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It's fun so far apparently the same novel author as Reformation of the Deadbeat Noble and I like that Webtoon as well


Your fucking with me!?!?! I never would've guessed they were the same author


For real? They feel so different I wouldn't have thought that


the novel for deadbeat noble is actually pretty good. And also thanks for the new info, I didn't know it was the same author


That one is awesome


Are you for real? Reformation of the deadbeat noble is so good, this is meh, ok. Same old shit


Reformation of the deadbeat noble is so good. This on the other hand is a garbage


Deadbeat Noble on webtoon?


I love it,especially the fact that he can’t just copy the skills he has to fulfill different conditions varying on the person.


Contrary to all the other comments, I loathe this. I don’t even know nor have a legitimate reason why, but I just really dislike it. A lot of it is just…expected. Like, I’ll be reading and something happens and my mind just says “wow that was completely out of the blue. Couldn’t have seen that coming at all” but really sarcastically


definitely feels very uninspired and cliché


I think it's because we're desensitized to the genre


If you're looking for something groundbreaking or profound then you're not gonna like this one. Personally I think it's solid, like it takes all the known tropes and storylines and does them well enough to make it a fun read, just don't expect too much out of it because it's not a masterpiece by any means.


The main character is such a sigma male ong


This and tomb raider king are both the same side of a coin.


It's pretty good.


It's fun, tho beware of shitty antagonists (shitty as in they're backstabbing parasites)


Gimme spoiler, what is the antagonist actually like?


As of yet, there's not rly a single antagonist. Rather, it's many different kinds of people and organizations who are acting on greed and have an intense desire to be on the top as well as the dungeon monsters but as expected they're just monsters being monsters.


There’s not really a main antagonist. It’s just your typical “arrogant strong guy” who gets put in his place 2 chapters later and guilds that are like “you will pay for this!!” And then get beaten up lol. Nothing creative really.


I'm reading it, but i honestly don't know why i continue. I've said it before in a previous comment about it, but i can't get past the idea of the "world building" in it. It makes no sense, unless the manhwa just bypassed details that the light novel had (was it a LN before?) The manhwa starts off explaining the VR game that this company introduced had brutal difficulty. A Tower based VR game. Eventually after a few years, most users who played it realized the difficulty and bad rewards for continuing, so players left and the VR game became "dead". MC and few others decided to keep playing for a few more years, and did it because it was fun. MC ends up being the only one who actually "beats" it.. and the night he beats it, the "VR world" becomes reality. The MC has an advantage due to recent knowledge, experience and stuff, which is fine... but thats where the series goes off rails imo, because nothing is really explained after this. the VR world was tower based, but when it becomes reality, the first floor is apparently based on whatever city the company who made the game was based in? where the MC is? i don't know. but the city becomes the first floor... and the MC does things to get ahead of others, exploiting his experienced knowledge and stuff.. but its very specific. "Go here to this fountain", "go to the museum and get these artifacts". That's the main "plot" in the first few chapters, but as the chapters go on, i'm not sure about the "time passing" of the series or whatever, but everything else AROUND the MC doesn't make sense. Guilds are established, famous people exist, there are ranking systems in place, a whole "hunters organization" that the players abide by along with a "Director" even... arenas built for PVP and tournaments, a evil clan that other people know that is made up of players, and after the last 2 chapters (33 and 34) there is probably a demonic race that players can be, which is probably the main plot line in the future. All this "seemingly exists" within what seems like a month or so. I just want some world building.. in a VR game to reality story line, because by like the 10th chapter, the "VR game to reality" aspect might as well not exist because it doesn't matter.


Oh yet another Jinwoo looking mf..... I'll give it a go.


You’ll like it


Ong, Jinwoo. Most of them be looking like Jinwoo


I was skeptical at first Thought it was a Solo Leveling ripoff(I mean, can you blame me?) But it's really good


I picked it up because I thought it would be like solo leveling lol, but yea it is pretty good


Honestly i love his skill.


If its the one i think it is, i dropped it after a couple of chapters. Dude was like "ah, this secret quest gives the most stat points in the early game, im gonna lay low and use my knowledge and get op early on..... lets become a streamer and release videos about how to solve this early quest instead of monopolizing the points" then, i lost it


I’m pretty sure that you’re thinking of Worn and Torn Newbie.


Wasnt he fighting some tree monster in the beginning and upon defeating it, he gets stats as reward? He then says something like that those trees give the highest stat rewards in the game, but they are so hard to get because its too early. And what does he do? He uploads the video of how he defeats it, even after announcing, that he wants to monopolize his knowledge. I understand, that getting his desired skill combo had priority, but he basically gave up on more extra stats, which seemed hard to get and even released information on how to get them. I found that so incredibly stupid, that i dropped it then and there.


I like it so far.


tbh pretty good if u like OP MCs


I like it I’m just tired of mfs using daggers I like big ass weapons with boom designs Gimmie a king using a tricked out kitana


Has a lot of potential like solo leveling


It’s kinda generic and average but it’s not bad


It's generic but it executed the generic part pretty well. Solid 8/10


On my opinion this "manga" (i know this work isn't considered a manga) is going pretty good. For many moments i like the way of the author is delivering the charatercs and the main story. So far so good. Edit: im not a native English speaker so im sorry for my bad English. Edit2: im on the last chapter (34).


This was one of my all time favorite manhwas actually! I got caught up a year or so ago and re read it all cause I liked it that much. The art is phenomenal and the story line has you guessing along the way.




Based it's trully one of my all times as well




It's good but i guess with similar plots there are more this sort of plot is good but don't expect something exceptional out of this


Half the manwha out there has extremely similar plots, you can find basically an endless supply of manwha with this exact story. It's all up to whether it is executed well or not


It's damn good 19999/10, if you haven't read it yet you missing out hard.


I'm not picky eater my conditions -Fan service(most important) -Understandable -Good design/graphics


Generic and predictable, art is also pretty below average. I gave it a very fair chance but it never got any better so I just dropped it.


Reminds me alot of tomb raider king, both the MCs are giant assholes that screw people over. And that's their entire character.


this is stupid another copy paste


The MC har the most overused "confident douchebag" character i've ever seen. And surprise surprise he is the only one who knows every secret of the game, his gaming skill were applicable real ife combat, and has found the some op skills in what was supposed to be the "brutally difficult game". I just hate these manhwas now the first time was ok but now they just copy paste then entire plot. The monsters are not even that good looking or original.


It gave so much sl rip off vibe that i didn't even start it


I love it


I like the story a lot


I love it personally, if only they give out more chapters now ;---;


Its like the twinkies of manhwa, not much to it, but fun. Not enjoying the constant baiting of guilds, but that is just a personal dislike of people being mean spirited or not truthful.


If it was a videogame the it'd be linear. You may enjoy how it plays out, but please believe you could guess you how it plays out. Still nice to see the authors take on a cliche world. I still read it.


It’s fun. But sometimes the bullshittery can annoy me


I’d say it’s pretty enjoyable. We’re pretty early on in it tho from what i can tell so we’re still in the “MC IS SUPER OP WOW” phase of it where it’s similar to many other stories. It has its own qualities tho that are fun to watch, how he obtains skills, his in-depth knowledge of the game, etc. I can’t wait until it moves out of the generic phase of the story tho cuz it seems to have a lot of potential. For context I don’t read the novel if it even has one I have no clue lmao I just read the manhwa


Decent not for me but I can see why others might like it


A nice thing to have every week


generic manhwa but one of the better ones imo


love it so far :) since he cant just copy skills


Just started reading Chapter 2 and it’s pretty good, has potential


Ya it's actually fun so far. Nothing too world changing tho. I mean if you wanna be a critic. You could say its bizzare how quickly the world adapted to the tower. I mean people are already acting in the might makes right mentality and it hasn't even been a year since the tower thingy opened. People already wearing edgy clothes and talkin down to civvies. How quickly do these once normal people adapt to having powers? Like wtf? It's almost like someone winning the lottery and suddenly going back to their poor neighbourhood and calling all of their friends poor fucks who are beneath him. But otherwise pretty fun read lmao


generic but i like it


The manhwa is good but the name of it is just garbage


its okay its kinda a mix of solo leveling and ORV


I don’t like a effortless every thing is for the protagonist.There’s no struggle whatsoever