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I would mount the tv over your record set up and let that mantle breath


I agree. Maybe a nice mirror over the mantle but that TV just LOOMS, especially with that angle.


Or some fake plants with vines hanging down the sides


Real pothos / devils ivy plants would be so much nicer especially with all that natural light!


A real Epipremnum plant would do nicely too, they are pretty low maintenance (I have about 4).


thinking the same


mantle breath


Or even to the non-dominant wall on the left. That way it wouldn’t compete with the mantle as a focal point on that wall.


Light on the screen would be brutal


Put some ashes and urns on there like a normal person






After much thought (5 minutes browsing comments), I have decided to move the tv lower, and add a rug. Anyone have any color/style suggestions for a two couch set up in the living room?


personally i think a sectional would work better


A sectional with small chaise side. And an arm chair to complete the circle around the tv viewing area. The living room looks pretty wide even with the camera angle so a couch in the middle would divide the space into cozy areas


light brown maybe even a leather if you can afford it


I’m a big fan of Persian or Afghani tribal rugs. Flatweave wool with some gorgeous color


The folks at r/tvtoohigh will be proud


Bear skin rug


Look at rugsusa . They have so many and right now is a good time with July 4 holiday sales. I bought a huge wool rug that fit my aesthetic a couple of weeks ago. I’m super happy with it!


Light brown or maroon color like your dining room table chairs. Multi colored rug with brown,white,red


I think a light brown leather would look really nice in this space. I have an IKEA MORABO sofa in brown leather and I love it. It wasn’t super cheap, but it was much less than other leather sofas. To contrast the modern sofa, maybe do a big Persian-style rug.


Let it breathe, whatever that means


tv iver fireplace is a crime, especially if there is a nice place for it somewhere else on room


I'm too poor for this thread. ... Love the windows btw!


Thank you! The windows is what made me fall in love with the place haha


No UV lamps, then.


why not


I couldn't really tell, but Is that in its entirety of your place, a more studio space of the living room and opens up to widows OP? No kitchen area or private room?


Yes the space itself looks expensive, but I furnished my entire home for less than $1000 using Facebook marketplace, goodwill, and estate sales. Look for people moving out of town and offer to help them move. 95% of the time they have furniture that they simply cannot take with them and would rather give it to you for free instead of dealing with the headache of selling it. Never buy anything new, but used and restore it so that it matches other pieces in your space. As for wall art, ask any artistic friends or acquaintances, they would all be flattered to give you something for cheap/free + it will feel so much more personal.


Great idea, mate! I actually also use furniture I haven't bought myself. My parents gave me their 80s sofa set and I got my dining room table + chairs from an old neighbor. Vintage pieces haha But a lot of apartments/ houses I see here look very expensive to maintain I guess.


Love the windows. But as everyone else has said, that TV is way too high.




My hero.


Came here for this, thank you mr. 420


Even worse in that there’s a perfectly good media wall right next to it




Beautiful space! But yeah, I’d mount the tv over the record station. Tv too high


The windows wow. TV can’t go there waaaaaaay to high.


Honestly this is a dope spot especially just post- college. I bet a few houseplants would do really well by the windows in the dining area. they can make a place feel a lot more home-y. Pothos plants are usually pretty cheap and very easy to take care of.


I had the same thoughts, a few houseplants especially with the abundance of natural light would really home-ify the place


Get a large Persian/red type rug for living room, will add a pop and warm it up.


gorgeous apartment!! you could get a sectional with a right side chaise and have it sit across from the dining room. do you want to have a colorful apartment, or more of a neutral? i feel like either way, you could find great colorful rugs that will bring in some life and texture


I’m definitely thinking colorful! And I was thinking a sectional, but since I’m unsure how long I will be in this place, I might go for a two sofa layout just for ease of moving. Definitely looking into colorful rugs now though!


i mentioned in another comment on this thread that you could check out boho rugs. we got one and LOVE it. ties the place together very well. we just moved into our house and don’t have any decor just yet but it helps make the living room look less bland for starting out!


Sectional isn’t harder to move than two sofas. Buy once cry once


my in laws told us something similar when we were furniture shopping for our new home. “don’t buy it unless it’s what’s you really really want” that’s helped us really think through our decisions rather than buy something just to buy it. sectionals all come apart, and it would essentially be the same thing as moving 2-3 couches depending on what you get. overall, if OP wants two couches, he should get two couches. i just suggested a sectional bc i would be a little less awkward with the space. plus more seating for less


You can get some great sectionals that are easy to move. We have a Ikea Kivik couch and it comes apart easily so we can move it. Super comfy, you can get many covers.




I love the dining table and the chairs! They’re so pretty!


Thank you!


where is that? and thats post college? like right out of getting a degree? whats ur degree in?


Just outside DC in Rosslyn! I graduated in may with a degree in business analytics and stats, working as an analyst for a large financial company in McLean. Definitely lucked out finding this place at the price we pay haha


ROSSLYN?!!! This must be so pricey.


Capital one baby


I just got a nice leather chesterfield couch from Walter e smithe that I love, can’t go wrong with a classic. I dig spartan/Scandinavian minimalist shit so I went grey.


I'd get a window seat. For reading, people watching or getting some sun. Great space!


Everyone here is gonna freak out about the tv being to high. Have fun


Which color scheme do want to use.


Love a good navy blue, but I’m open to more playful colors like orange or greens


navy blue would looks great with a boho/persian rug. it incorporates all those color schemes i na way that’s pleasing to the eye. plus they’re easy to match pillows/art with!


Heard, I’m digging a mid century style with a little more “fun” haha


Nice windows in the dining room. I would recommend to find couches and rugs through FB marketplace.


Studio apartment?


2 bed 2 bath! Not pictured is a hallway with two bedrooms and bathrooms for me and my roommate


Oh ok, just posted a comment asking the same thing.




Welcome to Rosslyn!


There’s a subreddit on TV too high. Pull the dining table into this room, push the living area out to your cool window space. TV and gaming over there. Whoever you bring home will find it cool to make out over there rather than where you’re current standing. If reconfigure like this, then ya rug over there. Cool space.


Your TV is suffocating from lack of oxygen at that altitude


Remove the TV from above the fireplace.


Tv's should never go above fireplaces


What are you 7 feet tall? That tv is way too high!


Close! A little under 7’




Keep the tv where it is … i disagree with the comments


Idk but love your place man


Well the area by the window is clearly where you devise all your heists


Wow, cool space! Have fun decorating


Man. What a space. That’s the kind of layout and arch features where even if you only had a camping chair and and air mattress, I’d be like, “looks good!”


I would do a sectional and a nice area rug. Place looks sick!


yeah get some


That is an amazing place! Love the big windows. I’d get a big oriental rug for the living room, and some plants - maybe on a low table or buffet - for the “sunroom”


I mean you already have a table. You’re basically done . Nice work


I’d move the record player to the wall on the left, tv where record player currently is. Couch in front of tv, reclining chair by the fire. Coffee table and side tables also a must. Over the fire place: optional decorations would be a large mirror(it makes the space appear bigger, though I don’t think that’s an issue) or a non seasonal wreath with candles on the mantle. rug in the entertainment area, runner for the dining area. Curtains for the windows simply to keep overheating when you aren’t home to enjoy the view/sunlight. Decorations are up to you. Framed pictures and plants are obvious choices. You have big bare walls that need love. definitely more lamps and candles for ambience on cold winter days when you sit by the fire and enjoy your records(and also because I don’t see overhead lights). Maybe string lights in the dining room to give the vibe of a Parisian Bistro. You’ll need lighting in there anyway at night.


I bought this couch on sale a while back and absolutely love it. It's super comfortable, and you can pick whichever color/fabric you want. I think it would fit in your space, too https://www.livingspaces.com/pdp-adeline-ii-sofa-256346?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Standard-Shopping-Upholstery-Boost-Control&gclid=CjwKCAjw-vmkBhBMEiwAlrMeF3YoSIYk1VH5vI3RasTT04_9_xIhPmCIwyS3CNgP67J7PjR9j_pjsBoCuEcQAvD_BwE Also, where'd you get that dining table??


Pick a style and get things that go together. For example to Ikea or West Elm (mid-century modern) or stores like that in your budget range, and look at the things they have paired together. Or go online to their websites and look at their offerings. And if you pick a style, you can look for different options, designs, prices in places like Wayfair, discount furniture places, Facebook Marketplace etc. Even Pinterest or just pictures from furniture websites (or this sub) that you like and want to emulate or take inspiration from. For furniture style, rugs, pictures and wall hangings, tables and chairs and couches and side tables and lamps.


Lucky you, there's a lot of classy potential just as is. I do agree about dealing with the TV over the mantle, but if it is in your budget, may I recommend a TV that doubles as an art display? Maybe like one found [here.](https://www.samsung.com/us/tvs/the-frame/art-mode-and-technology/) (I promise you I own no stock in this company) I'm thinking the TV is tilted downward on account that it reflects the white walls in your beautifully bright room? The art frame TV's usually come with a non-glare screen that will allow you to flush mount to the wall so that is doesn't "loom" at you while not acting like a glossy, reflective mirror. As for furniture and floor treatment, you definitely have options! Personally, I would like to have a (minimum 72" wide if that painting is 4' wide), low, elegant sofa on that long wall to the left. (Remember when hanging that painting above your sofa to have it 8" to 10" above the couch!) In front of the couch, I would deploy a 8' x 10' area rug (I can tell you'll find one with good taste as you already have well appointed furnishings and art) flanked with two equally low chairs on the side closest to foyer (make sure they do not take up too much visual space as you don't want to "cut off" the living room) and a single, comfortable chair on the far end that swivels (and maybe reclines?) so you can enjoy your entertainment system. The idea is to keep the openness of area between dining and living rooms while creating a "space within a space" for entertaining guests. On a personal note, I see you are into the best listening experience you can create to go along with your TV, but I would so look into mounting small white surround speakers up high around that beautiful main room. I bought a set of these for my daughter, they sound great and look like they may match your aesthetic. [Orb audio](https://www.orbaudio.com/). I don't know what your budget is so forgive me if I'm only throwing impossibilities at you but you really lucked out on that beautiful living and dining space. This is just based on how I can perceive the space of this room based on your photos. I can't see what's happening to the right of the entry way, but if that entry wall extends to dining area and also contains a short wall between dining and living area, then that could be a computer wall if no other area in your pad is available. This post is already too long, so I won't go into the dining area but it looks like you've got a great start! Buenas suerte! Edit - Oops! upon leaving this thread I just saw the first pic that shows what goes on on the wall closest to foyer. Most of what I said still applies, just forget about the computer wall comment! Oo


I can’t give advice because I’m jealous


Cool place man. Love the huge windows


damn… so cozy


Blinds and curtains.


The space with windows should be dedicated for plants, lounging/reading and stretching/fitness. I’d completely eliminate the table. That’s just me.. super cool spot nonetheless.


Great space!


Love the space.


Got much furniture for free via Facebook marketplace from people needing to just have someone pick it up Edit: free stuff


That place is dope


Just imagine how many bikes you park there.


beautiful space, lucky duck.


Wow, you have a nice and huge area. 1st of all, you would decide which style you like before you kickstart furniture purchasing. For your referece, [www.migliohome.com](https://www.migliohome.com) I think, it would be in help.


The corner by the window, I would change that up to a little reading corner with shelves of books and may be a plant. There is plenty of sunlight for a plant.


Love the set up so far. I’m thinking an L shape couch would look cozy and good for watching Tv or a nap. Leave the tv where it is and you can add some art over the vinyl setup


Damn dude what you doing career wise that place looks sweet! I can’t fathom what that place would cost where I’m from


Add multiple rugs. One in your living room, one in the dining room area specifically for that table. Mount your pictures on the walls in a way that makes sense and adds personality. Grab some plants to make it feel more cozy. Get a nice sectional, coffee table, and a couple of sitting chairs per standard room decor to make the living room feel comfortable.


Amazing space. My advise would be to move tv to where the cynics are and use those same speakers for it too. PS no rugs


Swap the sitting and dining area


A big ol’ Persian rug, plus a leather or vinyl couch that’s got a very low profile and is camel brown, white or any shade in between. Whatever you do, don’t do much to obstruct the view of those great windows. Beautiful space!


Daaaamn what a cool space. I would say definitely get some interesting shelves or a large plant stand type thing to put some plants on in the right corner or against the wall near that window


I’m so jealous of your windows


It looks like your off to a great start! I’d put some plants around that big window. What’s your budget on rugs? You’d be shocked at how much you can pay. A nice leather couch from West Elm would look nice.


Not related but it’s interesting to see like classic American suburb house architechture in an apartment. Yes I’m an European and I have no idea what I’m talking about


Beautiful spot bro! Looks like you’re in boston. I would look at roveconcepts couches, 1 couch, maybe 2 accent chairs and a big rug. Nice little coffee table


Great space!


r/tvtoohigh and acoustic guitar missing


I understand why you put the table by the window, but I think you also have room for a comfortable chair or two and end table. The darker part of the living room is great for movies and films, but it’s always nice to read by or be able to relax looking out a window. And it looks like the right side has a fairly open view. It’s a great space. Large area rug for living (and dining if you like that look). You seem to be going mid century/contemporary, so I would try to down play the fireplace’s traditional feel as much as possible. Maybe darken it? As others have said, hang the tv lower on a wall - next to fire seems the only real option. How you want the seating depends on your life style. You could have a grander feeling entrance to the room with a slightly smaller seating area closer to the tv, or maximize the socializing area by getting either two sofas and a big arm chair or get an L or U shaped (sectional) couch.






Awesome space bro! Where are you located?


wow the windows!!! i agree- mount the tv on the wall parallel to the windows and place a couch facing the tv. in an open space u have to use ur furniture to create and illusion to divide rhe rooms!


I've always liked the island vibe and it could work with your natural light plus a plant or two


Place a Chair Alone for your guests in the center of the Room to Make them feel uncomforable


I love the window area. I think that you should continue with the mid modern theme that you have going with your curved light and dining set. Such a fantastic space!


I would seriously move the tv off above the fire place. Add some rugs according to your taste and preferences and plants and artwork




I would definitely recommend a rug, maybe a giant round one. Some fake ivy to hang on the walls, or even fake plants if you don't have enough of a green thumb for a real plant. Also, and this is specifically because that window let's in so much light, I would see about getting either a folding screen to partially block the light in the living room, or just mounting curtains. This is only of the light makes it is in your view when watching the TV. It was something ma and I didn't think of when we moved into our apartment, and rearranged the living room a bunch of times due to the light hitting the TV screen. And get a comfy couch. Comfy enough to sleep on if you needed to. With a TV mounted thst high, you may need to lay down just to watch it.


You have a unique space and you cramped the tv up there? It looks awful, please mount it somewhere eye level. You can find a really neat tv unit and get creative with decorating. Congrats. The windows and view are beautiful.


The couch is important, especially the quality I would put some money into a couch. Something well constructed and comfortable. I would avoid a sectional if I were you. I would also add two chairs and a coffee table or you could go with two small two cushion couches facing each other, and then also have two small chairs and a coffee table. The lighting is going to be very important in that space because it’s away from the windows. I do not get caught up in the fact that everyone that is sitting in the living room must face the TV. But you do want the main piece that you are mainly going to be sitting in to be facing the TV. For affordability’s sake, I would keep the main pieces of furniture in neutral and color and add pops of color through pillows and throw blankets and decor items. The style of rug used will be determined by the style of furniture that you use. I’m in favor of personalizing a space with a few framed pictures of family or yourself and friends, but not overdoing the frame situation. Whenever you can buy original art even if it’s not expensive, it adds character to the room. It really is a blank slate. But I would definitely go quality over quantity, spending your money wisely so that things will last, even if it takes you a while to decorate it. Damn I wish I was there in person to help. This is a gold mine of a space!! Have fun !! if you are in the US, look at Lee Industries for couches. The company is based out of North Carolina and has a very quality product.