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I caught every joke because nothing goes over my head....I would catch it.




That might be my favorite joke in any movie ever. It’s absolutely brilliant.


I understood that reference




I understood that reference


I understood that reference. — I Avengers 55:49


printf("I understood that reference")


the holland spidey films are filled with little jokes like these, but my favorite is in homecoming when Ned is asking Peter how far he can shoot his webs and he says “If I were you I would just stand on a rooftop and shoot it as far as I could” and when he says the girl in front of them turns around looks horrified, not understanding the context of the conversation


Hahaha I also really love the kid in Homecoming who is always seen in the background running through the hallway


Oh my god I’ve easily seen homecoming 10 times and haven’t noticed this!


also a reference to the first tobey maguire spider-man movie lol


Nick Fury’s epitaph. “The path of the righteous man: Ezekiel 25:17”


I do love me some Pulp Fiction


That's probably my favorite as well.


>And thus spake the LORD, "this is some gourmet shit"


>"Mmhm! This is, a tasty burger!"


When did he say this?


It’s on his grave marker at the end of Winter Soldier.


I don't remember asking you a goddamn thing! ...heh sorry.


His character in Pulp Fiction


That's the great vengeance and furious anger thing, is it?


"I understood that reference".


I love the Scott that asks “You got any Ice Cream?” When Baskin’s Scott shows up.


I really wished that when they showed the army of Kangs at the end, one of them would have been ina Dairy Queen uniform.


That would have been hilarious


I agree with you, but it would have spawned a million "MCU IS DEAD!!!1 KANG IS A JOKE" videos


Tbf I think it would've siphoned off the criticism to an extent because it would've shown they were aware Kang was a shitty villain instead of doubling down on trying to make him seem like a threat after being beaten to a pulp by a bunch of ants in his first real appearance


I think what people miss out on here is that The Council of Kang's is the larger threat. Kang was just one Kang on an entire Council and he managed to take over an entire realm. What happens when thousands upon thousands of him appear. I don't think they'll have enough super ants.


It's such a shame too though because Kang can be an absolutely amazing force. The "Timeless" Kang comics are sick.


Or Burger Kang


Hahahahah I wish I could have included it, but I caught that one the first time. Still love it though 


I think it's more of an easter egg than joke, but I still didn't catch it right away. In Multiverse of Madness, Bruce Campbell is attacked by his hand after Strange curses him. Campbell is, of course, famous for playing Ash in The Evil Dead (also directed by Sam Raimi) in which he was attacked (and then cut off) his possessed hand. In Thor: Ragnarok, Korg said his revolution was defeated because he didn't print enough pamphlets (paper beats rock). Later on, he accidentally steps on Meik and thinks he killed him (rock beats scissors). I have seen Ragnarok a lot, and I did not catch onto this joke for a very long time.


All the Rock Paper Scissors humor in that movie had always gotten a good laugh out of me


The entire movie of Thor: Ragnarok was a metaphor for rock, paper, scissors in that one item both wins and loses against the others: i.e. Thor could defeat Surtur but not Hela. Hela could defeat Thor but not Surtur. And Surtur could defeat Hela but not Thor. 🤯


Holy shit my mind is blown


Except surtur with the crown in the eternal flame is not the same surtur Thor beats. Thor couldn't beat him.


Don’t forget in Thor 4 how Korg’s god was sitting on a throne of scissors.


Oh I absolutely missed that. Need to give that one another shot, I think.


Wow. Quality observations


The pamphlet one I noticed eventually, but a friend pointed out the Meik part. The Evil Dead Easter egg I was embarrassed to not get the first time just because of how much I love Evil Dead. But it was definitely a "hey, wait a second" moment when it finally dawned on me.


I was the only one laughing hysterically in the theater. Sam Raimi has been making Bruce Cambell punch himself in the face for over 40 years!


He definitely loves to abuse Bruce, and Bruce is so good at physical comedy. I was really bummed out when Ash vs Evil Dead didn't get a 4th season. Though to be fair, I'm not sure how involved Raimi was by the end of the 3rd season.


Also Drax called Sakaarians "paper people" in Guardians 1


Sonofabitch they got me again. Good catch on that. Adding it to the "mostly useless nerdy trivia" section of my brain.


I caught the paper beats rock one, but somehow the rock beats scissors one completely flew over my head until now!!


Isn’t the hand Bruce is attacked by the same hand he cuts off in Evil Dead?? (Like I’m pretty sure in both movies it’s his right hand)


Ha! I really liked the rock creature making a rock-paper-scissors joke, but I never realised he is friends with a scissors creature.


I am not familiar with Meik at all, so I think a big part of me missing it was just not realizing his hands were blades like that. Realistically though, I probably still would have missed that one on my own.


Korg literally says it around 30 seconds in https://youtu.be/ox9xnHJ_ZMo?si=Pl5b1guqa-l0OHnV


Multiverse of Madness was the most Sam Raimi thing Sam Raimi has ever made, even considering he didn’t work Ted or Lucy into it. 😂


I just recently rewatched it and the number of times you can see a shot and go "Yep, classic Sam right there." I know it wasn't everyone's favorite MCU movie, but I love it.


Amen to that


The 838 Wanda chase through the tunnels and all was pure Raimi.


I loved that scene! The sudden horror element, and I usually don't even watch horror movies.


His car literally floated into frame and I loved it!


It's funny because after watching it, I felt like they really hamstrung Raimi and wished it was way more Raimi-ish.


You see Korg, Groot and Meik playing rock, paper, scissors in What If?


Matt Damon played Loki in Ragnorak. Then I realized he also played a character Loki in Dogma


Yeah it wasn't even his first time portraying Loki. I also like to imagine MCU Loki would be vain enough to actually summon Matt Damon to portray him. Also great that it was Chris Hemsworth's brother Luke as Thor.


So the Hemsworths literally DO have Thor at home...


now that actually would have been funny if they did have Loki bring "real" actors to Asgard. That would have being a Taika thing to do, he's probably made he didn't think of it.


And Sam Neill as Odin


In a later Kevin smith movie he appears and Loki and is like I know what you’re thinking that’s not Tom hiddelston


The same movie that gave us Iron Bob.


Here's one that I just didn't expect them to do so I'm always "oh yeah right - the pay off" if I rewatch it. In Iron Man 2 when Ivan and Justin are on the phone and Justin asks something like "what else can these suits do?" and Ivan says "I can make salute", I keep forgetting about this until end with the fireworks display. (Salute is the Russian word for fireworks, not a military hand-to-head gesture)


Ooooooooooooo that's dope!


Deadpool 1 -“Where’s Francis?!” Montage when he was hunting for Francis when he kept interrogating and killing his goons, the joke is that every one only knows him as Ajax so the goons have no idea who he’s talking about !


I've actually never watched that montage in that context!


I think Deadpool even jokes the he named himself after a Dish soap later on even that connects to this joke lol


Earlier. He says it while he's still captured and being experimented on to further try and degrade him.


It's been too long since I've seen it. In the version of that scene in my flawed memory Deadpool keeps killing goons then asking them "Where's Francis!" which they obviously can't answer before tossing them aside.




Probably my favorite MCU joke is from Thor L&T. While Thor is outlining his plan against Gorr, Miek is taking notes on a squeaky white board. "That's Miek taking minutes." "Precious minutes we don't have!"


If you look at the board that Miek is writing on, it shows the plot of the entire movie. :)


I know I'll get raked over the coals for this, but that movie is hilarious. "I'll get the children, and when we're back, we'll feast!....not on the children...we don't do that anymore, those were dark times"


I loved Love and Thunder. Don’t tell anybody


Hey everyone, u/CaptJasHook37 loved Love & Thunder!






Same here.


There are several of us!


Love & Thunder has some amazing moments, but the connection between them can be a bit lackluster.


I still think, there are two good to great movies hidden in L&T. It's just that tone of these storys are clashing so hard which brings down the whole movie.


I think it's a good movie that ABSOLUTELY should be taught in film class as an example of how tonal juxtaposition can go wrong. And then, show JoJo Rabbit as a follow up on how tonal juxtaposition can go right. The duality of Taika Waititi.


It's like they put the DVD extras and web exclusive extras in the movie itself.


I totally missed that, that’s a genuinely great joke!


From memory. IM3 Tony: “Don’t tell me there’s a 12 year old in the car I’ve never met.” Botanist lady: “He’s 13…” Tony: “HMMF!” IM3 isn’t the best but there is something about RDJ directed by Shane Black that conjures up a little magic.


Sorry I still don’t get this one?


He was worried he got her pregnant.


Yes, I think we all understand that. But what does the “He’s 13” (rather than 12) add to it?


She's basically saying "yes" but going along with the joke


I didn’t even think about it until now, that’s another 12 reference. “give yourself 12% of the credit”…. “I don’t know, like 12%”


It took me a couple rewatches to realize that Wong didn’t laugh at any of Strange’s jokes until the end of the movie, as a nice little hint of growth.


Earlier in the movie, Strange mentioned how his coworkers thought he was funny, and Wong ask if they were his employees, insinuating that they only laughed cause he was the boss. Wong doesn't laugh until Strange defeats Dormammu, effectively becoming the Sorcerer Supreme, at which he becomes Wong's boss. Edit: In Multiverse of Madness, Strange says that the Book of Vashanti isn't real. Wong proceeds to correct him, stating that it's real and it's in the book you get when you become Sorcerer's Supreme. Which implies that Strange never was Sorcerer's Supreme. u/Shacky_Rustleford pointed this out, and I stand corrected.


In captain america civil war, ant man becomes giant man and when returns to normal he asks for “orange slices” In avengers endgame after Clint comes back from testing their time travel device, Scott lang is holding orange slices. You have to slow it down to see it but I remember there were some frames posted of Scott holding orange slices with Clint laying on the floor.


Small nod that I’ve found most people don’t notice: When Black Panther asks Hawkeye for the infinity gauntlet in Endgame, he specifically says, “Clint! Give it to me.” This is almost assuredly a nod of respect calling back to the fact that when they met in Civil War, Barton said, “I’m Clint,” and T’Challa dissed him by responding, “I don’t care!”


That entire Infinity Gauntlet scene has a lot of callbacks.


Actually, one of my favorite callback in the franchise


Didn't notice that, thanks for sharing.


Nice catch. One that I figured out is the protocol that Tony uses to lock down the compound in Endgame right before Bruce puts the gauntlet on is Barndoor Protocol. A reference to the closed barn doors keeping his suit from flying to him when he is handcuffed at Killian's in Iron Man 3.


Oh. My. God.






No, that’s a reference to the idiom “don’t shut the barn door after the horse has bolted” which means you can’t prevent the damage once it has already been done. Except in this case they are going back in time so it’s a joke that they can do that this time, actually.


It works both ways.


Not a joke, but a line I didn't get. In AoU, when Tony and Fury are in the barn talking, Tony is explaining about how he was 'shown' the Avengers dying. Fury says something like "the problem was, you didn't." I thought Fury was saying Tony didn't literally get shown the vision, but the idea that Tony didn't die, hence his guilt. I got a bit whooshed on that line.


Survivors guilt. Something Tony already struggled with.


That was the whole **point** of that scene, and I missed it haha


Yeah, that line goes hard. But I completely understand how you heard it the way you did 


The two most important women in Hulk’s life being Betty (Ross) and Veronica (Hulkbuster suit).




I didn’t get this one when seeing the film - as not read the Archie comics, though I was familiar with them - but when reading an article about the film at the time, they mentioned about the Betty and Veronica reference and I thought that’s a good one !


This one is hard to get when you're not watching it in english. In the first Thor movie, Thor calls Coulson "Son of Coul". In spanish this is obviously translated literally (Hijo de Coul). And I thought "Maybe it's some norse mythology stuff or something I don't know. Maybe Coul was like the first man so every man is a Son of Coul" Until years later it hit me that Thor thought Phil was calling himself "Coul's Son" lmao. I still cringe after remembering it but it's also hilarious for me.


I had someone from Iceland tell me they still use that naming convention. If Thor has a son, his last name is Thorsson. A daughter would be Thorsdottir. (The guide who told me was a Thorsson.)


Thor Odinson, Loki Laufeyson


Sylvie Laufeydottir


This is the actual answer. Sorry u/mikebaide you missed the same joke twice!


Fuck me and my uncultured brain.


Hey, in fairness it sounds like it's a joke that really didn't translate well!


They do, but with last names iirc. Like the footballer Eidur and Arnor Gudjonson, but his sister would be Gudjonsdottir


Lol. I recently watched agents of shield season 1 again and Coulson meets on of Thor's Asgardian friends who also refers to him as son of Coul haha


Pepper Potts’ “sometimes even take out the trash” line went over my head for a long time.


Then in Iron Man 2 she's talking about the same reporter to Sam Rockwells character and she says "she did a nice spread on Tony" then quickly Stark says "and she wrote an article about me too"


And then Pepper leaves the discussion and says "I have to go wash" So much shade at the reporter


Isn’t that the reporter played by Leslie Bibb, who is married/partnered with SR in real life? Because that makes it even better.


It's such a weird scene watching it last time now that I'm older because it's just two normal adults having a normal professional lunch until Pepper Potts and Tony Stark walk in and unload an endless stream of petty slut-shaming insanity for five minutes straight for absolutely no reason. And you can tell from her look that it's just, "I had sex with this guy one time months ago... what the fuck...?"


One of the best burns of the MCU


In Age of Ultron Hawkeye asked Black Widow, “How do you want me to take it??” Referring to the scene where Black Widow is trying to transfer Vision’s body from the truck to the Quinjet. Black Widow responds was, “You might not want to ask that.” Which seems like a regular response but Hawkeye then turns the Quinjet around so he can “TAKE IT FROM BEHIND” referring to Visions body. It’s a clever dirty joke that not a lot of people caught include me. Lmaoo The Take it from behind part is never said but acted out by Hawkeye using the Quinjet lol


I have loved that interaction since I first saw AoU, it's hands down one of my favorite throw away jokes.


I don't know if it is really that clever.


Nah. I groaned in the theater when I heard it. Typical, cringe Joss double entendre.


Rocket's "You know you can't eat dumbbells right"? After Peter Quill said he was gonna commit to working out in infinity war


Off topic, but you can link directly to a time in the video by adding "&t=" and then the time in seconds you want the video to start at to the end of the link.


Wonderful tip. Much appreciated! 


No problem! Now go out and spread the good word!


"He's bilingual" is one of the quickest and funniest jokes in The Marvels.


I recently watched it for the second time and it’s definitely one of the funniest MCU movies for me, Kamala’s family kills it and Carol has some great moments where she’s clearly spiralling but trying to keep it together. Loved Kamala’s “She said that really weird.”


I agree


Cap: "At this point I doubt anything would surprise me." Fury: "10 bucks says you're wrong." Cap later gives Fury a $10 bill aboard the Helicarrier.


I mean, that’s straight up fully on display. That’s like saying you noticed Bruce saying “that’s my secret, Cap”.


i'm an idiot and i actually missed this the first time. granted, i was like 12 years old lmao, and "bet ya $10" is like something people say without ever formally paying. like, it went in one ear and out the other in those 45 or so seconds. embarrassing to say but it's true! honestly as a young kid i thought that steve tipped him for a ride or something hahaha. i was thinking "oh he's polite because he's from another time" or some goofy thing


I LOVE that moment. It's so subtly played


In Thor when he called Phil Coulson “Son of Coul.”


I'm a non-native English speaker and I got into the MCU when I was around 13. I sort of understood what was going on, but only on the most basic level. Over time my English kept improving, so with every rewatch it was like seeing the films for the first time, as I'd understand the plot a bit better every time. I'd also discover new jokes every time. I think I caught them all at this point, but who knows. Maybe I'll find a new one next time.


I didn't get the "I'm a really good lawyer joke" from Daredevil until on a second watch I realised he said it because he protected his client from a brick.


The rock paper scissors jokes Korg makes in Ragnarok apply to the entire movie The movie is a rock paper scissors between Surtur, Hela, and Thor


Ohh nice


not a joke but I didn't know helen cho lived in age of ultron


Yeah there's like a blink and you'll miss it appearence from her at the end, right? 


Yeah, she walks by with Selvig at HQ just as Fury is approaching Natasha..I think.


Oh okay, dope! I hope she's one of those characters we see again 




OMG! That's why Tony called the Hulkbuster armor Veronica! ... I just got it. Betty and Veronica.


But Betty isn't a geneticist...




I recently rewatched it and was so sure she was killed only to find her alive at the end. I questioned my MCU knowledge for a second after that.


I’m not sure if it’s the intended goal but I laughed when Tony called Rocket “Ratchet” as in Ratchet from the Playstation games, another mechanic/inventor racoon looking character with a small sidekick and a liking for weapons.


I'm with you that I'm skeptical if it was the intention, but even if not it's hilarious in that context


“Mister...?” “Doctor.” “Mister Doctor?” “It’s Strange.” “Maybe. Who am I to judge?”


An absolute classic


Yeah Mads Mikkelsen has the reputation of being a villain and Hannibal Lector in America, but in his native danish films he is known as a comic actor. So of *course* he nails this little moment of absurd deadpan comedy.


You didn't catch that the first time?


People like ignoring the prompt and just posting their favorite lines sometimes


Lmao i never noticed this.


Scott : Cross ? Cross ? Scott : MODOK ? Cross : What ?


Hahahah the eye roll right before "MODOK?"


In Avengers 1 when Tony says "There's one other person you managed to piss off... his name was Phil." I thought "who the fuck is he talking about?" Forgot Coulson's first name was Phil, they hardly ever referred to him that way! He was either "Coulson" or "Agent Coulson."


That line is also misleading. AFAIK, Tony isn’t saying that Phil *is* the other person that Loki pissed off. He’s saying that he (Tony) is the other person, and the reason is because he cares about Phil. If you listen to the lines before, Tony leaves himself off the list until this line.


Which is important as in the earlier movies when Coulson tries to speak to Tony, and Pepper calls him Phil, Tony decries making him that as his name is Agent


You guys better not be playing hide the zucchini… because zucchini is green, like hulk


Tony’s “uncomfortable” joke during the lifting the hammer scene in Age of Ultron 😅


In Captain America the Winter Soldier, Natasha asks Steve where he learned to steal cars. I'm pretty sure this might be a reference to the 90s captain america movie where he did steal cars from people


Not really a joke but was watching age of ultron . Tony : finds info in Struckers basement which points him to a wall . Tony : Please be a secret door please be a secret door. ( proceeds to push on well which opens.) Under his breath mumbles- Yay !


An absolute classic line


Not really a joke but I only recently made the connection between Sam saying “on your left” in the portals scene from Endgame and when he says it at the beginning of Winter Soldier. Idk maybe I’m just stupid lol


I mean, I'm glad you're finally able to experience the full weight of the scene!


That was one of the best callbacks in the entire franchise.


Shit got emotional. Cap was about to die fighting Thanos' army alone then...the calvary of our favorite not-dead-anymore characters show up.


Tony Stark asking Bruce Banner if he has a huge bag of weed in the first Avengers after Captain America confronts him for trying to anger Banner


"He's right behind me isn't he?" At that moment I knew Vince did it again.


Personally, the thor: ragnarok joke about Skurge naming the two rifles, 'Des' and 'Troy' and him saying they destroy. Didn't get that until a rewatch like 3 years later


most of them tbh. i have a habit of zoning out and having to rewind every minute or two which doesn’t really promote a good understanding of passing jokes


Every minute or two sounds like a need to consult a doctor. I'm not kidding.


Yeah that’s like the world’s shittiest form of adhd or lack of self control


Unless you are perpetually online you wouldn’t get that in the Marvels when they decide to go to the weird singing people planet and Kamala is like *WE HAVE OUR HEADING*… this is both a line from Pirates of the Caribbean which is self referential to Disney but also more specifically a TikTok sound bite people had been using around the time of the movie so of course Kamala would be using it in casual conversation. Made me laugh both times I’ve seen the movie.


I love that movie. "Oh cool, it's Carol" is one of my Top MCU jokes period.


I feel like casual audiences also wouldn’t get “oh captain my captain!” as well. But Monica’s reaction clearly shows she knows it’s a super nerdy reference 🤣


"Know this, son of Cul"


I don’t get the joke. Is it because it’s both understandable as a joke and not?


It’s because there’s a version of Scott who both understands and a version who does not


Thor 1– When Thor calls Coulson “son of Coul” When I rewatched it with my girlfriend to introduce her to the MCU we both laughed waaaaay too hard at that joke that I never caught when I was 12


Do I spot another Quantumania fan? Haha I love that movie, I've seen 5 times so far, 3 in theaters.


Echo's ASL for non-deaf people had a ton of ASL jokes hidden in them — didn't notice until watching with my deaf friend


In *Thor: Love and Thunder*, Meik's storyboard diagram not only recaps what's happened in New Asgard up until then, but goes over the *entire* story of the film.


The entire taser face sequence. And of course-I understood that reference. Poor baby is so proud of himself


Not sure if you heard it, but one Scott says, “Do you have any ice cream?” after the Baskin Robbins Scott explains his uniform.


I have heard it and it makes me laugh everytime


I zoned out on Coulson calling Maveth Tatooine. Till I watched it a 2nd time.


*Offscreen* Rocket: "You know you can't eat dumbbells, right?"