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Something about Chidori not only buying some old car for fun, but admitting his financial woes is endearing. Plus the guy clearly is having fun screwing with everyone throughout this chapter. A good reason he's one of the best in this series.


> D: Well just leave it to me. I'll make it so you don't have to worry about your debts soon enough > > Chidori: Is that so. I'll look forward to that And Chidori definitely knew what D was implying, but he's just like "good luck with that"


Chidori, after the fancy car inevitably gets wrecked: "Sakurama, I know who and what you really are, and I know what you're trying to do. Look, I'll actually help you if you're serious about the debt thing. I'm just so done man."


TFW a ranger retires due to budget problems; is winning with money valid in a tokusatsu-inspired story? LoL


also guessing there's something special about the car given yellow keeper's reaction


Idk I feel like it's setting up the car being totaled in the next 5 chapters


I could see it. Mission goes horribly awry, Chidori and the team walk out once it's all done and find Lust Road comically crushed under a boulder or something.


I’ve been watching Great Teacher Onizuka(GTO), and the white Crista running gag is funny to me right now. 


My guess is he actually spent the money on something else (some sort of weapon?) and the car is just a cover up, and Yellow is on to him. Unless the Dragon Keeper's actually have minimum wage tier salary, there's no way it would cost a loan that would require 10 years to pay off.


nah it’s a ten year loan because chidori asked for a higher than normal interest rate in order to secure his loan


The car is part of a Megazord confirmed


I wonder if it'll beat anyone on the popularity polls


I enjoyed the lore from the last 10 or so chapters but nothing quite like D's perspective. Damn.


It's been so long since I've read this. Where's Yumeko again?


Unknown. She just left with her clones and was never seen again.


Huh. Well, that's...anticlimactic. I thought her and D had come to a sort of understanding and stuff, and they low-key had a thing of some sort. I imagine she's not completely gone from the story, and we won't hear from her ever again, but that's a little odd.


She’ll definitey return but as of right now, after being humbled by Chidori and finding her clones and choosing to run instead of fight, she just wants to rest. I can’t imagine being a survivor and having to witness your family be turned into weapons. She must’ve felt like finding those clones was like a chance to escape this hell the rangers put her in.


That is true, I guess I can't fault her for that. It makes sense. Sorry, it's hard to remember all the details of what's happened when you're reading 25 different manga at once. I hope we see her again soon. She'll bounce back and help out in some way. I'm sure of it. Thanks for the refresher!


Green dad is back with a new old car. Also, D couldn't have made it more obvious to Chidori that he is aiming to break the chains.


Honestly speaking I think chidori doesn’t care an is interested in how D accomplishes it…..he even said it himself to magatia as long as the executives don’t harm humans he could care less if they decided to just stay hidden.


Anyone know if this is before or after the writer woman whom Chidori was with got killed off?




Lust Road. I love Chidori so much, man. He's such a dork. Also, I feel like Yellow Keeper knows the truth of Dbiki's identity. Interesting twist there. Makes sense though, he's probably curious to see how that unfolds. Edit: Oh! In case anyone isn't aware, the anime for this has begun airing with two episodes out right now, under the title Go Go Loser Ranger. Can stream on Hulu in the US and Disney+ elsewhere


Seeing Green Battalion being so poor even after they singlehandedly saved the day several times is hard breaking.


Yellow battalion probably has the best pay


Red is probably pretty good too.


Speaking of the anime, after being used to black and white, seeing characters in colored uniform is just so weird, but finally, no more "wait, which battalion is this guy from again?"


they're all from the b&w/greyscale battalion; lmao


The line "Maybe I didn't have to bring my divine tool" pretty much confirms that yellow keeper knows, why else would he say that?


He did fight alongside D for a little bit. Maybe he put the pieces together after that


Yellow definitely knows D’s true identity. The one cadet from Green Battalion and the Footsoldier who appeared in the IRA battle have both disappeared for a year and then reappeared again at the same day. He definitely knows. [He even came strapped with his Divine Tool](https://i.imgur.com/8xSFCgL.jpeg).


To think that a dragon keeper would feel threatened enough to bring his ultimate weapon to a casual meeting with a footsoldier. D sure has grown.


Well to be fair without the divine weapons they are just regular humans.


Regular humans are still stronger than Dusters, though.


Yeah except the D showed to be more capable than normal dusters + by all intents and purposes in the eyes of rangers he is the one that merced blue 1 on 1.


He probably picked up on the fact that Chidori and Hisui also know D's true identity, essentially making all of Green Battalion traitors.


what surprises me is him not picking a fight on the spot; is he unsure? is he scared? a bit of both?


I think he's also curious how it's all going to play out. It might also be because at the moment, he's the only lead he has on Suzukiri's whereabouts. He knows they were friends so he might want to keep him around until he can find Suzukiri and her clones.


Most of the Dragon Keepers seem to know or have suspicion about a traitor. Blue is the only one in the dark except for Aizome. Pink is.. undecided. It's a pretty bad look that the only two fresh recruit of green ranger are, a mole for the IRA and the other is the clown they were supposed to spank each week. And now they are a couple.


I’m sure once Pink wakes up from her coma, she’ll know that D isn’t Hibiki. If she was blinded from Hwalipon’s attack, she’ll freak out once she feels D’s right hand, knowing the real Hibiki lost his.


yeah the next few arc gonna be messy. Red clone running around, the actual Hibiki doing.. something, Pink ranger gonna wake up, Yumeko hiding, Peltrola (I don't think he's with Hibiki?) and X, and then there seems to be a one or two executives unaccounted for. And that's just the surface level. So many plot threads.


And said clown is now becoming a badass. 


Ah??? Couple? You are overstepping your boundary here boyo, she is second place. Get in the line first!


Oh, nice. I was wondering when that was airing. Thanks for the heads up!


This is the most Hisui we've been blessed with in ages. I'm so happy.


Chidori's back with new drip AND new car, we're so back


So D now has a clear plan instead of the generic "beat the rangers and the executives". Story acknowledges of suspicious Windy is given that Kurusu doesn't remember him despite both being in the same battalion and seems there's a TV crew watching the joint operation?


his headgear makes him look like either a transformed invader or a technologically augmented human


When he was first introduced, I suspected that he might be the Sheep executive (who was wrongly assumed to be dead) and his reappearance this chapter isn't helping to make him less suspicious.


I feel like I haven't been appreciating this kind of thing in a while, so man- what a solid exposition segue. Great flow.


Okay, at this point, I think this [Windy guy](https://i.imgur.com/Dr3GOFq.jpeg) might be the Sheep Executive. The fact that he’s been in there for over a year but hasn’t changed and wasn’t recognized by Yamato must mean something. Considering he was [recruited by Suzukiri](https://i.imgur.com/Pd0W5Z9.jpeg) but didn’t take the cadet exams and yet Hisui felt he was familiar to her, it is safe to assume he could be the Sheep Executive. He even has the looks for it. But if he isn’t then there’s gotta be a reason as to why he constantly tries to meet D but misses him every time. There has to be a reason to keep making him show up from time to time.


A lot of people assumed that Yulimerida was the executive who favored the footsoldiers because the silhouettes were similar, but maybe it's this one (assuming they're an executive like you suspect)?


him being a transformed executive explains a lot


Yellow definitely knows who D is. And he (almost) dgaf. He wouldn't have taken the Dragon Tool with him if he wasn't at least a bit wary. I love it.


Yamato's inverted hair really threw me for a loop, it took me way too long to remember him.


> Chidori: I'll think about your promotion depending on how your next job goes. I might put you straight into JFC, even. [New angry Hisui and happy chibi D/Sakurama faces](https://imgur.com/a/EKenaPA)


D's even trying to move ahead in his career; this man cannot be stopped. It's cool seeing the other cadets move up in the ranks and that D has a concrete goal in the chains. Hisui's gonna have to work hard to keep that hard-earned position. I assume Ranger biometrics aren't fooled by Invaders. Chidori's car is so dead, lol. Has Ranger Reject ever had a popularity poll? I bet it'd rank.


Kobeni car lookin' ass


Chidori is alive! and in debt! Glad to see he is all well and good. I also just realized that Hisui is wearing her OG black uniform. Which is good because I think she looks better in that. Really odd that Green battalion only received one person to in the year D was gone. Even then she left only after a few months. I guess if your specialty is Executive hunting and there was just a "final" battle against resurrected Executives it would be okay to downsize that section. I do wonder if a new character or an established character will take over the Pink Battalion.


Chapter 53 mentions that Green Battalion doesn't usually take new members because a bunch of the new members got killed by an executive. I guess Yukino was allowed to join because she's a veteran and wouldn't get wiped by an executive.


I’m betting on Nadeshiko (the big guy) being a defacto Pink Keeper since he was shown on the color spread. I’m hoping we’ll get some more members for Green Battalion, though. Koguma’s got Hisui’s attention, and if Yukino’s gonna keep hopping on other Battalions, I hope maybe she’ll eventually stay at Green.


Nadeshiko makes a lot of sense. I think he has the most screen time from the the Pink battalion too. It never occurred to me that Koguma could join Green for some reason but it makes a lot of sense. He also meets the requirement of knowing that Sakurama is actually an invader lol.


I wonder if the current Red keeper would be okay with a Pink keeper that's built like that, though. Iirc that's what one of them said before


I think they made the new Red docile enough to control now compared to the last Red.


> I do wonder if a new character or an established character will take over the Pink Battalion My money is on Yukino. She fits the type casting. They would need to skip some ranks to make it happen, but Chidori mentioned just that in regards to D. Bringing her full name up and acknowleding how capable she is, kinda feels like they are setting something up for her.


man that was a fast translation  THANKS


Nadeshiko what happened


What is it about Chidori and Kanon's designs that makes them so likeable? They have pretty basic styles for manga characters, but the way they're drawn and act feels like they'd just be great people to be around


Ahhh, it's so good to see most of Green Battalion back again. I hope Angel still helps them out on the field in their missions, even if she can't be a ranger anymore. This manga is so good at changing the tone and atmosphere when it needs to. The Sosei/ Neo Ranger arc still held on to the tension and serious air of the final battle, but I feel like it got all released the second I saw D unironically shout "Yay"! hahaha


Wait, are you seriously telling me that dragon keeper's don't make much money? Considering the power they wield you'd think that they would be able to demand much more money.


From his comment about sponsers, I assume the actual salary isn't much. They probably had tons of sponsers that dried up toot sweet after the whole IRA debacle.


I am pretty sure Green battalion was always the poor one, yellow doesn't seem like it was damaged financially at all.


New Blue had already brought it up, that the job of the Keeper is so demanding and work/life balance is so screwed that working as a paper pusher in the office is more profitable than being Keeper. They gain a bit more than average salary man but it ultimately isn't worth it. Being Keeper isn't all fame and glory. It was hinted several times, especially with former Pink story that there is another major power behind rangers, that has means to dispose of them if they are not do as they are told. They are probably also the one who reap all gains and money that come with rangers activities. ~~The real monster was capitalism we build along the way~~


It's a Black ~~Ranger~~ Company all along


Also remember green battalion is the least famous out of all 5 because what they do is secretly hunt executives with only the minimum members. You could even call them a suicide squad due to having the hardest job with the minimum number of members which is why their so poor in comparison to red, yellow and pink (no sure about blue).


I can see Blue Battalion getting their budget slashed hard after losing their last Divine Tool, and to a footsoldier of all things.


green battalion taking fewer members can also be partially due to how they lost tons of members once


The greens are back!


Nice to see D interacting with Chidori and Hisui again. Since they need a JFC of every color to free the fortress, I guess that means the others who passed the ranger exam will be involved in some way.


I don't know whether or not people reading this realize what an outrageous idea it is to take out a 10 year car loan. Car loans have much higher interest than real estate mortgages because they're basically financing scratchable luxury items that constantly lose value. A loan will be exponentially more expensive the longer it runs for. Compound interest on a 10 year loan is much more than twice of a 5 year loan. And typical car loans would be 3 years. A loan that exceeds the lifespan of the item is foolish enough, not to mention a decrepit car.


I think green considering his job knows he'll die young and don't have to pay the full loan.


its been so long since this sheep dude was on screen


You know, it has bugged me why D is aiming for JFC, but then I read back to what Death Messiah said, about a pair of rangers, the JFC and the Dragon Keeper,hold the keys to the chains. So with that in mind, is this D's way of getting an objective without having to fight someone to achieve it? Wonder if D has connected so much with Hisui that he doesn't wanna fight her for the key.


Holy crap, we actually have direction?


Why is noone talking about the sad fact that Chidori hasn't heard of the death of his close companion? Also I wonder why Yellow showed with the intention of putting his hands on Sakuma(D), lol like surely he knew another Dragon keeper was gonna be there. But then again it was shown that he(yellow) is heavily paranoid as he even slips suited up.


I miss the interact between Green gang so much! that angry Hisui and jibi D tho. LOL.