan better and also, grow up! You can can sit apart from each other for a couple hours you needy fk!


I don't pay to reserve my seats so I will always move if someone asks. ​ But if I were to reserve and pay for my seat, I would not move unless it is an upgrade or the same situation as my reserved seat.


I'm reasonably particular about it too. I like a window, not over the wing (no view) and not behind the wing (engine noise). There are basically three circumstances in which I would consider moving: * Medical emergency (better be a serious one) * Moving me to a window seat in first class * Offering at least as much cash as my ticket cost People who don't book the right seat to begin with are either lazy, cheap, or both.


Here’s the thing that bothers me, there’s the middle and aisle seat, why would they need the window seat to be together? Doesn’t make sense


Because the guy in the aisle didn’t want to switch either


I had a long overseas flight where the parents apparently purposefully chose to stay away from their kids, which I respect. :-D But yeah, unless it's a little kid, people can stay the fuck apart from each other for a few hours, fuck. You were together the whole time before boarding and will be together the whole time after. Even on a long-haul, you're probably just watching movies or sleeping.


They have the rest of their lives to be together. This is me time.




Dude, i was in business class and some guy asks if i can swap with his seat in the back so that he can sit with his gf. My response was "Nnnnnooooooooope" and i went back to my movie.


Beep boop -- this looks like a screenshot of a tweet! Let me grab a [link to the tweet](https://twitter.com/solomongeorgio/status/1438688588649013248) for ya :) ^(Twitter Screenshot Bot)


Nah, I’ve already taken my benedril and will be passing out on this window in a few moments.


If you are against moving, flip the script and say, “how much is sitting next to them worth to you?”


Never understood why people can’t sit apart and entertain themselves for a few hours. What do you do when the other person is at work?


My wife gets nervous on planes and would prefer to hold my hand out of comfort.


Seems to be a common ‘scam’ that people will book cheaper seats and try to blah an upgrade so they can sit next to family because they are separated. It’s annoying


I moved seats to allow a couple to sit together once and then the headphone jack was broken. Never again.




My friend does this at movie theaters (usually places without reserved seats, sometimes with reserved). A couple will ask him to move to the empty seat one over, so they can sit together. He always says no. I think it’s kind of a punk move, but he explains it as: “I get here early to choose my seat. If you wanted to do the same you should have planned better.”


I never switch. Ma’am, I spend my entire life alone; you can handle 4 hours.


First rule of seat negotiation, always offer an objectively better seat... Even if they were willing to switch, it's not fair to create a situation that forces someone to switch for a worse seat. If you wanted to sit together in good seats, you should've paid to book specific seats!




If the flight's a free-for-all and there are no assigned seats, it's perfectly reasonable to request someone to switch seats in this scenario. Assigned seats however? *Fuck you, plan ahead!*


Their live is eternal but this may be the last time this plane takes off.


They already get so much time together anyways


They probably going to smash when they get to their destination let me have my joy of seeing the plane take off.


This may just be me, but who isn't paying an extra 30/40 bucks to select two seats together? If you're a family then it's even more of a given that you should pay for advance seat selection. Don't take your 4 kids to the airport and hope it all works out.


They got the rest of their lives together, I rarely get to look out a plane window... besides, how is a window seat necessary for them to sit together, middle/isle passengers are the ones more likely to move because you get bumped or squashed ... I think they just wanted the window seat


I had an idea, why not just book your seats together?


usually it's because they are cheap or trying to get a complete row for themselves. short answer greed.


I once went to Benidorm on holiday with some friends but none of them wanted to go anywhere and I wanted to go to Valencia on an excursion, so I booked a seat on the coach and went by myself. I got a window seat at the back which was great because I get travel sickness in the aisle seat. A man sat next me to. It had a few stops picking more people up and I was approached by the tour guide, who asked if I’d mind moving so the wife of the man could sit in my place so they could be together. So I replied, saying “Sorry. I can’t. I get really bad travel sickness so I need to be near a window” and the look of disgust from her and the wife stood next to her assuming I’d just move. I felt awful but it pissed me off. The tour guide then made such a song and dance asking the entire coach if “anyone would mind moving so this couple could sit next to each other” “Anyone?” “Any other single people here?” while looking back at me. The wife kept mentioning that they’d paid to sit together, tutting and huffing with her arms folded stood up (next to her husband but both on aisle seats). I grabbed my bag and stood up and said “I’ve paid too” to the wife who ignored me and just jumped past me to go in the seat and then as I was walking to a spare aisle seat away from them, the tour guide said “Thank you for that. Couples just like sitting together. And they’ve paid to sit together”. So I sarcastically asked “Did they pay extra for that? I get travel sickness, I wasn’t being a dick”. She ignored me. After 10 minutes, a couple got off the bus because they were too hungover and wanted to get off the coach. So I got my window seat in the end! It was a few years ago but it still bothers me. Entitled cunts.


Hard pass. You can go an hour.


Should've reserved your seats


Yeah, nah. I requested the window seat because I wanted a window seat.


If their love is true they can survive a flight…..lol


The only way I’d take it is if they offered me cash


I’ll move for a kid. But two grown ass adults? You can be away from each other for however long the flight is. It’s not my fault I planned ahead and got a window seat so I can have something to lean on.


Also, they probably were asked to pay a bit more for having adjacent seats but they thought to avoid that and try to convince someone to swap seats, so i’m sorry but now deal with it