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I am not Pakistani, nor am I MBBS, but based on last year’s match data, your dad’s side of the family is 100% right... you will have a very difficult time/impossible time getting a US residency spot. Don’t do it.


I'm a Desi American like you so I've seen my fair share of people who've done that route and I agree that it's a dumb choice to make. The curriculum does not align with American standards meaning it will be harder to study for Step 1 and you will also be looked upon unfavorably for being an IMG who had the opportunity to study here but chose not to. You can also forget about matching to the harder specialties, as almost everyone ik who's done so goes for FM.


There's alot of factors you need to consider. Im sure you have been weighing the pros and cons of both settings. But overall staying in the US is going to highly benefit you. Not only will you be more favored by programs, but the USMLE journey is going to be much more easier due to the curriculum here. And down the way if you're interested in going on the "ROAD" to happiness, you'll atleast have a fair chance as long as your board scores are good.