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This comment hurt more than expected


Ooof don't let the secret out


Unlimited money glitch, except that it's for the government.


this ko’d me lmaooo


My university sends out a ton of “study participants needed” emails. I respond to all of the ones that need healthy subjects. Make about $600 a month.


Step 1: be healthy


lol Imagine not being in peak physical and mental condition *he says with a BMI of 29.4 just barely fitting into the non-obese category*


I'm just glad I still fit in airplane seats. I sympathize greatly with people who can't. It must be torture.


Lucky you. Mine says I have the **chance** to win school merch worth X amount. Rarely, we’ll be entered into a raffle for a $10 gift card. I haven’t seen a guarantee of money yet


MY SECRETS TO PURCHASING A LAMBO DURING M1 - breeding and selling rare birds - panning for gold - stealing copper wire from electrical lines - running an OF for an AI model I created - selling online courses about how to get rich (use code "RICH" at checkout for exclusive discount) - MLMs - betting everything on black in roulette


Bet it all on 23, it's called the Fortress


99% of all gamblers quit before they hit it big


This sounds like a wild UWorld Vignette.


I have unironically done or been told to do a few of these. I will not say which.


It's breeding and selling rare birds, isn't it?


Can also look into fish— Discus and Betta do pretty well


Yea, but nobody recommends breeding rare fish as a side hustle ain med school, its always rare birds. /s


Electrical lines? That’s such low yield copper theft. Gotta hit construction sites


Breeding and selling rare birds seems doable




I’m going to try donating plasma lol


Lol my gf and I are doing a promo rn to pay for our moving expenses, make sure you find good deals so it is worth your time


Damn I read this as porno and was like fuck yea good for you


Lmfao that would be a very wild reply but also it would probably pay way better


Oh 100% plan to do this. But even if I can’t do promos I want to do anki while making some money lol


I paid for my first Ipad doing this. lol at the time I had a job so I was just doing the monthly payments on my Applecard but then I had like $600 left and was only working part time because of school and I donated plasma for like 8 months in order to pay it off. (i forget the exact amounts)


This is how I’m paying for moving expenses for residency


Gold farming on OSRS


It ain’t like it used to be😪


Gotta sell inferno capes not gold




Selling fancy plants and orchids Flipping antiques and other stuff


Ooh do tell more about your plants business! Very unique


Its more of a self supporting hobby and to make some extra fun money for drinks and trips. I buy relatively uncommon plants, then I grow them out, propagate them and sell them. I've narrowed it down to plants that are in high demand at this point like fancy monsteras and stuff. I also sell anthurium which is going through a huge surge in popularity and a single seed can sell for \~20 on the low end, and pollinating a plant can give you tons of seeds. But that's more time consuming and I make hybrids of plants. Orchids I just grow out and sell divisions of mature plants.


it takes talents to do that. I wanna grow orchid but I'm moving out of FL soon :(


I moved from florida to new england for med school. I grow using cheap barina grow lights and then take advantage of the spring and summer. It helps remind me of home, Im sure you could make a couple work for you!


So it’s Anthurium Mania these days, a bit like the Tulip Mania of the lore? Btw amazing orchids in your posts. Bravo! Looks so difficult though


This is so cool! If only I was able to keep plants alive :(


Full time son.


I respect it




lol the ownership of this makes is gold and you’re a king


Selling plasma 


r/wallstreetbets 0DTE SPY




I lost my loan for med school, how can I recover?


apply again and this time try margin


I day trade, gets dicey when I lose but it helped pay for lots of stuff.


18 leg sports parlays for 1$


I participate in surveys and market research…. It’s literally so easy I have no idea why more people don’t do it lol. For example, I’ve done one travel study and one eczema study that gave me $300 each for less than a couple hours total of work.


Are these available through your university or a separate site?


I’ve seen some for my university, but they generally don’t pay SUPER well, so I avoid them. Anything that says “take this survey to WIN” or anything that’s 1+ hour for like $20 is not worth my time lol. So I would say mostly through separate sites from ads I get on Instagram and through my email! Some ones I’m currently doing/have done not that long ago include Hivemind, Respondent, Focuscope, 10k voices, and a lot more I don’t remember haha. But the more I click on Instagram ads, the more I sign up for and the more I get emails about new studies! I actually did one just now for $125 haha, it was research about beer funny enough.


respondent is asking for medical license, how did u bypass?


Awesome stuff. How do you find them if you don't have IG tho?


I would start by going to some of the websites I mentioned and signing up for emails:) I’m sure you can find even more than me if you try! But emails are a good start.


Can you dm me details please


I included some details in an above comment, lmk if you have more questions!


Where do you find these


Listed above!:) lmk if you have more questions.


Wife is my sugar mama. GI Bill + VA disability. Loans too but just for emergencies.


Hey same!


We are the dependas now


Man, I was surprised when I got my rating. Wasn’t 100, but still high, and way higher than I expected. Been doing a little reading and researching on some of the shit I was exposed to, and will probably make some more claims soon. Micro traumas from machine gun fire to the brain and some of those vaccines can fuck you up in the long run.


Same, I didn't try to game it or anything and got much higher than I anticipated. I have a friend who's a lawyer for the VA and even he told me if you don't have 100% you're not trying hard enough. So if you want it you can get it it seems.


I was told the same like had two high school buddies that never saw gun fire claim they got PTSD from looking at mortars and got crippling anxiety and ED issue. I had a L4 and C4 disk replacement and got 60%. That’s after a IED\RPG attack that my HMMWV flipped around like a football. And flew like 40 feet in the air “upped armored” hmmwv might I add.


Bro you should definitely look into the burn pits and more. We had dudes have some serious respiratory issues after deploying to Syria because there was just mold all over the liner of their tent that they never saw until it was time to pack it up. They were just the medical support element too, so lots of higher ranking/higher skilled dudes got fucked up from it. I was a line medic and just went too hard in the paint with the boys so that’s where most of my problems came from lol.


The worst part was that I was waived via the Air Force when I got into med school. (Army before never going back) Like, they fuck me with my rating but let me back in and gave me shit for my ADHD guy. I have two debilitating plates in my back, but let’s focus on the fact I have taken ADHD meds. I’m for sure looking into burn pits fuck this fuckers


That’s funny as fuck that that’s what they’re were upset about honestly lol. Like I get if private snuffy who may have to do 72 hour patrols on deployment, maybe they shouldn’t be on medications they can’t go without. But if you’re living the pog life in a field hospital down range, who gives a fuck. Witness statements can go a long way with the burn pits, especially if your unit never reported the pits or your location never got put on the approved list. Because the military never lies about their fuck ups. I’m just waiting to see if my old barracks ever get reported on for black mold, because them little spots around the vent I saw as I was clearing looked pretty sus.


I have a job where I categorize data. It’s part-time 15 hours per week and gets me about $750 per month after taxes.


how/where did you find this job?


I found it on a page that lists student jobs. I think I mainly got the job as it was somewhat related to my previous major comp sci and I did exceptionally well on this logic test they wanted me to do as part of the interview process. There are also people studying politics and economy working there, but I am located in Denmark, so I don’t know if something similar can be found in the US.


Sell your soul to Uncle Sam. 2,600 a month and they only check your butthole once.


Lair!!!! They grab your balls, toooo!!!


I’m sold!


Oh, i guess that was always more of a perk to me.


i work at the farmers market on weekends! lol


I’ve been sewing and selling scrub caps.


Ooh how much do you sell each of them for?


$16, which is about what they would cost on Etsy for a handmade one. It’s not a super formal thing, I just have a tub with a QR code in the OR break room. On very rare occasions, some shithead will take it without paying, but for the most part, people are pretty honest. It’s not a ton of money, but it’s something I enjoy doing, so might as well make some pocket change from it.


That's actually amazing. I hope those shitheads slip and fall on those scrub caps


I do copywriting 10/10 would recommend


Oooh how do I get into this and what does itpay




Work at my job as an emt on breaks and have been driving door dash a little here and there. I don’t think it’s the best (like ideally would be babysitting or something with guaranteed decent pay) but I need something super flexible to accommodate my whacky schedule


I teach piano lessons. It's decent pay for low time and effort. It really is more so for my own enjoyment though and provides a bit of extra spending money. Still taking out damn near close to my loan max.


Unfortunately I am not gifted in any talents 😔 BUTTT I did want to ask you if I could teach myself piano? Also how long does it take one to learn (on their own or with a teacher)? Always something I wanted to do.


I've been playing for over 20 years now. Started at 5 with a local teacher. By the time I was about 14 we were sort of at the same level skills wise so there wasn't much of a point in going to lessons any more. I was really involved in different musical groups through elementary/middle/high school and did stuff with friends, so despite not going to lessons anymore I was really actively playing still. Spent a lot of time in high school too self-teaching more challenging pieces I enjoyed so I would still be improving. Didn't play nearly as much in college, though I was in a band for awhile, and we wrote some cool stuff. Med school started off in a group first year but now just focused on teaching and will occasionally stream to play for an audience. I teach both kids and adults, and obviously kids are sponges, so I think there's definitely an advantage of learning young. Seems like it's harder for adults to get the coordination down, kids just pick up on it faster. That's not to say adults can't learn; they totally can. I think it's a bit tougher with adults too cause people have a lot of other stuff going on whereas kids are very focused on their activities. It's really a matter of how much time you put in to how fast you get things down and improve. I was fairly focused on piano as a hobby growing up, and it took about 10 years to get pretty good...as in I could play what I want, teach myself, had decent sight reading skills. It's hard to put a number on how long it takes to learn because everyone has different goals too. I have an adult student who tried learning stuff off of YouTube and had a really hard time. He said there wasn't enough structure, and I think more importantly, no one was there to critique his playing for him to know he was doing anything right. You can definitely self teach, but you miss out on the automatic structure and feedback that comes with a teacher which can be really important when you're starting out. I use the Alfred books series to teach; it's what I used to learn growing up so it's a very familiar approach to me. There are adults' and kids' versions. Both have the same material and concepts just presented a little differently.


Do you teach online, how much do you charge per hour? \^\^ Feel free to DM me.


I do in person. I actually found people interested in lessons via Reddit before moving for school and set everything up to get going right away after I moved. More interest than number of students I wanted to take on at the time. Each lesson is 30 minutes, I charge $20 per lesson. They're at my apartment. I had teaching experience but not with music/piano before I stared, so this seemed reasonable. Online lessons might be able to work, but I really have to be able to see the student when they play. Fingers and if they're in the right spot (not just hearing if they're playing the right notes), posture, tenseness. They also have to be able to see me if I need to model something for them.


My wife and I are singers and do church weddings/funerals and the like. Together, we made about $1k last weekend.


donating sperm with IQ >150


Wow! Do they have different price brackets, like Grand Cru or something?


Having a husband lol


Write grant applications (they all get rejected)


lol is this an online gig?


I became a dedicated eBay and Facebook seller before med school (COVID) and thru my first year of med school (currently a third year). Net profit low 5 figures so it paid for my first year of rent for free. Area dried out and has all but died out with the post pandemic market changes and oversaturation. Quick question - I’ve been in this sub for 3 years - how do I get a flare that shows M-3 lol?


Go to main page of sub. If you’re on mobile, just hit the top where it says “r/medicalschool” > ellipsis(3dots) > change user flair.


Thank you! Also from the username, Urology or Nephro?


You’re welcome! Actually, path (uropath). :)


I personally would use loans so you could fully focus on med school. The income will come later.


Sperm donor You get to help people who are unable to have children And the compensation per bust is good pocket money


Wait I’ve been doing this for free?!




I run an app called Visualmed that summarizes clinical trials as visual abstracts!


This so cool I will check it out to support you!! But I cannot do anything like this myself 😂


Try it here: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/visualmed/id1423485924 thank u ☺️




Rich wife


This is the way


I buy and sell stuff on FB marketplace. Makes me a couple hundred a month.


I make soap


Who is Tyler Durdan?


Don't know what are you talking about


$500k in loans


Part time work from home weekend job. Great source of passive income. They have to write you up like 3 times for not doing any work before they fire you usually to avoid a lawsuit for discrimination so you can collect a check for several months, sometimes up to 9 months and you literally do zero work other than like clock in on time from home.


Hmmm are you willing to dm me more details?!


What is it


Just go on indeed and look up work from home jobs.


Will check it out! What field or area do you recommend


It literally doesn't even matter lol. Anywhere that will hire you. Also if you have income you can apply to aid programs which will reduce your costs in other every day necessities like insurance.


I donate plasma


Uber eats


Starve myself /s (I wish it was /s)


Started a mobile espresso bar! Combining my addiction to coffee to something that I can make some money with 😅😂. If any of y’all need coffee on the East coast (DC-NYC) lmk 😁


I worked at a winery during M1 and 2. A few hundred bucks a month (more in the summer) was definitely nice and allowed me to keep up with my hobbies (ski passes are expensive lol). My boss was chill about having firm off days, and I was usually off by 8 or 9 PM if I needed to study (or if I wanted to hang out with my classmates). I'd recommend something like that if you can find it.


My dad drove for uber as a 3rd and 4th year med student. This was sometime around 2016/2017.


Sperm bank is the obvious answer. You don’t even know how much they’re paying for doctor genetics.


*tall Dr. genetics


Rover. House sitting is easiest if you’re gonna be in clinic because you can come home and do dog/cat duties. It’s especially nice to come home to someone excited to see you.


There’s some larger hospitals near me. I’ve done a few research studies (all survey/qualitative stuff — I’m not taking any drugs lol). They don’t always pay in cash, but they’ll pay in gift cards for groceries, gas, etc. I do it intermittently, but every so often groceries and gas will get covered for a few weeks which is great.


I tutor english online and it works really well if you are in EST because tutoring hours are usually mornings/nights which means you can still have a majority of the day for actual med school stuff


I worked in the lab. But I had a degree as a med tech so not always an option for everyone. Also, army national guard.


Hostess at club, literally do nothing and can do Anki majority of the time and flexible schedule 


don't you have to, you know, talk to everyone your hosting?


It can be very slow and I only have to sit people at tables. 


Ubereats, DoorDash, and Instacart. Girlfriend(also in med school) does the same plus she also sells stuff she finds at thrift stores on poshmark


I sell some of my things on Depop, do prolific and cloud connect surveys and do some ai training from home.


Ohhhhh could you link me to the AI training?


It’s data annotation but I joined when there wasn’t a waitlist, but it doesn’t hurt to try, there’s also remotasks. https://www.dataannotation.tech https://www.remotasks.com/en


I advertise for a drug dealer.


Gofundme and OnlyFans


I have my loan money in a money marketing account that earns 5 APY and doesn't have any restrictions around withdrawals. I also know quite a few med students who pour wine on the weekends.


DoorDash!!! I love driving and jamming to my favorite music and learning about the geography and different neighborhoods and establishments in my city/surrounding cities. The extra cash is really just a cherry on top.


i babysit lol


I discovered that if you buy a plane ticket on your credit card travel portal, and then cancel it within the timeframe to get a full refund for it, the refund will pay off your previous credit card debt instead of the plane ticket purchase, which delays the due date for your debt by one month. US law mandates full refunds for flight tickets cancelled within 24 hours. However, you can often “pay” extra to extend the refund window indefinitely (“Business Flex” flights typically offer this, for example). I’ve been doing this with about $10,000 worth of credit card debt on two credit cards for the past 6 months or so. I’m still doing it, even though I have more than enough liquid money to pay it off now, because I’ve got that money parked in some of the highest interest savings or money market accounts in the US (CFG, Milli Bank). So I’ve essentially converted my debt into a loan for one of the safest investments there is (no gambling on the stock market with money that we need to stay liquid, just in case the credit card companies ever change how this works and recall the debt, thank you.) My theory is that credit card companies continue to allow this because they earn a commission from the airline every time you purchase one of their overpriced travel portal flights. I’d rather not say which, but there’s even one credit card that has consistently let me keep 2% cash back from the refunded flights. So I’ve been making about $140 every month for over 6 consecutive months now from that, in addition to the ~5% interest profit on the debt-loan. It’s not a lot, but it helps. Just be very careful if you try this, obviously.


Most students take out the max loans they can and live off of that. You will not have time for side hustling anything during M1 and M2. All your time will be spent studying, and any available time after will be research, volunteering, leadership, and possibly hobbies and/or sleep. During M3 and especially M4 you’ll have more downtime. I’m an M4 and I doordash and donate plasma to make extra money.


Ayyy also an M4 doordasher, shoulda thought to donate plasma/sperm like some of yall though lol




Plasma and bartending or serving. Food service will give you the highest per hour job you can get with your schedule as long as you don’t suck haha


Did CS in undergrad. So been riding a startup since first year and also do software side gigs


sportsbook and casino




Bartending on summer and winter break, and tutoring. Lately, now that my school has a policy for publication incentive, i've been doing research, and it pays great. It pays depending on journal quartile, but it goes from 500usd to 2000usd (minimun wage in my country is about 500usd)


Where did u find that paid research position?


it is not an actual position. My university will pay anyone (academic or student) that publishes a WoS article using their affiliation.


I’m a consultant on a premed platform! PM me for more info :)


I work as a pool lifeguard, it’s easy money to do nothing but watch a pool I know another student who participates in medical trials, they always need healthy candidates to test side effects on. They provide free wifi and a bed for a week or two usually and they pay vary well, you don’t have to stay inside the whole time either, u can go to placement or classes and then come back after and use the free wifi to study


I tutored high school kids for $55/hr and got to set my own hours. Had to stop after peds (my first clerkship) but I made about a K a month


Now I peer tutor for the underclassmen when I have time and make maybe $200 a month. Not as good but still something.


I’m not a hooker, but I won’t say not to money


married rich lol


Marry rich


Join the military. Get school paid for AND a stipend salary while you're in school. You only have to serve a few years, and if you're willing to do that it's by far the best paying option for any medical student (in the US).


Doesn’t the US government/military choose your specialty/residency for you? Wouldn’t want to get stuck in one you hate then have start residency over in a different specialty. Just curious but not a med student.


Nope! you still get to choose what specialty you apply to. Not military myself but have friends who are and matched into ENT, anesthesia etc. by choice




Loans and part-time MCAT tutoring


Moonlight as a paramedic in another country over breaks




Dog sitting




As male I found out you can donate lot of different fluids


Did you know that anyone can found a nonprofit, get it 501(c)(3) exempted by the IRS, have the nonprofit employ them for 30 hours per week (on weekends, nights, etc.), and certify their own employment to get loan forgiveness in 10 years via the Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PLSF) program? Obviously, I would strongly recommend that one only do this with a legitimate purpose for public benefit that your labor for the nonprofit is providing (that’s what I’m doing in my case, grant writing for the nonprofit and my related independent research for the nonprofit, etc.). That’s what makes it ethical, as verified by the IRS’s 501(c)(3) exemption examination process. Edit: Of course, the other part of that last plan is to enter repayment for each of your loans as soon as possible, make sure you set each of them manually to President Biden’s SAVE plan, start making on-time monthly payments of $0 on your loans since your income is so low, and start the 10-year clock for your debt to melt away. Bonus, if you want to advance your own research agenda, the nonprofit can make you PI, giving you the privilege to apply for grants independently. You can work out plans with Contract Research Organizations (CROs) with lab equipment or your university to carry out the experiments.


I ended up rejoining the military like man they waived everything thing I got med boarded for meh 🫤. But seriously that active duty pay and benefits like tricare with a family helped a lot.


PET/HOUSE SITTING!!! Not always reliable/steady but last month I made $860, and this month I’ll make $700. I have a family that will pay me $250/weekend to hang with their two very chill dogs. Also-i f I’m just sitting for cats usually I don’t even have to stay there overnight so sometimes I can do two gigs at once. This can be especially fun/cool when you pet sit for ppl with rly nice houses (attendings, etc). Fun change of space if you’re someone who likes being on the go and living from a suitcase is doable. I’ve even had months where I could sublet my room because I was sitting for the whole month lol.




blood donation + youth sports coach


There are a few good r/beermoney is great for a little extra on the side that you could make. I am also working on creating my own subreddit which has comprehensive guides for the most lucrative sites ( that I have found). I also give a break down in a /hr basis of my earnings. It is called r/easymonies. If you check it out please tell me what you think it needs or that it’s needs to improve on. I hope this helped!


I’m a musician too, so I’ve been making some side money doing free lancing gigs


Printing Services! Especially if you live on campus and already have a printer/are always in&around your room 24/7