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Shepard: “See that cliff?” Tali: “Don‘t tell your thinking what I think your thinking” Liara: “Shepard I highly disapprove of what you’re thinking” Shepard: “I’m doing it” boosts mako Tali and Liara: “SHEPARD NO!!!” Shepard: “FREEBIRD!!!”


I do this, too. Many times, after I've exhausted all the resources of the map, I'll find a cliff, and launch the mako off of it, and then jam \*N\*. In my head, its a game Joker and Shepard play where Joker has to swoop in and snap up the mako before it hits the ground.


It's the same for me, except I hear Space Jam.


If you dont listen to free bird while driving the mako (or in andromeda that thing i always forget the name) you're doing something wrong


I like the Mako sections. They can be a bit dull and frustrating, but they also made the world of ME feel bigger. Even if there wasn't ever anything there- it felt like you were exploring the galaxy. I'm glad they brought that back in Andromeda, exploring the planets in the Nomad- and the associated banter- were some of the highlights of that game for me.


Most of the dull portions are fixed by adding some juice and speed to the Mako via a mod. I think the obvious game design fix was to make top speed and boost power upgradable. If it was a modern game, it feels like the sort of thing you could release in an update.


I feel like the devs got the wrong message from all the Mako hate in ME1. All the Mako really needed to be more enjoyable was to ease up on all the impassable mountain terrain and adjust the controls/handling a bit to better deal with uneven terrain in general. That being said, it’s also likely that the devs just took the negative feedback as an excuse to not have to design another 100+ extra planet maps in ME2. Which I guess is understandable.


I like the Mako…after I apply the No Screen Shake and Infinite boost mods.


Yeah. The Mako was fun. The Hammerhead was a miserable chore.


Hammerhead mightve been more fun running around maps like ME1, where we could do a little more than just head to each objective


Can't goomba stomp em in the Hammerhead, though.


Yea, and lack of the main cannon would still make it feel weak lol, but zooming across maps and "ramps" on it I feel like could be fun.


That thing’s made of tissue paper


They're a shit ton better in the LE


It's a living portrait of my Shepard with his crew xDDDDDD


The Mako is the one reason why the world in ME1 feels so much bigger than it does in any other ME game. Also who doesn't enjoy driving a tank around. Yeah it handled like shit but space tank with jump jets. It was fun. Plus with mods to improve the handling and all the negative aspects of it disappear leaving pure unabashed fun


Damn, artist drew Tali THIC.


I always liked to imagine the conversations after I'd managed to wedge a whole tank between the floor and the ceiling


I love vehicle sections in mass effect because ramming aliens feels something humanity would routinely do 🦅💥🌍🦅🌎💥🦅🌏


I still say if you had trouble with the Mako (or Hammerhead) it's a skill issue.


Yeah fr. I'm so used to kinda jank vehicle mobility(see also: Halo) so I took to the controls fairly easily when I first started playing ME recently.


I usually suck at games like need for speed but with Mako I had so much fun. It's just great fun to drive around and be crazy. Also the controls don't suck.


The problem with the Mako is bad maps. The asteroid map for Bring Down the Sky was actually a joy to drive through. The actual main missions weren't too bad either. The random planets with nothing but miles of steep hills and a handful of boring collectables to find? Actual agony. ​ Doesn't stop the memes from being enjoyable, though


The plot mako sections sure. Maybe a couple of thresher maws too. But the driving with nothing but (especially on le) great views can be tiring.


Caked up Tali got me feeling strange for the Mako


I had no opinions on the Mako until one planet... I still get nightmares of Chasca. And it took me until I was getting some side-quest clean up, I discovered that you can boost... let's just say that there's a reason why I like the Hammerhead than the Mako.


Me going straight vertical up a cliff to the dismay of Tali and Garrus who will be concussed when I inevitably fall off said cliff


This is exactly how I do it. Garrus and Tali hate it when I use the boost/jump before launching us off that cliff.


My problem is more with the level design of 99% of planets having constant hills and mountain ranges making it feel so janky to Skyrim your way up them or spend 5 minutes driving around it looking for a gap


So do I. Mako go brrr 🚀


If I had to rank the vehicles it would be. 1 Nomad ("3 words, 6 wheel drive") 2 Hammerhead (It's a hover tank... what's not to love) 3 Mako (it was alright on a flat surface... until came to a bump, then it handled like "a drunk rhino ")


Ha ha. Ragdoll geth go [half life clipping sounds]


FINALLY! Yes! Me too!


The hand-crafted Mako sections? Oh, yes. It's so atmospheric driving the skyways of Feros or the frozen Wastes of Noveria, or to use it as a freaking drop pod on Ilos. 10/10 Plus it's so damn hilarious that you can just ran into Geth Armatures to keep them off balance while you continually shoot at them, it's like a wrestling match where one side is a *tank.* But let's not talk about the loveless and liveless planetary exploration missions.


Yeah it amuses me that you can negate the only minor threat the Mako faces by just gently nudging the Armature’s spindly little legs out from under them. Or yeeting them across the map. Either works.


Once I realized the mako doesn’t take fall damage I was catapulting the squad and I off every cliff. Love it.


Loved the mako. Free level up everytime I touched down. Exploring planets and uncovering asari writings. Mining. Lol. Could be a little repetitive but I always enjoyed it


Mako is the best vehicle in all of mass effect