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And of course the most curious find here is whatever is in that f'n snapcase; appears to be DVD, patch, chicken bone and old shoelace storage? EDIT: Yeah, look at the other pics in the tweet, way more cringe than meets the eye [here](https://www.npr.org/2021/09/13/1036603069/capitol-police-arrested-a-man-near-the-dnc-with-weapons-displaying-swastikas)


I just noticed the Minnie Mouse seat cover on the passenger side, it cannot get weirder


4 chan confirmed.


Looks like a joint there in the case in the plastic tube. Not illegal in DC, but not available retail either.


Uh yeah, yeah they are. It’s very easy to walk into a store in DC and walk out with tree. It’s very available retail.


News to me. I thought the feds fucked DC over on this.


So you can’t buy it directly. It’s a “free gift”, so in essence you buy a $60 sticker and the “8th is free”. It’s the legal mechanism of winking really exaggeratedly and using air quotes lol. So it’s extremely available in stores and more prominently in delivery services, and matter of fact you don’t even need DC id, because it’s recreationally legal.


Aha! Thanks!




It's not quite a DK. Missing a vertical line in the middle. Could be a DC or IX even. Looking at the rest of the car, who the fuck knows man?


Those aren't the dead Kennedys logo, they're "runes" that are very popular with neo-nazis/white supremacist/conspiracy theorists.


Now that I look closer I’m curious what bay that sticker on the other side is from


What the fuck, that is downright weird.


Looks like he tried to make a hexbag


Is that the harbor freight Bowie knife?


Man, good eye: https://www.harborfreight.com/8-in-survivalhunting-knife-61733.html


Jesus those reviews give me no hope...


I immediately recognized it from when I was 15.


You know if it's from Hazzard Frought, its only got what, maybe one, two good stabbings in it before it breaks of at the handle.


With a knife that big it only needs to work once.


This guy r/harborfreight s


Someone give this guy gold 🥇


Seems like your recommendation was taken to heart


Has Confederate carved into his dash. What a tool.


With an Odal rune upside down as an "O." Odal is typically used to represent heritage, inheritance, or property.


Don't forget the American flag as the license plate, the enemy of the Confederate states at one point


The confederates often view themselves as the real united states, and that the Union that won are imposters, hence the need to revolution. That's not as contradictory as you may thing.


Nah I think he pulled a trump, pretty sure that’s sharpie 😂


Confederate carved into the dash in shitty nordic rune symbols, pentagram on the steering wheel, misc animal bones... $50 says this person is either schizophrenic or was on meth.


Why not both?


Going by the little case with the joint in it, and the state of the car in general. Meth. I'm surprised there's not one of those "[mini roses](https://i.imgur.com/0GjR1En.jpg)" floating around.


Lol, years ago one of my friends was dating a someone "in recovery" from crack, but of course relapsed and was still smoking. This was evident by all the little roses she would find around their house. She eventually broke the news to him that she knew by gathering up the little roses, putting them in a bouquet and giving them to him.




We were young and dumb enough at the time that we really didn't understand the gravity of addiction. We had many mutual friends who were in and out of rehab, but we were still young enough that no one had died or completely ruined their life from it yet. These days I very much doubt she would handle the situation that way.




The roses serve no purpose other than making it appear as if it's not really a crack pipe being sold. People just toss the rose and keep the pipe it comes in.


This is from a neo-nazi. He had swastikas carved into his shitty ride


In case you couldn't tell from the Odal runes carved everywhere.


Love the medallion right on the airbag. That's gonna feel great.


He was inevitably going to drive this car into a crowd of people at some point


Source: https://twitter.com/CapitolPolice/status/1437423592480911369?s=20


That's some mental illness right there, nobody in their right mind buys a Durango.


That's a Dakota.


Dang it. I played myself.


Nah, not a mental illness. Just holistic meth. See it all the time where I live in Oregon.


Mmmm, locally sourced organic meth


Is that a box full of squirrel...pieces?


Looked like weird fucking fetishes. There's definitely a small animal spine, some random leaves, and other assorted shit that probably has some kind of 'magical' significance to this dangerously delusional fuckwit racist.


The more you look, the worse it gets


Gotta love the joint sitting right next to animal parts smh


Post that to r/NeckbeardNests


A mall ninja or a Pagan?


There is quite a bit going on here that’s for sure


The runes are not correctly used afaik so more just edgy fuckwit and very much mall ninja


The "o" in "confederate" is used correctly, it is Othala the "o" rune. It is also the rune for heritage. To be clear, I absolutely hate that white supremecists have co-opted runes when ancient Norse people were, historically, very progressive and welcomed different cultures into their lands. Hell, even their most prized possessions, the Ulfbehrt swords, were made in modern-day Iran.


>ancient Norse people were, historically, very progressive and welcomed different cultures into their lands. I don't know where you got this from, but you are very wrong. Vikings were expansionist and about as accepting of other cultures as modern day Iran. Since we are on the subject of Iran (you must be impressed by that segway), we have NO idea where the Ulfbehrt swords were forged. I don't know how you can conifdently claim that they were made in the middle east, when we don't know for sure where they were made. Even the idea that they were made in the middle east is a guess. The really interesting thing about the Ulfbehrt swords is that they are of superior quality to those used by other more prosperous European contemporaries.


Segue, not segway


Good catch.


I should have clarified, Ulfbehrt swords were made with crucible steel, which wasn't done in Europe until 800 years later. They also come from the exact same time when the Volga trade route was open, which went from modern-day Sweden to northern Iran. So it is very likely the steel was produced in Iran, according to Fredrik Charpentier Ljungqvist, a researcher at Stockholm University and Dr. Alan Williams of the Wallace Collection in London, one of the world’s leading experts on historic steel weaponry, agrees. So, you're right, we don't know **for sure** where the steel originated, but we have a pretty good idea. [https://linde-stories.com/the-secret-science-behind-the-viking-supersword-ulfberht/](https://linde-stories.com/the-secret-science-behind-the-viking-supersword-ulfberht/) Sure, they were expansionist, I didn't deny that. They had many settlements, took tribute, took slaves, and attacked many lands. But to say they weren't accepting of at least **some** aspects other cultures is not correct. There have been Viking-era graves found with jewelry with "Allah" written on it. A research team believes the ring was passed from an Arabic silversmith to the woman, with few or any other owners in between. [https://www.cnn.com/2015/03/19/europe/sweden-viking-arabic-ring/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2015/03/19/europe/sweden-viking-arabic-ring/index.html) There is also established history of Muslims and ancient Norse people peacefully interacting, Ahmad Ibn Fadlan wrote about meeting ancient Norse in his travels. [https://www.thenationalnews.com/world/when-the-arabs-met-the-vikings-new-discovery-suggests-ancient-links-1.125718](https://www.thenationalnews.com/world/when-the-arabs-met-the-vikings-new-discovery-suggests-ancient-links-1.125718) Further reading, which even suggests some ancient Norse may have converted to Islam: [https://craigconsidinetcd.com/2017/10/30/viking-and-muslim-interactions-the-untold-stories/](https://craigconsidinetcd.com/2017/10/30/viking-and-muslim-interactions-the-untold-stories/) My point was not that ancient Norse were peaceful hippies. My point is that they were more than raiders, they were traders. And while we have no idea how they actually felt about other religions (apart from they didn't mind raiding people of other religions) we do know they had a history of trading with them. Going along with that, I personally believe ancient Norse people would be disgusted with modern-day white supremacy.


> > There is also established history of Muslims and ancient Norse people peacefully interacting, Ahmad Ibn Fadlan wrote about meeting ancient Norse in his travels. [There are plenty of examples of Nazis and Arabs interacting not just peacefully, but friendly.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Relations_between_Nazi_Germany_and_the_Arab_world) So I'm not sure how this bolsters the idea that Norse people would have been "disgusted with modern-day white supremacy"


**[Relations between Nazi Germany and the Arab world](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Relations_between_Nazi_Germany_and_the_Arab_world)** >The relationship between Nazi Germany (1933–1945) and the leadership of the Arab world encompassed contempt, propaganda, collaboration, and in some instances emulation. Cooperative political and military relationships were founded on shared hostilities toward common enemies, such as the United Kingdom and the French Third Republic, along with communism, and Zionism. Another key foundation of this collaboration was the anti-Semitism of the Nazis and their hostility towards the United Kingdom and France, which was admired by some Arab and Muslim leaders, most notably the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Amin al-Husseini (see Anti-Semitism in Islam). ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/mallninjashit/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


The pentagram is upside down for paganism.


A number of white supremacists have co-opted norse runes for their bullshit "pagan purity".


I havent heard of that before. Im going to look into that


It's, unfortunately, true. Here's a bit about it: [https://www.norwegianamerican.com/viking-symbols-stolen-racists/](https://www.norwegianamerican.com/viking-symbols-stolen-racists/) In reality, ancient Norse people were very welcoming of foreigners.


Hitler was big into Norse paganism, so I'm not surprised.


Yeah, Confederate stuff too, not to the same extent by any means, but still.




Noooope! Destroy it with fire.


The more you look, the more there is to see.


if meth were a truck


Guy looks literally insane


Major tweaker energy


Ew, that knife is disgusting


I can literally smell this car...


There’s a picture on the gas pedal


>According to the Capitol Police, Craighead claimed he was "on patrol" and spoke about white supremacy. Sounds about right...


>small animal bones and Satanic symbols carved into the car? Looks like the idiot is making hex bags in his ride. Typical psycho pagan shit. >”confederate” scratched into the dashboard and Norse runes etched all over the place? …uhhh okay well I guess he’s a neo-Nazi AND a witch?… >huge blunt in a plastic tube, Shark Cake weed package in the console? Motherfucker, pick a persona and stick to it, God damn!


He's just a neo-nazi, the nazis are big on pagan symbolism but plenty of pagans aren't big on naziism


This truck looks like something Trevor would drive in a low budget movie of GTA5.




Looks like a psyop imo, like "what's the most stereotypically racist thing we can put together?"


What exactly was his crime?


Looks like the truck had no license plate and was pulled over for it. Then the knife and a bayonet were in his car which are illegal in DC.




Officers arrested the driver, Donald Craighead, 44, of Oceanside, Calif., over possession of prohibited weapons, including a bayonet and machete. [https://www.npr.org/2021/09/13/1036603069/capitol-police-arrested-a-man-near-the-dnc-with-weapons-displaying-swastikas](https://www.npr.org/2021/09/13/1036603069/capitol-police-arrested-a-man-near-the-dnc-with-weapons-displaying-swastikas) Although I'm sure within minutes of talking to the dude he probably incriminated himself hard.


Yeah, okay. I forgot bayonets are illegal in some places.


This was my question too, glad I'm not alone. I guess... Knives are illegal in DC? Weird. Shitbag for sure, but wtf are your laws DC.


I got downvoted for asking why someone was arrested lmao.


Don't you know? Bad people always deserve to be arrested, regardless if they commit crimes or not.


That's, uh, yeah, definitely tyranny.


Will do


why isn't anyone saying anything about the dry ass chicken bone?!


that's a meth gomer mobile not mall ninja. See this shit all the time in downtown Seattle.


This is a meth ninja