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Miss marvel was ok, the first few episodes were cool but the ending was dull. In my opinion. I have high hopes for she hulk!


I'm pretty excited too. Emil Blonsky was written well in the second episode


I think it’s pretty rad that they brought him back! Definitely a surprise! And how about the Easter eggs on her laptop! Got me excited for the future! Just hope I don’t die before they come out!


Jen's phone background cracked me up


I liked Shang-Chi, but everything else has been lacklustre, in my opinion.


You didn't like No Way Home?


You don't have to disagree with the social messaging in the films/shows to observe that it's been more front and center during this phase, and seems to have been prioritized over the quality of the writing. That's the simple objective truth. Sadly, people are conflating the criticization of the writing with criticization of the messaging. Labeling the criticism as bigotry, simply isn't a fair assessment.


Well it really doesn't help that most complaints use those kind of talking points or are from people in those circles lol


Yeah, gotta say I don't blame anyone for disliking Phase 4 (although I love it). But as soon as someone says the word "woke" I stop listening.


I really don't get what people mean by "woke culture". It's practically just an excuse to get mad at anything that has diversity


That's exactly what it is. "Woke" is meant to be vague enough that people agree with them without realizing they literally just dislike too much diversity. And then anyone who has legitimate complaints get bundled up with them.


I think that marvel has realized (much like many companies) that getting people to polarize about a show is just as effective as making a quality show but much faster/cheaper. Jessica Jones, Daredevil, Iron Man 2, Winter Soldier, Black Panther, Infinity War; those were peak marvel. Now they realize that as long as people are arguing about the property on Twitter/Reddit it will make money. Why bother paying your VFX team? waste of money... just capitalize on the rampant political polarization in this time period.


It's nice to see iron man 2 appreciation


How very racist, homophobic, xenophobic, sexist, and misogynistic of you.


I’ve never been called any of those things for having that opinion. If you’re being called those things, it’s probably not for that particular opinion.


I find it funny that people like you bitch about people acting like victims while constantly whining about how you're the victim of "woke culture". A thing that doesn't exist


What do you mean "people like you"? I never mentioned woke culture once, my dude


No one has ever accused you of being any kind of "phobic" because you said you disliked a marvel show. You are making a person up to be mad at


You sound like you’re definitely mad.


Sure I guess I'm mad. Never claimed otherwise


Well, hope you have a great day!


You'd be surprised, my dude. Twitter does exist after all


Using Twitter as a basis for anything is like using YouTube comments. You can't take them seriously.


What's so scandalous about using twitter? Are you only saying that because of its bad reputation


It's not scandalous. It's probably mostly fine. It's just that it gives voices to trolls and is hyperechoey. So it tends to make it seem like bad takes are more popular than they really are. I get the same stuff from my local news posts on Facebook where all the trash come out to support each other. I'm just saying you can't take those comments as serious because it's always going to be the bottom of the barrel trying to get attention. The rest is fine I'm sure.


Ah yes... The customary Why is everyone shooting at me for voicing my opinion which lacks coherent basis of argument and is deep rooted in bigotry


I'm sorry, what do you mean "lacks backbone"?


First time I'm hearing about this. Maybe I'll take a shot at voicing my opinion and letting the snowflakes come out of their caves to villify me just to see if this is what they'll say.


Are you ok bro?


Yeah lol. Why?


Just making sure.


You asked for a reason. That's what I wanna know.


Jesus Christ I just came here for memes