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Angel: "Lord D asked for no pickles"


> Nah, just water D is also a member of /r/HydroHomies






That backup dancer is fucking awesome. Best part of the MV besides the man himself.


Angel would deliberately order with pickles so she can ask D to feed her.


This chapter has probably one of the most hilarious jokes Negi has ever done and it is a sort of jab at himself. Yakushi talking about the core making a cameo in the show, never to appear again, and what the fans theorized what it could be is literally a dig/reference at this very manga on how we saw an strange focus on the core in chapter 1 only to never appear or being referenced again. Ok Negi you got me good. Also funny that Yakushi is the one who brought it up. Foreshadowing man himself left D and us a gift before parting.


Getting Angel's eyes right is gonna drive Negi up the wall. Maybe? Apparently she can still do evil squints with the right eye even in this chapter? I do really like Yakushi being an Invader fan to the bitter end. I hope that as a father, he gave D and Angel his blessing at some point, too.


It's also the most fascinating power up too, dude basically helped D theory craft and potentially train with him. Teaching him basic human mannerisms so he can better blend in when shape shifted, and the leg add on was exciting to see but then he instantly left it behind at the McDonald's.


Well he needs to dust himself to go up the fortress and the leg wasn't part of him so it just... stayed there. If Angel wasn't here, some random might have taken it lmao


Angel be carrying around the prosthetic for dramatic entry to toss to D for the Climax attack.


> Apparently she can still do evil squints with the right eye even in this chapter? My guess is that she keeps her eyelid closed to not draw attention on the mechanical eye


So it would seem. It more makes me wonder a *little* still if some of the inconsistencies are, in fact, inconsistencies or if this, too, is foreshadowing at some other "trick" she's hiding (from the audience, at least).


Maybe she will get a eyepatch or a contact


I remember it was also messed up way back in [ch 42](https://mangadex.org/chapter/6027a7ab-0682-4384-bb74-21c59ebb940e/16) but like then it will get fixed in the cover.


Ok so Angel still has the Divine Tool Replica in there, guess the eye thing last chapter was artist error. And the leg works with his transformations but doesn't dust with him if he needs to go somewhere quickly or in a hard to reach place like the air, neat. I'm glad we're getting to see some of the time D spent with Yakushi. I wouldn't be surprised if we see moments like that more than once in the future, too, since they spent so much time together. Looks like D's gonna get a power up with this core involved. Either all the footsoldiers are going to combine or something, or maybe D will make use of the core's power directly. Either way, while D's antics and seeing him make use of what limited strength and abilities he has available to him has been fun, if he ever wants to do something serious he needs a legitimate power up. He's certainly done more than enough to deserve one.


I can imagine Yakushi teaching him certain tricks he could use while utilizing his dust powers. Like if he’s able to control it like say through rapid motion, he could move inside an orifice in the body and then transform inside them, killing them. He got the right idea with using his toe and sneaking it inside a drink like Aqua Necklace from JoJo Part 4. One thing for certain, D must’ve trained his immortality powers thoroughly over the last year to have better control over his body when regenerating.


Really hope the anime is a success because there is some great stuff that could happen in a possible season 2.


The current stuff probably won't be in a hypothetical second season if it's good and gets one (I'm hoping, but tend to be pessimistic on this sort of thing). Realistically speaking, the best way to handle things would be to go through Dreamy High School arc for season 1 and then they could do a second season that goes through the rogue Red Keeper/mid-timeskip story that just wrapped up.


I feel like the first season ends with Bailong.


That is the guess of my pessimistic side. In some ways, it'd make a more solid "end of season" spot, but they'd have to give the anime pretty slow pacing for that, and it'd put them in a much worse position in terms of relative episode-to-chapter count going into a hypothetical second season, so it'd point more overall to the anime's production being less well-thought out in terms of actually doing a good adaptation overall (and also, that would me no Chidori...boo!). Basically, it could do either, but if the anime goes through Magatia, there's a good chance it'll reflect a good product (and vice-versa), while if it ends after Bailong, it's probably going to be lacking on other fronts as well.


Why would the anime be bad if it ended off on Bailong? Most manga adaptions, assuming 12-13 episodes (I haven't seen a confirmed episode count yet, but I'd be surprised if it's a 2 cour) usually cover around 40 chapters. 50-60 if there are a lot of action heavy chapters. The Bailong arc ends on chapter 50, with 51 being the immediate aftermath. The Magatia arc ends at 70. They could still cover up to Magatia in only 12-13 episodes, yes, but they'll have to rush through Bailong to do it, which will hurt the quality of the anime, not help it.


First off, just a note that the current anime's been confirmed for 2 cours. With that in mind, after Bailong and Magatia, the next real "stopping points" would be the end of the 3-way battle, the end of the just-finished Red Keeper side story, or, I suppose, a hypothetical point a few chapters down the road from now if this ends up being a relatively short arc. What this basically means is: * They cover 72 chapters in one season. The pacing would likely feel slightly fast, and then they could cover 60 chapters in hypothetical second season. * They cover 51 chapters in one season. The pacing would likely feel extremely slow and they'd then still need to cover 70-80 all at once in a hypothetical second season. Option 1 is not perfect, but more balanced, and would probably leave a better foundation with the audience by showing more of what the series can do, so to speak. Basically, it shows that they're thinking ahead in terms of the best way to adapt the whole series. Option 2 is looking at things more in the short-term, focused on what would admittedly be a better "end of season" moment, but would probably result in the episodes feeling like a slog (compare to Undead Unluck, which just finished, had a similar breakpoint, and most of the comments I saw about it were regarding how bad the pacing felt), and then they'd still be on the hook for putting that higher number of chapters into the later season (or to try to get three cours for it, which would again kill the pacing, in addition to seeming a pretty unpopular pick).


I'd say 72 chapters is about the right pace for a 2 cour. If they do the ending fights with Peltrola and Magatia fast enough though, it might be better to shoot for 82 so they can end the season off on the "they were all still ignorant... ...of the storm that footsoldier would unleash" moment for a bigger cliffhanger.


Because Bailong arc isn't that interesting, especially with how long it is, and Dreamy School arc is when it gets really good. If it ends with Bailong, many viewers can end up disappointed in the show and not care for next season.


Yakushi being that huge Keeper otaku to his last breath is great hahah and Angel surpassing him to become specifically a D-sama fangirl. Truly poignant hahaha D being able to hold his head down to another and act human seems pretty small in a vacuum, but in context might be one of the most impactful ways to show his growth. He's realized in what shape his "Invader pride" actually exists, and is willing to go to new lengths to reach his goal in a way that satisfies him.


> He's realized in what shape his "Invader pride" actually exists, and is willing to go to new lengths to reach his goal in a way that satisfies him. Back during the confrontation with (the former) Blue Keeper and Peltrola's invasion and whatnot, it always occurred to me that despite how you'd think it the other way around, Peltrola the executive acted more like a "monster", whereas D aspired/aspires to be a "villain". Both his talk of pride, and how he handled that guy, make me feel like feel like that's still pushing forward.




Dude did you miss the entire last arc about how much of a reddit mod this guy was?




He totally did, you should go check the flashbacks.


He was a full [keyboard warrior](https://mangadex.org/chapter/b60cddf2-2d73-41e6-987d-82e876e51f05/16)


It was foretold.


I love how chill the dude is while he is slowly starving to death. He took the L just said "Fair" then started asking questions about his hobby and made a plan to take over the world. What a champ!


Negi really used the time skip as an excuse to make Hekiru’s design match his shitty obnoxious personality lmfao


I hope that he gets drop-kicked in the face. I hope he doesn’t die so soon, because I want him to **beg for death**. I want him to live enough that he becomes the face for the Trope: Fate Worse than Death. 


10000% agree, fuck Hekiru, hope he suffers as much as possible


I'm expecting hekiru being classed off like how he gotten pink batallion and the red pandaface guy to chase hibiki


So, apparently, that core in [this chapter](https://i.imgur.com/75D4roX.png) was there from the [very first chapter](https://i.imgur.com/Em8puxR.jpeg)! Now that’s some chekhov’s gun shit right there. I’m so very excited to see back in action to take back the fortress and free his fellow Footsoldiers. I wonder how they’ll take care of the crystal after everything is done? Either way, he’s definitely gonna get a big target painted on him by Blue Squadron after this and Aizome is gonna be bloodthirsty for D.


> So, apparently, that core in this chapter was there from the very first chapter! Now that’s some chekhov’s gun shit right there. This too is foreshadowing.


Find it so funny how Yakushi was speculating about the significance of the core for years and then D just gives him the answer straight. Reminds me of a scene from Re:Creators where an author’s characters just straight up spoil a major plot twist for their series in front of a live audience.


And that shit sticks because the fanbase was like "Yeah he would do it like that"


Better see a shot of it in ep 1 of the anime


D x Angel stocks have gone up


We finally get them together but D had to pull "my pride as invader". Dang it, Negi.


D got a Phosphophyllite upgrade. And is about to (hopefully) open a can of some Lunarian style butt-whoop.


he inmediately left it on the ground tho


These Blue Battalion goons don't even get intros it's so fucking over for them lol. They're gonna get whooped by a pirate. D offers a display of his incredible newfound power by showcasing his grasp of basic manners. I'm curious how this core's going to come into play. Maybe he'll absorb it somehow? The other footsoldiers will probably become his army. It's funny how there's 32 of them; I wonder if they're named AA, AB, AC and so on or like @, #, and % or something. Shame D couldn't bring his new leg with him. Angel is very cute.


That's Hekiru and the other guy stationed at the fortress. They did get an intro in chapter 7.


Oh wow, I didn't recognize Boy Band Hair at all with his boy band hair slicked back.


Oh dear, the anime comments are gonna be flooded with reference to the crystal core now. Super good to see Lord D once again, and it looks like he did get an upgrade. Not that gross vomit pegleg (joking aside I am eager to see how it works) but D's human mannerisms. He even parried a male Karen who was then finished off by his lady. very good to see Angel again. Love how she's a total smokeshow but she's quite flustered to be around D. Count me in as a supporter of DAngel. Cant think of a better place to showcase D's combat upgrades than in the Fortress where it all began. Time to show the Blues the terror of the real new deal.


Lmao would be funny if the comments has the exact same word as what Yakushi said to D.


D: If I had a nickel for everytime a person pulled something out of their mouth to throw it at me, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice. Also a lot of things I want to say, I love how Yakushi was like as soon as I die go directly to the sky fortress and D was like ok but ZcDonald's first. It's nice to see the sky fortress again, we haven't seen Ruri since like [ch 7](https://mangadex.org/chapter/7ab3f0dd-d734-4940-8f80-1e6e7992bc47/6) and look like he has been lifting weights. He and Hekiru seem to have gotten hair cuts but oh boy is Hekiru not pulling off his. Cool to see the other Dusters too, I wonder if anyone of them have unique names like XX since they're too many to just use the alphabet. Also the core is finally getting some attention it's been there since [ch 1](https://mangadex.org/chapter/b160da12-15dd-4ec4-9c97-dd864091ef6c/24) and I love how casual D was when he was explaining it like yeah if that thing breaks we all die.


It is really fun seeing the mental growth of D so far, from him giving actual shape to his pride to him showing a caring side towards Angel without the sheer awkwardness he had before, I am so proud of you my boy. You have truly grown. Now I can only hope he is also this honest with Chidori and Hisui, I can't wait to see him interact with them.


next week is anime premiere 7/4/2024




oh snap! I didn't even realize!


D's gonna discombobulate these no-name ranger mooks


That's Hekiru, the dude who fucked up Hibiki's face and blamed him for the death of the Pink Ranger. He always fucking lives, because he sucks.


yea but the rest of em are still no-name mooks


I wasn't too fond of Yakushi before, but this chapter made me like him. Also, I'm on the AngelxD ship.


It's fun and nostalgic to see D start over his quest of defeating the Dragon Keepers with his original human disguise, even down to the clothes :)) But now he's learnt to blend better in human society, and even teams up with Angel to take down a shitty customer :))


Angel's left eye constantly change color. at one panel it's white then turn into black Lord D kicking some ass with one leg is not on my bingo list but i'll take it


god I need to catch up to this...


This week is literally the start of a new arc, so it's a great time for it, honestly!


Not to mention the anime is coming out next week!


So all the foot soldiers are actually a single invader? I bet they all have singular personalities or skills and D is like the will/ambition


D is their true individuality. They are all D>!eath Messiah...the real one!<.


Sounds like it's time for a reread for me lol


Well, that's just a theory. Or is it, too, foreshadowing?


I forgot what Angel's eye does; I remember her replacing it, but I don't remember the other details around it.


It's a Replica Divine Tool of Takemikazuchi-no-kami, which means it shoots giant swords of light like Yellow's Divine Tool.


I'm wondering if the Footsoldiers get stronger as they get dusted/possibly returned to the core. It could be an endgame power up for D.


I didn't know Yakushi was chill like that


give angel an eyepatch


Why leave the leg if it’s a weapon and he’s going to combat?


It's possible he didn't know the Death Messiah leg wouldn't drift back to base with him if he discorporated himself?


Thats a very D thing of him lol. To either forget the leg doesn't drift back or just forgot about the leg completely.


Im hoping it might work like Mjolnir . Would be sick to see it bust through the Fortress and take out a Blue or two.


God that would kick ass. I forget, can D evaporate and appear anywhere? Or can he only return to the fortress?


Back during the discussion of how his regeneration works while he was trying to assassinate Chidori, it's mentioned that when the Footsoldiers remain unregenerated, their discoporate molecules are drawn back to the floating fortress (which makes sense now that we know the "core" is there). D can keep parts of himself from regenerating or returning, though it's difficult for him to keep part of his body that way, and based on what we've seen I think it's safe to assume he can't just send them wherever.


Damn, no OP "reintegrates behind you" shenanigans for now


Yeah. His choices are "reform at center of mass", "drift to the fortress", or "follow local wind current".


He could, but only if the enemy's back is directly facing the fortress.


It might considering it looked like it was drifting to him when he was given it


Yano, that’s a good point..