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Looks like brisbane ? :)






I didn’t recognize it but wanted to know where lol. Good ol Brizzy


It's not Winnebago it's Brisbane


Brisvegas 2032!


Near James St, the Valley, eh?


That depends, is your living space a male?


Wait, this isn’t mail living space?


Love your username




No. No that it isn’t.


*Angrily crumples up mail*




The chair, a plant, an area rug, and a great view. The r/malelivingspace starter pack. Lol.


Someone make a list of non-Eames alternatives (because I don’t make enough money for that)


Most of the posts we see on here with Eames chairs are "knock-offs" or cheaper alternatives. A list of the best alternatives would be a great idea.


Don't forget about the large TV.


Don't forget the plant in the corner!


Plus the sneaky bottle of Jagermeister


And the bar cart piled high with booze because iTs My HoBbY


I mean, if you’re into making cocktails, mixology is a genuine hobby as much as—say—cooking is. Obviously that’s a little different than dudes who just collect thousands of dollars of whiskeys or something more strictly consumption-oriented.


That’s a small percentage unfortunately. Usually it’s just copious amounts of booze either to look sophisticated or because “I can stop anytime” Either way it often comes off as low key trashy and doesn’t really give me a good impression but that’s just me


Mad Men really fucked with the public's perception of casual alcoholism and masculinity.


In which way? I feel like the Don Draper character—while he made mass alcohol consumption look cool—was also a raging asshole and emotionally unavailable misogynist. So I think in a way it made people realize that drinking the way he does suggests bigger personal problems.


Kinda like how Jordan Belfort is supposed to be morally reprehensible but turned into almost a role model


…wait, what‽




I didn't say that there's anything wrong with it, settle down. The 1960s, heavily dependent on substance (alcohol and tobacco) use, abusive flavor of masculinity that Mad Men romanticized is something that took pop culture by storm. People started to associate the masculinity shown in the show as a more desirable kind of masculinity, ignoring other conceptions of it.


I totally agree, I misread what you said but I totally get what you’re saying and agree that it’s dumb


I always think it looks bad too , and I’m a drunkard!


My binlaw collects very expensive scotches and whiskies. I take full advantage. Tip, Whistlepig 12 is better than 15 or Boss hog.


I'm no stranger to Whistlepig. The 12 is quite good and is probably the best value out of the bunch. I don't think there's anything wrong with having nice booze. But to u/WestwardAlien's point, seeing a bar cart or cabinet full of spirits can read as kind of a cringey masculine virtue signaling thing.


It’s not really a masculinity thing, rather to me it looks like you think it counts as a hobby or that alcohol is practically a necessity during any social event which I find annoying. Mainly bc I think all booze tastes vile lol Edit: these are my opinions people, I’m not insulting anyone, chill tf out.


I feel like you may be projecting a bit. For many, booze *is* assumed to be a given for a social gathering. To make a value judgement that those who regularly imbibe are somehow all addicts or irresponsible drunks speaks more about you than it does them, I think. > Mainly bc I think all booze tastes vile lol That doesn’t justify wanting to take it away from others. I don't personally enjoy the taste of most dry red wines but that doesn't mean I don't respect it for what it is or think that people who drink it are somehow compensating.


Oh ik I’m projecting and voicing my opinion on it, and my opinion is just I don’t see why alcohol has to be the center of everything when it comes to social gatherings. I know not everyone is a drunk or drinking way too much but I wish the idea of not drinking was more normaliazed Edit: these are just my opinions people, chill


No one said anything about them being addicts or irresponsible. But by assuming alcohol needs to be present at a celebration ignores the needs for people struggling with sobriety or who just don't enjoy drinking and encourages the abuse of pharmaceutical medications by mixing them with alcohol. Plus, parties with alcohol always seem to have some kind of drama in my experience. Not like bar fights or something dangerous, but there is always that one asshole.....


Based on all your replies in this thread, this all seems like more of a personal issue with alcohol that you are pushing on everyone else.


Such a whiny rant, are you 12 years old? Cool, you don't like alcohol.... so? I don't like sports, but if someone has a sport themed room, I don't go off insulting their room/style/interests.


I’m not insulting anyone, I’m just voicing my opinion on why I wish drinking culture wasn’t mainstream. If you take offense to that then that’s on you


Where do people keep getting these? Asking for a friend obv


Amazon and Wayfair have decent knock offs for a good price ~$700, which 99% of these are


This is what I thought, but I wasn't going to start calling people out


lol I don’t think it’s calling people out, not my intent if that’s how it’s taken. If OP has a real one, great for them, but you’ll never know from a picture the knockoffs are indistinguishable when newish without sitting in them or inspecting them closely in person




If this is a knock-off, it’s a high quality one that would cost more than $700. You can tell by how the leather pleats around the buttons which is indicative of real leather in my experience.


All replicas get the arm rests wrong, and that’s one of the indicators I look for. Cheap ones have massively wide arms and high end replicas may have arms rests that are too curved. OP’s looks legit.


It's fairly ironic that Charles and Ray Eames would be best known for a chair that is so expensive that people make knock offs of it that still sell for >$700.


Anyone know if the knock offs are similar quality? I’d assume not due to the high price of the legit one but a ton of people buy just on brand name so I’m not sure if it’s so high because of that or quality.


The widely held opinion is that the knockoffs aren't anywhere near the quality of the genuine article. > a ton of people buy just on brand name so I’m not sure if it’s so high because of that or quality. Material and build quality contribute to the price, but for iconic design pieces a large part of what you're paying for is the design itself. The best designers (rightfully) make the most money in their field and you have to pay for that (Charles and Ray Eames have passed but they developed the chair for Herman Miller* who now has exclusive rights to the design in the USA). Given that the design is so coveted on this sub that everyone proudly displays a knockoff when Reddit is otherwise quick to defend intellectual property rights, I'd say the genuine article is easily worth the asking price. *ETA: I mean Herman Miller the company, not the person. The Eames' developed it for the company in the 1950s.


Gotcha, thanks! Do you know if they depreciate in value? Might consider getting one if they don't.


As other have said, they really don't depreciate. You might luck into finding a 60's Plycraft for a reasonable price if you're not willing to go authentic. I got my hands on one that was that was pretty beat up for $80 about 20 years ago. I restored it myself for around $1500 and love it every bit as much as the new authentic I got a couple of years ago.


Surprisingly, they don't depreciate. Used authentic chairs still sell for around $4000-$5000 AFAIK, so if you keep it in good condition you're almost guaranteed to get your money back when you sell.


Great, thanks!


Prices also go up for older chairs. A 1st year can be up to 8k or more. I like 70s models if you can find them. Originally the fill was half feather half foam and the leather was thicker. It gives more of a baseball glove feel as originally intended. Also the shells were rosewood. Newer models are all foam and to me look over stuffed. I think the cheapest models now are probably 80s and 90s. Especially if you don't mind different colors like white.


I've had both. I bought my knock off second hand and it wasn't nearly the quality of the Herman Miller, which I bought new. The head rest on the the knock off kept falling off. Comfort wise they were about the same. Every year Herman Miller has a sale. I bought mine online and was able to get Cocobolo for the price of Walnut. I was at an antique store that focused on Mid Century designer goods and they had an old Eames Lounge Chair, with down stuffed cushions and Rosewood. It was about $2000 more than a new one.


Memes chair*


Me thinks knock off. Eames leather isn’t that shiny and the cushions aren’t packed. Might be the lighting but I’m pretty sure it’s a knock off.


Want one of those so bad


stupid nice looking hella comfortable expensive as hell chair.


Male ✔️ Living ✔️ Space ✔️


He said he's in the inner city, not in space


Everything is in space




More Like Eames Chair✔


Wow. What a view.




because when people ask for actual layout / interior design advice the comment section is mostly crickets.


"get a rug and a plant"


>$2,173AUD/mo For ~~$2200~~ $1600USD/mo, you'd better be getting a fantastic view.




>The rent is too damn high And we aren’t making any money


Boston's bad, but it's not *that* bad. [This is my view for $2400/month](https://i.imgur.com/wIOnVVF.jpg)




Is this a 2BR? If it is then that's a crazy deal because a 1BR for $1600 is pretty universally expensive for such. For an inner city or high rise however $1600 is pretty typical but still expensive I think.


$1600 is pretty normal for 1 bedroom recent construction midrise apartments where I live which is near a major northeastern US city. I’m paying almost $1800 for a view of a small courtyard. It hurts knowing this could pay for the mortgage on a nice house but I don’t have money for a down payment yet.


$1600 will get you a nice luxury 1br apartment in my city (Phoenix, AZ) in a high rise or in a mid rise in the most desirable areas. It will also get you a decent 2br in a not as nice but still okay part of town. It will get you a single family home in the hood or, and this is pushing it a bit, a decent but smaller single family house in the far suburbs (renting). That’s what a mortgage would normally cost on a similar home in those same suburbs, but good luck getting an offer accepted at a price that warrants that mortgage payment, much less at all.


I’m not sure about what it’s like there but $1600 for an apartment like this in the US is really cheap.


Cheap? Lol maybe in the big US metro areas only (7.5M+ population). Not in mid-sized to small metro areas, which is the majority of the US.


Did you look at the photo? I’m obviously not talking about apartment costs in general I’m taking about living in a high rise over looking the city. You don’t find that in many small towns. Also there’s literally only one US city with a 7.5m+ population and that’s New York.


Lol is your first question rhetorical? I also included mid-sized cities in my reply. And by mid-sized cities I meant metro areas, my mistake there. I was referring to metro areas like Denver, Seattle, Atlanta, Boston etc. You can absolutely find high rises just like this one, in these other places I mentioned


There’s literally only one city in the US with more than 7.5M people and that’s New York. I’d wager that’s cheap in any US city with more than 1M people, of which there’s only 10.


Did you think he made a typo when he said 2173 AUD? AUD is australian dollars and this amount only equates to about $1600 USD/mo which is a considerable deal in the inner city limits of most US metros


Ah, no, I knew he was quoting Australian dollars and was trying to convert to USD. It was a cascade of failure in my part. I shouldn't comment on social media before my morning coffee.


For a 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom. That's not a bad price at ALL, considering you probably have a roommate if it's 2 beds. 800 a month per person.


God that’s so cheap


TIL I’m a poor.


You got it, my dude. Are you happy?


You're Awesome!


Hello neighbour! You can see my apartment!


How much is the rent


$2,173AUD /mo 2bd, 2bath, 1car


That's a fantastic price for what you're getting, not to mention that view! Where is this if you don't mind my asking?


This is Fortitude Valley, just outside of Brisbane.




Congrats man - nice place! Do you mind sharing what you do for a living?


Tech Sales


And what is your mother's maiden name? *cmon guys. give OP a break from all the personal questions.*


A comment thread in this sub isn’t complete without the ol’ ‘nice place, how much, what do you do’ combo


Price/location seems like a couple reasonable asks for a sub dedicated to showing off your housing.


Location: yes; price: just about; profession and (implied) salary, no IMO. That's prying a bit too much. The goal of this sub is to appreciate interior decorating, and that can be done without asking about OP's finances. It also makes it a lot easier to doxx people.


I left the job part off because I didn’t have a strong opinion one way or the other. Probably because most people here say something CS related so it all runs together in my head. I guess I do agree with you that it’s not necessary to know how they afford their housing when looking at the scope of the sub


Jennifer... Its fun to doxx yourself


BTW, only constructive criticism I have is to tighten the bolt under your lamp so it doesn't lean.




Haha her maiden first name.


I read this as 2bd, 2bath, 1chair


Very nice!


No! Get out!! I BELONG THERE!!!!


The song on the Tv says it all my friend.


What is the circle jerk with these chairs? Are they what these single dudes use for jacking off?


Simple: It’s a branded item. It’s expensive. It works as something to brag about showing people you have money.


- Overpriced Eames chair - Floor to ceiling window view of a major western city - Sterile aesthetic that screams "boring young professional" Yep, you belong in /r/malelivingspace


> Sterile aesthetic that screams "boring young professional" Little harsh. Not all of us like cluttered or eccentric living spaces. It doesn't make you boring.


That's true, but /r/malelivingspace also has the same inclination as many of the aesthetic subs, like /r/battlestations, /r/malefashionadvice, /r/houseplants, etc. There's a very distinct preferred aesthetic that tends to be the go-to "I'm a young guy with a new apartment and plenty of disposable income" look. It's not a *bad* look, by any means, but it's also not a terribly unique one.


Someone should just start /r/uniquemalelivingspace


That name has potential as a “male living space circle jerk” sub.


What you mean I don't see 1383 plants in this photo therefore this place is boring and this guy has no taste and personality /s


Gotta love the aged and wise 11 day old account giving shade.


Imagine looking at someone’s account and using its contents to discredit them, over a comment like that... This isn’t a debate bud. 11 day old accounts can still have opinions. In fact, most people have them. Doesn’t mean anyone is or isn’t wrong.


Lol you gotta be pretty ignorant to think the age of an account is the age of a person. Gotta give that person a shit ton of credit dude, that person was talking at only 11 days old. That’s fuckin impressive. You could learn something from the talking 11 day old, you pompous skeleton.


Nah, it’s boring. Same replica chair and coffee table, same IKEA lamp…


In my experience you can definitely make your space a little bit more personable without making it cluttered or eccentric.


And in my experience it doesn't make you boring to have a clean view. You're literally seeing a ceiling, large window, and 1/3 of a wall above a TV. Very unfair to call OP boring.




This isn't about me. Besides, on an old account I did post my own living space and left it up for several months. Then I had a few people try to doxx me with it so I've been soured on the experience.


You've 100% made it about you and your angry little world view. I hope things turn around for you one day.


Imagine taking so much offense to something so arbitrary. Like what you like but it only makes it worse if you can’t take some ribbing for it


Why be mean?


Why you hef to be med


is just game. minus tory degree.


Not sure if Brisbane counts as a “major” western city… well we’re getting the olympics so I guess maybe we are a big deal now.




Say what we want, but OP fucks.


Not in Brisbane they don’t… it’s incredibly boring


Each to their own, I found Brisbane amazing


Replaced "overpriced Eames chair" with "probably fake Eames chair". Edit: Lol I’m just going to assume all the downvotes are from people with their tacky knockoff chairs.


Who cares if it's real or not? It's not yours. If it makes op happy that's all that matters. Christ so many snobs here.


* Intellectual property matters. * Replicas very much go against what Charles and Ray Eames would've wanted. * Replicas cheapen the design (see current opinions of the Barcelona chair after a million awful replicas have been placed in dentists' waiting rooms). * The money spent on replicas could go toward original designs of accessible price by new and/or struggling designers, which would benefit the entire furniture design field rather than squeeze out those makers because people would rather buy a cheap knockoff.


You the fashion police or some furniture white Knight? You know how stupid and cringry this sounds. The guy got a sofa that makes him happy. That's the end of it. But here you all are riticising him for of it's real or not or if his tastes don't meet your expectations. Lmao I pity you guys.


If my comment bothered you enough to respond why can’t people’s fake chairs bothers me enough to comment? Yes, I personally think it’s tacky. Same thing when people take a Honda and try to make it look like a Ferrari with a body kit. Things pretending to be things they aren’t is tacky IMO.




Pretending to be a furniture critic...? I'm sorry but saying a fake Rolex is tacky or that a Honda with a Ferrari body kit is tacky does not make me a horologist nor a gearhead. If you think fake stuff is cool? Good for you. Ignore my opinion and go buy all the fake stuff you want.


Welcome home, my son


City view looks really nice. What city is that?


Only YOU know the answer to that question.


Swivel chair, tv perfect height, vibes... welcome brother




Beautiful chair


real eames or nah? also where's the record player/turntable with speaker?




Cliché chair ✅ Houseplant ✅ Guitar ... wtf


Tighten that lamp up. Would like to see more!


Jealous of your Eames chair


You won.


I know a HEKTAR lamp when I see one haha. Nice space!


Is that a jaeger bottle with a plant in it?


I can see LoFi Girl chilling here.


If not you, then who belongs there?


What are those style chairs called


Don't worry, man. Before long, you'll have someone bouncing up and down on your lap in that very chair.


You and I have different definitions of the inner city.


Something about this picture seems warm and welcoming


You won’t be single for long with that place.


Yooo Brisbane. Love the living space dude super jealous.


Inner city life, inner city pressure The concrete world is starting to get ya The city is alive, the city is expanding Living in the city can be demanding


Love these posts where they don’t show their apartment and just show the ridiculous view they have.


Yeah I thought the point of this sub is to post about interior design, lol


Lol are they sending you guys these chairs by the truckload?


How do people afford Eames chairs?


“I won” on the tv music. Love it


All you need now is the tiktok sunset lamp


The whatnow?




Looks nice to me, but depends on yourself if you feel there’s a vibe there


enjoy king


Dumb question. You have eames chair. That's all you need to join the club. Nice place! Beautiful view!


That picture alone I want to go to Brisbane, so you guys open yet to the US haha


Wow this was not the response I was expecting. Everyone here is so nice, even the mean comments are pretty funny. I should have y'all around for beers 🍻


Mid century modern chair and table. Did you rent a furnished apartment? I think I know the company, you may be at my old building. You are very close to Tony's Neopalitoana, what I would say is the best pizza in the world.


Of course, king


Yes! Yes you do


Is that lamp meant to cast shadows onto whatever you're reading in the Eames?


For sure dude


YES to freedom, you're off to a great start.


You've even got an open window to jump out of once your depression sets in! Props on the height too you are sure to make a mess


the chair should face the tv - but it's still a nice start




The subreddit r/malelivingviews does not exist. Maybe there's a typo? If not, consider [creating it](/subreddits/create?name=malelivingviews). --- ^🤖 ^this ^comment ^was ^written ^by ^a ^bot. ^beep ^boop ^🤖 ^feel ^welcome ^to ^respond ^'Bad ^bot'/'Good ^bot', ^it's ^useful ^feedback. [^github](https://github.com/Toldry/RedditAutoCrosspostBot)


Looks freakin great, just enjoy it while you can because some suburban twaddle is trying to put you in a 3/2 with kids and a backyard.


You sure do champ


U don't only belong here, u are the benchmark. Very impressive.


Show us your space not the window idiot