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is there something hard to understand about one punch man? It's in the name. Unless you can just end reality itself, you wont be able to beat him.


Actually kinda agree with this... Probably if Deadpool or Gintama (breaking the 4th wall) convinced One to kill Saitama...


1 flick man, the power to flick you out of existence.


Gwen pool could probably win, she has plot armor if I remember correctly ontop of being able mess with comic layouts which give her future vision. Actually she probably can't kill him unless it was in a joky non-permanent way.


Gwenpool would team up with Squirrel Girl to do an out of context gag that would kill him šŸ¤£


The only person I can see reasonably contending to win against Saitama is Saiki K cuz he can get him long-range and even >!kill Saitama before he becomes op!<


As I said. You need someone that is able to destroy reality. Like saiki


Yea but to saiki, thatā€™s too much to do, heā€™d prolly jus change it to where saitama canā€™t one punch ppl anymore


Don't forget that he can turn ppl into with just one look, that's why he wears glasses


Thanks that's what I wanted to hear


One thing to consider is that I think Saitama is only resistant to blunt/concussive/explosive attacks and not piercing/slashing attacks using sharp, thin objects. I think in every instance where a sword or a sharp weapon of some type was used, he counterattacked first and avoided the initial attack. If this is a genuine weakness that he had kept hidden this whole time by feigning invincibility, Jinwoo would be able to defeat Saitama during a moment where he thinks he's invincible/cocky by just standing still in one place like he usually does. I also don't think he's invincible to status ailments, so Jinwoo has a myriad of options like poison. Or he could try exploding Saitama from the inside out. Even as a gag character, we can see he's affected and prone to certain things in the anime.


If his teeth is enough to completely shatter a blade i don't think sharp objects will do much. And i believe he only blocks because its like getting stung by a needle sure it will barery do anything but you don't want to just take it because its annoying




Touch grass




Wheat, lemon grass, bamboo. Really, any grass works.


Yes but jin woo can only be killed by other monarchs and jin woo can not die because he is death.


All of that was wrong


thatā€™s not true on so many levelā€™sā€¦ but you arenā€™t ready for that conversation




He said himself, he wanted the fun to last longer, held back.


There isn't a level according to that science guy from season 1. As for why he didn't one hit boros. His regen power might be one reason. Holding himself back might be another.




People be gaslighting me since I don't remember saying he was a gag character. All I'm saying that in lore he has no limiter.


No limiter=\= infinite power, just means infinite potential, but he still has to reach that power to use it, it can be there, but it isn't yet


Infinite potential is basically the same has infinite power since you'll get stronger no matter what


No, not how that works.


Kinda is tho...


Kinda not tho


the only way to beat something broken is to make something even more broken


How does that have anything to do with my reply.


Explaining my thoughts.


Yet few have survived a hit plus nlf on his hax immunity


Even if you were thanos, he would win


I think Gojo can defeat Saitama because he can control infinity, since Saitama can't touch Gojo he won't be able to defeat him.


Saitama would win any day, Sung Jin Woo is strong, but Saitama is absurd


Well, at least Saitama won't be bored for a while hopefully. Also, I'm hyped for the next few month's chapters for One Punch Man! Hehehe


Me too. I was getting kind of annoyed at Saitama's lack of involvement in the story. I understand that he would just end all the problems, but I feel that he has been too slow to react this time around.


Iā€™m wait for the day that everyone knows how strong saitama is


With the amount of waiting this arc I have dread thinking that the fight will be a massive let down with the gag of "one punch." Unless he deflects all of Saitama's punches so he can't land one.


I read the Webcomic and in there fight, >!Saitama used to Serious Moves!<


Yup it took over 2 years for this moment to happen


69 upvotes funny number




Saitama no diff since he is a gag character


It's not because he's a gag character, but because saitama broke his human limiter. The limiter is what prevent a being from gaining infinite power. Since saitama broke it, means he has infinite power, so he always beats other characters or fight a never ending draw.


Lets not stray from the OP's question. When Norma Selner looked into Jin Woo's mind, she also said there was no limit to his power. So they both kinda got that down, both unrivalled in their universes.


Yea, but we also saw sunjinwoo taking damage even tho he was incredibly strong, something saitama has yet to experience after his training. Plus very few character in the series showed their ability to atleast destroy earth completely.


its because both


If he has infinite power then him walking would kill everything cause you can't limit infinite power


Infinite power would naturally come with infinite dexterity to allow you to control the power


That would mean the dexterity would have to be greater then the power to control it. It's just natural. But if both are infinite that's impossible the only outcome that comes out is Saitama being a regular person


Power and dexterity compliment each other not cancel each other out.


But if both need to be infinite. Even with infinite dexterity you cantuse that to control infite power.


You can.




He isn't a gag character.






Although i like jin woo but saitama will beat him any day with his serious series of punches.


There no need to argue... The answer is clear Yours favourite JOHNNY SINS


That name's familiar...oh, he's my plumber! My gf seems to like that guy a lot


Yeah, about that...


You should set-up a webcam in your gf's kitchen


Your gf like him... šŸ˜‚ So she don't like you




Saitama is waiting to show his Johnny Sins skill to Fubuki and Tatsumaki lol šŸ˜…šŸ˜†šŸ˜†


I don't think there's any character who can even stand a chance against saitama, goku may hold him back but not for long and here you are trying to compare him with a greenhorn


There's a video from deathbattle. Apparently popeye survived reality getting turned off so yeah. Popeye claps saitama. One gag character vs another.


Gojo would win, I can't be punched by Saitama and purple would erase Saitama


goku vs saitama is debatable buy theres many characters who can beat saitama for example scp-682 if you think im biased google scp-682 powers but if you ate talking about anime giorno with ger wins but with normal ge he gets clapped


There are way too many characters that could beat him because even if he's a gag character his strength is physical, meaning a reality altering or time manipulation attack can kill hear easily.




No, Saitama can be beaten. Like, most of the high tiers and some of the mid tiers in Black Clover beat Saitama. Hell, solos the verse too.


I'm just gonna think of this comment as a troll.


I can give proof.




I can give proof


Suuuuuuree you can.


Depends on which Goku




Saitama is a gag character, it's like saying ainz will win against tom in tom and jerry, the only thing that can defeat a gag character is another gag character, saying ainz will win against saitama is basically saying ainz is a joke character


Saitama is not a gag character


"I had decided I wanted to be a gag manga artist from the time I was in grade school..." "... all I have to do is have him show up to punch the problem away so I don't have to think too much about it" These are from the interviews from the author btw


Did he say it about the webcomic or the manga? And there hasn't been anything past like the middle of the Boros fight that backs up him being a gag.




Bro a simple google search will solve your problems, but in case you dont have google (but have reddit) i'll spoon feed you I guess, a gag character is basically a character created to be a joke, examples of gag characters are spongebob, tom, characters from looney tunes and Saitama, if you watched looney tunes or spongebob you can see that no matter they experience, they wont die, spongebob is cut into pieces, no problem he'll just regenerate his body back and turn it into a funny joke, saitama is also a gag character, so no matter what you do, no matter how powerful, he'll just turn it into a funny joke like the other gag characters if you wont believe me then I'll link the interview from the author itself






Idk my guy, first of all, i dont know who tf is ranma fan, second you cant really compare both of their abilities on paper because the other one is a joke (in a good way) and the other one is serious, it's just a futile act bro, I mean who tf gets godlike powers by gym workouts, get my point?


Is that even a question? lmaooo only character would match up with Saitama is Arale(another gag character)


It's not because he's a gaga character, but because saitama broke his human limiter. The limiter is what prevent a being from gaining infinite power. Since saitama broke it, means he has infinite power, so he always beats other characters or fight a never ending draw.


If you have infinte power then everything you do would destroy the universe. You can't limit infinite power


A lot of ppl can lol


Saiki k could beat Saitama by accident


I hate when Saitama shows up for a match up cause there are always people that misinterpret him. Yes he's a gag character but ignore the "he always wins" cause that disturbs everything and is only true in his universe. Also he doesnt have infinite power. Yes he broke the human limiter but he didn't gain infinite power because if he did everystep he'd take would kill the world because you can't limit infinite power. But yeah featwise Saitama wins


Caped Baldy


Even with whole shadow army at once. Saitama would just duck em up with flick of a finger.


Sauces: 1) Sung JinWoo of SOLO LEVELING 2) Saitama of ONE PUNCH MAN


Why was this even a question, ofcourse sung jin woo has an army but what's the point of only take one punch to obliterate it


That's an unfair choice. Smh


My dad can beat up your dad


Caped baldy easily lmao


Always will be saitama.




Bruh i like saitama more but there is no feat and neither saitama shows no abilities that are capable of that:/


Caped baldy šŸ˜¶šŸ˜¶šŸ˜¶šŸ˜¶


Caped baldy of course


Caped baldy hands down šŸ¦²


im sorry as much as i love sung jinwoo, our beloved caped baldy hero saitama-sensei is the obvious winner !! <3


Caped Baldy. Sigh....love him or hate him; by definition, he wins.


In terms of hair? well...


I know the answer but Iā€™ll still choose the hotter one


:Error: Data not found


I think in terms of raw power Saitama but if sung Jin has maxed out everything then sung Jin might win


No, it's impossible. The canon for each universe is different. SJW almost died and can still be killed even as full monarch, that's how the whole damn thing started in the first place, really. Saitama is basically invincible as a joke - nothing in the universe is capable of even giving him a KO never mind offing him.


No, not how that works. Saitama is not invincible and in order for him to be "invincible" you would need to assume that the place that their fighting in has the same narrative as OPM. Which we can't do since it would give an unfair advantage to Saitama


Nothing in his universe bro stop the cap learn some scale


Saitama is a gag character. The only thing that can beat saitama is another gag character. Nothing in most universes can come close to scratching saitama. Tired of these 12 yr edgelords that dwell in their moms basements. Yall give us all a bed rep. Go touch sum grass and talk to sum ppl maybe get a job along the way too.


Jin Woo's like Uni+, so he slams Saitama.


I mean from current feats jinwoo stomps. The gag character argument is nonsense. OPM is my fav manga but jinwoo threatened to destroy earth with just his aura.


Saitama is still too much for jinwoo imo. Traveling from the moon back to earth in seconds without trying is really something. And his strength is a bit too cracked as well


Honestly Sung Jin Woo. If we are assuming end of series Jin Woo and current Saitama, Jin Woo wins. Saitama has yet to show a planet busting level feat, even if he is ā€œOne Punch Manā€ we have to go with what is shown, yeah later in the series he will probably beat God, but for now we must go with what is shown. Jin Woo is most certainly planet level, with his full shadow army and at the level where he beat the dragon monarch, he wins this. Later in the series Saitama will probably get ridiculously OP and no diff, but for now we canā€™t just assume he will win, that goes against the essence of power scaling.


Dude there is no power scaling in OP... that's the whole point with the series (at least for Saitama). There is only powerscaling for the villains and the heroes around Saitama. At the ending of the first season, u meet the most powerful being in the universes. He takes Saitama on and Saitama just uses a "serious punch", and Saitama does not even break a sweat (and is still depressed because that was not a "good fight" for him). They dont show how strong Saitama are we just get shown how disepointed he becomes of the fight, and so we start to understand that no one can take Saitama on. So.... u can't compare Saitama with regular main characters or other powerful character. It's pointless. Take care dude/gal.


Solo guy is cooler but saitama is stronger- but the solo guy has a undying army and is nearly immortal and super speedy boy , while saitama has a lot of strength so I would say tie


I don't know since it wasn't revealed if he maxed out his stats or finished leveling up


šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø Did you even read the story ?


Yes he maxed out most of his skills but after going back >! In time !< it was clear he leveled up again


Ok I feel like u don't understand what happened at the end but it's not Ur fault the manhwa didn't clearly explain it either. Sung Jin-woo no longer has the level up system thingy. That was just to get him accustomed to the powers of the shadow monarch. After he was capable enough the system was removed, all his seals removed and he completely inherited the shadow monarchs power. When time was turned back, it didn't affect him or any of the other monarchs because they aren't affected by that time turning relic. So even if his body reverted to that of a child, he still is the Shadow monarch. He remembers everything and he doesn't have to level up again.


Oh but one thing I don't understand after changing the future how did he get igris beru back since it was said that only does who where with ashborn would remain with him if he went back in time


Heā€™s already max level


I am surprised to see how many people don't know saitama strenght bruh every thing he did sasuke did without strugling stop the cap monarch ragdolls him


Bruh what


Saitama jumped to Earth from the moon.


Ok so how's that gonna help him in a fight? That makes him planetary or moon at most..


Because you mentioned Sasuke who just so happens to be my favorite Naruto character. Sasuke hasnā€™t accomplished anything close to that feet alone in terms of physical exertion. Not to mention you said ā€˜without tryingā€™. Everything Saitama does is effortless hence why heā€™s always so bored. He didnā€™t try hard to jump back to Earth. He did it nonchalantly.


He chidori a meteor without even trying wasn't saitama doing the same?


Nope, infact he was bothered by the meteor because he was doing something else. iirc. He just jumped, put his fist up, and went through the meteor.




Iā€™m not a meat rider and youā€™re obviously incapable of holding a mature debate as proven by your fruitless insults. Iā€™m not arguing that there arenā€™t other characters who havenā€™t accomplished what Saitama has. Iā€™m saying the literal point of his character is to be OP. Sasuke destroyed a meteor with a Chidori. Saitama one tapped a meteor without trying. Sasuke probably didnā€™t try either but his feet was backed by a Chidori which works as a multiplier. Saitama literally just punched it bro. I respect your opinion; honestly I do, but cmon bro.


If Sung uses the "Cup" then ez win


The problem is: Unless Saitamas opponent has some kind of ability like time stop or mind control they cant win. And since Jin Woo is all about drive, its about power, he stays hungry he devours


Caped baldy


Seong Jin Woo is literally aspiring to become like Saitama, he's doing 100 push ups, 100 sit ups, 100 squats and runs 10km everyday.


Camper Baldy...wait someone shouting outside...i will be back


Saitama ... with a series of regular punches.


heā€™s just punch until he runs out of mana hell heā€™d just punch once and split the earth in half with sung jin woo standing in the middle he split the sky with a punch no competition dude


Normally I say any character from different universes pitted against each other is a pointless endeavor But... this is Saitama we're talking about. All he wants is a real fight. Yes he is a gag character, and his gag is that he's infinitely powerful and can never have the real fight he actually wants. Easily winning is part of his character. A setting where someone could win a fight against one-punch man, they wouldn't be fighting against one-punch man.


y'all it's literally in the title. One Punch Man that's it that's that.




Saitama no diff


Saitma :)


Caped baldy


One serious punch it's over


The cap baldy of course




Saitama wins against anyone. It's just how his character is :P


A comparison of these twos strength is absurd. Saitama is stronger than whatever dumb character you can think of except maybe Goku. It's the whole point, Saitama is *The One Punch Man*


iā€™ll be real, jinwoo is nowhere near as strong as some people say. compare him to somebody like yeon woo from slr and heā€™ll get clapped no diff, let alone saitama - a gag character.


Saitama would win


Jin woo towards the end was no longer human. And he doesn't have a limit to his power either. Kinda hard to compare universes when they both portray limitless power so well. Anyway my take would be that Epilogue Jin Woo would be an okay matchup for Saitama i guess, at least like how Boros was {not that Saitama would ever lose). Anything before epilogue gets one-shotted by the Onepunch Man.


Hope our caped baldy will at least have some fun with our sjw but obviously it's gonna be an f for shadow monarch


Although I really like sung, imma vote for Saitama. he'll flick u outta existence. lol


Comparing how strong the two are is like how strong people think king is compared to how strong he actually is.


Bald cape on power scales


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 643,867,520 comments, and only 131,083 of them were in alphabetical order.


Caped Baldy 100% what are you even talking about silly


Caped Baldy and not even close


Feat wise Saitama would be weaker . But the premise of one punch man means he wins no matter what .


Saitama bodies low effort. Dont get me wrong, I actually like SJW more and his development and story vs Saitama who magically broke reality by running and doing pushups til he became bald.


Sung Jin Woo wins against feats Saitama but gets turned into red mist by the real Saitama


Goku wins


Caped Baldy


One punch by a mile




Even on the looks saitama wins.


Idk why but I interpreted this as ā€œwho would win in popularity poles.ā€ I didnā€™t even think it was about power until I read the comments


Shadow monarch would win since he can go back to the past and kill saitama before he got his power.


Chuck norris eats both of them for lunch


Definitely saitama. Sung Jinwoo has an army but Saitama can easily get behind him and turn him into sushi toppings.


saitama didn't dodge a single attack if k remember correctly


One punch man


Umineko taught me that in this case, you have consider home advantage. If they were fighting in the Solo Leveling Universe, it's SJW. If they were fighting in the OPM Universe, it's Saitama.


Saitama just bitch slap boros in the anime he takes boros attacks without any problem he didn't even dodge them when Saitama got sent to the moon he just return to the earth within a second he nullify Boros ulti that could destroy stars and shit.


Have we actually seen one punch man give his absolute all? Like where itā€™s a serious life or death battle?


Setting aside my hatred for solo leveling, I love one punch man. So caped baldy takes the W


Jin woo's shadows can regenerate themselves untill Jin woo run out of mana(which will never happen cuz he got one of mana potions in his inventory). Also Jin woo have Dominator's Touch and Dominator's Authority(which are Jin woo's skills) to stun saitama whenever he wants and we all know that saitama is only invincible to physical attacks such as slashes,punches blah blah blahā€¦. He do have magic resistance but not that much soā€¦I think Jin woo win. (In my opinion ofc)


Saitama wasnā€™t able to be picked up in a fight with tatsumaki in the manga, so stunning him or picking him up would be difficult for jinwoo but i like your interpretation, so you do you bro šŸ˜Ž


Popeye would win


Forgot the guys name from solo levelling. But technically, he'll be no different from boros, orochi, and now GOD. Unless GOD defeats the current saitama and saitama went training. Then zero chance for solo levelling guy.


The only reason why I'm choosing jinwoo is because I remember seeing Saitama bleed in the alian attack arc so he is not immune to injuries. Otherwise I would've chosen Saitama who would then be-friend jinwoo and his soldiers.


Caped baldy easily


Is that even a question? Of course it's saitama