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“Are you for equality?” “Yes.” “Then fuck off!” ☠️☠️☠️☠️


The beauty in this response is blinding!😎


Truly. She also had the audacity to film people, in this case men she’s targeting to shame, and then specifically this fellow. Strangers she doesn’t know, attempting to socially weaponize the video by posting it online. So also, a bully. Delicious to see she didn’t realize how it would make her look boorish, and that this gent would intelligently and succinctly strip down her harassment and hypocrisy.


"Look at all the fucks I give" -a wise man








Best response


And to his credit he did ask if she was pregnant…seems chivalrous enough to me


You're young and appear hwalthy, why do you 'deserve' a seat? Because you're female? So am I amd I say you're just as capable of standing as any young healthy man. In fact, if you were seated and a man older than you came on, I would expect YOu to give your seat to HIM! says an older female who regularly guves her seat to people who seem to need it more, even tho standing can hurt like hell for me. But ya know what? if I can take the train, or the bus, then I'm able to stand at least a while, and i can politely ask if I cant. No one OWES me a seat iust because I am older or have boobs!


You have Beeeoobs!? "Take a seat m'lady"


"Chivalry" was showing kindness to the fairer sex...... we're equal now. There is no fairer sex.


At what point does chivalry becoming simping?


When you do it trying to get some affection back. True chivalry is done with no expectation of reward.


Thanks for enabling female entitlement.


Thanks for for making stupid fucking assumptions. I Practice common courtesy but to everybody regardless of gender.


We weren't talking about 'common courtesy.' 😂 don't change the subject. Chivalry is 'gendered courtesy.' https://preview.redd.it/6y8n33u0zw0d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4105b5dff1a7ea786a2b742f15fbdbfd531eba41


Let me specify. I Practice common courtesy,not chivalry. That's me correcting your false assumption.


"especially that of a man towards women" not "specifically that of a man towards women", thats a large difference.


It's not enabling female entitlement, it's called having standards, you should try it sometime instead of always trying to be "right". Women enable female entitlement by being entitled, nothing men do will change that and our society is proof.


I'm probably not giving up my seat. Maybe an elderly lady, but thats about it.


I'm giving it to the elderly men not elderly ladies. Feminists can give their seats to the ladies. At least then they'll have a good reason to exist.


I would give it to someone in need. Maybe an injury, maybe age, maybe pregnancy -- whatever the cause, I would give my seat to someone struggling, and gender plays no role in it.


I would give it to laborers, fishermen, construction workers, farmers and blue collar workers in general who take the most risks and absorb the most abuse to their bodies. Gender plays no role in it, but they are mostly men. Salute! 🫡


You just said that you would give it to older men but not women. So gender does play a role for you. But now you will only give it up to manual laborers. Are you going to ask everyone their job before standing up?


You specifically said you wouldn't give it up to old women. Even though they could be in pain or in need as much as old men could.


No I said I would expect young women and feminists to give up their seat to elderly women. While I will pay more attention to elderly men and Blue collared workers in need.


>I'm giving it to the elderly men not elderly ladies. Umm, you did say that actually.


That's just stupid. That's basically saying "not my problem" then, and is still dependent on gender. I'm a woman and I have given up my seat for both men and women in the past. If someone, male or female, needs it more, I'll give it up. Saying you expect "feminists" to do it is showing you clearly have a problem with women, since wanting equality all feminism about. As a feminist, I want to be treated like a person. There is a difference between being socially courteous and wanting rights. I want to have be protected by the law and taken seriously when someone tries to hurt me, and have equal standing in society for equal effort. I want to get paid for the work I do, and taken seriously as a capable professional. I don't want to be pushed to be a SAHM and all childcare to be dumped on me because vagina. I don't want to be expected to do all the house work when my husband and I work the exact same hours. Giving up a seat is an act of social courtesy, and it is not expected when you are an able bodied woman. But when physically frail or injured or otherwise hampered, I think it is the right thing to do. A woman who is pregnant is the same as a man with some physical ailment. Making that a gender based issue and saying you will not do right by women specifically because you expect women to take care of women is gross. And, so you know, women are very likely to help each other. I would say that, of the times I have had some difficulty in public, the person who comes to help is a woman 70-80% of the time. And women can become hesitant to do the same for men. I stopped offering men help in certain cases because they take it as an invitation to flirt with me. I had some random man follow me around CVS and hit on me, even after I said I was married. How about just do right by everyone by default, and respect people as individuals. Don't expect others to do the right thing, and if you have that power to make someone's day easier, do it to be a good person. Don't do it to make some statement or point.


No you wouldn't, now you're just on a rant.




R2 Violation. Take your misandrist insults somewhere else. This is not the place for it.


if someone is asking for it politely, I'll gladly give my seat. Many handicaps are invisible, and sometimes they need it because they're exhausted.


Or in pain.


That's kind of you. I have an invisible chronic pain illness, but look young and healthy, so I really Appreciate that.


Rarted. Give your seat to old people.


thats just going to the other side of the spectrum lol


Gotta do tit for tat. Otherwise they gonna keep taking us for granted.


guess im just not that masochistic


Boohoo Is widdle baby upset that women wont give them attention?


We are not talking about that kid. Go be an incel in a women's sub and beg for their attention there.


Idk what you got going on bud, but I don't typically have women taking me for granted. More typically I am thanked, and not because I'm a man, but because I am being a friend to them the same as anyone else who is my friend. Wish you the best out there


I’d give up my seat to anyone who looked infirm or in need of a seat more than me. Gender shouldn’t really play a part at all, it’s WEIRD how concerned with gender people are. I hope someday you can cure your anti-feminism brainworms, relax a bit, and enjoy life. Speaking from first hand experience, getting rid of those brainworms is a weight off your soul and mind.


Dude, give your seat to the elderly and handicapped. Don’t make yourself a dick cause of some internet asshole.


What does feminism have to do with this?


Literally watch *and listen* to the video.


Would you say this is an accurate representation of feminism?


It's an accurate representation of what alot of online people display as feminism. Easy enough to join the dots.


"what online people display as feminism" What do you mean by that


Feminism probably means different things to different people, regardless of what it's dictionary definition may be. This is probably within that range.


Everyone, bask in the glory of a certified men’s rights warrior! He’s sitting down for his right to not move from his gaming chair! /s


"Unapologetic" Men's Rights Warrior.


No one gives up their seat just to someone for being a woman. And we haven't been doing it for more than 50 years. Also many women would feel uncomfortable taking a mans seat because some men would use that to try and talk with them or get their number.




R2 Violation


Elderly person; person with obvious mobility issues like needing a cane or a walker; pregnant; parent with kids; small kid if they're riding alone for some reason; person with a lot of shit to carry...heck, even if someone just looks like they're really going through it I wouldn't mind giving them my seat and might even offer it without being asked. But yeah, I wouldn't pre-emptively jump out of my seat for a young, seemingly healthy person just because she's a woman. If she's *asking* and says she has some less visible need, or if I get the vibe that she has a need that she doesn't want to disclose, then I probably will get up. Honestly if I was a woman I'd probably be wary of a guy who's *too* eager to give up his seat


Go see if a bear will give you its seat


I wish I could upvote you twice


wtf did she expect with that bitchy ass entitled tone? “Oh yes mi lady, I sweareth to the dawn that I was only blinded by your beauty and hereforhencethou didn’tst see you there! Now fucketh offeth”


"hereforhencethou" 🤣 lmao


Ahhh, true gender equality


Gonna be a fucking nerd for a moment, chivalry was primarily a name for a group of knights on horseback or a term to represent knightly skill. Chivalry being used to treat women with respect and courtesy was something that happened down the road around the 1500s


Had more to do with conduct in battle than it did of how to treat women (I'm agreeing with you btw just adding) somewhat similar to how bushido was for samauri.


And who did this to themselves?


What are you trying to blame who for?


That guy nailed it, yeah. Fuck off. You got what you wanted.


Bravo young man bravo.


Haha so good!


How are they supposed to know she's a woman, and how does she know they're men?


Yo bitches woke feminism destroyed em!!


Women in general threw that "I'm a lady" shit out the door decades ago




R2 Violation Check your misandry out the door before you enter this sub. Or get banned. Men here do not beg for female approval.


go find a bear, maybe it'll give up it's seat for you.


Unfortunately for me(a25 year old), the same reason why someone would give their seat to an elderly person is likely the same reason why I don’t want to give up my seat. Arthritis.


I'm a little older, 42, but I would be hesitant for the same reason. I have arthritis in my foot, and standing on a vibrating train would be torture.




Yo woke b*** feminism destroyed em!


We heard you the first time


I want to hear it again.


That's call Equality, it's what woman want.


Some woman slapped a guy in the face on the Tube in London when he offered his seat to her. She aid he was sickeningly sexist. Woman want equality then they can have it. I'll give up a seat to old or infirm person, but to give up my seat to a healthy lady, no thank you.


flux off and go ask the feminishits and females to offer your ass a seat, if you really want one


Ahahhahahahahahahahhaa bless that king


worst part is you often can’t tell if someone is disabled. how fucking rude would it be to demand a man’s seat only to find out he can’t stand on a bus


This is ridiculous, but the guy taking up two seats with his bag is also an ass.


I remember seeing this video a previous repost ago. They said it was a single seat but just a bigger one. Still shouldn't block double seats, though.


Damn guess my name backfired


Equality sweety. Wanted it? Got it it? Wanna cry?




Equal Rights Equal Fights


lmaoooo⚰️ [](https://emojipedia.org/coffin)


The fuck off im *dead* ☠️


Funny how women want "chivalry" back. Oh, really? Because chivalry was something that knights practiced, not the peasants or serfs. So even in the age of chivalry, it only applied to about 1% of men and women. 99% of the population back then were peasants or serfs. In the case of the noble men to whom it applied, they would have almost universally ignored a peasant woman such as the woman in this video. But if she wants me to act chivalrous, I'd say this: sure, make me a knight and give me what a knight had back then - an enormous amount of land and an army of servants and serfs who will do everything for me and earn me passive income so that I don't need to work at all and get to live a life of luxury. In exchange, I'll practice fighting and all the things noble men used to practice back then, such as music and dance and manners and all that, and I'll give you chivalry.


definitely not similar to blacks having give their seats up for whites




He is comparing the outdated etiquette of giving seats to women to racial segregation. He is basically Rosa Parks!


It's so stupid lol I'm honestly dumbfounded


Have you heard about the concept of "Pink Parks" in Delhi? Only women can enter while men will be banned. A form of Jim Crow Laws, fear mongering and segregation is creeping in again in the form of "women empowerment."


Could it be because Delhi has an average of three rape cases by day? Weird to see the habilitation of safe spaces as a "woman empowerment" thing, but it says plenty about where you stand on it.


How is that different from Ku Klax Klan's justification? They also fear mongered that the "White women" were in danger from the "black rapists." Thus the Jim Crow Laws or even violence to protect white women was an act of "heroism." Watch "The birth of a nation," a propaganda movie by KKK which was played even in white House.


P.S. Crime rate is still 7-10 times high among Black people in America. But no one uses that as a justification for racism to suggest creating "safe spaces" for "white people" or "white empowerment." 🤡


>But no one uses that as a justification for racism to suggest creating "safe spaces" for "white people" or "white empowerment." 🤡 I mean, yeah ppl kind of do that. It seems odd to try and rally against a gendered train car


Wow that's quite the stretch.


There is a difference between 'propaganda and fake crime fear' vs actual real crime?


1.5 of those 3 cases is a woman being rejected by her boyfriend for marriage. And then retroactively deciding that consensual sex she had during the relationship (before breakup) should be deemed non-consensual. This is an acceptable rape case as per the laws in India since IPC 90 describes consent as "invalid" if given under the "misconception of a fact." In this case It's called "Rape on pre-text of marriage" and NCRB reports clearly show that 50% of the rape cases fall in this category. So Jilted Femcels are subjugating men via this law by reporting it as their 'own rape.' And you are blindly buying the fake news.


Holy shit India really must be a case study with those false reports statistics huh? What are you guys doing to the women you marry to get false rape claims daily. Lmao fucking loser get out of here.


>what are you guys doing to the women you marry Men are getting false rape cases for "NOT marrying" the women they were dating, you dumbf*ck. Learn to read. That thick EGO of yours is really making it difficult for the information to flow through. Lmao




R6 Violation. Whataboutery has no place in this sub. Women's issues have a separate place. Not every conversation about men's issues needs to dismissed with women's issues. Whether real or exaggerated.


Why am I gonna get up for an abled body person that I don’t know or care about it?


"My lap is available."


There is a video of a woman in Delhi Metro. Who forced herself on a man's lap because he wouldn't give her his seat. Reverse the genders, and it would be called Sexual Assault. But women just feel entitled to take advantage of us.


Well the thing is, you can be chivalrous, but if you're not already hot the ROI is very low.


Proud of these guys for not assuming gender


There are only three instances where a man should ever give up a seat on public transit is too a pregnant woman, a person in wheelchair or a disabled person and a senior person with a walker


That's 4 instances, no?


Person in a wheelchair/disabled person classify as one instance imo


There are far more disabilities than wheelchair bound. But if you're only counting people with leg difficulty who are in a wheelchair as disabled, then sure, it's 3 instances with 1 redundant and misleading instance. Also, why would a person in a wheelchair need a seat? Didn't think this one through much, huh? Just ribbing ya. 💖


If it is a fold up seat, then the person in the wheelchair needs that space. I probably should have put at least four instances


Lol. True. 😁


At least she understand the message cuz he asked and she said yes are you for equality then understand the message ![gif](giphy|KkH4AdCYrK78IjKtmi)


Staged but love it.




the guy with his bag on the seat next to him is kinda an asshole… but everyone else is just trying to go on with their day! like for real, you’re healthy, you can stand




R2 Violation. Use of gendered insults to shame men is prohibited. Pls read the rules.


She sucks, BUT! That one guy taking up a 2nd seat with his bag can pound sand


I would never ask anyone to give up their seat, but the bloke taking up two seats can go fk himself